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*Headphone Warning, Perhaps*

WuXian thinks he's fine. Everything's fine. No worries, here. But everyone around him is noticing something's up -- ESPECIALLY Wangji and Yanli -- and are doing their best to try and help him...even if WuXian rejects them! *cries in donghua future knowledge*

These episodes had a lot of interesting tweaks from the donghua (I'm not at this point in the novel yet, so no novel spoilers haha), but a few things are certain:

* Yao's actor is incredible
* Daddy Jin is the WORST
* Xichen would officially be the best drinking buddy
* These next few episodes are going to break my heart, aren't they?

Thanks for watching with me and for the support!


The Untamed: Episodes 23-24 Reaction! DADDY JIN IS THE WOOOOORST...

Link To Reaction (starts at 2:34): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/jWA3nQcMjzjmvtpWPqALCo? *Headphone Warning, Perhaps* WuXian thinks he's fine. Everything's fine. No worries, here. But everyone around him is noticing something's up -- ESPECIALLY Wangji and Yanli -- and are doing their best to try and help him...even if WuXian rejects them! *cries in donghua future knowledge* These episodes had a lot of interesting tweaks from the donghua (I'm not at this point in the novel yet, so no novel spoilers haha), but a few things are certain: * Yao's actor is incredible * Daddy Jin is the WORST * Xichen would officially be the best drinking buddy * These next few episodes are going to break my heart, aren't they? Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Yes, it's the sword from the cave that's made into the Tiger Amulet, and I think Yang still has the last shard of Yin iron. Correct me if I'm wrong. Also, I don't think Yanli knows that Wuxian has lost his golden core. It's just when Wuxian was in coma, Wangji told Yanli that he was using some evil energy to combat the Wens. Clearly Wuxian didn't even want Yanli to know anything about that, but now he can't conceal it any longer. But losing his golden core is much more serious and I think there's no way that Wuxian is gonna let anyone else besides Qing and Ning know. Yao looks so happy when everyone is praising him! This definitely makes Yao want to retain the recognition from his father because he just doesn't want to let this kind of feeling go. And what Yao did was simply planting the seed of suspicion in Daddy Jin's mind about Wuxian having the last piece of Yin iron. Both HYPED and TERRIFIED for the next three episodes :D


Hi and thanks for another great reaction to one of my favourite shows! Always fun to hear your opinions and reactions to the episodes, a great way to start a week! I think watching the next three episodes together is a great idea, and I doubt people will mind getting a longer reaction. Some thoughts on the episodes. I honestly don’t think Yao felt guilty for throwing Wuxian under the bus, I feel like it’s a part of his long term plan of gaining power (and getting revenge on those who wronged him). I feel like he slowly sowing discord in people’s minds in terms of their views on Wuxian and increasing the distrust they have towards him, so that in the end it’ll be easy to use him as a scapegoat to the power play moves he himself makes. That’s why he’s smiling when Wuxian barges in to interrupt the discussions, he knows this will annoy his father cause it ends up ruining his plans to wed his son to Yanli. After that (not to mention the previous suspicions they have had about the lack of a swoard etc) it’s easy to infer that Wuxian is the one who has the Yin Iron and who is trying to gain power (that the Jin clan wants for themselves). Also the thing about Wangji’s last scene – it’s major, he broke into the library and into the Forbidden Chamber (the guards notice that the lock has been opened when it had been locked by the guy just before). So here he is, literally breaking the rules of his sect and going directly against his uncle, all for Wei Ying. Anyway, thanks for the video, love your insight into one of my favourite shows!

Jennifer D

Thanks again for your reactions this week, and we are definately looking forward to seeing THREE next week--what a treat! But for your viewing experience, that will absolutely help as well. On a rewatch, it SO obvious the show is telling us everything we need to know about Meng Yao's character (both through the plot and also the acting choices), especially in these last two episodes.... Like that transition to the focused/committed murder gaze when the doors closed on him and the Wen clan members before executed them? That's the look of a man who will do whatever is necessary to achieve his goals, however disasteful to others (as also proved by him murdering Nie Clan members as part of his 'cover' with Wen Ruohan). That moment where he mentions WWX to Jin Guangshan as being the last person to have been alone with Xue Yang--it was such a deliberate decision to have said that in that moment, regardless of whether he said it to curry favor with his father by sharing potential intel or to start planting seeds of mistrust to focus his father's attention on WWX (IMO the primary motivating factor). I also don't think he felt guilty here, either, this 'backtracking' felt like a calculated move to make sure he didn't look too eager to cast suspicion on WWX--and therefore avoiding suspicion on himself. Once you say something like that, he well knows you can't make someone unhear it. Rather like in a court of law--you can strike to remove evidence and instruct the jury to disregard it, but they'll still remember what was said and it's hard not to take it into account. I'm still embarrassed how my first time watching the show I was drinking the cute, dimpled and tragic Meng Yao koolaid just like our friend Xichen and didn't start to get suspicious until much later in the series (post reincarnation). You're so right, each episode from here on out just keep twisting the knives once you know what happened to WWX and what's coming. Can't wait to keep rewatching with you! *nervous laughter*

