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WELL -- I was wrong on MANY accounts this set of episodes.

Kaijo will be an easy match and pose no immediate threat to Seiren. WRONG.
Kise probably won't use Perfect Copy right out the gate. WRONG!  
I won't be emotionally compromised by seeing Midorima and Takao tears, and then meet the most INNOCENT PRECIOUS BEAN. WRONG!   

This episode set had me saying the words "Bless Him" so many times, but Furihata! Izuki! Kasamatsu! Our non-GoM players are stepping up and I'm THRILLED! This was a very fun set to watch and talk about!  

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/r6HzETfL8UvSWACvvR5aDK?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Kuroko's Basketball Season 3: Episodes 7-9 Reaction! I CAN'T HELP BUT LAUGH?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/r6HzETfL8UvSWACvvR5aDK? **HYSTERICAL HEADPHONE WARNINGS** WELL -- I was wrong on MANY accounts this set of episodes. Kaijo will be an easy match and pose no immediate threat to Seiren. WRONG. Kise probably won't use Perfect Copy right out the gate. WRONG! I won't be emotionally compromised by seeing Midorima and Takao tears, and then meet the most INNOCENT PRECIOUS BEAN. WRONG! This episode set had me saying the words "Bless Him" so many times, but Furihata! Izuki! Kasamatsu! Our non-GoM players are stepping up and I'm THRILLED! This was a very fun set to watch and talk about! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

That Attack On Titan in 9 Minutes reference made the recap of Shutoku's loss just a teensy bit less painful 😅 So thank you for that. Potentially seeing a parallel between Akashi leaving Midorima hanging with that handshake and Aomine leaving Kuroko hanging with his fist bump. And Midorima in this moment really has a very similar outlook as Kuroko in that they'll play again and he's determined to win next time. Otsubo is a great captain with pulling their focus. I feel his words helped keep them composed enough to get off the court and out of public sight before they broke down into tears. But aren't you glad they didn't end the last set with Midorima and Takao crying and being so heartbroken like that? Would have potentially made me concerned for Akashi's safety 😂 But in all seriousness that moment *hurts*. You might not have told him to go that hard but you're still proud of your boyfriend, aren't you Kasamatsu? Kuroko: I'm excited 😶 That emoji was made for him I feel. The handshake between Kasamatsu and Hyuuga really reminds me now of Oikawa and Daichi shaking hands after Daichi got put through his paces during the summer training camp 😂 Kuroko's words at face value could actually be considered negative and not very pleasant, but he follows them up to make sure Kise understands the why of Kuroko's mixed feelings towards him. I'm sure it means so much to Kise that someone like Kuroko whom he admires considers him as a friendly rival. Also the music and their expressions definitely give this moment a much more warm-hearted feel to it. Like I said in the discord that “Who's gone soft?“ moment is so badass! Definitely up there as one of my favourite Kise moments. Right out of the bat Kise is swinging! Has the feel of “Kagamicchi said I'd gone soft, and I took that personally.“ Poor Seirin have the rest of Kaijo to worry about (because whilst somewhat bland in their character design, they're all really decent players), but also basically all the Generation of Miracles. Kise visited the Wizard of Oz and got himself a brain 🤣 Previously I'd have put him as being a more emotional player like Kagami and Aomine rather than a strategist like Akashi or Midorima. But to see him be able to adopt such a style really does make you love him a bit more, even though he's up against Seirin. Furihata!!! My little fawn 🥰 He is our precious scaredy-cat. Technically Kise wasn't wrong about him being a secret weapon; his style and plays help calm things and make the team reset. It's nothing flashy but it's a fitting weapon to use in certain situations. You gotta love the way Hyuuga and Kiyoshi compliment Furihata for the play that allowed them to score. Also the headpats 🥺 I feel for Kawahara, Furihata, and Fukuda with not getting to play in games. Also feel for Kagami when Furihata says that everyone feels that way when they see Kagami play. Kagami's face hurts me a little in that moment, and it reminds me of Aomine in Middle School when his ability demotivated other teams to play against him. I do love though that Furihata uses Kuroko as an example of finding a niche way to help the team. Just in case we didn't get enough adorableness with Furihata's happy faces at scoring and being told he did a good job, this show goes and throws ickle Izuki at us. Too precious 🥺 I do love that this game between Kaijo and Seirin, although pretty intense (because it's really not an easy win), there are moments of comedy to add some levity. It definitely doesn't have as heavy a feel as the previous game. I'd *love* to know what the look on Kise's face was in that moment because Kasamatsu is no pushover, especially where Kise is concerned (usually). Feel like Momoi's right to be a bit concerned about Aomine considering it felt like he channelled Midorima for a bit with the talk of fate. Also with how much respect he put on Kagami and his abilities...but then again it's only to Momoi and she's like a safe space where he can say these kinds of things and doesn't have to act like a complete and utter tsundere. Love Kasamatsu being the good captain and getting Kise out of the mentality that he *has* to play, even through the pain. Also later in the locker room when he puts his foot down 🥺 Kaijo aren't in the best position and even Moriyama wants Kise to come out on to the court (he just can't bring himself to say it). But Kasamatsu puts Kise's health and wellbeing before a potential easier way for Kaijo to win. Kaijo really are the team of eyebrows 😂 Kuroko did seem somewhat down about his shot getting blocked when he passed Mitobe. But I love that his faith in Kagami brings him back to himself, and that Kagami took the time to just say that simple line. Yes Kagami seemed very like Aomine with asking Izuki to pass him all the balls because he felt like he couldn't lose. But the way he worked with his team and passed the ball for Kiyoshi to score instead shows that even with such a feeling, he still plays for and with his team. And that speech to Kise when he first joined Kaijo is partly why Kasamatsu is probably my favourite captain. He lays down the law, yet doesn't expect respect due to the hierarchical structure within Japan, but because of the work and effort the older members have put into their team. It's also fun seeing the contrast of Kise back then when he'd first left Teiko and how he is now. He can still be a bit of an idiot but he's definitely not as dramatic. I also feel like it's Kasamatsu laying down the law in this moment that made Kise show proper respect to his senpai in a more traditional sense than how he adds the -cchi suffix to the names of people he respects. “We weren't expecting him to grow so quickly“ well Kasamatsu that tends to happen when you manage to discover the truth behind Kagami's boyfriend's Phantom Shot...🤣


