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Miura is putting us through the wringer as tensions rise with Casca being declared "a witch," Guts fighting to rescue her, and this VERY mysterious, creepy entity in the background observing it all...

I'm not sure if I can wait to see what the HECK this creature is....but Deluxe Volume 7 has started out ramping up my anxiety for SURE. Emotional support Zodd required!

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - BERSERK: Manga Volume 19 Reaction! WHAT THE HECK IS THIS?!

**BEFUDDLED HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Miura is putting us through the wringer as tensions rise with Casca being declared "a witch," Guts fighting to rescue her, and this VERY mysterious, creepy entity in the background observing it all... I'm not sure if I can wait to see what the HECK this creature is....but Deluxe Volume 7 has started out ramping up my anxiety for SURE. Emotional support Zodd required! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



I have seen some debate as to what Guts actually believes. I must say first, I’m an atheist so that is the perspective I guess you can say I’m bringing to this observation. Does Guts believe there is a god. ( little “g”) Yes! He has seen them! It’s not that he believes, he knows! If he knows there is a god, would he worship it? No! There is no faith involved. It’s those gods/god that have branded him in the first place! Guts would solve his problem if he could kill a specific god! Griffith for instance, but if he had the ability, I’m sure he would end them all. Guts basically wants to kill god. ( he doesn’t know about the heart shaped god though) I think Guts and Berserk is very humanist at its core. So, what is he? Heck if I know, but he is not religious! I don’t think the conventional labels that we tend to put on peoples beliefs or lack of apply to this story, or Guts! Hope that made sense! Casca’s witch gifts: I think it’s funny that Miura mixes some modern clothes into her haul. We see a modern floppy hat with a big bow and also an argyle sweater. I just find that funny! Yeah, this volume is such a roller coaster ride! It goes by super fast! By now you have probably read volume 20. We will discuss later! That goat monster! Yes, it’s a pseudo apostle! We have seen them before. It is a creature that is made by an apostle itself. Examples of this are Rosine's “elves” and the Slug Count and Zondark! Man! That was a long time ago! There is a Berserk channel ( Real Life Ryan) that has a “monster manual” series and is worth a look when you are done with the story. One of the videos he has does bring up an influence for the design of the Goat man. The book Fairies by Brian Froud and Alan Lee. My wonderful mother gave me this book as a child and I still have it! In this book, there is a Phooka! https://pin.it/5ZuWFY2gO Hope that link works! Looks very familiar! Thanks Ryan for finding the similarities! Nina: Lots of readers dislike her very very much! I view her as just a normal person trying to live in the hell hole. I would hope not to behave so selfishly if faced with such horror. I often think of this. It does take a very strong willed person to not behave like this. Unfortunately, I see this all the time. We have lots of scared people in our land who want to throw the “others” on a pyre to make themselves feel better and a bit less scared. It is self preservation when they feel threatened by something they don’t understand, I get that. It’s a very human thing to do. Nina doesn’t deserve the hate and I do have a lot of sympathy for her for that reason. Girl had been through some shit! Mmm man, raising my eyebrows with your thoughts on Serpico and Farnese! Good ideas! Casca and the Iron Maiden: I’d say that so far when Casca encounters spirits, they have not harmed her. They have protected her instead despite her being a sacrifice. Example , in the cave the spirits possessed the men and they attacked the HICKs. Does she have some plot armor/ hole? Great reaction as always! Looking forward to next week! Volume 20! Yes, half way through almost! It’s crazy to be here! 👁️👁️👁️👁️FEB Spoilers⬇️👁️👁️👁️👁️ Jeepers creepers where’d you get those peepers! Where’d you get those eyes! 🐣 Volume 19: 4! ( goat guy had 3 panels only counted once)

Alex Kornejo

It's cool learning about new folk creatures like Phooka; but wasn't goatman more of a Baphomet inspired monster? In an earlier volume they had one doing the classic two fingers up two fingers down gesture. I quite like all the main characters in this arc. so I'm sorry to hear Nina gets hate for what she did. It's one thing to hate on a character that does wrong out of malice, but quite another when it's done out of desperation or human frailty. Poor Nina, you see her trying to hype herself out to have the courage to do the right but it's fear and self preservation that gets her, not any ill will. But she's trying. On a similar vein of not judging others because of their human failings; those three nearly wordless pages when Guts encounters Isidro and realizes he failed to keep Casca safe were astonishing, the gesture work where we see guts going from his initial anger to his trying to hold it back because he realizes he's just a kid trying to do his best, and then just moves on. They were the highlight for me this volume and that's considering Guts & Serpico's tactical duel, the further development of Serpico & Farneze's complicated relationship, & Luca's brand of heroism. They are a reminder that Gut's a good guy not because he doesn't have darkness in him but because he has the strength to reign it in.