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LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/t6tdqs
**Nervous Laughter...Yep, Headphone Warning**  

Not since "Warrior" in Season 2 has an episode gotten me this worked up from the tension, the reveals, the moving speeches (Mr. Braus deserves Father of the DECADE for this show), FLOCH, and the mystery STILL building and ramping up FOUR. SEASONS. IN. What the hell, Isayama?!  

Welp, we're in the final act of Part 1, aren't we? I've wanted Eren to talk with Armin and Mikasa...and now I'm getting it...be careful what you wish for, eh? Seriously, this episode was worth the ice cream. I hope you all enjoy my rambles.   

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Attack on Titan Season 4: Episode 13 Reaction! "CHILDREN OF THE FOREST!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/t6tdqs **Nervous Laughter...Yep, Headphone Warning** Mini-Recap ends at 28:00 Not since "Warrior" in Season 2 has an episode gotten me this worked up from the tension, the reveals, the moving speeches (Mr. Braus deserves Father of the DECADE for this show), FLOCH, and the mystery STILL building and ramping up FOUR. SEASONS. IN. What the hell, Isayama?! Welp, we're in the final act of Part 1, aren't we? I've wanted Eren to talk with Armin and Mikasa...and now I'm getting it...be careful what you wish for, eh? Seriously, this episode was worth the ice cream. I hope you all enjoy my rambles. Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


WuXian Suibian

Let's raise a toast!! How ya feeling about that wine now? If you got back to EP 10, there are quite a few scenes with emphasis on wine. Looking back now, I was like WOW, but at the time it does not appear to be anything. Floch is just CREEPY! Poor Falco.


Welcome to the worst dinner party ever! 1 star rating for this restaurant experience. Was having a good time when suddenly two children nearly got murdered by the chef, a child nearly committed murder, a radical nationalist group came in and took over the place and the wine is probably contaminated. Welp. ⭐️🍷 I watched this episode for the first time with a friend who is still anime only and he hadn’t seen the twist coming. I brought out red wine for us to drink with the episode and I don’t think he has fully forgiven me yet bless him! My nickname from him is still ‘filthy manga reader’ Yuichiro Hayashi, the director of this season, said himself that this is his favourite episode of this first half and boy did he pick well. Though honestly this is my second favourite (as there’s something more amazing in my eyes) but this part of the story is a masterclass in writing. Soo many players and factors had to be planned to bring this moment in the restaurant to life. The clues to the wine and the involvement of Nicolo, Gabi shooting Sasha, Nicolo finding out that it was a warrior candidate, the Braus’ being invited to the restaurant, Kaya meeting Gabi and and Falco and bringing them to the Braus’, inviting them to the restaurant too because she knows Nicolo is a Marelyan, the scouts figuring out the Marleyan’s involvement, Jaegerists trying to find Hange etc etc.. This whole moment could of felt contrived and yet all the pieces make sense when they come together. Let’s just clap for Isayama because holy shit! 👏👏👏 The children in the forest motif is one of my favourites in this story and you can see it not just in Gabi and Sasha but ALL the way back to the beginning with almost all of our characters. It’s tied together with the motif of the cycle of violence but it’s the perfect counter argument. It’s almost a slap in the face to violence. To boldly say that NO we can stop it from happening. It’s like I’ve said before in previous episodes… it’s in the trying. It’s in the small acts of fighting against the cycle that really matter. Violence will always exist but people like Mr Braus’ and their influence will ALSO always exist. It’s not false hope. It’s something that as an individual you can do to make a difference. You can keep the next generation from making the same mistakes. It’s perfect. I love it. Again clap for Isayama 👏 But yet again even with that speech the cycle continues. Eren in a way created Gabi and Gabi in turn created Kaya. Side note I really love how there’s a kinda meta to Nicolo’s reaction. First he goes straight to violence and wants this girl dead. Then with coxing and some reflection he immediately feels remorseful for actually considering killing a child. Sound familiar fandom??? This was a lot of peoples journey with Gabi as a character. Sadly some people still despise her for the simple fact that she killed Sasha and want her dead without even considering her amazing character arc. People are free to hate her of course but I’ll never understand how far some people go with it. - small things Love the detail that the ‘fake’ flashback was in green. Often flashbacks are in sepia tones or black and white. So the unsettling green tone at the beginning was a perfect clue to us the audience that we shouldn’t completely trust what we see or what Zeke is saying. So yes they do not freeze up at all which is a terrifying detail! The fact you could have drunk this wine (or take in the gas) and you just go about your day without knowing…like Hange says that one lil lie is disastrous. But it’s just like what Pixis said about telling a GOOD lie. You mix the truth in. Voice acting is always immaculate in this show but let’s give it to Nicollo’s and Gabi’s 👏 Nicollo’s seiyuu hasn’t done much in the industry but holy shit he is phenomenal! I believed their love story even without them really showing us anything just from his despair in his voice. What a compelling character in such a short space of time. Also almost all the big theme moments in this story come from the adult side characters. Mr Braus’ children of the forest, Kruger’s anyone can be a god or devil, Uri’s violence is necessary but what was that made us friends, Kenny’s everyone is a slave to something etc. All such powerful moments. This cast is soo rich that tier lists are really difficult! Of course you made that Floch shot the thumbnail! Remember way back when I said that Mappa makes Floch hot (I still stand by this) but there was something that I neglected to mention but I’ll let you know when we reach it? Well when we had that discussion all I could think was ‘ah. there is one shot though that will backfire on me with that statement’ 😂 I’m surprised you only recently seen this face in a thumbnail as this meme was EVERYWHERE. Long live King Floch. What an absolute lil shit…. I love him though. 😄 So glad that you made the connection that he made his choice. So many of the cast had to ‘become’ devils because that’s what the situation called for. Floch willingly became one. And revels in it. That’s why one of my favourite dynamics (probs in my top 5) in the story for me is Erwin and Floch. And because you’ve said in a previous comment that you’ve seen ep14 I’ll write more on that in that one as this is already too long I’m soo sorry 😄 Levi this season is basically him constantly being like ‘when can I bloody retire and open my teashop?! Make this nightmare end already’. Jokes aside poor Levi. He’s as human as everyone else. And he genuinely cared for and protected Eren. So yeaaaaaaah this all sucks. He hates it here and I hate it here. Eren’s ‘you talkin’ shit, Armin?’ moment of him entering the room is basically the same energy as “I’m the armoured Titan and he’s the colossal Titan.” Isayama is brilliant at the ‘no big deal’ but BIG DEAL moments and I never see it coming and I never get sick of them. I think I’ll leave it there but I LOVED this episode reaction and discussion. I could feel how jazzed up you were and it was really fun to listen to even with such a fucked up situation as this is. Now let’s board the pain train once again. OH and you are absolutely correct. I had it easy following the manga month to month then having all this shit in a short space of time. Absolutely! However, there is one thing that I’ll let you know when it happens that you would have it easier than us manga people. But untill then… cheers! 🍷🍷

