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Y'all didn't warn me enough for the MuraMura Battery...and how much I would love it. 

I love Miyuki and Sawamura's battery with all my heart, but there is something unique about our sunny Shiba Inu and Wolf Boy working it on the field, and Koshu being the MOST serious and encouraging Sawamura? "You won't die alone?!" SEIDOU NEVER SAYS DIE! Seriously, these episodes warmed my heart and my face was hurting with how much I was smiling and laughing -- my fangirling heart was satisfied SO MUCH with these episodes! Well, EXCEPT for that cliffhanger...how dare you, show! 

LINK TO FULL REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/jJrKkwgc2S1cuVcgBr1p9S?

Thank you for watching with me and for the support! 


Ace of the Diamond Act II: Episodes 39-41 Reaction! I WON'T LET YOU DIE ALONE!

Link to Reaction (starts at 3:26): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/jJrKkwgc2S1cuVcgBr1p9S? **HOWLING HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Y'all didn't warn me enough for the MuraMura Battery...and how much I would love it. I love Miyuki and Sawamura's battery with all my heart, but there is something unique about our sunny Shiba Inu and Wolf Boy working it on the field, and Koshu being the MOST serious and encouraging Sawamura? "You won't die alone?!" SEIDOU NEVER SAYS DIE! Seriously, these episodes warmed my heart and my face was hurting with how much I was smiling and laughing -- my fangirling heart was satisfied SO MUCH with these episodes! Well, EXCEPT for that cliffhanger...how dare you, show! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


John Miller

A junk ball pitcher is just a pitcher who’s know for their breaking balls more than their velocity of pitches


The idea of Miyuki staying at Inashiro and having to room with someone is actually hysterical to me lol. If that happened and we didn't get to see any of it I would've RIOTED honestly. The possibilities are endless. As far as them calling him a junkball pitcher, it's basically them assuming his pitches move erratically instead of with purpose. Kind of like a knuckleball but not exactly. Like they think they just move but that they don't move consistently the same way. First year Sawamura could be considered a junkball pitcher because he didn't control the movement but now all his pitches have purposeful and consistent movement. It's not really insulting but it does sound like it lol. Furuya leaving the mound in the Yamamori game is quite different for him. You're right he probably was expecting it but I don't think we've ever seen him give it up so easily, especially while apologizing to the relieving pitcher. It's also quite interesting how Furuya and Yuis performance brought a tension to the whole team. Not just them. Masashi was not happy being taken out of left field for Yui. Ono and Yuis relationship is easily one of the sweetest in this whole show. For some reason the 3rd year/1st year relationships are super sweet when they turn into mentorships lol Yuis past is always really interesting to me because while I do think he's worked incredibly hard, him talking about how he's always been the main catcher and always been the captain and was on the little league Japan team, him talking about how he's never been satisfied and has never felt like he's grown every game kind of gives me the impression that he's always been the best on his teams and nothing ever really has challenged or pushed him to be better. Him coming to Seidou seems like the biggest challenge he's ever had in baseball. So I do think his natural talent (whether you call him a prodigy or not) has carried him quite far and now he has to really fight to improve and get better. I dont think he's experienced having to work for his position like this before. Very little in this series actually makes me gush like Kataoka saying "I'm counting on you Sawamura. Lead the team" does. Ugh. It's so good. Yes boy, lead the team like you always do 👏🏼 Its so interesting to see Koushuu so nervous and tense. He's usually so level headed and confident in his ability but obviously he'd be nervous in his first game starting on the first string playing against a nationally acclaimed team. It's so good that Sawamura noticed and could actually calm him down. No one can say no to Sawamuras smile while telling you to breathe with him lol. This set really brings back the "you'll know what Sawamura is really like when you catch for him" bit that Miyuki said to Koushuu at the beginning of the season lol. You know now Koushuu what the sun is like. Everyone getting hype for Sawamuras speech feels like such a long time coming lol. Finally they respect my boy and his habits to help motivate the team. This entire set just solidifies my love for protective but supportive older brother Kuramochi lol. Hes frustrated by his own position but also proud of Sawamura but also frustrated he's not helping him but also happy for him doing so well lol. For some reason they make Seiyas pitching motion sound like a tree falling or like the trunk cracking and it's so bizarre 🤣 I get the effect but what on earth. Seiya definitely respects Sawamura a lot these episodes. Even from the beginning you can tell he's intrigued and thinks he's got a great presence on the mound. By the end of this set he seems like he's loving the battle between them 2. The maturity Sawamuras grown into is such a breath of fresh air. I loved first year Sawamura who was just carefree and happy to pitch and just tried his best but damn is it nice to get the change where he thinks so deeply about everything now. Sawamuras gotten spoiled by the fact that him and Miyuki have telepathic communication now lol. "I made eye contact" as if that's all it takes. Hes expects all catchers to read his mind and be on the exact same wavelength as him while Koushuus sitting there like "tf are you shaking your head for" 🤣 The ass shot of Masashi was so uneeded but you know this whole game is centered around ass and thighs so why not throw our own thick boy into the battle lol Koushuu has a lot of work to do dealing with Sawamura honestly lol. He respects him as a pitcher but as a person he's gonna have a lot to get used to 😂 I doubt Koushuu has ever experienced someone who's so honest and positive and real. Especially when you remember his old coach and how Koushuu left that team feeling like no one could ever really be like that. Well here he is. Live and in the flesh. Seiyas inner monologues make him sound like he's 80 years old lol "I remember back in my day when my eyes looked like that" like geez okay bud. You were out 1 year for an injury. You didn't go to war. The fact that the audience says "undoubtedly it's Sawamura keeping them in the game" is just so nice to hear. Yes. Praise him. He's doing well. It's also so refreshing to see the third years supporting him so much. Even the ones not on the regular lineup, the ones who hardly get any play time. Them also supporting him because they know what a big deal this game is for him and how hard he's working just melts my heart so much. The fact that Sawamura decided to bring up their early season fight NOW in the middle of a game against a national team is so like him I can't even handle it lol. TIMING IS A THING BUDDY. The word "partner" or "aibou" in Japanese is a word that this fandom goes feral over lol. They use it almost exclusively with Sawamura and Miyuki so them extending it to Koushuu is so massive 🤣 I actually love what they did with this game where they show what happens when Sawamura goes hard from the gate. He was going 100% from the start and we see what happens. He gets tired quicker and his control fails. I think its really important that they know that in advance to the summer tournament but it's also just nice to see him go 100%. The pressure of trying to lead the team and also trying to guide his catcher, it's easy to see why he felt the need to go so hard. Koushuus theatrics in this episode really do just make my day all the time lol. Hes so dramatic but it suits him so well. I do wonder about the numbers that Miyuki said are "filthy" in that flashback with Koushuu. How filthy are they lol. I wanna see. "I can still bounce back" should be Sawamuras tag line throughout this whole show. A rubber boy indeed bouncing back from every trauma and every issue. Every insecurity. I honestly live for the moments where Kataoka and Sawamura have stand offs. Even though Sawamura knows he wasn't pitching great, he still wants to prove himself and still wants to inspire the team and play his heart out and I love that Kataoka flashed back to the Yakushi fall final because he's never changed in that way. He's never stopped wanting to push himself and prove himself to the coach. He doesn't usually fight back at being replaced but when he does, you're almost forced to listen to him. He definitely sees himself in Sawamura and I think he loves when Sawamura tries to be greedy about the mound. The true sign of a pitcher indeed. Koushuu trying to help Sawamura to rest a little bit and Sawamura being the oblivious bean he is 🤣 he really thought Sawamura would just take it easy in the batters box so he could come back to the bench and rest before the next inning but NOPE. 100% always with our sweet bean. You know I've actually been thinking about Miyuki standing off to the side this whole time you've been watching the episodes about the Allstar weekend and I think it relates a lot to Miyukis childhood and how he had to grow up so fast and how he's been around adults mostly. I think he struggles to make friends (not surprising when you see how he treats his best friend Kuramochi lol). Even though he knows these guys from playing them, I think its easier for him to just keep a distance and when he has to catch for them, that's when he feels like he can connect with them on a personal level. For him, getting to know someone through baseball is the easiest way. Also ties back to him telling Koushuu he'll understand Sawamura when he catches for him. Cuz that's how Miyuki does. He feels connected to Shunshin when he catches for him. Feels connected to Mei when he catches for him. Connected to Umemiya when he catches for him. When they all talk, he's awkward and doesn't know how to go about it. He's an interesting guy for sure. And I love him lol. Anyway, excited for you to finally get your conclusion for next week 🤣


