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I wasn't joking when I said it'd be impossible to rank the episodes for this recap by myself, hahaha! So, I've included this link below:


Polling ends February 26th. 

I won't look at this link until the 26th -- that's about the time I'll be recording the recap (so I'll already have Episodes 1-16 of Part 1 recorded by then). 

I will definitely talk about my choices in the recap, but it'll be fun to compare them alongside everyone else's top picks! :) Have fun and thanks for helping! 😁



fortunately I’ve got in my notes all my favourite episodes of each season ranked on my notes on my phone so this was very easy 😄 Verrryyyy curious who comes out on top as there’s a few strong contenders for it


That's great! Hahaha!! I want to go back and re-watch this season from start to finish before the recap and before I make my own final choice; I have my favorites in mind, but ranking this season from top to bottom is just nightmarish! XD

Jimmy lujan

I did not realize how hard that was gonna be😂 I wanted so many episodes to be in my top 5


YES! I was thinking about it the other day and ranking them is SO hard! This season is just packed with good episodes!! Thanks for voting!


Had to get my notebook out cuz I never ranked them & omg it was hard lol Silly me thought I could do it without my notebook💀This was fun tho☺️⭐


First few were easy, but the further you get down the harder it is. Honestly this season was fire all the way, but I think 2 episodes seem a lot like transition episodes to me. Still lots of interesting info in all of them, but they dont have any high highs or low lows, so they fall further down on the scale. Anyway, I've done my duty, see you on the other side o7

Be Happy

OMG! That was hard!! Honestly N 1 and 2 were easy because I have two favorite episodes in this season but the rest?? 😱 This season is packed with great episodes and I really had a hard time choosing and sometimes changing my mind in the last minutes!! I am curious to see your ranking though 😏🤣 Will the recap be on the same day you upload your reaction to episode 17 (1st of part 2) or will it be the day before??


RIGHT?! I knew there was no way I could do this alone!! I'm glad you had fun ranking, though!!


I agree; I have my top 4 maybe figured out easily, but then...it's so hard, because like you said, this season was FIRE all the way through! I can see the "transition episodes" but they're still so good...thank you for voting, though!! See you on the other side, indeed! :)


Yeahhhh, this season was so hard! And I have with every recap literally changed my mind the day I've recorded, so it will probably happen again! :) Yeah, I'm curious to see how my picks will rank alongside everyone else's! And my plan is to have the Recap out the Friday before (probably around noon CST) Episode 17 comes out Saturday morning! :)

Be Happy

Cool , I can’t wait!!


That form layout was difficult to fill


I'm sorry! I couldn't find an easier way aside from just a blank form, which If I do in the future, I'll probably do since it wasn't the best this time around -- I'm glad y'all are honest, though! :)