Be Happy

Wonderful reaction and discussion Romania , I love how some very non understandable words got out of your mouth as the episode goes, especially with Floch 😂 It’s zeke s power as a royal who turn eldians to titans not the Beast titan powers, because Colt said in ep 2 there haven’t been a beast like u in history.. you remind me of the founding titan..🤫 Aot is know for having wonderful episodes Trilogies in each season that are game changers like 16/17/18 from s3 and 10/11/12 from s2 and 6/7/8 from s1 . This part is no different and we have 13/14/15 as a mind blowing trilogy AND part 2 has the ultimate HOLLY trilogy , just you wait ☺️😉 What a ride this episode has been, I was in the edge of my seat with you seeing you go through all those emotions. Now after all this , some questions and remarks : What does it mean to Gabi ? How will the whole restaurant confrontation scene impact her and her pre conceived ideas? I guess we will see … right now she is with the one she vowed to kill but is frozen in fear because she realizes he is larger than life and his power is ultimate and could crush her like that , so how will it go?? Falco poor baby taking all those hits for Gabi , bless his heart .. I wanna hug him. Nicollo VA kills it this episode, the emotions he conveyed when talking about Sasha were gut wrenching and him saving Sasha ´s friends is his way to honor her memory, but being with Sasha ´s dad has been the biggest catalyst he had since meeting Sasha. It’s here that we know how brilliant and genius Isayama ´s writing is, because although everyone was heartbroken about Sasha ´s death but the Impact of that death is huge in the story. Kaya crying and yelling is heartbreaking and Mr braus speech is as you said, sums up the whole tragedy that is this story 😢 Erwin’s death was inevitable becausethe chaos in the military would never have happened if he was still around and Zeke ´s plan wouldn’t have worked. Even with the doubt Levi won’t let them kill Eren and plan to kill Zeke instead. He really cares for Eren and doesn’t want to let his hope down yet. The farce he was talking about is Eren being eaten by their hands, and the Shithead is Zeke 🤣. We know that the first Marley scout fleet in which Yelena came to Paradis is the one who brought the wine. Now , that last frame says it all. Words can be false but eyes can’t and Eren face and eyes are sad, depressed and lifeless. And good luck for next 2 episodes 🤣


