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Yang's actor deserves SERIOUS PROPS for portraying his character to a "T!" This is exactly as I pictured Yang from the book and the heartache and angst with his relationship with XingChen and Song was done SO WELL in these episodes! A-Qing's (Jing's) actress also deserves accolades for her performance as well! <3

The fight choreography, the spooky vibes, the heartache and pain -- all of what I love about Yi City came out in these episodes, and there were even some surprises I wasn't expecting! I'm sad Yi City has concluded, but now we get Xichen angst?! I'm both excited and not ready for the final ten episodes to come!

Thanks for watching with me and for the support!


The Untamed: Episodes 38-39 Reaction! THE YI CITY ARC OF ANGST!!

Link to Reaction (starts at 2:25): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/QPP1eJjvnac4ERVKCT2xqq? **HEADPHONE WARNINGS FOR SURE** Yang's actor deserves SERIOUS PROPS for portraying his character to a "T!" This is exactly as I pictured Yang from the book and the heartache and angst with his relationship with XingChen and Song was done SO WELL in these episodes! A-Qing's (Jing's) actress also deserves accolades for her performance as well! The fight choreography, the spooky vibes, the heartache and pain -- all of what I love about Yi City came out in these episodes, and there were even some surprises I wasn't expecting! I'm sad Yi City has concluded, but now we get Xichen angst?! I'm both excited and not ready for the final ten episodes to come! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



I've been waiting!!!! Ahhhhhhh. Tissues are ready and Ice Cream as well

Ivan is Yda

YESSSSS YI CITY! The pain! The anguish! The retribution and heartbreak! I love how when Wuxian goes serious, he’s like, REALLY serious. He takes no nonsense, and doesn’t even join in the banter with the kids as he usually does. Yes, A-jing is such a cutie🥺 she really emanated the spirit of a child. Xingchen’s actor is just perfect. Notice how Xingchen covers his sword? A sword is often the signature of a cultivator. Cultivators are recognized by their swords, especially if they are well-known. I think, in the live action, Xingchen already KNEW she wasn’t blind at all. She gave way too many hints, and Xingchen is overly observant. It’s impossible he didn’t have her figured out as they lived together for 3 years. It’s really tragic, no matter the adaptation, what happened. It was with Xingchen and A-jing that Xue Yang felt cared for. :( Xue Yang and A-jing’s build-up tension is just so engaging, in a way. So is Xingchen and Xue Yang’s growing bond thanks to ignorance. Wang Haoxuan played Xue Yang so well! He’s so sinister and terrifying, but his actor is just so cute and gentle🥺 like…THAT POOR POTATO🤣 Someone on Reddit pointed out that A-jing’s clothes are different from her past self to her current self. Her current, undead self is wearing white, different from her bright robes 7 years ago. The theory is that, even though A-jing betrayed Xue Yang, he still had some affection for her. Not as intimate as he felt with Xingchen, but more like a sibling bond, in a way. And when Xue Yang killed A-jing the first time around, he buried her with decency. A-jing is wearing very light, white robes, one that is fit for a burial. Xue Yang and and Song Lan’s sword choreo was so smooth! The translations make Wuxian say “Xiao Xingchen” during Empathy, but it’s supposed to be “Uncle Xiao”, cause the way he addresses Xingchen while watching the flashbacks is “Xiao-shishu”. The PAIN in Song Lan’s eyes😭 I hate it, it’s so painful! And the MADNESS in Xue Yang. You can see the desperation on his face and hear it in his voice, but he refuses to acknowledge it. I love how Wuxian can easily point out the gaps in Xue Yang’s reasons. Ning was so quick—WEI WUIAN PROTECTION SQUAD😤 And when the ghostface man fails to take Xue Yang—RETRIBUTION!!! Xue Yang’s flashback is also heartbreaking— Poor Xingchen 😭 he only wanted to do good, but in the end he lost faith in the world and himself. And then YANG! My God, Haoxuan really dod so well! The heartbreak just feels so real. He fixes the table for two people, as if waiting for Xingchen to wake up and live life as before. With Xingchen, I think he believed he didn’t need to be lonely anymore because there was someone who actually cared. Not for his talents, or what he can offer. Xingchen just CARED, and Xue Yang didn’t want to lose that. That’s why he’s so desperate to bring him back. Your reaction to Xue Yang’s breakdown is just… 🥺same, dude. Not sure if this was mentioned before, but MXTX actually WANTED to write a book the centered around Song Lan, Xingchen, and Yang. But the idea was scrapped, and the story meant for them was inserted into MDZS instead. Those Juniors, they’re so cute. 🥺 they’re babies, WangXian’s babies🥺 The parallels though of Xingchen and Song Lan, and Wangji and Wuxian. It just hurts to see, and the way they just look at each other. To Song Lan, seeing Wuxian back with Wangji after 16 years, it probably gives him that hope that Xingchen will be back again someday that way too. Mingjue still sexc without the head👀just sayin’. The Junior Quartet! 🥺 I love how Jin Ling has no idea how to make friends, and so he appears hostile and irritated all the time, but they still welcome him. Wuxian missing Yuan is painful. But the way his mood changes when he meets Wangji🥺 ALSO! I want to point out, that when two people buy a lantern like that, it’s like a couple’s thing. Most especially during festivals, you’ll see A LOT of couples with lanterns together. I remember watching this the first time, and when Xichen revealed that he knew, I was actually terrified for Wuxian. Especially with the stern look on Xichen’s face. We also get a glimpse of Xichen’s blind trust that he puts in Yao. And I love how Wangji points out that Yao doesn’t have to be the one doing these things, that someone could be working with him behind the scenes. And that face Xichen makes at the accusation, he knows it’s possible and that scares him🥺 And then hearing that conversation of the Juniors the first time around, I started to feel conflicted about Jin Ling cause of how he acted and spoke about Wuxian. I wanted to scream “no you’re wrong! He’s your uncle, pls just talk to him!” This has been a rollercoaster to end the night for me🤣I best head to bed lol AHHHHHH next week’s episodes are gonna be fricking AWESOME! I’m always so excited for your uploads🥰🥰🥰 thank you, as always, for this video! :3


