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LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/jbp37m  

Oh, it's FINALLY time to meet our first dragon! And he may be the eldest of the group, but he's quite the youthful spirit, eh?   

I love we're getting more lore on the Dragons and their tie-in to Yona; I'm really excited to see what our White Dragon can do, and how his entry into the group affects the dynamic (poor Hak -- he's doomed, isn't he?)!  

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Yona of the Dawn: Episode 10 Reaction! "Anticipation!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/jbp37m Oh, it's FINALLY time to meet our first dragon! And he may be the eldest of the group, but he's quite the youthful spirit, eh? I love we're getting more lore on the Dragons and their tie-in to Yona; I'm really excited to see what our White Dragon can do, and how his entry into the group affects the dynamic (poor Hak -- he's doomed, isn't he?)! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



I'm impressed with your precise predictions and comments in this episode, you are very observant!! All your questions will be addressed to the next episodes either subtly or directly. Thank you for reacting!!


Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! I am so excited to see how these next episodes go down -- it's going to be fun, I'm sure! ^^


Gija/Kija, just one letter off! Honestly, either works fine no matter what you want to call him by although I think in the OVA's the dragons names are spelled correctly. I think the blue dragon and the yellow dragon's name are misspelled too in the anime if I remember. The white dragon is here! Isn't he precious? When I first watched this anime I was so excited for all the dragons, I wish there were more episodes just to show how great they are but the manga is great to read over and over until one day when there's a season 2. Hak and Kija's relationship is gonna be fun, they're already butting heads but Kija is already enamored with Yona because of the blood which is a very interesting concept and I love how it's written. The dragons seemingly have no choice but to love Yona but as time goes on maybe they'll just love Yona regardless. And you're right, the dragons will appear how they appear in the op. White, blue, green and then yellow. My favorite boy is last sadly but my second favorite is next! Can't wait for more!


Ahhh, gotcha! I've recorded Episode 11 already, so I'll make note of that for Episode 12 -- knowing me, I'll be going back and forth. *sigh* Why can't shows just get it right on the translations, haha!? But YES, I love him already! I am going to love getting into the manga after this for more dragon shenanigans hopefully, but Kija and Hak's dynamic is already winning me over and yessss, your comment about the blood I definitely am going to touch on in Episode 11! I'm so excited to see all of them joining the party with our lovebird duo and handsome genius. :) Thanks for the kind words and comment!

Toni simi

Kija is voiced by Morita Masakazu who voiced Ichigo in bleach, Shousaku in bsd and Tanba in Diamond no ace. Evolving OP's are always amazing. I'm sure someone already said it but it's Kija and not Gija. He has my heart, he's so precious. The humor is the best. I also love the mix between the humor and seriousness and sadness. It's not too much of one side. It is a good middle ground. I find the concept that the blood longs for the red dragon king so fascinating. The show brought it already up that after King Hiryuu died the dragons didn't knew if it was them or the blood that felt sad about it. We got it this episode too. I think this is so interesting and can bring a lot of good themes later on in the story. Hak's grin this episode. I can't. XD I love all the different dynamics in this series. Hak und Kija already started to have a fun relationship. Let's see how that develops. There were already so many family goodbyes. They always bring tears to my eyes. Just like it does to Yun. It is kinda sad that Kija never got called by his name by the others. Yona definitely has a wonderful heart. Wish you a wonderful day!!


I've already recorded Episode 11, so I'll have to keep in mind Kija for Episode 12+ -- I CANNOT BELIEVE Tanba/Ichigo's VA voices him!!! What a character role change! @.@ And yessss, evolving OP's, the humor, this show covers a wide range of emotions and tones really well! I'm going to talk more about the blood in the next episode, but yes! It's such a cool concept!! And yesssss, Hak's grin! I can't with him -- I'm super curious how he's going to handle four dragons pining over Yona -- our poor boy can't catch a break! And yes, I'm with you and Yun -- the goodbyes were so sad! Just as much as Kija not getting called his real name by anyone but his parents and Yona. T-T Maybe Hak will join the bandwagon? But probably not. XD Thank you for the kind words and have a great day, too!