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This is possibly one of the best single volumes of manga I've read -- in terms of a complete side character's backstory, struggles, relations to others -- and a message that resounds and connects to not only the other characters in the series, but to anyone reading as well.

Inoue's artwork? Top notch. Inoue's writing and use of symbolism? Sublime. 

Don't mind me ugly-sobbing with this volume...they were happy tears, I swear.

Thank you for reading with me, and for the support!





This was the volume that sold me no lie I choked up during the segment/symbolism about Takahashi keeping himself from others, not letting anyone in. Then flash to the part where he gets hit by the truck then it rolls to where his dad picked up the jar of his innocence. Wow just wow I had chills could relate much. "There are days, when you look back on them. Five or ten years later, you see them as the day where everything started to change. Today is one of those days. "


This was definitely the volume that cemented the series as GREAT to me. It just does such a perfect job of building the emotions - both with Shiratori and Takahashi - all of their regrets, their past mistakes, how they've bottled up their personal emotions and then through their disability peeled everything back to reveal who they truly are inside...and to be able to express that openly to others...just masterful writing and imagery illustrating it all. And those lines leading into Takahashi FINALLY taking that step forward and asking to play with the Dreams! *chef's kisses all around* This is definitely my favorite volume in the series so far!