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SURE, there may not be any ACTUAL romance happening in this episode, but will that stop me from putting on my shipper goggles? NOPE.

This episode was adorable and heartfelt, with a twist of angst as per the Natsume usual at this point. But there's definitely some mystery with Reiko building, as well as a possible...love triangle? Or maybe I'm counting my chickens...

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/3xdvrz 

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Romania Black - Natsume Yujin-Cho: Episode 5 Reaction! HEART-COLORED TICKET?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/3xdvrz **HEART-COLORED HEADPHONE WARNINGS** SURE, there may not be any ACTUAL romance happening in this episode, but will that stop me from putting on my shipper goggles? NOPE. This episode was adorable and heartfelt, with a twist of angst as per the Natsume usual at this point. But there's definitely some mystery with Reiko building, as well as a possible...love triangle? Or maybe I'm counting my chickens... Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Kaku 💫

Sorry Sasada the true ship we want is Natsume and Tanuma... I like Sasada but as an introvert she is my worst nightmare in this episode, sometimes i just want to do my things in peace and if someone came to me and tried to force their way to be with me i know i would react like Nastume even if we forget the whole youkai stuff and supernatural stuff, i dont blame her, i understand and there is no bad intentions but yeaaaaah maybe not the right methode. And that's why i love Tanuma so much, he is the type of person i could be friend with, doesn't force their way, understand you, know how to read a situation, what a precious guy. Great episode and reaction / discussion !


Loved the reaction and discussion! This is a really cute episode and I’m happy to see you warming up to all the darlings more and more. 🥰 Along with all the shipping! 😂 In my subtitles they actually used ‘he’ in reference to Mikuri – though yes, it is all yokai. I really love the way the show does its world-building, in terms of showing us the mechanics of how things work in ways which are well hidden. So I think this ep is about showing us the passage of time for some yokai, and this links to what you were saying in discussion regarding nature taking over. On first watch to me it seemed like such a heartbreaking episode – Santo needed help, Reiko promised (and seemed excited to help) but then didn’t and Santo spent all that time waiting, decades. Now I’m finding it more bittersweet – because I’m seeing Santo’s temperament laid against a very human perception of time. Maybe for Santo it did just feel like waiting for the next train. Also love that Mikuri’s main issue was that Santo gave his name away and the “don’t bow your head!” – concerned and protective because of how agreeable Santo is, knowing someone could take advantage. An excellent episode! Looking forward to next week! 💙


Poor Sasada -- she's trying so hard to be his friend -- see, I am secretly an introvert as well (though I have to perform extroversion for my full-time job, so it helps for this channel) and I find that my friend group are actually all SUPER extroverted people to balance my introversion -- so that's why I'm like, "Come on Natsume, realize the potential!" with having a friend like Sasada -- but obviously, him being able to see spirits works it's way into it. In any case, thanks for the comment and kind words! Excited for the episodes to come!


Ahhh, thank you so much for the comment and kind words! This episode was adorable! And yes, get the shipping startedddd! I feel with Japanese translations on subtitles, they often give the characters that are ambiguous with their gender or androgynous a “gender” because of the translation - though I have seen “They” used a few times, but that’s interesting! Yes, the world-building is really neat! And the concept of how quickly/slowly time passes, especially for the yokhai is neat, too! And yesssss, Mikuri being so protective of Santo and his innocence and naivete! YES! I loved that as well! This episode was PRECIOUS, but oh yes, excited for next week!!