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NOTE: I thought there were 13 episodes total, until the Discord informed me that NEXT week is the last episode -- I'm so heartbroken, but this episode was a ROLLER COASTER! The twists, the emotion, how Kazuki made my heart drop to my stomach and how Rei made it rise back like a dang phoenix.  

BUDDDY DADDIES -- how can you inject all this emotion into me?! It's insanity! I can't believe next week is the last...hopefully, just for now!   

LINK TO REACTION:https://share.vidyard.com/watch/ZJPUQUbNcSUJ3sL236hsp7?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - Buddy Daddies: Episode 11 Reaction! EVERYONE WILL BE HYPOCRITES!?

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/ZJPUQUbNcSUJ3sL236hsp7? **ULTIMATUM HEADPHONE WARNINGS** NOTE: I thought there were 13 episodes total, until the Discord informed me that NEXT week is the last episode -- I'm so heartbroken, but this episode was a ROLLER COASTER! The twists, the emotion, how Kazuki made my heart drop to my stomach and how Rei made it rise back like a dang phoenix. BUDDDY DADDIES -- how can you inject all this emotion into me?! It's insanity! I can't believe next week is the last...hopefully, just for now! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

Show really came out punching with all those feels before the OP. Yeah I was a mess seeing Kazuki's reaction to finding the Father's Day picture, but had actual tears with Rei sleeping next to Miri's rubber duck. The show did not have to give us these two moments, nor that flashback for Father's Day. They may be eating together but Kazuki seems to not have the energy, or desire, to make more nutritional meals for them. That and the rubbish piling up, Rei being unable to play his old games as well as he used to and going back to smoking, all great ways of showing that our boys are in a funk/actually depressed. Your anger/outrage at Rei's Boss turning into fear for Miri was exactly my reaction too. Uchiyama Kouki and Toyonaga Toshiyuki did a fantastic job with working pure panic into their voices in this episode. But I honestly love at how quick Kazuki is to move into protect mode just from Rei's words and tone. I was very critical of Misaki in the previous episode because I honestly felt she was just being manipulative and selfish. But this episode hurt. To see her working towards making a change and trying to be a good mother to Miri; and her final moments being regret for not being better did tear me up a bit inside. And for them to have her song playing as Misaki says her final words and dies is all the more heartbreaking. Also depending on your beliefs on an afterlife it could be kind of like saying that where she is now she can find joy again in singing. Had a similar moment as you when it was Rei that spoke up about wanting to take care of Miri, especially after the blame game they were just playing. Such a precious moment and made me so proud of Rei for the growth he's made. Also you know I gotta say, I *love* they were basically holding hands the entire time Rei was making Kazuki have the realisation that they need Miri and Miri needs them. Kazuki laying down the law “This will be an equal partnership, dammit!“ And Rei's immediate concern being his gaming... Buddy Daddies really messed with our hearts between last episode and this episode, and then ending with them declaring they'll be a *real* family. Misaki said she'd get an apartment nearby so that Miri could still continue going to the day care for a little bit longer at least. If Ryo hadn't come along, and Kazuki and Rei had let Miri fully leave their lives, I reckon once it came to being around the end of the school year Misaki would have moved herself and Miri into living with Miri's grandparents. For the late night package deliveries, I've had Amazon deliveries as late at 9pm, and my local butcher usually drops off our order around 8:30pm. And NI (nevermind my little town) is definitely not on the same standard as Tokyo.


Unrelated to all the drama.... can I just point out how freaking adorable the photo is Rei's father had? Gosh, it's adorable. But yeah, I absolutely freaking love this episode. It's sad the mother died but ultimately... I just couldn't see a future where they all agreed to raise Miri together. Her mother just has a really warped perception regarding Miri and I don't think she was in a position where she could even begin to grasp that Rei and Kazuki had formed a true bond with Miri. Her world view was just too self-centered, despite her best intentions in the end. Also Rei voicing for maybe the first time ever in his life what HE wants? Damn, yeah, no way Kazuki could have refused at that point. Also the whole "We'll be Miri's fathers." and "We're gonna be a real family." still just sounds like a goddamn confession to me, and I will take that to the grave with me^^


Ah, one episode left! I'm sad it ended last week, it was my weekly serotonin but I think this is an anime I will always rewatch. Also if you didn't know, there's a lofi remix of the ED song by Rei and Kazuki's voice actors: Uchiyama Kouki and Toyonaga Toshiyuki. Listening to it after these episodes hits you right in the heart.


