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In addition to the reactions for the rest of February and March, this is the MADNESS I will be sorting through...y'all voted and here's how the bracket turned out, based on your votes.

I have a "rubric" made to hopefully be objective in the decisions with each round, because...y'all...some of these are STACKED!

Wish me the best of luck! We'll see if your favorites make it through! 

Hoping to get videos out for this series in March! 



Melanie Marie

this is going to be so much fun! cant wait :)


I am staring at these brackets and some of the rounds...it's going to be wild, but a lot of fun, too! Thanks!! :D


Oh God, Nanami vs Spike in round one?! You monster ;)


I ordered everyone by the number of votes and then separated them out like the March Madness seeding for NCAA basketball works...I didn't pick the rounds, haha!! These monstrosities we're luck of the draw and some of them have me terrified hahaa!!!


Man I see so many of these where I'm like: "Yeah I like them but I could have never voted for them because they aren't even 18 and I'm 25 so calling them my husbando or waifu would have felt weird to me"


I FEEL YOUR PAIN! There's a lot of "young 'uns" on here -- I made a rubric (#teacherlife) to help decide who would win each round in the most unbiased way possible, so that's going to help account for that. But YES, as an older adult, the characters I would have considered "husbandos" in high school are much different for me now. :)