The possibilities are SO endless and it would be TOO MUCH CHAOS, so that’s probably why TJ kept Miyuki from staying overnight there. Thank you for the info on the junkball pitcher, too! Yeah, players creating tension on the field – it’s interesting! I do LOVE Ono and Yui’s relationship in this series…it’s kind of like Chris and Sawamura’s in a strange way. I agree that Yui is being challenged by this team and it’s making him grow in new ways and making him work like never before – which is a good thing! Yessss, Sawamura getting counted on and showing his sunshine in this set was so wonderful! And everyone ready for his speech was SO SATISFYING! As is our boy getting respect and recognition from the opponent. I’m glad Sawamura goes hard from the start, so now he knows the effects of that before the summer tournament! Learn that NOW and not later, eh? And I agree, I want to see these “filthy” pitches, too!! It’s fitting that Sawamura is a rubber man just like another famous Taurus shonen protagonist who stretches like rubber, too. Hm. ^^ And Koshu! His tension and nervousness getting melted by Sawamura’s breathing routine; I love it! It’s good to see his vulnerability throughout this set. And OH, I didn’t get that Sawamura is used to telepathic quality with his catcher and Koshu is not ready for that yet, hahahaha! I love that Koshu is so shocked by the genuineness of Sawamura but takes on the challenge! And Sawamura shares the term “partner” with him!? Ahhh! Miyuki doesn’t seem like the jealous type, though, so there’s that. And Koshu being so dramatic with “You won’t die alone,” I love our theatrical wolf boy. And Kuramochi being the big brother to Sawamura and the team – he’s grown so much in this last year and I love it! Also, was not ready for all the thigh and butt shots in this set. I felt like the reporter…nooooo…hahahaha! Our boys aren’t old enough for that! XD And yes, it’s subtle but telling that Miyuki is still a bit socially awkward when the conversation isn’t centered around baseball – kind of like Raichi in that regard. But yeah, he gets to know people through baseball, which is cool, but an interesting angle of his character! Thanks for the comment and yessssss, after being away from AoD for a week, I NEED to know how the Seiya game ends!!