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Link to  @Trukki Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuna8ir0OJLti25DD6PeYKSa0EFn7x8eP 


The final theater games audio drama and we go out with a BANG! A fireworks festival that gets nearly everyone involved and there is SO. MUCH. SHIPPING. to be had, here! I'm so excited to watch and talk about this one with you all!   

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Kuroko's Basketball: Drama Theater Games #3 Reaction! FIREWORKS FESTIVAL!!

Link to @Trukki Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuna8ir0OJLti25DD6PeYKSa0EFn7x8eP **FIERY HEADPHONE WARNINGS** The final theater games audio drama and we go out with a BANG! A fireworks festival that gets nearly everyone involved and there is SO. MUCH. SHIPPING. to be had, here! I'm so excited to watch and talk about this one with you all! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

Kagami thinking immediately of there being enough food. Sad that the whole team can't be together, but it means Kagami and Kuroko get to just be a couple and their dog watching the fireworks festival. Same for Northern Ireland, we don't have firework festivals the way Japan does. Fireworks in NI we just tend to have them at New Year's or sometimes Halloween. Also some places have a few fireworks when they light the bonfires on 11th July for a festival we hold on the 12th July. But you have to have a special license to purchase and set off fireworks. In England though I know they also have fireworks for Guy Fawkes' Night (hilarious using pretty gunpowder objects to celebrate a person trying to blow up parliament with gunpowder), and I think in Scotland they have fireworks for Burns' Night. They really have accepted Himuro into the family! Murasakibara and Himuro are definitely dating! Murasakibara wanting to know about the present Himuro got potentially so that he could maybe win another one for Himuro. Interesting Murasakibara being good at the games, just like Akashi was during Teiko. Kasamatsu needs to make it perfectly clear to Kise he's not trying to pick up girls 🤣 Kise automatically assuming Kuroko would be with Kagami 🥺 Kagami being so worried over where Nigou disappeared to. And this drama is just giving me another reason to love Kasamatsu. He's so nice planning to keep a look out for Nigou. *Of course* the yukata would be his lucky item. Neither Kagami nor Midorima wanting to admit they're both on dates. Okay I need a plushie shigaraki now!!! Murasakibara with Himuro is defintely interesting. He's willing to do stuff to help Himuro remember what the item was. Yes it means he gets to go round the stalls and do stuff he wants too, but he's very easy-going with Himuro. Kagami giggling over Kuroko in the masks is the absolute cutest!!! 🥰 Sakurai being able to cook *and* craft clothes! Too adorable. I feel like his surprise at the "girl talk" could be a little like calling out the idea that doing that kind of thing is girly. It's interesting that this is the first time Takao and Sakurai are getting to meet Momoi and Midorima respectively. Not something I actually realised. Sakurai's so competitive. And against Midorima...I just knew that this may not end well. Momoi has the normal reaction, meanwhile Takao enjoys chaos and so niggles away at Midorima in order to get him to agree to compete. Had to know something involving Takao would devolve into such chaos. Moriyama's rambling about girls 😂 I reckon there's plenty that are quite fine with basketball being just them guys. They can heal from their losses together without the requirement of girls. Tsuchida's advice is so sweet and perfect. All about that communication. I needed Hyuuga's reaction the entire time for Moriyama flirting with Riko! I feel like Kiyoshi tried to help Hyuuga with Riko, but he was too focused on Moriyama as a rival. Izuki is our OT3 shipper! Or maybe that's Koganei considering his imagination of Hyuuga, Kiyoshi and Riko together! Murasakibara winning the prizes and giving away the ones he doesn't want is adorable. Really interesting part of his character. Aomine feeding Nigou 🥺🥰 That whole moment of him with holding Nigou just giving me so much life. I think this might be set after Aomine meets Nigou at the streetball court, but before he learns Nigou is with Seirin. Takao apologising for Midorima being a tsundere! And I love that Koganei and Mitobe aren't even bothered because there's just as strange characters on Seirin. Nigou being a good judge of character and liking Aomine. "Don't make Tetsu worry so much" I am deceased. That moment was so good. It was really interesting linking Himuro's toy with Kagami. But I love that Kuroko calls it by the proper name and Murasakibara uses the more childish name. Moriyama and Kasamatsu looking out for Kise 🥺 I seriously love how Kaijou are with him. Kagami acting all angry with Nigou 🥺 Definitely an act considering how worried he was. "We can just come back next year", yeah they can always go on other dates. Kawahara and everyone buying lots of food potentially so that Kagami could still enjoy some of the festival. They really are such a great team. Kimura Ryouhei's voice is probably the one that sounds the most different. It makes it all the more impressive the range of voices he can do, including singing in. I am amazed at them bringing Nigou to the fireworks festival just given how crowded it was. When I was in Japan any place that was very crowded I only ever saw dogs getting pushed about in little doggy prams (pushchair). My previous dog went *crazy* for fireworks. Not in that she didn't like them, just that she was very inquisitive. Had to keep her inside if people set them off because the first year we caved to her demands of being let out (she jumped over our three-foot fence and went charging through the field to the fella setting off the fireworks; he scarpered back into his own home, whilst Zara retrieved the rocket he'd been trying to light and brought it back to us 🤦‍♀). I'm slowly getting through translating the Characters Bible, but I know there's no rush for it. Hoping to have it done within the next few weeks.