I’d say this is one of my all-time favourite episodes of the series,as well! Great reaction and discussion, as always. The Floch face is iconic and of course you’d put emphasis on it and use it as a thumbnail, as you very well should lol. I remember feeling overwhelmed and hyped after the first time I watched it at the minute it came out on Crunchyroll last year hah but then had to rewatch it straight after to process- the emotional and plot-development deliveries were outstanding and the best is yet to come in that respect…. Won’t say more than that 😁 you’re getting closer to Part 2 which makes me very excited for the future reactions.


Other than me, you're the only other person who I've seen that doesn't hate Gabby, and actually tries to understand why she is the way she is and does the things she does. Hence why I like you, You also try to understand characters. Good or bad :)


i'd fallen wayy behind on the manga when these chapters came out so i was effectively anime only by the time these episodes came out (i've caught up since then) and i just remember how much this episode in particular blew my mind with how the event of gabi killing sasha caused SO MUCH to show the underlying themes of aot and to develop all these characters (gabi, niccolo, eren, etc). it was probably the moment i realised that aot is my favourite piece of media ever lol also the moment with Levi makes me so sad, seeing him regret putting his belief in Eren, and the fact that he was the one who told Eren not to regret his decisions and now Eren is going and doing this... (it seems significant that levi is in the same place that they had that conversation all those years ago as well)


Yelena and Floch as a crack ship? Honestly, I don't think Floch could handle Yelena, hahahaha, but that's quite an interesting combo. :P


HA! Maybe in a few episodes I'll feel like wine again...not now, for SURE! @_@ And yessss, I kept thinking the wine was "poisoned," and...it was...just now how I imagined! Much more disturbing! And yes, creepy Floch and poor Falco 10000%.


Oh, I've seen some people on here that like Gabby as well, so we're not alone! I definitely think Gabby isn't deserving of "hate." I can see how she wouldn't be a favorite character for some, but I definitely am curious where her character is going to go, and I empathize with her. :) Thanks for the kind words!


YESSSS, as sad as I was with Sasha's death, the impact it's had on these characters has been PROFOUND and I love it so much with what it's done involving themes, etc. And I agree, Levi showing emotion to his fellow survey corps members and being legitimately SAD is heartbreaking...the fact that he's realized his advice to Eren and is tying it to Eren...and in the same place as before when it happened?! Yep...it's heartbreaking! Thank you for the comment -- AOT is definitely becoming one of my favorite pieces of media, too, if y'all couldn't tell. ;)

