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LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/l3sjtw

After two soul-purging episodes, we tie back to a season finale that has everything I love about Attack on Titan in it: Mystery, Twists & Turns, Character growth and development, action, suspense, themes and symbolism, the bizarre humor (supplied only by Pieck), and of course: a cliffhanger to leave us all clamoring for the next episode!   

I'm sorry y'all had to wait a YEAR and then some for Part 2 -- as much as my heart and brain are dreading it, I'm glad I get to go into Episode 17 sooner rather than later...now I just have to will myself to get through this recap. **sweats**  

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Attack on Titan Season 4: Episode 16 Reaction! "ABOVE AND BELOW!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/l3sjtw **MAJOR HEADPHONE WARNING** After two soul-purging episodes, we tie back to a season finale that has everything I love about Attack on Titan in it: Mystery, Twists & Turns, Character growth and development, action, suspense, themes and symbolism, the bizarre humor (supplied only by Pieck), and of course: a cliffhanger to leave us all clamoring for the next episode! I'm sorry y'all had to wait a YEAR and then some for Part 2 -- as much as my heart and brain are dreading it, I'm glad I get to go into Episode 17 sooner rather than later...now I just have to will myself to get through this recap. **sweats** Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



discussion @ 27min-> I think Hange gave in and told Floch where Zeke is (the forest) and they are traveling there. It's not the spot where Zeke and Eren were meant to meet.

Maia Brodsky

I think you maybe misunderstood and made a leap as to where the meeting location was supposed to be. Zeke isn't at his current particular location by choice. He's just where Levi happened to bring him.

Maia Brodsky

Armin probably would have also killed all his friends, the Braus family, and everyone in that building if he transformed. They all kind of realized that imo, it just went unsaid.


While you were describing the different endings of each season/parts it got me curious. If you were watching all of the seasons live from 2013 what part would have made you just go straight to the manga? Or would you have just stayed anime only? For me it was towards the beginning of season 2 in 2017 when I went to the manga. It was episode 4 when Ymir transformed at Utgard. No essays this time 😄 as you are right this is the set up episode. But honestly you anime onlys are lucky that THIS is the cliffhanger they chose. Reiner could never infiltrate Paradis! Could you imagine?? 😄 Firstly someone will DEFINITELY recognise this man but second and mostly importantly could you imagine that conversation? “So Reiner, you know when you had a split personality between being a Soldier of Paradis and a Warrior of Marley? Well can you infiltrate again and put on the uniform that gave you that complex? Why are you crying Reiner?! Don’t worry Reiner! It’ll only be for a couple of days I promise!” Yeaaaaaah … let’s just keep our suffering boy on the airship instead and leave it to Galliard and Pieck. By the way love that Pieck was waving at her adoring fans but it was actually so she could show Galliard who was below that she is handcuffed to Gabi meaning she can’t transform. So she could let him know the plan that they had has probably already gone a bit astray. It kinda makes sense that Galliard looks a lil grim and focused after seeing the signal from Pieck. Pieck is a clever woman indeed. Also love the 1x5 parallel of Eren getting his leg/s bitten off for underestimating his enemy again. Some things never change with Eren and that’s the good shit. 👌 This episode proves there’s a reason why Jean and Armin are my GOATS. I knew I chose well back in season 1 with these two. My best manipulator demon boy Armin. I love how the VA voiced this part as it sounds like fake crying to disguise the laugh that he is holding in after hearing all this from Yelena. We know this boy and his ‘psycho’ face and how good he is at worming his way into an enemies head. He knows full well how dangerous Yelena is as he literally saw her with no hesitation blow a man’s brains out for speaking out of term. Also my true everyman King Jean Boy who always comes in with the best common sense. Love these two boys soo much. I love how Zeke has a death wish at this point and has his ‘euthanasia’ plan and yet when we see him at the beginning he’s laying in a field of daisies. Which symbolises fertility. It’s cool you noted the ‘birthing’ Titan. Some very strong symbolising here. I watched this episode with my anime only friend and I will never forget his face when we saw that Titan rip it’s own belly apart and stuff Zeke inside it. 😂 I wish I could have filmed it. He was silent all throughout the OP and then he just sighed and said “How am I supposed to watch the rest of the episode and pay attention to the rest and not stop remembering THAT?” By the way the ED is safe for part 2 it’s just the OP that isn’t till 4x22 and then you can watch the OP after THAT episode. People have probably told you this already but just thought I’d say

Maia Brodsky

In her weird, psychotic way, Yelena was showing them (the Eldians) respect by killing Griez and explaining the euthanization plan to the gang. She reveres Zeke and Eren, so of course she wouldn't tolerate someone calling Eldians devils. And she respects Eren's friends because she respects Eren. When she addressed them as the 'heroes of Shiganshina', I always saw it as genuine.

Nathan Hardy

You're so glad you don't have to wait a year! For some reason, I don't think Yelena's a supporter of the whole First Amendment/Free Speech for Eldia thing, considering how she headshotted Griez for his "political" views. I know a lot of fans were cheering or felt a certain sense of satisfaction/karma on that, but those Braus kids must have been traumatized. And the whole Pieck going all waifu and getting all of those Eldians to drool all over her, I think there was also another motive .... to subtly let Porco know that Gabi's been chained to her. Now I think about it .... Pieck is kinda of an idealized Anne Frank-style heroine? Intellectual and analytical. Everything she does has purpose.