romaniablack (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-11 16:58:33 Right?! I am sad they aren’t all together for the fireworks festival, but KagaKuro moment at the end? Yes, please! And Kise assuming that KagaKuro would be together? YES! I’m honestly amazed that Kagami has matured to the point where he WANTED to find Nigou! It was so sweet! Also, Kagami giggles? SLAY ME NOW! Agreed, Kasamatsu is NOT here for the ladies – that is seriously a MAJOR constant throughout the “extra” material for this series. I love that Himuro is accepted into the Murasakibara family! I would seriously LOVE to see what his homelife is like, but they are DEFINITELY dating! And of course, we get the connection between Mura and Akashi with the games! I do love how committed Mura is to helping Himuro find that item! 🙂 Midorima lucks out with the Yukata being a lucky item! And yes, there are so many dates happening in this audio drama! I LOVE that we’re getting first-time meetings with the Shutoku and To-Oh crew; I forget some of them don’t know each other, and look at Sakurai being progressive as hell. 🙂 I agree, though, the competitive angle with Sakurai vs. Midorima who is stubborn as all get out might be ... .a LOT. And of COURSE Takao enjoys all the chaos! He’s a whirlwind, himself! And him apologizing for Midorima was GOLDEN! That’s interesting about having to have a license for fireworks – sometimes, I wish it was like that here in the US. XD And having a celebration for Guy Fawkes’ is LEGIT amazing! XD Kaijou and their lady struggles, I swear! At least they’re so sweet and supportive with each other! Again, I love a theme of KNB is “communication!” As a major in it, it is well appreciated, haha! Poor Hyuuga – I want him to confess officially to Riko for us to see! Bless him, he’s TRYING! At least Teppei and Izuki see it! 😛 Aomine with Nigouuuuuu! <3 It’s so sweet! And Kagami’s act?! SO CUTE! I’m glad Kagami wasn’t overly angry about missing out on the booths, but let’s be real; we knew he wouldn’t be! The tie-in with the toy is SO cute, too! Oh no! My dogs are “okay” with fireworks, but then again, I never take them to festivals, so who knows how they would react there; I’m so sorry yours had that experience! Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! No worries on the Character Bible – now that I’m doing the light novels, there’s at least 6 weeks of those, hahaha! So plenty of extra time! 🙂
2023-08-04 21:17:38 Right?! I am sad they aren’t all together for the fireworks festival, but KagaKuro moment at the end? Yes, please! And Kise assuming that KagaKuro would be together? YES! I’m honestly amazed that Kagami has matured to the point where he WANTED to find Nigou! It was so sweet! Also, Kagami giggles? SLAY ME NOW! Agreed, Kasamatsu is NOT here for the ladies – that is seriously a MAJOR constant throughout the “extra” material for this series. I love that Himuro is accepted into the Murasakibara family! I would seriously LOVE to see what his homelife is like, but they are DEFINITELY dating! And of course, we get the connection between Mura and Akashi with the games! I do love how committed Mura is to helping Himuro find that item! 🙂 Midorima lucks out with the Yukata being a lucky item! And yes, there are so many dates happening in this audio drama! I LOVE that we’re getting first-time meetings with the Shutoku and To-Oh crew; I forget some of them don’t know each other, and look at Sakurai being progressive as hell. 🙂 I agree, though, the competitive angle with Sakurai vs. Midorima who is stubborn as all get out might be ... .a LOT. And of COURSE Takao enjoys all the chaos! He’s a whirlwind, himself! And him apologizing for Midorima was GOLDEN! That’s interesting about having to have a license for fireworks – sometimes, I wish it was like that here in the US. XD And having a celebration for Guy Fawkes’ is LEGIT amazing! XD Kaijou and their lady struggles, I swear! At least they’re so sweet and supportive with each other! Again, I love a theme of KNB is “communication!” As a major in it, it is well appreciated, haha! Poor Hyuuga – I want him to confess officially to Riko for us to see! Bless him, he’s TRYING! At least Teppei and Izuki see it! 😛 Aomine with Nigouuuuuu! <3 It’s so sweet! And Kagami’s act?! SO CUTE! I’m glad Kagami wasn’t overly angry about missing out on the booths, but let’s be real; we knew he wouldn’t be! The tie-in with the toy is SO cute, too! Oh no! My dogs are “okay” with fireworks, but then again, I never take them to festivals, so who knows how they would react there; I’m so sorry yours had that experience! Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! No worries on the Character Bible – now that I’m doing the light novels, there’s at least 6 weeks of those, hahaha! So plenty of extra time! 🙂

