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THESE EPISODES. Holy Smokes. The game isn't over yet and it's literally anyone's match at this point, but these episodes were SO SATISFYING.

Moments I've wanted all season finally come to fruition, along with surprises, hilarity, and above all, the highlight of the "Partnership" between our Sunshine Boy and our Leaderly Troll. There's so much to say about these episodes...and I can't wait to talk with you all about them.

LINK: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/YHhnKxPYxUPhBkYF7kwbGw?

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Ace of the Diamond Season 2: Episodes 46-48 Reaction! PARTNERSHIP!!

Link to Reaction (starts at 3:52): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/YHhnKxPYxUPhBkYF7kwbGw? **OH, THE HEADPHONE WARNINGS!** THESE EPISODES. Holy Smokes. The game isn't over yet and it's literally anyone's match at this point, but these episodes were SO SATISFYING. Moments I've wanted all season finally come to fruition, along with surprises, hilarity, and above all, the highlight of the "Partnership" between our Sunshine Boy and our Leaderly Troll. There's so much to say about these episodes...and I can't wait to talk with you all about them. Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Melanie Marie (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-04 05:59:10 I have like the total opposite opinion 😅 I agree that the first years were not ready to win last tournament but I think that the team as a whole was way stronger last semester. There’s no doubt in my mind that if Mei hadn’t crumbled and lost, Innashiro would have wiped the floor with this team. Like, yes, the first years have gotten way better BUT Seido lost a LOT of batting power with the third years (Yuki, Ryo, Jun & Masuko) and I don’t think anyone but maybe Miyuki & Haruichi would have been able to face Mei. Even with Sanada who is no way near Mei’s level they are struggling so much! If it weren’t from Sawamura & Kawakami’s excellent pitching, they would have been crushed! 😅 They haven’t gotten a good hit at all, so I think they were lucky that Mei crumbled when he did. HOWEVER, I do think that if they improve on their batting, they have the potential to become a better team than the one with the third years. The team with the third years flaw was lack of pitcher power and, now, Seido has two amazing pitchers but lacks batters power. RN Seido & Innashiro are incomplete teams, one lacks batting and the other catching power. So if both teams manage to cover their bases on those positions, it’s going to make for an amazing rematch.
2022-03-02 16:07:30 I have like the total opposite opinion 😅 I agree that the first years were not ready to win last tournament but I think that the team as a whole was way stronger last semester. There’s no doubt in my mind that if Mei hadn’t crumbled and lost, Innashiro would have wiped the floor with this team. Like, yes, the first years have gotten way better BUT Seido lost a LOT of batting power with the third years (Yuki, Ryo, Jun & Masuko) and I don’t think anyone but maybe Miyuki & Haruichi would have been able to face Mei. Even with Sanada who is no way near Mei’s level they are struggling so much! If it weren’t from Sawamura & Kawakami’s excellent pitching, they would have been crushed! 😅 They haven’t gotten a good hit at all, so I think they were lucky that Mei crumbled when he did. HOWEVER, I do think that if they improve on their batting, they have the potential to become a better team than the one with the third years. The team with the third years flaw was lack of pitcher power and, now, Seido has two amazing pitchers but lacks batters power. RN Seido & Innashiro are incomplete teams, one lacks batting and the other catching power. So if both teams manage to cover their bases on those positions, it’s going to make for an amazing rematch.

I have like the total opposite opinion 😅 I agree that the first years were not ready to win last tournament but I think that the team as a whole was way stronger last semester. There’s no doubt in my mind that if Mei hadn’t crumbled and lost, Innashiro would have wiped the floor with this team. Like, yes, the first years have gotten way better BUT Seido lost a LOT of batting power with the third years (Yuki, Ryo, Jun & Masuko) and I don’t think anyone but maybe Miyuki & Haruichi would have been able to face Mei. Even with Sanada who is no way near Mei’s level they are struggling so much! If it weren’t from Sawamura & Kawakami’s excellent pitching, they would have been crushed! 😅 They haven’t gotten a good hit at all, so I think they were lucky that Mei crumbled when he did. HOWEVER, I do think that if they improve on their batting, they have the potential to become a better team than the one with the third years. The team with the third years flaw was lack of pitcher power and, now, Seido has two amazing pitchers but lacks batters power. RN Seido & Innashiro are incomplete teams, one lacks batting and the other catching power. So if both teams manage to cover their bases on those positions, it’s going to make for an amazing rematch.