Omg Yi City arc. One of my favorite arc on the whole show. I hope I understand your comment correctly XD, but I have always thought that Wei Wuxian saw everything during empathy. For me they cut that part, to show it during Xue Yang's death just to make it more dramatic for us. And maybe to show how Xue Yang (obviously in his own twisted way)cared and ""loved"" Xingchen. I first saw The Untamed and then read the novel and when I got to Yi City and read that Song Lan didn't actually kill Xue Yang but was taken away I was like "what?", It's pretty much your same reaction but you with The Untamed and me with the novel XD. Fantastic reaction as always, I'm looking forward to these last ten episodes. Already? XD


Yes, Yang's actor is soooo good. He is the embodiment of Yang and no one else can play that role better than he did. Xichen immediately defended Yao by saying that he saw no traces left on the **body** of Yao using the Portal Talisman. Well, I mean how would you know that unless you have been seeing his body during "every single night" you've spent with him lol. You're gonna fool me as a XiYao shipper. No way. There are really ten episodes left! Wow. Can't wait for next week!


SERIOUSLY, Yang's actor just SOLD this performance! I absolutely loved it -- and hm...hahahahaha...hmmmmm...yeah, Xichen...how would you know? The XiYao shippers are not convinced otherwise! ;) I can't believe we're down the final ten (and two movies)! It's wild, but YES! Next week! Thank you for the comment!


This was SUCH a great set of episodes, right!? I wasn't sure if he saw Yang's flashback with the candy or not, since it seemed like he woke up before we saw it, but maybe that wasn't the case! I definitely think in his own warped way, he did "love" or come to cherish a friendship/relationship with XingChen, which makes the lead up to his death all the more tragic. That's funny that you had the same reaction, only reversed! It's neat how depending on what "version" you read first, it can alter your views on the story! Thanks so much for the kind words and comment! And yeah, I'm SO excited for these ten episodes...but how did we get here?! @.@ Already, indeed!


That tagline! Hahahaha, yes, this series of episodes has ALL of that! 😊 I LOVE that, too; serious WuXian is NOT to be messed with! I love that this story made it into MDZS, even if it was meant to be its own story, originally. And the actors for XingChen, Song, A-Jing, Yang; all of them were EXACTLY how I pictured from the novel and they did their scenes soooo well! That’s a great note about XingChen covering his blade! Nice! It is tragic if XingChen did know she wasn’t blind but never told her, because she could have given him SO many hints about Yang…ugh…the tragedy of it all! That’s neat about her clothing change as well – if that’s true, it would match up with his angst after both of them died…hmmm, interesting! Yang’s actor does closeups and stares so well and can have such a menacing aura around him as an actor, that potato…we felt for it, haha! And that choreography was SO SMOOTH in his fight with Song! One of my favorite fights in the series! And yes, the desperation in his face and voice, especially when XingChen dies – it matches Song Lan’s pain and is just heartbreaking! I love that in the present timeline WuXian LITERALLY has a protection squad! And Ning as the head of it; too cute! And the juniors being the little ducklings following WWX and LWJ – I love it! That’s such a good point about Ling struggling to initially make friends…and WuXian missing Yuan? I can’t wait until the certain reveal! :3 OH! And it’s a “Couple Thing,” the lantern? Hahaha, no wonder Sizhui has that curious-but-knowing look on his face! 😊 It’s sad how XingChen lost faith in the world and himself…he had so much potential…I can see why Wangji maybe likens himself to Song and WuXian to XingChen. T-T Bahahaahaha, Mingjue may be one of few corpses that can “rock it” without a head! XD Xichen – I was nervous with his scene with WuXian; the tension is done SO well, and yessss, getting lots of little insights into how XiChen trusts Yao. And yes, at LWJ spouting truth bombs, XiChen seems nervous, because he knows that’s very well possible. Ahhh, thank you much for the comment and kind words! These were such great episodes, but I have a feeling the hype is REAL for the final leg of this journey!! 😊 I can’t wait! Cheers!