I forgot to mention the last few sets that in Season 2's OVA (16.5?), Haizaki was mentioned by Murasakibara. I think Midorima was complaining about the smell in their locker room, and Murasakibara called out Mine-chin (Aomine) and Zaki-chin (Haizaki) as the culprits. I find it so cool that he didn't really come out of nowhere, even though it was just a name drop and it took an entire season to finally get to him. As for the Akashi and Midorima scene, this might be obvious to say, but it really shows how far not only Midorima, but the rest of the GOM has come. In the beginning of the series, I can pretty much imagine all of them not shaking hands if they played against each other (Kise is the only person who I could imagine trying to shake hands, but then the rest of the Miracles would refuse like Akashi). In fact, I remember a similar scene with Aomine and Kise (different context, but still). That's why Kuroko left the GOM and joined Seirin (as he said in Season 1), to prove that his style of basketball -teamwork and sportsmanship- can win. And the rest of the GOM have since been proven wrong and have all changed (or started to). Now, there's only one person left with the old Teiko "victory is everything" mindset O.O Furihata's scene is one of my favorites in the whole series. Unlike Haikyuu, KnB has been pretty scarce in utilizing the supporting players. But I think it actually works (for this series in particular). All of the superhuman athleticism and straight up superpowers up to this point, and it takes a small scaredy cat benchwarmer to rally the team and get them back on track. Beautiful. Only 16 episodes left (for the main series). Time is quickly winding down. Sheesh.