47 one of the best episodes this whole show lol Mei glowing at the beginning was his reaction to Sawamura having a change up 😂 he wasn't just hyped to see Sawamura vs Raichi, he was fuming over Sawamura getting a change up like him lmao "Don't put everything on your back just because you're captain" ugh. Sawamura you little angel. Oblivious little angel he is lol. I dont think people tell Miyuki enough that he doesn't have to shoulder everything all the time. I think from his childhood too you could argue he's always had to shoulder more than he should have with his Dad working all the time but having someone finally release that pressure and stress must've been nice even if for a second. Sawamura assuming it was a "slump" cracks me up lol that boy is so oblivious it hurts. The team being so serious about Chris' injury is so solemn. It clearly hit everyone deeply and in different ways but I wonder if Miyuki understands more now why Chris didn't say anything. Rei and Kataoka definitely still blame themselves for not seeing Chris' injury in advance so it must be such a slap in the face for both of them to once again having missed such a big injury. Something about the bat breaking is so intense lol. I think he's broken 3 or 4 bats this series so far and it's always such a jaw dropper lol. Their poor dad is sobbing at his wallet again. Every pitcher takes it as such a challenge to break his bat and are so excited when they get it lol Sanada is so polite for being so hot lol. We've talked about this before but he really is the most respectful hot jock. The way he talked to his senpai was just so sweet. Also Sanada talking about weight training and trying to build up his lower body is really to show his motivation to get over his lower leg injury. They talk about it in season 1 but his inability to throw 9 innings is because the way he pitches puts too much pressure and tension on his legs so they get weak and give out. Him trying to build up the muscle in his legs is his resolve to not let his legs keep him grounded from playing 9 innings anymore and I love that he's so motivated now. I love how personally offended Mei was at Miyuki not getting on base again lol. Its very much giving "don't embarrass me for dating you once upon a time infront of all these people" 😂 Mishimas journal is actually a list of people he wants to beat. So he has a list of west Tokyo and east Tokyo players he wants to someday beat. Sanada, Raichi, Mei, Mukai, and maybe Umemiya are on there but I don't remember the full list lol. He was saying he'd add Sawamura to that list of players he wants to beat. I love Rei and Miyukis relationship. I genuinely see it like a brother sister thing and its so cute to see how worried about him she was. Really was an older sister getting mad at her younger brother for being reckless lol. Even down to the pouting after about being shown up Sometimes Sawamura gets these poses where he really looks like Mei. Him looking down at Mishima from the mound as Mishima was on first was such a Mei thing. Looking down at all the peasants who aren't as good as him. But Sawamura obviously doesn't think that. I loooove the scene reminiscing about Miyuki and Sawamuras past. I dont know if you caught it but when Sawamura is about to actually throw that last pitch to Raichi you can see Raichi fade away and Azuma fades in and then it switches back as he goes to throw. And when he actually throws it you can see the Seidou hat fade on his head to show him when he was facing Azuma vs now facing Raichi. A small detail that's just so cool. Sanada loving a challenge is the best thing to watch. Every batter that comes up to challenge him just gets him more excited and heated and it's so satisfying to watch. Sanada is for sure the type to appreciate everyone else's hard work and dedication over being threatened or upset at a challenge. I still don't know why Kanemaru gets called party boy but I enjoy it everytime lol. Asou honestly represents probably the majority of players at Seidou. Never feeling satisfied, always reaching higher, wanting more attention and never feeling like they're working hard enough. I really enjoy him as a character because of it. He's very relatable as a character. I always wonder the audience thought on hearing Sawamura SCREAM that Kataoka told him to give up as a pitcher on his first day lmao. This last at bat with Mochi really circled back around to Ryousuke at the beginning of the game commenting that he thinks too much and that if he just focused on hitting instead of trying to think he'd get on base more. We didn't hear many of his thoughts but just him overemphasizing that he needs to get on base was already him thinking too much. This series has such a reoccurring theme of "I can't lose to first years". Everyone in the second and third years always looks down on first year's and it's real funny when they get destroyed by a first year 😂 they should be more like Miyuki in "grades and ages don't matter on the field". Should just be if you're a good player you get to play. I love this set. I'm so ready for the finale next week lol


