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So far, our cases in this show have had a fun, fluffy "lining" around them that have lent to a more light-hearted vibe, but with THIS case, we're already setting up how serious and sobering this situation is that Makoto has become a part of and I'm not sure I like where Makoto's character is headed through it. It's definitely hitting "close to home" with the subject matter of trafficking and Makoto's desire to save people is going to make this con a lot more complicated than I think even Laurent expected!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/orJQsv13gZpHmydRpNmg92?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - The Great Pretender: Episode 16 Reaction! THE WIZARD OF THE FAR EAST, PART 2!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/orJQsv13gZpHmydRpNmg92? **HEADPHONE WARNING** So far, our cases in this show have had a fun, fluffy "lining" around them that have lent to a more light-hearted vibe, but with THIS case, we're already setting up how serious and sobering this situation is that Makoto has become a part of and I'm not sure I like where Makoto's character is headed through it. It's definitely hitting "close to home" with the subject matter of trafficking and Makoto's desire to save people is going to make this con a lot more complicated than I think even Laurent expected! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Alex Kornejo

I think I'm having a bit more faith in Laurent than you seem to be having, I don't know what he's thinking but I get the feeling the plan was never to just scam them out of a billion yen. Ed's last minute plan of getting all the kids out wouldn't really have solved much they would still be in a pretty precarious situation and the organization would just move on to find new victims to make up for the lost revenue. Even bankrupting them doesn't seem enough, these people need to burn I I'm hoping that's where things are headed. I'm glad ED doesn't seem to be changing, if you get the rights to a Freddy Mercury song to put in your anime you hold on to that for as long as you can, you just don't get rid of a Freddy Mercury song, so I'm happy on that front.


Yeah, I don't know -- I hate how much mystery is kept surrounding this, so we'll just see what happens. I am hoping that destroying this organization is where the show is going, but what about the kids? What about Edamura? What about Laurent? This case leaves a lot more to be answered and it has me nervous! But also, YES, when you have an ED number that perfect for this show, definitely don't let it go! :) Thank you for the comment!