Yes the wait for Part 2 was HORRENDOUS with this cliffhanger especially since the manga ended around the same time so I was dodging spoilers left & right. It was not fun at all. I got spoiled on a few things so yay. I'm just glad the show is back so I had time to forget some spoilers thank goodness but yes that cliffhanger was HARD!! That's what rewatching the series a million times is for lol Reiner above. Galliard & Eren below. Marley sneak attack above. Eldians below. Pieck vs Eren is definitely a highlight & yes I immediately saw Galliard in the crowd. I was screaming like omg Pieck you liar I KNEW IT. Especially since she was waving her hands up to show Galliard she's handcuffed. I wanted Reiner & Eren to reunite so bad cuz Declaration of War was my fav but that cliffhanger killed me lol King Jean, Armin, Mikasa, Conny & Nicolo just PAIN. I can't imagine getting that news from Yelena of the plan like that's alot to take in & now Marley is over there heads with everyone divided & Levi MIA. Zeke in a Titans stomach (Never thought I'd see that🤮) omg your right he's trying to kill all Eldians & yet here he is in a Titans stomach😂💀Poor Hange they've just been held against there will with FLOCH of all people🤮 & the Jaegarists. Looking forward to the recap this is gonna be fun. Almost to the Part 2 Premiere🙌🏽⭐I'm so jealous you didn't have to wait lol that cliffhanger was so painful you have no idea cuz everyone was spoiling so much of the manga after this ended💀🏃🏽‍♂️I get the excitement but man people ruin so much for others. Love the Thumbnail btw so epic.


Whilst a great set up episode and a good point to end Part 1 at, this was my breaking “ I need to read the manga now” point😀 I’m glad that you don’t have to wait for a year to see what happens next and boy is it a journey. Excited for the recap and your Part 2 reactions!


Honestly, I don't blame anyone for going to read the manga in between the seasons for this show, and ESPECIALLY when they ended it here in the middle of a moment, it seemed! I'm lucky I don't have to wait...but whoo....I'm EXCITED/NERVOUS/HYPED for what's to come! Thank you so much! The recap is a nightmare, but I'm glad I got to air all my thoughts before diving into Part 2! :) Thanks for the comment!


That is a fair point that calling the Eldians devils would also include Eren and Zeke, whom she practically worships, so that makes sense! :)


No joke! Waiting a year would have been BRUTAL! @_@ Y'all have my condolences! That's a great point about Yelena -- those kids were CLEARLY traumatized and it proves how dangerous Yelena is, because she doesn't stand for anyone against her own views. And yessss! That's such a great point about letting Porco know she's been chained to Gabi! I didn't even think of that!! And hmmm, if she's like Anne Frank? I guess I could see that! Nice observation, there! :D


I cannot imagine the wait y'all had! That would have been AWFUL! I hate that you got spoiled! :( I COMPLETELY missed Porco on the first watch through, so that was a fun surprise re-watching! Pieck is just GREAT! <3 <3 And of course, Zeke's "plan" gets told to them at the worst possible time in all of this when everything is LITERALLY about to blow! I hate that you had so much ruined for you -- fingers crossed I make it through as I have been! But I feel for the crew, Hange, everyone on Paradis because it's all about to go down! @_@ Thank you for the comment and about the thumbnail! As soon as that moment happened, it HAD to be it! :)


Hmmmm….I’m usually pretty good if I am committed to staying anime only. If I didn’t have this channel for reactions, and I had to wait two YEARS after season one, I would be VERY tempted! I think the other seasons end with enough resolution I could wait, but the end of season one is a little more chaotic and that end credit scene! Haha, I don’t know if I could have waited through that… I’m definitely glad I am lucky and don’t have to wait….I’m sure there’ll be worse cliffhangers as we go! 😊 Herrrrmmm…yeah….maybe Reiner infiltrating in his mental state currently is….not a good idea! XD That conversation! Hahahaha! Yeah, probably for the best that wasn’t the case. I’m glad y’all pointed out the handcuff moment with Pieck; I missed that and OH! The 1x5 tie-in!! NICE! Yes, Armin and Jean are our kings and I’m glad we all chose well, too! Jean with his common sense and I wondered if Armin’s crying was fake; after Bertholdt and His conversation in 2x11, I wouldn’t put it past him. And getting on Yelena’s side is DEFINITELY for the best; I love her, but she can get unhinged. That is VERY interesting about the daisies; I kept wondering if they symbolized anything related to that – the “birthing” symbolism is QUITE strong in this. And your poor friend sounds like if my best friend watched this series! Ha! Thank you for the heads up with the OP/ED, and the kind words and comment! Season 4 Part 2, LET’S GO!


This sets up the next part so much. It'll blow your mind. Porco was in the crowd when Pieck threw her hands up. Now to the good stuff. Let's talk about Armin's reaction... Let's talk about it... In Part 2. Mwahahaha 😈 Seriously. If you thought Part 1 was great... Part 2 goes even higher and it's still going. TO THE WHITEBOARD-KUN!


I am VERY excited! :) And yessss, Porco in the crowd! I can't believe I missed it the first time around! :) Thank you for not spoiling and I have Whiteboard-kun prepped and ready to go! :)

Toni simi

The Pieck Eren confrontation is sooo good. We've seen Armin manipulate people trough out the series, so I want to believe that he just played an act in front of Yelena. I haven't watched any of the new episodes yet, just specific scenes I wanted to see so I'm really excited to get into it together with you. Now I can finally give you a link to this wonderful Jean edit. Our king deserves more amv's. https://youtu.be/1lEKu3ThRW8 Wish you a wonderful day!!


I loooooove that confrontation SO much! And I'm wondering if Armin's pulling an act; I guess we'll find out, eh!?!? :D And ahhhhhh, that was such a good AMV of our King! Jean is seriously one of my favorites, up there with Armin! :) I loved that -- thanks for the link and have a great day, too!