Ivan is Yda

Hi! I don’t know where my initial comment went, I must have said something that wasn’t meant to be said, but I’ll try again🥺 So! No, Yanli did not at all know that Wei Ying has no core. She’s only going off on the notion that he’s weak from using the Tiger Amulet. She’s only basing her judgement from what Wangji told her about the Amulet and the resentful energy. So whenever they see him feel weak or suddenly collapse, they chuck it up to “oh he just used resentful energy, that’s why he’s weak right now, it’s fine”. And speaking of his energy, you asked if playing the zither has any effect on Wuxian because he has no core anymore, it still does. This was talked about in both the MDZS and The Untamed subreddits. It still affects his body just like it would for any other person. The same goes for transferring spiritual energy into his system. The only difference is that, without his core, that spiritual energy will remain stagnant and eventually be used up when Wei Wuxian cultivates. It won’t flow through his body the same way it normally should if he had a core, so it just sits there, waiting to be used up. Next, I noticed something about the scene of Wei Wuxian and Wangji in the room. The way it was played out is similar to a traditional Chinese wedding. I had done some research on it before, and got to apply it here. There are a lot of coincidences that I could not pass it up and not point out. Wuxian is in red, in a room decorated in red, just like the rooms for the bride and groom on their wedding. The “bride” waits on the bed in the room for their groom to arrive. And the groom is escorted by the eldest members of the family towards the “bride”, like Yanli here. Like I said earlier in my deleted comment, it’s like they’re speed running through their relationship. They became friends, then the courting (Wei Wuxian asking to sleep on Wangji’s roof, I mentioned this in a comment on YouTube), and then now “marriage”. And then we’re even coming close to their “separation”. Now, about Yao, when I first watched this show, he seemed like this innocent, pure, abused guy who just wanted to be recognized by his peers. And then you see him evolve into what he is in the present, and you get as to why he is the way that he is. Because even when he’s trying his best, his father still only ever sees him as someone beneath the main family. And the Phoenix Mountain Hunt, that was Yao’s aidea but he passed it of as his father’s just so he can be recognized. And I think that’s really sad because Yao’s got all these great ideas to improve the lives of the common people and the cultivation world, but his plans are all taken credit for by Guangshan, who has no care for anyone else but himself and his sect. Finally, you asked if they had to learn to play the instruments they had, specifically Yibo and his guqin/zither. Yes, they did have to learn it. In a behind the scenes, there is an exclusive one they all underwent training before the actual shooting of the series. They did table reading, where they read out their lines, and they talked about the scenes that they decided to keep in and/or take away. They went through physical training and choreography, acting out the different fight scenes before hand to understand how to work around it. Those that needed to wield instruments underwent music lessons. So Yibo did have lessons on playing the guqin ( /goo’ tchin) . Zhan had to learn to play the dizi ( /dit’ zuh/), and Haikuan (Xichen’s actor) had to learn to play the xiao. I’m enjoying rewatching the series with you! So excited to see your reaction to the next ones, hehe (≧∇≦)