I didn't want that to happen to Misaki, but she did just take Miri and leave with no protections for herself so maybe we should've thought of that 😭 thinking back, wasn't this kind of foreshadowed when Ogino killed Rei's old partner's wife just for the hell of it? 😭 😭 P.A works playing with my heart. I love how Rei tried to return to his father and become a heartless killing machine again, but he'd already changed too much to do it, I think his father saw that too. He's really changed from reluctantly accepting Miri to announcing heartfully how he wants to protector and become her father legitly. He's really been a crutch for Kazuki in this episode and the last, helping to pull him out of the dark in a similar way Kazuki did for him 😭 I love them 😭 😭 Like how at 20:18 he clasps his hand on to Kazuki's 😭😭😭 I saw one of the directors was liking a bunch of explicitly gay Kazurei tweets (warning for spoilers if anyone seeing this comment is gonna look) and I love their relationship so much 😭 definitely gonna buy that Kazurei Pre-Canon Drama CD coming out later this year!

Toni simi

Sitting here crying while eating my Pasta salad. I'm all for Ryo and the boss getting killed. Rei falling back to his old habits with playing all night and even having Kazuki stop cooking good meals hurt. Ouch. They really wanted to give us pain. And the way they cope with loss. Kazuki pushing everything away while Rei is holding onto it. I loved that. The father days present?! Awww Misaki said she stays in an apartment nearby until the Christmas fest at the daycare is over. And then they would go back to her parents. At least that is how I understood it. Misaki's last moments were heartbreaking. Her trying to get to Miri and save her. She did not deserve this ending at all, she really wanted to be a better mother. When Kazuki got shot through his shoulder I was ready to lose him. I could already see the pain coming and I'm so happy it didn't turn out that way. The conversation between Rei and Kazuki was so good. I just sobbed at the 'we can change.' YES YOU CAN. AND YOU HAVE. AND YOU WILL KEEP CHANGING. I'm happy to see that they decided to become a real family and see this through to the end. Now let's see how this show will end. Wish you a wonderful day!


RIGHT?! I'm really bummed that we don't have a 13th (technical) episode and YES! I'm going to talk about that ED next episode but OMG -- it melted my heart, too! Thank you for the comment!


I definitely don't think Misaki realized just HOW dark and dangerous Rei and Kazuki's work was, but I feel bad she died the way she did; no one deserves that. And REI. JUST. REI. His development, like you said in the comment -- what more could we want from him?! But OMG the KazuRei love!! What's the Drama CD? Is it the pre-canon story about them going ((SPOILERS)) shopping? Thank you for the comment!


RIGHT?! I was NOT ready for the wave of emotions that crashed down this episode! This episode CAME for pain! I hated them coping with the loss but not being together...ugh...Misaki's death was heartbreaking! She didn't deserve that ending, despite her flaws. And YEAH, I was expecting Kazuki to be seriously injured at that point, too! And "we can change" -- UGH my HEART, too! And yes, them deciding to be a real family! <3 I was just in love with the ending of this episode! I hate that there's only one episode left. :( Thank you for the kind words and comment! Have a great day, too!


This episode was SO GOOD! All of the emotions! Yeah, Misaki's death seemed inevitable but I was NOT expecting it this soon! And OMG, Rei's growth, though? I LOVE it and how he connected with Rei! :) The entire ending where they say they're going to be a family is LITERALLY a confession, I agree! :) :) I'll take with me as such as well, right with you! Thank you for the comment!


This show just up and decided to give us ALL THE FEELS! Kazuki finding the father’s day picture, Rei sleeping next to Miri’s things…UGH. I hated that they started falling apart without Miri and without hope for their family. 🙁But I agree, the moment that they start to get into protect mode for each other! I LOVE the growth Rei has made and how they held hands! YES! OMG – show, give us that! We will TAKE IT! I love that of all the things, it’s just the gaming Rei is worried about. I’m so surprised that they gave you packages that late! I’ve never received anything that late in my area, but it’s good to know it can happen! That makes sense about Misaki having the apartment close for day care. UGH, just the thought that she could have moved makes me sick – glad that didn’t happen, but yeah, Misaki’s fate hurt. She was “trying” and then to lose her life in such a way was so sad. Heartbreaking, indeed! At least, I like to think she can maybe watch over Miri from beyond! Yeah, this episode, messing with our hearts and then giving us hope! Yes, let them be a real family! Thanks for the comment!