Before you said you had been watching Drag Race, I fully clocked that "come on season 3!" quote lmao thats amazing. I love Drag Race. I've watched up until I think season 12 or 13. It's very entertaining. The quote about "anything but victory is failure"... I mean duh Kasamatsu lol. I appreciate the sentiment and I understand what he was trying to get at but like... yeah duh 🤣 let's call a spade a spade buddy. You gotta stop asking how they can do these things lol SUPER POWERS ROMANIA. That's how he has a light switch that can turn his perfect copy on and off. Just the magical powers will always benefit them. Oh Furi... lol he's so funny. What a little bean indeed. Poor kid. I'd be terrified stepping on the court with the air from these damn super human beings lol. Kises eyes were glowing! I'd be so spooked. Especially since he had never played in a game before 🤣 I mean it worked but what an interesting strategy. I'm so here for Aomine getting existential lol I never would've expected it from him as he's sitting silently in a coffee shop with Momoi. It made me really happy though because honestly him having those thoughts makes me feel like he sees his old teammates as necessary roles in his life. Like they were MEANT to be in his life and that means he values them. I love that for my boy ❤️ The talk about Kagami being a GoM who followed a different path honestly cracked me up because like... yeah his path was not even in the country ahahaa. His path was in America. First time I'm really noticing that Kasamatsus eyebrows.... look EXACTLY like their coaches.... father?? 😱 Lol excited for next week 😛


It's so weird to think we have so few "actual" episodes left; I tell myself I still feel good knowing there's lots of extra content, the movie, and even more extra content, but it's still going by SO fast! That's great to see that Haizaki was mentioned way back then! He's been there the whole time! Yessss - and I love that we've seen in this season everything coming full circle with the GoM and how far they've come with their own teams -- And yes, one person left with the "Victory is Everything" mindsetand I want Kuroko to teach him "THE WAY" so badly! ;) I love Furihata's role in this, too and how he's helped his team get back together and back on track; I agree -- there's not as BIG a cast of characters as Haikyuu, but what KNB does give us is really good! :) So excited for the episodes to come! Thanks so much for the comment! :D


YESSSSSS, my co-coach has gotten me into it and it's been the ONE show outside my reactions I've been watching and binging on the carpool to work and while grading, haha! I'm just at season 12 -- very quotable! :P HAHAHA -- Oh, Kasamatsu, I do love him, though! And ahhhh, Super Powers are Super Powers, but I still keep trying to give this series the benefit of the doubt, hahaha! And Furi, what a little bean indeed! I love that he takes everything in stride, considering what he's been given to do against this monster of a team! Aomine just keeps getting better and better to me! I love that protective and thoughtful air that's always been buried with him and is rising to the surface, like you said! <3 And the Kagami "different path" line does read a little like high school poetry! Maybe not the bessssst leap in logic, but we'll give them that for trying! :P AND OOOOHHH Kasamatsu -- the son of the coach?! EHH?? When the series is over, I'll want answers!!! **tinfoil hats on** Thank you for the comment! This whole season I'm looking forward to!


HAHAHA, anything to make that moment less painful! 😛That ending of the game was really hard to watch – and Kasamatsu being the great bf that he is? LOVE to see it! The Haikyuu reference is great! Yes, I love that Kuroko’s tone and words SEEM harsh but then he explains them – maybe Kagami’s communication skills are rubbing off on him? 😛And Kise….SO BADASS! Very Michael Jordan meme moment! XD THE WIZARD OF OZ REFERENCE HAHAHH!!! If Kise is the scarecrow…hmmm…will have to think about that for the next discussion to talk about! Maybe Kise is riding the line between instinct and strategy? 😛 Furihata is SO PRECIOUS! I love him so much! And the fact that he turns out to be a secret weapon is SO GOOD! :) More of him, please! And more headpats in general! And YES, the Kagami parallels to Aomine in that flashback moment are THERE! Feels all around! The game having some levity despite being intense DOES help it for sure! Kasamatsu is just GREAT as a captain - I love him. And YES, TEAM OF EYEBROWS! His speech to Kise and how he doesn’t take anything less than a great team player is so great and I love seeing how much Kise has grown through that flashback. I love that Aomine lets his walls down around Momoi in these episodes – it’s very sweet and I love seeing this side of our blue-haired GoM. And Kagami saying the line to bring his friend back into the game – we love to see it! And even if he seems like Aomine, Kagami definitely uses teamwork in a way that separates him from Aomine for SURE! These episodes were GREAT and I can’t wait for more! Thanks for the comment!