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If you had told me that the most romantic moment in Volume 4 so far would be Xie Lian and Hua Cheng sharing a ride through a demonic lake in a coffin...I would have probably believed you. Especially with MXTX's track record, but OH MY STAR-CROSSED LOVERS! THESE CHAPTERS!  

The frustration of Xie Lian being SO CLOSE to realizing that Hua Cheng is referring to HIM as his beloved! The hilarity of Xie Lian's sexual awakening amidst a calamity! PEI MING'S DETERMINATION TO RAT THEM OUT AS LOVERS! These chapters were so much fun and I can't wait to talk to you about them!   

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Heaven Official's Blessing//TGCF: Novel Review - PART 37 - Chapters 120-121! COFFINS AND KISSES!?

**COFFIN-LADEN HEADPHONE WARNINGS** If you had told me that the most romantic moment in Volume 4 so far would be Xie Lian and Hua Cheng sharing a ride through a demonic lake in a coffin...I would have probably believed you. Especially with MXTX's track record, but OH MY STAR-CROSSED LOVERS! THESE CHAPTERS! The frustration of Xie Lian being SO CLOSE to realizing that Hua Cheng is referring to HIM as his beloved! The hilarity of Xie Lian's sexual awakening amidst a calamity! PEI MING'S DETERMINATION TO RAT THEM OUT AS LOVERS! These chapters were so much fun and I can't wait to talk to you about them! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

Romania: People just poke [Pei Ming] and want to poke him Me: And he wants to poke women that meet his standards... Sorry, not sorry 🤣 Xie Lian might end a life either from the incorrect method of CPR or Hua Cheng deciding to beat the living crap out of whoever dared have his Highness perform CPR on them. Definitely smelling vinegar in that scene! 😆 But yes I love that Hua Cheng's character is very much about giving information to Xie Lian and letting *him* make decisions for himself. Even an island is not big enough for Hualian to be alone! Xie Lian's obliviousness on Hua Cheng's special person makes you want to shake him, or hit him over the head with the book! But his speech to Hua Cheng is just so romantic and full of feeling that he gets a bit of a pass. “Isn't top and bottom the same?“ *Romania's BL fangirling mind has left the building* Before Mo Xiang Tong Xiu: How can a moment in a coffin be sexy? After Mo Xiang Tong Xiu: All good love stories should include a moment in a coffin 😂 (But it truly is one of those moments in the book that if you try to explain it without the context of everything else will have others outside of the fandom being potentially concerned for your sanity.) Pei Ming's confrontation with Hua Cheng (“as expected of the Crimson Rain Sought Flower“) really gives me such The Princess Bride vibes with Pei Ming in the role of Inigo Montoya 🤣 Maybe that's why Pei Ming stabbed at the intruders below him back in the Heavenly Realm; he was trying to hide/protect his collection of romance novels. Pei Ming's being like a FanFic writer with putting pieces together in these scenes. The fangirling in this was definitely on the epic scale and I loved it! For the lowly minions in the forest, when I first read it I did imagine something similar to Creeper from The Black Cauldron or some Jim Henson-type creature.


Hello, I AM BACK!! I’ve been avoiding commenting because I know myself—I would accidentally let something slip. But some revelations have come up already, so now I feel like some of the weight has been lifted. “What matters is you and not the state of you” is probably one of the most popular TGCF quote in the fandom. And for good reason, it’s so simple but speaks volumes. I love this quote so much because it can be applicable not just to the story of TGCF but in any context really. At the same time, it’s heart-wrenching to hear because, as we’ve established, Xie Lian is very much self-deprecating, we know he doesn’t see himself worthy of his own advice. But thats not true in the slightest, especially for Hua Cheng. He’s slowly learning to love, but he’s also learning how to be loved in return 🥺🥺🥺 Pei Ming is literally the one person in the fandom who is a rare pair shipper and is the only one making content for themselves. He’s trying to convince the fandom that there’s something there but no one sees it but himself - so every time Hualian is around he analyzes everything they do for the bait. One bed? Nah. One coffin. Pei Ming is already writing the fanfic—ahem, I mean report to the heavens as we speak. I just want to point out - I meant to comment about this when we found out what Shi Wudu did for Shi Qingxuan - but in your Part 13 Ch. 48-50 review, I noted a time stamp of what you said that made me cackle because of this very revelation (1:50:33). You were talking about how Xie Lian was explaining ascensions and how you need skills to ascend, then went on to talk about nepotism. Then, cluelessly, you went on to talk about how theres no nepotism with Shi Wudu and Shi Qingxuan. I had to bite my tongue back then and noted it so that I could refer back to it when you finally get to the reveal. AND NOW ITS HERE. Gosh, it’s been so long since then. It’s scary how almost on the nose you were. That’s why I love hearing your review and theories, because you pay close attention so much to the point where you’re actually almost right but just not quite. It’s so fun, even if we are all dying in spoiler tags in the discord 🤣🤣🤣 You know, I never really thought much about what Hua Cheng meant by “this person saw me at my worst”, but hearing how you interpreted it made me think hard on what part of him could he have meant. It could have also been that Hua Cheng’s “worst” was when he was a little kid who had nothing but the label of being cursed for being born under the Star of Solitude. Who admitted to wanting to destroy the world and everyone in it including himself while praying to Xie Lian. He was openly disliked by nearly everyone he met, to the point where even he believed he was “ugly/hideous”. Or even when he was a young soldier who got kicked out of the army after being unable to help Xie Lian after the Land of the Tender. Because I believe that Hua Cheng thinks about those moments and regrets how helpless he was back then. Also, going back to the truth or dare game a few chapters back, Hua Cheng had said the worst suffering in the world for him was to “watch with your own eyes your beloved be trampled and ridiculed, yet unable to do anything”, which is why I think he’s referring to those times where he couldn’t do anything because he was just a powerless, wretched kid. Idk for sure but these moments from Book 3 were what I thought he meant by it. As always, great review!! Can’t wait until next week’s chapters!!