Nyjae (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-22 20:27:04 Omg the king of Burger King as the Thumbnail!😂😂😂When the episode aired & his face came up I knew it was gonna be a meme everywhere😂The talk between Eren, Mikasa & Armin was my most anticipated thing to happen this whole season because every episode I was like omg they need to talk to Eren pls!! I can't wait any longer I NEED IT! So you can imagine my excitement for how the episode ended. That following Sunday came & THE episode was canceled due to an Earthquake in Japan. Thank goodness no one was hurt but it was so sudden that only half of ep. 14 premiered & we had to wait another week to see the rest lol PAIN. I'm glad the earthquake wasn't really bad tho because it's really scary to witness one. I've felt one once when I was little, my bed shook & my lamp. I cried & thought a plane was coming😭So yes that next sunday we got the full ep. 14 & 15 the same day ha ha aot chaos. Anyway back to ep. 13😂I thought we were getting a chill episode & man we were in for a rude awakening. I always deem this as the Nicolo episode because omg the impact this episode had on me I was shook all throughout. The cycle of violence. The memory of Sasha living through them & impacting them all, good & bad. SASHA'S DAD'S SPEECH!!⭐Falco & Gabi. Jean & Conny with the wine. Eren with the peekaboo at the end. I was already screaming the whole episode but having Eren walk in, hand cut, sayin I want to talk. Omg. Then we got foolish Floch over here messing with our gang. Levi having doubts. My brain couldn't handle lol one of my favorite episodes of course definitely top. Just all of the conversations bleeding into one another through each characters motivation & perspective was just beautifully done this episode. It's why it's such a stand out for me. Bless Nicolo's heart & everyone in pain. It's so hard. My heart hurts everytime because I understand everyone's side it's just complicated & it's easy to say well I'd do this but we don't know if we'd be Nicolo in this situation or if we'd be Sasha's father, etc. It's alot & I love these episodes that really make you think about everything. Loved the comparisons you did of Sasha's Dad's speech connecting to the aot story overall throughout the seasons. What an episode🙌🏽⭐
2022-02-19 22:42:56 Omg the king of Burger King as the Thumbnail!😂😂😂When the episode aired & his face came up I knew it was gonna be a meme everywhere😂The talk between Eren, Mikasa & Armin was my most anticipated thing to happen this whole season because every episode I was like omg they need to talk to Eren pls!! I can't wait any longer I NEED IT! So you can imagine my excitement for how the episode ended. That following Sunday came & THE episode was canceled due to an Earthquake in Japan. Thank goodness no one was hurt but it was so sudden that only half of ep. 14 premiered & we had to wait another week to see the rest lol PAIN. I'm glad the earthquake wasn't really bad tho because it's really scary to witness one. I've felt one once when I was little, my bed shook & my lamp. I cried & thought a plane was coming😭So yes that next sunday we got the full ep. 14 & 15 the same day ha ha aot chaos. Anyway back to ep. 13😂I thought we were getting a chill episode & man we were in for a rude awakening. I always deem this as the Nicolo episode because omg the impact this episode had on me I was shook all throughout. The cycle of violence. The memory of Sasha living through them & impacting them all, good & bad. SASHA'S DAD'S SPEECH!!⭐Falco & Gabi. Jean & Conny with the wine. Eren with the peekaboo at the end. I was already screaming the whole episode but having Eren walk in, hand cut, sayin I want to talk. Omg. Then we got foolish Floch over here messing with our gang. Levi having doubts. My brain couldn't handle lol one of my favorite episodes of course definitely top. Just all of the conversations bleeding into one another through each characters motivation & perspective was just beautifully done this episode. It's why it's such a stand out for me. Bless Nicolo's heart & everyone in pain. It's so hard. My heart hurts everytime because I understand everyone's side it's just complicated & it's easy to say well I'd do this but we don't know if we'd be Nicolo in this situation or if we'd be Sasha's father, etc. It's alot & I love these episodes that really make you think about everything. Loved the comparisons you did of Sasha's Dad's speech connecting to the aot story overall throughout the seasons. What an episode🙌🏽⭐

Omg the king of Burger King as the Thumbnail!😂😂😂When the episode aired & his face came up I knew it was gonna be a meme everywhere😂The talk between Eren, Mikasa & Armin was my most anticipated thing to happen this whole season because every episode I was like omg they need to talk to Eren pls!! I can't wait any longer I NEED IT! So you can imagine my excitement for how the episode ended. That following Sunday came & THE episode was canceled due to an Earthquake in Japan. Thank goodness no one was hurt but it was so sudden that only half of ep. 14 premiered & we had to wait another week to see the rest lol PAIN. I'm glad the earthquake wasn't really bad tho because it's really scary to witness one. I've felt one once when I was little, my bed shook & my lamp. I cried & thought a plane was coming😭So yes that next sunday we got the full ep. 14 & 15 the same day ha ha aot chaos. Anyway back to ep. 13😂I thought we were getting a chill episode & man we were in for a rude awakening. I always deem this as the Nicolo episode because omg the impact this episode had on me I was shook all throughout. The cycle of violence. The memory of Sasha living through them & impacting them all, good & bad. SASHA'S DAD'S SPEECH!!⭐Falco & Gabi. Jean & Conny with the wine. Eren with the peekaboo at the end. I was already screaming the whole episode but having Eren walk in, hand cut, sayin I want to talk. Omg. Then we got foolish Floch over here messing with our gang. Levi having doubts. My brain couldn't handle lol one of my favorite episodes of course definitely top. Just all of the conversations bleeding into one another through each characters motivation & perspective was just beautifully done this episode. It's why it's such a stand out for me. Bless Nicolo's heart & everyone in pain. It's so hard. My heart hurts everytime because I understand everyone's side it's just complicated & it's easy to say well I'd do this but we don't know if we'd be Nicolo in this situation or if we'd be Sasha's father, etc. It's alot & I love these episodes that really make you think about everything. Loved the comparisons you did of Sasha's Dad's speech connecting to the aot story overall throughout the seasons. What an episode🙌🏽⭐