Ooohhhh! That's interesting! I can definitely see the "team as a whole was stronger" in season 1 with the third years. I think if this current team had faced Inashiro from last year, there'd be no question who would have won! I think that matchup-wise, Inashiro from S1 had the upperhand over our boys, as awesome as they were -- whereas Yakushi in S2 did not have the upperhand over this Seido, if that makes sense. I LOVE your idea that Seido and Inashiro have areas to improve upon between now and Act II, where they could possibly have a rematch; I hadn't thought about that, but that's SO hyping! Well...now, I'm excited! hahaha, thank you for that and the comment! :D


I would have to agree about Episode 47 – it’s SO GOOD! That is HILARIOUS that Mei was furious about Sawamura getting a change up – I mean, him and Mei have “some” similarities, don’t they? :P And HA, the big difference is that Sawamura would tease but never be offended at Miyuki’s performance; your description of Mei’s agitation is SPOT ON, though! XD That’s a really good point about Miyuki taking on so much because of his upbringing; I like that Sawamura reassures him that doesn’t have to be the case. And ha! Yeah, our oblivious boy…at least he’s trying, right? :P And yeah, I’m sure that Rei and Kataoka feel bad because the team knows how serious Chris’s injury affected everyone…I DO like the relationship between Miyuki and Rei, though; definitely older sibling vibes! I have an aunt who is only 8 years older than me, so she feels more like a sister; Rei gives off that same vibe to me with Miyuki as my aunt. And SERIOUSLY, this was the worst bat break! Every pitcher has “break Haruichi’s bat” on their bucket list, hahaha! But also, YES! Ryo’s father is weeping from having to take out another loan to buy bats for this boys. :P I never thought I’d be for the “Respectful Hot Jock” type, but Sanada fits the bill. He’s so stinking polite and chill about it all. I forget in this series that HE had a leg injury! Oh wow…remind me of that in next week’s episodes, because now I have a whole new understanding about a particular reaction of his! @.@ That’s interesting that he can’t usually pitch a full game because of the pressure on his legs, and I like that his weight training is a symbol of his commitment to moving forward and getting better. :3 And the fact that he loves the challenge and pressure of it all! *sigh* Sanada is great. That is great about Mishima and his “list” too! :3 Sawamura making people’s lists of ones to beat! Our boy is growing up!! BUT YES! That “snobby” look from Sawamura was SO Mei…man, Miyuki has a type, even though we know Sawamura is not at all a diva like Mei. Yessss, I did notice Azuma! The callbacks in that moment!! I love that little detail! Bahahaha, I hadn’t thought about that with Kataoka telling him to give up…maybe they just took that as part of Sawamura’s chaotic banter and rolled with it, but haha, that’s a good point! Our sunshine boy has come so far… Kanemaru being “party boy” is something that’s funny to me; maybe we’ll eventually get more on that? And that’s a fair point, Aso represents Seido’s “hunger” and desire to keep getting better! He’s definitely grown on me this season. I also love that this season has helped reaffirm just how much Kuramochi THINKS, too. This season’s (ever since the OVA, really) has cemented him as one of my favorites, too. And that’s interesting about the “losing to first years” motif…now that Sawamura and Furuya will soon not be first years…that should make that all the more interesting! But yes! THIS WEEK BEING THE FINALE! I can’t wait! Thanks for the comment!