I'm currently sick with the flu and your reaction to hualian shenangins is the best distraction! Thank you for being my comfort during this painful time 😭😭


Thanks for the reaction! XL's CPR performance turns out to be offering more fanservice than actual life-saving service, and last time we saw him trying to save people from suffocation, he had poor Ban Yue dangling upside-down and swing the girl......my dear you really need to take some kind of first-aid classes before next-time you go save others. HC is supportive as always, only telling XL that his method is wrong instead of banning him from doing so, and if only XL's been a little bit less shy about this, he'd be so ready to lay back down to teach XL the correct way of doing CPR mouth-to-mouth. I mean, it's not like he didn't use similar method to 'teach' XL how to row a dice. HC: as black water rules the water, even I had to cautious around here. Also HC: *casually scaring the bone-fish away and catching rabbits for his god like on some random picnic trip* I choose not to comment on their conversation over the campfire since I'm afraid I'll let something slip and cause spoilers......the only thing I can say is that when you revisit this part when you finished the entire TGCF, you'd have so much to say. MXTX decides to give us even more relationship development by adding the whole 'Two bros~Lying in a small coffin~5 inches apart because they so gay~' scene right after the 'wrong CPR performance' ROFL, and if you look from PM's angle, you see this tiny coffin floating in the ocean and suddenly your colleague and a ghost king busted out from it...that's one hell of a scenario, so he makes sure everyone appreciates it by pointing out the size of the coffin. In a modern AU, he'd be that kind of frantic shipper who analyses every pixel of the pics of his ship to prove that their relationship is real. We all go deep into the woods to find SQX but as this book is 'the tease and the cliffhanger', of course we end the chapter by having a black shadow sneaking up behind HC and XL...MXTX just never got tired with her suspense and horror!


Oh no, I'm so sorry you haven't felt good (I hope you feel better), but I'm glad this helped you! Thank you so much for the kind words and comment!


Yay! Glad to hear from you and yes, that line from the text you mentioned is so good – XL is getting some character development, but he still has a ways to go! Pei Ming is by no means my favorite, and I’m trying to let my experience with him occur naturally, so my influence isn’t swayed by those that know the story in full, but I am having fun with his ridiculousness in these chapters! I love how bound and determined he is to reveal HuaLian! 😀 Ahhhh, thank you for holding back and not spoiling me! Honestly, encountering all these reveals as they happen is the BEST THING EVER and I’m very thankful for y’all’s patience! 😀 HC is SUCH an interesting character because he’s literally one of the most powerful characters in the story, and yet has self-image issues – it’s WILD but I love that “human” quality to our Supreme Ghost. I’m hoping that just as HC is helping XL come to love and take care of himself, the same can be proved for him from XL. Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! I’m SOOOOO excited for this next week’s chapters!


Thank you so much for the comment! I just love how XL’s poshness gets the better of him in that he never learned CPR - I love it! But HC being supportive is just too great! Man, he’s really going to “collect” on that interest with XL asking for help, isn’t he? ;) I just love how HC can’t help but be mischievous, even if on someone else’s territory! Thanks for not spoiling me! I appreciate it! But, even mentioning that you’re not talking about something because it could be a spoiler…is kind of a spoiler, though, because it suggests I should pay attention to that scene (which I am now actively going to try and forget so I can be surprised later). So maybe, if you are not sure in the future, just don’t mention it at ALL, so I won’t have any expectations. 🙂 I would appreciate it! And yes, WHO KNEW that a coffin scene would be sexy? Leave it to MXTX! Thanks for the comment!


AHAHAHA, Pei Ming just poking and getting poked left and right! My fangirl mind was ALL OVER THE PLACE in these chapters! HC is so forgiving and kind-hearted around XL, bless our poor guy! :3 I just love XL and how clueless he can be at times – but then you forgive him because he’s XL, our precious bean, and yes, so much romance we’re getting these chapters! And ONLY MXTX can make coffins sexy as they are! Insanity!! I love it, though! And yeah, it is SO hard to explain out of context and it be romantic – it’s one of those “you had to be there” moments for sure! YES!! I can SO see the Pei Ming and Inigo Montoya vibes!! :D :D And Black Couldron references?! Clearly the Black Water’s island is invoking 80’s fantasy and I’m here for it! I also want PM to be a fan fic person so badly! Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! I’m SO READY for Monday!