It's SO hard picking favorites, because this series has SO many good episodes! Thank you so much for the kind word and comment -- that Floch face truly is epic, as much as his character frustrates me, hahaha! There was SO much happening in this episode, but I've re-watched this episode a few times now and I really enjoy it, despite the anxiety and tension it creates! And "the best is yet to come" is the ultimate hype for me! Thank you so much for not spoiling!! And SO CLOSE to Part 2....I'm terrified....but the wheel is spinning...no stopping now, eh? :D


Of COURSE Floch is the thumbnail for this! It's so meme-able, that troll! And yeessssss, the talk with Eren has been built up this entire season since Episode 8, and it looks like we're about to get it! Oh WOW, I had no clue that happened -- that's awful about the earthquake...and also about that! @_@ And Ep 14 and 15 THE SAME DAY?! The mind melting!! I cannot IMAGINE! What chaos (I haven't seen 15 yet, though, but I'm sure hahaha) -- and yeah, I was NOT prepared for the insanity of this episode. Thank you all for not warning me; it was such a pleasant surprise! If by pleasant, I mean mind-melting! Sasha's dad is so pure and I love him. It's definitely one of my favorite elements of this episode, but like you said, there's so much that just makes this such a great episode! I've not felt the anxiety or "flow" of an episode like this since "Warrior," and I love it, even if it makes my brain melt. Thank you for the kind words and YES! What. An. Episode! :)


Thank you for the kind words and comment! And yeah, Floch does that, hahahaha! Ahhh, that makes sense about Zeke’s powers! No spoilers, though, please! I want to figure it out as I go, hahaha! 😊 I also want to try and go in blindly, so please don’t tell me the episodes in part 2 to look forward to! I LOVED that this episode came as a complete surprise and wasn’t hyped up. But thank you – this episode has been one of my favorites!! I’m DEFINITELY curious to see how this affects Gabi in the long run, but also POOR FALCO – I want to hug our boy, definitely! Niccolo’s VA was great! I hate that he lost the love of his life, but his conversation and confrontation with Gabi and Mr. Braus was SO GOOD. Isayama is just a genius writer and I love how he took one character’s death and made it have SO much impact in this story, both in terms of plot and theme. This story is definitely feeling more and more like a giant tragedy. ☹ That makes much more sense about Eren shouldn’t be the one eaten, it’s Zeke! Hahaha! Thank you for clarifying that! And man….Yelena bringing that wine with her from Paradis…this was a LONG term plan, darn it! @_@ And ha ha ha ha haha….I hate seeing Eren like this. Yup, not having a good time, here. But thank you so much for the comment and well wishes! **nervous laugh**


AGREED. WORST. DINNER PARTY. EVER. Hahaha, I loved your review! XD Also, that is SO devious!! I can picture your friend’s reaction! Really glad I chose coffee for this reaction! “Filthy Manga Reader” – hahahahaa! I can see why this would be the director’s favorite – it’s literally SO well done from end to end! The writing, the directing, the pieces all coming together – sooooooo well done! And yes, the clues laid throughout the episodes leading up to this are just masterful. And I love how it all happens so naturally; none of the pieces and “steps” to get here – like you said – felt forced. It all comes together so well! Applause to Isayama! 😊 And I feel Mr. Braus’s speech is EXACTLY what I was looking for in this series – a light in the deep darkness that’s swept over this season. I absolutely love the message here…now…if only Eren had heard it, eh? Because yeah, despite the speech, the cycle is still going. And I hate that. And yes, I hate that people still hate Gabi – I think Episodes 11-13 have really shown she’s LITERALLY just a kid and that her whole worldview was so messed up and is now being smashed and reforged (maybe). Ooohhh, I hadn’t considered that with the “green” tone in the flashback! Good notice, there! I hadn’t considered that! That lie, mixed with the truth, caused them to take so much for granted, and here we are… And YES! The voice acting in this episode was SO GOOD! Gabi and Niccolo especially, I agree! I’ve stayed away from spoilers best I can, so yeah, I think starting this in June 2021, once Part 1 was over, may have helped me avoid seeing this for as long as I did, but Floch….our Burger King. Long may he reign, eh? And yeah, Floch I love to loathe and the contrast with Erwin is FASCINATING! But yeah…lots more about him to come with Episode 14, eh? I will warn that I got explicit in the reaction with my feelings of Floch in 14…it’s all in good fun, though, eh? :P I think being in my 30’s, loving tea, and finding myself wanting to clean more and more in these pandemic times…I’ve never related more to Levi. I’m with him. Just let our boy retire and open a tea shop. I’m hating it here, too. This episode felt the most like “Warrior” in terms of hype, so it makes sense that Eren just popping in unexpected matches Reiner’s revelation so well. They really are sides of the same coin, eh? But yeah, Isayama just has these moments HAPPEN – I love him for it, but my heart doesn’t, haha! Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! I had SO much energy with this episode – “jazzed” is right, and I’m glad you had fun with my rambles amidst this messed up situation! All aboard the pain train now, though, right?! Ooohhh, I’ll look (forward?) to hearing about that moment you mentioned when we get to it! But yeah, Cheers, eh? 😊


