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Last episode, we were left on a cliffhanger of what would happen to Dieter and would Tenma get answers about the 511 Kinderhiem orphanage. The answers are YES and SOMEWHAT this episode, but hoo boy, does this episode get dark and twisted! And we're barely into this series, so I know it's only going to get worse...right?

Parallels with Tenma and Johan continue, as does the theme of light vs. dark and humanity vs. that of a "monster" in this episode -- it goes by FAST! 

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/7brRjUF1jxGMK9M2ENLepk?

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MONSTER: Episode 12 Reaction! "A LITTLE EXPERIMENT?!"

Link to Reaction (starts at 4:13): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/7brRjUF1jxGMK9M2ENLepk? **NERVOUS LAUGH HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Last episode, we were left on a cliffhanger of what would happen to Dieter and would Tenma get answers about the 511 Kinderhiem orphanage. The answers are YES and SOMEWHAT this episode, but hoo boy, does this episode get dark and twisted! And we're barely into this series, so I know it's only going to get worse...right? Parallels with Tenma and Johan continue, as does the theme of light vs. dark and humanity vs. that of a "monster" in this episode -- it goes by FAST! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Ohhhhhh, that is SO FASCINATING about the Twilight Zone episode comparison -- I can definitely see that, so I'll have to bring that up in a future episode -- thank you for letting me know about that episode! I've watched a few episodes, but I'm easily scared, haha, so I only watched a few, but some were too freaky when I was younger! And yesssss, I was hinting at Eren and Johan and the nature vs. Nurture argument -- Once I've finished both series, it will be interesting to go back to that conversation, though! But I liked that the facility wasn't the REASON Johan was the way he was, though Tenma seems to want to believe that, almost as an "out" to explain his behavior. Oohhh, and great connection about the "kind" and "heart" in both of those names! Very creepy to see how they "actually" are. And yes, Tenma, take responsibility for your son! Deiter deserves it! T.T Thank you for the information and comment!!


Haha, it was fun seeing your rant on Tenma leaving the kid behind at the bus stop... anyways. I don't know what Germans would have typically done in this situation back in the 90s, but the author, a Japanese man who was in his 30s when he was writing this series, probably didn't think it was irresponsible. Neither did his editor, I assume. In Japan, kids traveling by themselves used to happen a lot, like getting on an airplane or bullet train to see their grandparents without any adults or even teenagers. Some kids also commute via public transportation to school like trains and buses by themselves, maybe even today. I remember that I traveled by airplane alone for the first time to see my grandparents at age of eight. Of course, my parents took me to the airport and my grandfather was waiting for me to arrive at the destination airport. That being said, I'm pretty sure parents today are a lot more cautious about letting their kids travel alone. I understand your concern about Dieter being chased and hunt down by that old guy.. It's sad but some people don't even think of that risk that looks too obvious to other people. That nurse who said "the boy wanted to go with him" made me really upset. The first time I read this series was in the 90s and it still makes me so mad. The nurses should know that the kid has been abused and the number one suspect is clearly Hartmann regardless of his charm, because the evidence of abuse is all over his body! And they are responsible to provide him with the safest environment possible. I really cannot tell what nurses were like in Germany at this time (or maybe it was the idea by the author through his image of nurses in Japan?), but me as a nurse in the U.S. or for anyone in the U.S., this is immediately a CPS case. Thank you for the great reaction and analysis as always, I am looking forward to seeing the next episode!


Oh yeah, I was mainly giving Tenma a hard time and making a joke about him leaving Dieter on the bus! ;) When I was a kid, things were definitely different than they were now; I just couldn't pass up on the joke! And YES, that nurse should have seen the signs like Tenma that the boy was uncomfortable around Hartmann; that does make me mad as well! Dieter's entire situation is HEARTBREAKING -- Monster definitely giving us some angsty material this episode, eh? Thank you for the kind words and comment! Very excited for next week!


Johan watching the people at Kinderheim kill each other from up on his throne without even lifting a finger, after only having lightly "fueled the fire" so to speak, reminds me very much of the famous Twilight Zone episode "The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street", in which aliens sow chaos in a peaceful town by messing with the power/all electrical objects, and the people, spurred on by a kid who insists (from his comic books) that aliens must be infiltrating the town disguised as humans, start suspecting each other and eventually their fear and need for a scapegoat cause them to end up trying to (and in some cases succeeding) kill each other. At the end, the actual aliens watching all the chaos happening from above remark that when deprived of power, "humans pick the most dangerous enemy they can find and it's themselves. All we need to do is sit back and watch." With the extreme similarity to Johan's incident here, and the overall theme that humans are the true monsters, I wouldn't be surprised at all if Monster was inspired by this episode of Twilight Zone -- though I have no proof of that. It would be cool if it was, though. xD I love the pseudo "reveal" that Kinderheim wasn't the root reason that Johan is the way he is, but rather that it simply fanned the flames (eyy?) and exacerbated the issues that he already had -- he was ALWAYS this way, or at least was before Kinderheim, according to Hartmann. It's absolutely terrifying, the idea that the experiments and deaths there were small potatoes compared to what Johan had and has in mind, but also makes a lot of sense imo, because this is only 12 episodes in out of 74; in any other series, the "creepy orphanage performing horrific experiments wherein everyone died" would probably be the final stop, the biggest, final piece of the puzzle so-to-speak, but it would be unsatisfying if it were that simple here, wouldn't it? There's a lot more to learn, and I love how Monster doesn't take the easy and most obvious/cliche route, because people are much more complex than that, and the "nature vs nurture" phenomenon is SO fascinating to me... I adore it in Attack on Titan with Eren, and I adore it here with Johan. Both simply incredible characters (full disclosure I'm not bringing this up to hint at specific similarities between Johan and Eren or anything btw!! Just talking about the nature vs nurture trope in different media in general, cause I know you were referring to AoT in the discussion when you mentioned it. Or at least I assume you were, or I'm gonna look really dumb lmao). Also I find it kind of ironic that Hartmann's name sounds like "heart" and Kinderheim has the word "kind" in it, even though they're both the complete opposite of those things. Granted, those are just complete coincidences from German to English and were most likely not intentional, but it fits lol. Tenma protecc your new son!! You are a dad now; don't just leave him there on the side of the road after being so sweet to him, when he has so much trauma and chose YOU to be with 😭