Anastasia -

It's sooo strange to hear that Yin Iron was destroyed. Is that so easy? Then why did all the powerful clans of the past only divide and seal it? If Lan Yi could destroy it, would she imprison herself with in an ice cave? To be honest, I was soo sure Daddy Jin or Yao would one moment whip out those three shards with MWAHAHA! WangXian playing Rest together is also a teaser for the future, oh yeah. Can't wait for when this flashback ends :(( Remember who checked on Xue yang when Unclean Realm got attacked? Yao just had to divert attention from himself in terms of that lost shard. And Wei Ying with his amulet-made-from-the-sword didn't help his case. And the more Yao protests after the initial info the more Jin Daddy is suspecting, just as planned by Yao. Qiren just had to rub it in. Come on, you old goat, a man needs help out there! Why are you all given up on Wei Ying already! Let Wangji teach you principles and rules, you obviously need it. It's so sad that Wuxian feels useless in Lotus Pier after war. Of course he could do much more, invent or teach theory or help in other ways, but not without revealing he's a null at classic cultivation now. But then, would anything really have changed, had Jiang Cheng known? I don't believe it. He would still crave the former closeness, the equality-non-equality they had before, would have envied and hated the fact he owes everything to Wei Ying and more. Xichen's trick of stripping drinks of alcohol is so useful XDD Miracle of turning wine to water, indeed. THE TALK! ABOUT LIKING! 3-year old Xian-Xian coming to like people outside of his family too much! Yeah you guys promised to be just like your fathers, and you are, you really are. One gives up Jiang clan and all the demands of secular world to travel with his lover, and the other holds the clan together until a new generation comes to help him. I don't think Yanli knew about the core, but her heart definitely feels something is fundamentally wrong with him, more than a simple exhaustion and resentful energy filling him. In some of modern AU that's very artfully translated into a major PTSD (which canon Wei Ying totally can have, too) but thankfully therapy exists.

Kathy Cheng

Yanli didn’t know about the golden core, she only knows Xian Xian used Stygian tiger amulet to defeat the Wens


Thank you so much for the comment and kind words! I LOVE The Untamed and it's just gotten better and better! And having just watched the next three last night...oooooh, it was such a good idea! :) Indeed! That's a good point about Yao -- his character is so complex; it's going to be interesting getting to this part in the novel! And yes, Daddy Jin - ugh - stirring the pot and making accusations! And that's a good point -- Wangji breaking the rules for the man he loves. *sigh* We love to see it! Thanks, again!


Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! Ohhhh, next week (I just watched the set last night) is going to be fun; they're my favorites so far! And yesss, Yao's facial expressions are GOLDEN and so telling in these episodes, like you point out! "Backtracking" is a good term to use here -- you make a good point of why Yao throws WuXian out here, to get the suspicion off himself -- I can only imagine the scenes in the future with Yao and Yang and I get really excited! :) Ahhh, and yeah, Yao isn't so much suspicious here if you don't know what's to come, but MAN, when you do -- the actions are much more obvious! "Dimpled Koolaid" indeed! I'm glad my *nervous laughter* is catching in the comments; it's warranted with this series.


I think that Yang still has the last shard as well! I was thinking WuXian told Wangji about the sword, too, so that makes sense! Ahhhh, that makes MUCH more sense that Yanli only knows WuXian's dabbling "in the dark arts" and not about the core. Thank you for that clarification! It's so sad that Yao plants this seed about WuXian having the Yin Iron with Daddy Jin -- it makes sense, because Yao wants to retain this status and being praised, but it's still so frustrating and sad! >.< And oooohhhh, the next three episodes (I just watched last night) may be my favorite in the whole series so far. Fun and sad times ahead! Yayyyyyy! *nervous chuckle* Thanks for the kind words and comment!


Thank you for clarifying! :) That part was the only real confusing bit, so that helps to know! :)


Ooohhhh, interesting about the teaser with "Rest," and I'm enjoying the flashback, but excited for the present timeline, too! Yeah, didn't imagine it'd be this easy to destroy the Yin Iron, but I'm fine with it, haha! Yeah, poor WWX looks suspect, and Yao's just stirring the pot. :( And seriously, Qiren, don't make our boy feel worse! The Lotus Pier burning really did a number on WuXian and Cheng and you can see it in these episodes...it makes that moment in the story have so much weight. And yessss, Xichen's conversation with WuXian was SO GOOD this set of episodes...it's good to have clarification, too, with Yanli about what she knows with WuXian. And it's a shame therapy didn't exist in this story...WuXian definitely needs some. Thanks for the comment!


No worries! Glad to have your kind words and comment posted on here! Patreon can be weird with comments, like YouTube, sometimes! That is good to know about Yanli and not knowing about the golden core; thank you for clarifying that! And ooooh, interesting; that is good to know that the zither playing works similar to transferring spiritual energy. Thanks for that info! And I LOVE that Yibo learned to play it! 😊 I love how dedicated the actors have been for this series, including Zhan and Haikuan with their instruments, too! 😊 Ooohhh, and similarities to a Chinese wedding with our boys?! I’m here for it! MXTX just wants to get the wedding out of the way so we can enjoy the honeymoon! 😊 Right?! *nervous laugh* It’s interesting to see Yao’s development, kind of like WuXian’s, throughout this series and seeing how much Daddy Jin affects and motivates him. It is sad that Yao has some good ideas; they just get stolen by lesser people. >.< Thank you for the kind words, again, and next week should be FUN! 😊