I’m having such a fun time listening to these podcast style post discussions Papa Brauss’s speech is definitely powerful, and was a highlight for me when this aired. He deserves a Gandhi Award or something And even though Floch is a little shit, I love how memeable his face is 😂


Oh thank you so much for the kind words!! They're literally podcasts as this point, so I'm just embracing it, haha! But Papa Brauss is a literal saint and deserves ALL the awards -- he's the dad everyone deserves! :) And seriously, Floch is indeed our Burger King, but he's memeable and fun to poke at, so he can stay...for now. XD Thanks for the comment! ^^

Be Happy

I would never spoil you about what episodes to expect, I just wanted to hype you for part 2, is all. 😄 It s the reason we are here with you in this journey to see your blind reaction to what’s to come 😉


Thank you!! I appreciate it! Some people on YouTube have tried to hype up specific episodes before and I just wanted to make sure!! hahaha but thank you so much! It's going to be wild, I'm sure! <3 :D


I think this is my second favorite episode of the first part, and you did it justice. Re: people not hyping you up for this one... It's really hard to hype up episodes in the final season; there's so much insanity happening constantly. The real spoiler here is which episodes are merely very good, because there's so few of them. Papa Blouse is such a good person, and brings some serious dad energy to the table as well "It was free, so I brought everyone" lol I don't know if you've heard it yet, but the final episode of this part will be delayed for a week. I haven't checked the math, but I think if you watch ahead a little you can catch up to see the finale with everyone.


OH, thank you so much for the kind words and comment (and the info!) -- Hahaha, that IS a good point about the hype and that they're ALL good -- I would have to agree with that so far! I was hyped up for an episode this season (I won't say which one until the recap) and I have to say that it was GOOD but not as phenomenal as I was led to believe, so that's why I try to avoid getting hyped, but seriously -- picking my favorites is going to be HARD this season! And YES! Papa Blouse with the dad energy! XD "Free buffet for the kids!" haha!! Ahhhh, when I did the math, I think that the reactions will be a few weeks behind the finale even with it delayed, but I'll see where I am with reacting to see if I catch up! It'll all have to do with scheduling, but if I do catch up by then, I'll let you all know! :)

Toni simi

This is probably my favourite episode in the whole series. From finish to start I like every little thing. Levi's doubt, Nicolo wanting to protect Jean and Connie, Nicolo finding out that Gabi killed Sascha, mr. Braus' speech. There were a lot of scenes that set up great character development for Gabi, Eren just appearing out of nowhere. The voice acting was wonderful as well. It's hard to say I like one episode the most but I would choose this one if I had to. I like the connection you made between Eren and Nicolo. That was really interesting. The comparison between Gabi and the one scene in Arcane is so good. Sascha's father is a really good man. The things he said were powerful. When Floch said in this soft creepy voice, "Use your inside voice, please." it did something to me. Ono Kensho's voice sounded too good there. Wish you a wonderful day!!


I LOVE this episode! It's so good -- the tension, the voice acting, the mystery, the thriller elements and reveals -- it's all so good! SUCH character development in this episode and it all builds so perfectly as the threads tie together. More on that Eren/Niccolo connection in the next episode hahaha! And watching Arcane and Yona of the Dawn right now, I'm seeing sooooooo many ties to AOT in them as well! Ugh, Mr. Braus is just so wonderful; I LOVE him. And ooooohh, I can think what I will of Floch, but THAT LINE -- I am not ashamed to admit that I re-watch this episode to get to that moment, hahahaha -- Kensho's voice acting is sooooooooooo good in that moment! I really like his voice portrayal for Floch. Our Burger King. Thank you for the kind words and comment! :D Have a great day, too!