Right?! I am sad they aren’t all together for the fireworks festival, but KagaKuro moment at the end? Yes, please! And Kise assuming that KagaKuro would be together? YES! I’m honestly amazed that Kagami has matured to the point where he WANTED to find Nigou! It was so sweet! Also, Kagami giggles? SLAY ME NOW! Agreed, Kasamatsu is NOT here for the ladies – that is seriously a MAJOR constant throughout the “extra” material for this series. I love that Himuro is accepted into the Murasakibara family! I would seriously LOVE to see what his homelife is like, but they are DEFINITELY dating! And of course, we get the connection between Mura and Akashi with the games! I do love how committed Mura is to helping Himuro find that item! 🙂 Midorima lucks out with the Yukata being a lucky item! And yes, there are so many dates happening in this audio drama! I LOVE that we’re getting first-time meetings with the Shutoku and To-Oh crew; I forget some of them don’t know each other, and look at Sakurai being progressive as hell. 🙂 I agree, though, the competitive angle with Sakurai vs. Midorima who is stubborn as all get out might be ... .a LOT. And of COURSE Takao enjoys all the chaos! He’s a whirlwind, himself! And him apologizing for Midorima was GOLDEN! That’s interesting about having to have a license for fireworks – sometimes, I wish it was like that here in the US. XD And having a celebration for Guy Fawkes’ is LEGIT amazing! XD Kaijou and their lady struggles, I swear! At least they’re so sweet and supportive with each other! Again, I love a theme of KNB is “communication!” As a major in it, it is well appreciated, haha! Poor Hyuuga – I want him to confess officially to Riko for us to see! Bless him, he’s TRYING! At least Teppei and Izuki see it! 😛 Aomine with Nigouuuuuu! <3 It’s so sweet! And Kagami’s act?! SO CUTE! I’m glad Kagami wasn’t overly angry about missing out on the booths, but let’s be real; we knew he wouldn’t be! The tie-in with the toy is SO cute, too! Oh no! My dogs are “okay” with fireworks, but then again, I never take them to festivals, so who knows how they would react there; I’m so sorry yours had that experience! Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! No worries on the Character Bible – now that I’m doing the light novels, there’s at least 6 weeks of those, hahaha! So plenty of extra time! 🙂