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**Headphone Warnings**

I finally take a dive into Sadamoto's NGE Manga and these first three volumes are SO much fun and the art is SO gorgeous! There's definitely going to be some varied...interpretation...of moments and characters, but honestly, I'm ALL here for Sadamoto's vision and voice with this series so far!

And reading the "extra" information and interviews with Anno, Sadamoto, and the VA's has been so interesting! I can't wait to talk with you all about it!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/pS5vmox19RtfNKF5tpEZUK?

Thanks for watching with me and the support!


Neon Genesis Evangelion: Manga Volume 1-3 Reaction & Review!

LINK TO REACTION (starts at 8:56): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/pS5vmox19RtfNKF5tpEZUK? **Headphone Warnings** I finally take a dive into Sadamoto's NGE Manga and these first three volumes are SO much fun and the art is SO gorgeous! There's definitely going to be some varied...interpretation...of moments and characters, but honestly, I'm ALL here for Sadamoto's vision and voice with this series so far! And reading the "extra" information and interviews with Anno, Sadamoto, and the VA's has been so interesting! I can't wait to talk with you all about it! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Alex Kornejo

I love how every staff member that got interviewed here, had pretty thoughtful and interesting things to say about the story and what they strove to contribute to it, they knew they had something especial and it shows it really was a labor of love. P.S. Megumi playing Rei, Yui & Eva wasn't that big of a spoiler 'cus she played PenPen too (crack theories anyone?), The range of that woman, one moment she's delivering the flatest lines possible while still giving you a sense of inner feeling, the next she sounds like a caged, pissed off beast that just got allowed to roam free, only to turn around a give you the sense of a long forgoten motherly love and then finally she's just squawking like nobody's business.

Christopher Pettersson

Ok, do i want to get into the middle of this again? oh well here i go. I get the manic pixie dream girl critic of Mari, but with all that's happening in NGE that's hardly the most unbelievable thing going on. And Kaworu is a beautiful, sensitive man (boy?) but still with a dominating presence, fully intune with his feelings, and yours, fully commited to your happiness. Seems as believable as the manic pixie dream girl to me. 😉 I'm sure we can find a derivative name for his archetype too. Shinji is a complicated boy, i think we can say that he is sexually attracted to girls/women but was romantically attracted to Kaworu. But perhaps not that complicated, when a teenage boy gets to remake the world well... Mari's boobs are just bigger than Kaworu's, he didn't stand a chance. 😂 It's great that we get a bit inner thoughts in the manga (thought bubbles and all that), but it can be a bit of a double edge sword because it can also make things less subtle, and depending on how you like your stories that can be a huge negative. But with that interview we can always discuss how much the inner thoughts in the manga really match up with the anime, perhaps this is just another one of the many iterations in the cycle of realities that seem to exist in NGE. Speaking of the interviews, they were all interesting and i must say, it seem like they are all quite the philosophers. Are they all this introspective in all their work? or is just that the world of NGE draws out the existential thoughts (and crises) in all of us? Lastly i think we need to pay the proper respect to Ramiel. She isn't a pyramid, she's an octahedron, doesn't that sound sexier and more a beffiting name for the shape of an angel? 😉


The interviews DEFINITELY add this sense that this was a labor of love and I adore it for that! They've been so fun to read in these volumes so far! And oooohhh, awesome! Pen Pen crack theories?! Let's GO! But seriously, that is a lot of range! Megumi, this woman is talented and I love how intelligent her interview answers were! <3


Get in the middle of it! *grabs popcorn* And yes, Kaworu - if we're going to go there with Mari - is most CERTAINLY a Manic Pixie Dream Boy (which is an actual thing as a counter to the MPDG). He's a textbook case of it! I still don't care for the Mari x Shinji ship; for my taste, they have few scenes that establish their bond beyond just them sharing space together or being platonic friends. At least, if you ship Kaworu and Shinji, or Asuka and Rei with Shinji, there's some "meat" to back it up. I like a good crack ship for the fun of it, but without substance, making it seem canon or trying to convince me of it -- they need to give me some evidence, and I personally don't see it with Mari and Shinji. But hey, y'all ship them if you want to. You're just going to need more than cookies to sway me over, haha! I do agree that the manga makes things more "cemented" as opposed to ambiguous, so I'm glad I'm reading it last, after watching the movies and main series -- knowing it's Sadamoto's take on it vs. Anno's is good too. It's like fanfiction that the author approved of, haha! And YES -- I am floored with how eloquent the interviews are -- it's so neat to se how committed and passionate the creators and voice actors are about the series -- I think that says something for the quality of it and how deeply they are connected. Ooooohhhhhh, thank you for the correction on our best girl, Ramiel. I stand corrected -- and yes, Octahedron sounds much sexier than a boring ol' man pyramid. :D Definitely sounds more angelic! ^^

Alex Kornejo

I think they might have gone with Mari just for the lack of baggage because the Eva shipping wars are semi legendary, Mari strikes me like the Switzerland of shipping. P.S. What's an octahedron if not two pyramids perfectly in tune with each other?

Christopher Pettersson

Yeah i get it, we definitely see a connection between Shinji/Kaworu throughout the series and movies and we don't see that with Mari. And it's not like i'm some hardcore Mari/Shinji shipper, i didn't see it coming and my first reaction was "oh ok... i'm fine with this", wouldn't have been mad if Shinji had merrily skipped away with Kaworu at the end. I just think we have hashed out that if we want to see "problems" Mari and Kaworu almost have all the same ones, so it comes down to personal preference. If you want to imagine Shinji just out sowing his wild oats before coming back to his one true love Kaworu i won't stop you. 😊 I like how Alex put it, Mari just happend to be Switzerland. Not the most exciting place but a nice place nonetheless.


Hahaha, someone else brought the argument up about Mari being a "fresh" option, but we see her throughout the films with Shinji, so I can't really consider that (unless by "fresh" you mean lack of chemistry and personal moments), but it got me thinking... ...what if we didn't see Mari throughout the ENTIRE Rebuild series, and then at the end, she shows up with Shinji at the train station and they leave together? If the fans' theory that Mari is that "new" person coming in to take Shinji out of the NGE world and into the real world, I think that would have been symbolically a much more apt way to have handled it. Just an idea; I would have been on board with it coming out of nowhere like that -- it would have made the "no chemistry" angle work for me, because we've never seen her with Shinji, so "who knows?" Maybe there is something there! Versus Shinji with Mari that we've seen throughout this series and there was nothing there. *shrugs* Maybe I need to visit Switzerland to see how nice it is. :)

Alex Kornejo

To me Shinji will forever be more of a seashore & moonlight kind of guy, but it's Switzerland, it's the Alps, I'm sure it's got nice mountains...