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The "HISTORY OF BEASTS," as it were and I'm so excited to to talk this episode, Askeladd's never-ending struggle to stay on top of the situation, the deterioration of morale amongst his men and with the now-depressed Canute, Bjorn's remaining loyalty, and Thorfinn's indifference to it all! 

The stage is getting set, too, as Thorkell and his men close in on our Vikings, leaving the rest of the season open to what seems like a bloodbath to be had! Yay? 

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/xuZ4TExVgnfasMEsTECavV?

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Vinland Saga: Episode 16 Reaction! THE HISTORY OF BEASTS!

Link to Reaction (starts at 5:00): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/xuZ4TExVgnfasMEsTECavV? **BRUTAL HEADPHONE WARNINGS** The "HISTORY OF BEASTS," as it were and I'm so excited to to talk this episode, Askeladd's never-ending struggle to stay on top of the situation, the deterioration of morale amongst his men and with the now-depressed Canute, Bjorn's remaining loyalty, and Thorfinn's indifference to it all! The stage is getting set, too, as Thorkell and his men close in on our Vikings, leaving the rest of the season open to what seems like a bloodbath to be had! Yay? Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Dont you think shears would be a good motivation for schoolchildren? I wish i had known that when I was teaching them during my college years . I def agree that at this point it is Askelads Saga lol. Thorfin is just a simple bystander . And I think the show is better for it . Askelad has screen presense and layers to his character . Also i love the fact, whenever Askelad opens his walls for a moment , like he said he want a leader he can follow . He then immediate gets back to his safety net and pretends that hes joking. Same thing happened when he askeld Thors to lead them during ep4 and then immediately backpedals. The show also gets back to cyclical nature of violence and human nature . And yeah, Askelads more theatrical approach to torturing. It really shows how much he hates the english. Also the mutiny stuff i feel like it started brewing when second cour started. It was here and there , during some casual converstation. You can see the seeds getting planted


Hahaha, just a pair of shears hanging on the wall -- incite that fear! XD And yesss, I'm so happy that we've shifted to Thorfinn being the observer and the show focusing on Askeladd -- he's so intriguing and the parallels with him and Thorfinn are so fun! And YES -- Askeladd reveals a milimeter of his depth, and then re-treads a foot. I love that callback to seeing it with Thors back in Episode 4! This show loves to play the "long game" and I'm here for it! Thanks for the comment!!


I don't think Thorfinn feels sympathy for Ragnar/Canute after all this is war and people die all the time, I think he is more "surprised" at the fact that he fell down at the death of one person. You got to remember that at this point in the story Thorfinn doesn't really have any feelings towards anyone/anything apart from his feeling of revenge towards Askeldd, thats the only thing is his head. That slap is the one think that Canute needed to wake the f up and I loved it. Even Thorfinn is surprised that Askeladd went as far as to slap the Canute, treating him completely different from when Ragnar was still around. One slap at the time for the sake of making grow to be someone that can fight for the crown. That spear throw lolol, 4 birds 1 stone, or in this case 4 soldiers 1 spear. What a throw but Askeladd is all like "don't mind don't mid" as if Thorkell couldn't do it again lol. The most infuriating part of this whole thing is how all Askeladds men turn on him just because he is on the ropes for the first time in who knows how many years, after all the gold and victories he has obtained for them, one tight spot in one battle and they instantly jump ships, hate them all. At least they got what they deserved, the first batch of traitors got instantly slaughter by Thorkell because he doesn't need traitors and cowards.


Askeladd is the best character of the show and since they focus the second part of the season on him it makes it the better part.


Ahh, I would have to disagree -- I mean, how do we KNOW for sure that he doesn't have anything in his head but revenge? Since we don't get into his head, I don't think it's safe to "assume" that's all he's thinking about in the episode. Now, if there's something I'll find out later that sheds more light on this scene I consider it a spoiler, and I DON'T want to know about it -- let me wallow in my ignorance, haha! But I would have to respectfully disagree and say I still think there can be a connection with Thorfinn feeling some sort of empathy towards Canute (not Ragnar, but Canute). But you don't have to agree with me, of course, haha. :) And yeah, Askeladd is wasting no time bringing Canute to reality of the situation. There's too much going on for him to be down in the dumps. Mourn later, live now, basically. I do agree with you that it SUCKS that Askeladd and these men have been together all this time, but just because things aren't going the BEST in this scenario, they instantly start to turn on him...Askeladd's definitely played the long game in this and he knows that these guys are going to get NO mercy from Thorkell at all...Thorkell isn't about to take in a traitor, since he doesn't consider that the warrior's way, it seems. Thanks for the insight and comment! :D :D


I agree, he's definitely my favorite and I love that the show focuses on him at this point! :) Definitely for the better!


Of course we don't have to agree, everyone gets to drag their own conclusion/speculation, I'm only saying that because the only reason he is sticking around is to kill Askeladd. Thorfinn hasn't made friends with anyone in the army and only follows Askeladds orders to get a chance at more duels with him, because you know, he wants a respectable warriors duel. I think Thorfinn even said it him self (could totally be wrong here) that he hated Canute because how weak he is and couldnt even speak for him self. Sure he may be realizing now that Canute is not as bad as he thought, but I still dont see him showing sympathy towards him. The only time we have seen him show some type of feelings was when he was saved by that one lady in the village and her daughter which I think reminded him of his mom and sister, but he snapped back to his reality the moment the other soldiers started killing everyone and burning the village. But hey, thats just my take, I like watching reactions videos to hear other peoples takes and opinions, not to change their minds, specially because I'm not good at discussing things lol. Of course i wouldn't talk about spoilers, that would be horrible seeing how invested you are and much you are enjoying the show.


I definitely agree with you that his MO is definitely to kill Askeladd...and that's about it, haha! I've had some backlash from people when I've disagreed with them in the comments before, so it's made me wary, haha! I'm glad you're great about it, though! Thank you! :) It's really sad that he's spent the majority of his life (Thorfinn) without any friends and just living amongst these murderous vikings. I do agree he thinks Canute is weak; I thought it could be a moment of sympathy, but we'll see where that goes...and yeah, Episode 6 he almost had some sympathy, but yeah, the reality of everything slapped him in the face. T_T And THANK YOU! I'm so nervous about people accidentally spoiling in their excitement, that it's made me trepidatious around comments, so I appreciate it!