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LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/ix42do
**Headphone Warning, Me Thinks**  

WE FINALLLLLLLY Meet Zeno, our Yellow Dragon, and he is QUITE the interesting character! I wasn't sure what to expect, but this gremlin looks like he's going to add such a layer of complexity to our "dragon dynamic" that's developed this season!  I can't believe that the show LEAVES OFF HERE! @.@ 

There's still so much left unsaid, but that's what the manga is for, right? Starting next week, I'll be reading the manga with you all and we'll tackle the OVA's as we get to them! I'm SO HYPED after this episode! I hope you all are, too!  

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Yona of the Dawn: Episode 24 Reaction! "FROM NOW ON!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/ix42do **Headphone Warning, Me Thinks** WE FINALLLLLLLY Meet Zeno, our Yellow Dragon, and he is QUITE the interesting character! I wasn't sure what to expect, but this gremlin looks like he's going to add such a layer of complexity to our "dragon dynamic" that's developed this season! I can't believe that the show LEAVES OFF HERE! @.@ There's still so much left unsaid, but that's what the manga is for, right? Starting next week, I'll be reading the manga with you all and we'll tackle the OVA's as we get to them! I'm SO HYPED after this episode! I hope you all are, too! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



AHHHHH this episode was so good and every time I see it, it DOES kind of aggrevate me that we do not have a season 2 because there is so much more especially now that we have a semi-concrete goal for the group. Yona herself is just such a fantastic character, in the series, but also in general in anime/manga, for me at least. She is one of my favorites and seeing her growth just moves me to tears every time. Zeno is my second favorite in the series and man I can't wait till you get to his backstory and see what his powers are!! I look forward to more videos on Yona. Thank you for picking it up and thank you for this great reaction :) have a nice day :)


Aww I'm sad it's over but not really because there is a lot of source material! The OVAs are great also. I'm glad you'll watch the OVAs before the manga chapters that they are referencing. I don't think the OVAs would impact a person as much if they already know what's in the episode from the manga. Plus people build up an idea of what the story looks like in their head and then can be let down when it's animated. I usually watch anime first before reading the manga for this reason but that's just my opinion. This story has only really just begun. I can't wait for you to find out more about Zeno. He's my favourite dragon! Also, yes to shipping Kija and Jaeha!!!!! They have so many more cute and funny scenes together!

The truck

Yellow dragon is my precious baby, and if anything bad happens to him I would kill *everyone* and then myself. Also, ur theories about him are so good, but some of them are so wrong. And in the most hilarious way wrong, like I wanna see your reaction when we get more of his past and all that. Because I once had those same wrong theories as you had. I cant wait for you to start reacting to the manga <3


And he's here, my favorite yellow boy Zeno! He's a mystery isn't he?? It's too bad this was the last episode but I'm glad you like him and I can't wait for you to get more into the manga and get to know him a little better. It was a good place to leave the anime off but the OVA's only made me want more of the anime and it sucks it never continued, with there being 221 chapters of the manga it could easily go for 3 more seasons but it'll be fun reading the manga along with you, my 4th time re-reading it! I'm glad you loved this anime, it was fun watching it with you and I can't wait for the OVA's!

Kotaro 14

I enjoyed all your theories about Zeno. It's always so interesting to hear how people perceive what he says and does when he's first introduced. You have a lot of great thoughts. Although some of them will surely change as you see more, haha. I can't wait to see your reaction to reveals about his character further down the line. A lot of the scenes in this episode will surely have new meanings once you go back and watch them after learning more about him. The one I'm most particularly interested to see how your thoughts will change is Zeno's commentary about how the group is cute. So I'll put a pin in that and talk about it more later down in the manga reactions. A lot of his characterization is very different than what would initially may seem. I'm excited to talk about it later :)) As for things aside from Zeno, I liked the conversation between Yona and Iksoo a lot. It's a very grounded explanation and assurance that it's normal that Yona's care for Soo-won hasn't gone away. They spent so much time with each other growing up as child hood friends and he was her first crush. As much as a part of her might wish them to go away, another part of her desperately wants to hold onto the image she had of him, hence why she keeps the hair pendant. Overall, I really enjoyed watching this anime with you the last couple of months. Thank you for sharing your reactions and thoughts. It was a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to your reactions to the manga and what you learn there. I hope you have a good week and am looking forward to the next one for the recap :)


I’m REALLY sad we don’t have a season 2 of the anime, because I was JUST getting to the good stuff…I mean, there’s still the manga, but the anime was just SO GOOD, and ooohhhh, I’m sooooo ready for more Zeno content! And seriously, you all are the best for picking this show!! Thank you for the kind words, comment, and have a great day, too!


That’s very true about seeing the anime first and then not being disappointed if you read the source material first; good point! I can see the benefits of that! And yesssss, Zeno is still so mysterious and I’m ready to learn more about him. And Kija x Jae-ha is SUCH a ship for me! I can’t wait for more with them! Thank you for the comment!


