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Oh, the world is beautiful, but it is also cruel. Askeladd and Bjorn continue to be interesting as we get further and further into this series, but our boy Thorfinn...this six-year-old is now a pre-teen at twelve and has spent the last half a decade growing up under the Viking lifestyle. You can see how it's affected him, but even then, there are "sparks" of his father's teachings that shine through...even if they are burned out by the flames of destruction in the end. 

Oof, this series is going to break my heart, isn't it? 

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/j3ZWyxB99oq2cweZw2YiBH?

Thank you for watching with me and for the support! 


Vinland Saga: Episode 6 Reaction! THE JOURNEY BEGINS!?

LINK TO REACTION (starts at 3:47): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/j3ZWyxB99oq2cweZw2YiBH? **SOME CRUEL HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Oh, the world is beautiful, but it is also cruel. Askeladd and Bjorn continue to be interesting as we get further and further into this series, but our boy Thorfinn...this six-year-old is now a pre-teen at twelve and has spent the last half a decade growing up under the Viking lifestyle. You can see how it's affected him, but even then, there are "sparks" of his father's teachings that shine through...even if they are burned out by the flames of destruction in the end. Oof, this series is going to break my heart, isn't it? Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



My fav. moment of this entire ep is the very end expression of Thorfin . Just taking a deep breath and pushing it all down. Accepting the situation of this lifestyle despite Thors teachings. Its not overly dramatic or long winded. Its just a character accepting current sitaution via glance and a deep breath . In a way you could say he has given up on the life he had and just going through the motions to complete his end goal. And overall this ep. was like reframing /double down on loss of innocence theme for Thorfin. We saw this when Thors was killed and he was creaming his heart out about killing . But here , killing a person and how it framed that first kil. How the dead soldier had eyes wide open and lingered on it. And Thorfin just stabbing multiple times and screaming into the void because of that rage and that pain . It was pretty effective . And overall while nothing original in grand scheme of things , the series I feel is trying to have a commentary about violence , about the cyclical nature of violence and what it does to a person. How it affects people, bystanders and active participants . On a semi related note. I cant stand heat, never did. I rather have -20c than +20c. I have much higher tolerance for cold , haha

Sal Inger

That part of England that is mentioned in the beginning is not Vinland. I don't think it's ever mentioned in the show but there are context clues showing that it is North America (we get to see Vinland natives in a flashback from Leif in the first episode and he was gifted a feather headdress by them). Also, Leif Erikson was a real person, who is indeed credited with being the first European to set foot on North America, way before Columbus. Vinland was also really what real-life Vikings called America. Edit: I am pretty sure that neck sign Askeladd gives Thorfinn means basically if he does what Askeladd wants (in this case scounting) he's one step closer to getting a shot at Askeladd's neck, meaning the duel he promised him. The fact that this little sign gets Thorfinn to begrudgingly do his bidding immediately pretty much confirmes it. That's how I always interpreted it anyway. Also, regarding the discussion at the end, the thing is Thorfinn DOES have other options. Self-defence is one thing, but he doesn't have to hang with the pirates and the man who murdered his father, raiding villages for six years. He could just choose to stop following Askeladd and his men and try to live a normal, peaceful life somewhere. He'd most likely even be able to hop trade ships and make it back to his family in Iceland if he wanted to. But instead he takes part in all these atrocities because he can't let go of his strong desire for vengeance. That drive is very understandable, of course, but it makes him all the more of a tragic figure because he's become exactly the opposite of what Thors would have wanted for him and tried to teach him.


EXACTLY -- that end moment with Thorfinn, that he is no longer innocent, has accepted his fate for now, and is just going through the motions to get closer to his goal of getting revenge on Askeladd for his father's death. It's heartbreaking that we see him so young and seemingly so lost on the possibility of a future that isn't drenched in blood. I definitely agree that it's a commentary on how violence affects us and how people react, adjust, or can't take it. Ugh. And that's awesome for your tolerance for cold! I definitely don't have it, hahaha!! Thank you for the comment! This series is getting soooo good!


Ahhh, I don't want any spoilers as to what exactly Vinland is in relation to us getting more info about it in the series, but I am glad to know it's not England. Thanks for that info! That does make sense with Askeladd stringing Thorfinna long with the promise of the duel to do what he says; I can see that! Ahhh, that's a good note about his choices, too. It is really tragic! I would argue that as a 6-year-old, he didn't have too many options, because he was struggling for food just around the pirates and with what we've seen here, it seems if he didn't know the language of the people he encountered, it would have been hard for him to have just left, then, but then like you said, he could have hopped ships if he'd wanted to -- but that vengeance is driving him. And yeah, it's understandable, but SO heartbreaking, because Thors clearly wanted him to steer clear of that life....ugh. Definitely a knife twist, this episode and seeing the price that Thorfinn has to pay to pursue his revenge. Thanks so much for the comment!! :D