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Man, I forgot how intense this showdown with Rod, Historia, Kenny, and Eren got, leading up to the Scouts coming to their rescue -- but it was a LOT of fun reliving these moments, especially with the knowledge of how we'll "tie back around" to this chapel, oh say, a season or so from now! ;)   

I definitely feel for Eren, who showcases finally a glimpse into his depression verbally and how he doesn't see the need to live...but yet, still gets the chance to prove and believe in himself...things sure are looking up from here...right?   

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Attack on Titan: Manga Volume 16 Reaction & Review! WISH REVISITED!

**WISHFUL HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Man, I forgot how intense this showdown with Rod, Historia, Kenny, and Eren got, leading up to the Scouts coming to their rescue -- but it was a LOT of fun reliving these moments, especially with the knowledge of how we'll "tie back around" to this chapel, oh say, a season or so from now! ;) I definitely feel for Eren, who showcases finally a glimpse into his depression verbally and how he doesn't see the need to live...but yet, still gets the chance to prove and believe in himself...things sure are looking up from here...right? Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Christopher Pettersson

I'm sure Isayama kept it somewhat vague on purpose so he could do what he wanted with it but i do wonder what the Founding titan really can do. My thinking was always that the memory wipe is just one manifistation of the power to change the bodies of Eldians and that the power of the Ackermann family is another. That would mean that for some a reason a King/Founding titan in the past made the Ackermann bloodline (as a "sword" and "shield" for the king) and changed them so they couldn't be memory wiped, one can wonder why (or perhaps that was an unintended side effect)? I guess the Ackermanns could be just another supernatural element in the story but i like to think there is exactly one magic ability in this world, the original "parasites" ability to change Ymir... and all her descendants also "infected" by it. Frieda did somewhat fight back against Grisha (although quite poorly considering she had the Founder) so the "vow" didn't completly pacify her. We also know the personalities of Reiss/Fritz family Founding titans doesn't completly get overwritten so in another "what if" we can wonder what would have happend if Historia had eaten Eren... could she have done anything? They have the walls so the king who fled to Paradis did allow for some defensive measures, maybe they could have found loopholes in the brainwashing. 😉 Either way, for the vast majority people in this world that would have been the preferable outcome. I think it's believed that at one point in our distant past the whole human population was down to about 5000 people, so inbreeding shouldn't necessarily be a problem depending on how many non-Eldians was on Paradis when the walls came up. But considering the noble classes still are immune they must have made the conscious decision not to... mingle with the Eldians (considering that might lead to their children/descendants being mind controlled perhaps not something we can fault them to much for) but with the Reiss family being Eldian they might be more problematic, or perhaps they always married someone from the lower classes (meaning Eldian).


The whole Ackerman thing is strange, and I don't want too much confirmed or de-confirmed because I still have the manga and the rest of the anime to finish; I assumed the Ackermann's could have been a Marley bloodline that were really loyal to the King and that's why they couldn't have their memories erased, but then you have the weird "awakening" of power, and it does get called into question -- I like the idea that it might be a weird "offshoot" of the Founder's power, though...albeit really specific and strange, haha! I figured her fighting back was just to get the Attack Titan subdued and under control? Since their powers could create the wall to stop the other titans from coming in, but that's a good point -- maybe it was always that the titan could fight each other under the vow but not anyone outside the walls? That would fit the masochistic way the King was totally fine with his own people being eaten alive by titans, because he thought they deserved it, but didn't want to fight anyone from Marley or anywhere else. But yeah, would Historia have done much different? I'm not sure -- in the mental state Historia is in right before "she throws it on the ground," I'm not sure she would have been in a good state of mind to fight back. But who knows? Would it have been different than the Rumbling's outcome? *nervous chuckle* I'll wait until the end of the series to get back with you on that, hahaha!! I love that the discussion of inbreeding and its possibilities is a thing alongside cannibalism in this series, haha! But yeah, I feel the nobles definitely (at least in the Wall Sihna inner circle) wanted to avoid "mixing" with Eldians, but maybe 100 years ago there were enough families that moved in where that wasn't a big thing? It's only been 100 years, so only a few generations; that's not TOO crazy. :) Thanks so much for the comment! :D