Hahahaha, nice Brooklyn 99 meme! It’s appropriate here with Zeno, and I barely know anything about him. Oooohhh, thank you for not spoiling! I can’t wait to learn more about Zeno and see what theories I had wrong! @.@ Thank you for the comment — I’m soooo ready for the manga, now!


I’m at least glad they showed us him in this!! I was going to be mad if they teased him in the OP and we DIDN’T get to see him! I can’t wait to learn more in the manga about him! It’s so sad they don’t have a second season of the anime, but at least we have the OVA’s to fall back on. Thank you for the kind words and comment!! :D


It will definitely be interesting to see how my thoughts on Zeno develop as we get further into the series! :) And thank you for not spoiling! I definitely want to be surprised with his backstory! :) And that conversation with Ik-soo was soooo good and you hit it on the head on how Soo-won still means so much to Yona, despite everything he’s done. And thank you for the kind words and comment — I’m glad y’all chose this series for me! Now, ONTO THE MANGA! I’m SO ready to see what happens!! :)

Be Happy

And it is over 😢 I am so sad there is no other seasons!! But fortunately we have the manga!! So ZENO!! The apparently youngest and last dragon to join the horde ! It was so funny how he just pops in, like : you ve been looking for me guys!! Yun killed me when he said he feels underwhelmed by how easy it was 😂😂 But I suspect he was following them, but when, why, from where!! I don’t know.. it’s like he waited for her to gather the other three before he made himself known.. but if it is correct and not my mind vagabonding, why didn’t he helped her finding them if he was following !!! I have so many questions about Zeno!! Also That moment he became serious and asks the right questions to Yona! It gives me glimpses of a hard life, a smart guy but who puts a silly facade !! I don’t know it is just my feeling!! I am eager to discover his backstory and Heeja ´s!! My heart broke for Hak when he listened to Yona an Ik soo discussion , it must kill him that she still feels so much toward Soo Won but he still acts like nothing happened and trained her.. and OMG that cave scene and kiss 😭😭🥰🥰🥰 I am in love.. Yona , girl! No one will ever love you like this guy so you better open your eyes in the manga 😁 I am so happy to discover the sword and shield thing . I think Zeno might be the shield because of what he said about his healing ability… the three others are the sword!! Maybe!! 🤔🤔 Love your discussion and reaction and thank you for introducing me to this magnificent world


Zeno's introduction was definitely surprising! I'm glad he's here, though! :) Yun's explanation of it being so "easy" was hilarious, too! So many questions surrounding him, but it makes me interested in seeing what the manga will give us on him! He definitely is putting on a facade, but I love the mysterious vibe he gives off! And ugggghhhh.....Hak just acting like he didn't hear and helping her....my dude! I'm VERY curious about the "sword and shield" thing, but I guess we'll find out, eh? :) Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! I've really come to love this series and I can't wait to go further with it in the manga!

Toni simi

Zeno is voiced by Shimono Hiro who voiced Connie in Aot and Zenitsu in Demon Slayer, Dabi in My Hero Academia and Kawakami in Diamond no ace. The only shojou manga I can think of that have a complete anime adaptation and are true to the manga is the Fruits basket reboot, Banana fish and Orange, which I can really recommend, But besides that I don't think there are that many more which is really sad. It's so sad this series doesn't have more seasons but hey at least we got the manga. And you're in on a wonderful ride. It's so interesting to hear peoples theories about Zeno. We get just a little bit of him but he seems like someone who is actually wise and shows it in the right moments. Zeno reminds me of Soo-won when it comes to not being able to read what they're thinking about. I feel like wird all the other characters we kinda get how they think but when it comes to them it's such a big mistery. Kija and Ik-soo is a duo I would like to see more of. They seem so sweet together since they're both polite. I love that Zeno asks Yona what she now wants to do because yeah, that's important. Why did you gather all of them? What is her goal? If Yona was raised and thought politics it would make more sense for her to get on the throne but, besides that she is so young, till the start of the series she didn't know anything so that would make it worse for her to be in that position. There is something I want to say about Hak and his emotions but I'll probably wait till we get to a specific chapter. I think that's better. Your theorie about Hak and Soo-won being the sword and the shield is good. It definitely could make sense in a way. But it doesn't make sense if we think about how they would fit in the story. But maybe there is more to it and because it is something that came from so long ago it got lost? Probably not but who knows. Wish you a wonderful day!!


Oohhhhh, interesting! What a range Hiro has! @.@ I've not heard of "Orange," so I will have to add that to my list! @.@ I'm soooo excited for the manga to unfold! Zeno is CERTAINLY mysterious and I'm very excited to see what we get on him! He's definitely asking some important questions and we the audience even are sort of in the same boat as Yona with them. Ahh, I'm glad you're not spoiling me with Hak, haha!! I will be excited when we get to that chapter! And having read the 9th and 10th volumes of Yona at this point, I feel my theories on the "sword and shield" are going to vary so much until we get confirmation, ahhahaha! But we'll see, eh? Thanks for the kind words and have a great day, too!