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Hey everyone,

Thank you all for so much good feedback on the previous post.

I broke down what everybody said and think I found a good/interesting direction.
A few points that really resonated were.

- There should be some world impact for character state (ie. Not being able to go to work).
- Should progress more noticably
- The system should weave into the way you move around the world
- As continence reduces it should become more random rather than more consistant.
- Possible mechanical impacts of having an accident.

So I've torn out the old system and put in the start of something new. The old system relied on complex graphs that tracked some in game stats and was supposed to progress slowly over time. This slow progress just isn't clear in the final product and the progression was both too subtle and too sudden.

The replacement uses your save game file to determine progress in the story. I can then tweek the settings to pinpoint overall story progress with completely unique settings for that state of the game. (This should help the system "ease" in).

I've added a node to detect your character stats and I"m in the progress of putting in some random dialogue choices to indiciate when a character thinks you need to get changed before trying to talk to them. Along with a couple new animations that make the warnings even more clear as they will happen a little less often.

The new system links into how your energy reserves drain while walking and is designed to be more consistant intiailly with the capacity to become more random as time goes on. 

I'm planning this week to add an extra energy drain to accidents and leaks. Making it prudent to visit the bathroom and change if you want to avoid unexpected energy loss.  

I have the bones in and I'm going to start testing a few different settings and I'll have this included in the next update which should be in 2 weeks probably (could be sooner if things go smoothly)

Other than that I've managed to pump out a couple more templates and hope to send them off to the writers in a week or so.

That's all for now I hope to have this new system wrapped up and ready to go soon!




All of this sounds amazing and like you really took what people commented to heart last week. I can’t wait to test out the new system in the next update and hopefully all the new text/lore you mentioned a couple of weeks ago. Will NPCs just make comments that you need to change before doing something? Or will they take you to the bathroom and tell you to get cleaned up? Or, since the bathrooms are co-ed, will they take you and change you? What about the friends of the girl diapered near the fountain, will they ever be able to do diaper changes there on the grass? I mean they have to change her diapers somewhere and they do have some sitting there next to them or you could be required to be holding one of your own to give to them to change you. Also, will we start seeing more NPCs around the map as DL’s and AB’s? Anyway, great progress and keep up the good work.


I remember you mentioned that wetting/messing will stack and cause the diaper to continue to grow, and based on some of the item descriptions it sounds like the diapers will still have a max capacity. What I want to know is, what happens when you try to exceed that limit. Will the diaper burst, or will it just stop growing like they do now


Additionally, with the kids in the park near the fountain, if you did give them the ability to change us, you could make is be a scene where other people gather around or, if they are in eye shot of it happening, they make a comment when you interact with them.


Also, the only way I have been able to get the kid in the mall to spank my character is when I am wearing nothing. However, I have gone back and run older versions and it used to work when just in a diaper. I do not know if others have mentioned this problem, but might need to take a look at that.


I am hoping that you improve the urine capacity of most diapers, as right now it is obscenely low, or at least add higher capacity diapers. A proper ABDL diaper should hold until you're literally forced to waddle.


Really interesting ! I’m eager to try all of this.If you allow me another suggestion about consequences, I think the player should only be able to change clothes or diaper in some restricted places,because it make not really sense to strip in the middle on the campus and casually change your wet pants or diaper. Maybe that’s going a bit far gameplay wise but I wonder what would be the effect on immersion.


These are incredible additions! Not to micromanage, but it might also be nice if there was a much bigger penalty to energy if the player is in dirty underwear vs dirty diapers or a wet bed vs a wet night diaper, just to help push an early game narrative to move to diapers out of annoyance and necessity. Also kinda to echo other statements, it’d be a nice add if an excessively full diaper forced the player to crawl everywhere.


I respectfully disagree with "pushing an early game narrative to move to diapers." I don't think everyone playing this game is an AB or is interested in their character experiencing full incontinence, which, based on my understanding, is what being "pushed" into diapers will cause in the game. Additionally, some players, myself included, might like the current gradual inclusion of it in the game and how it is the player's choice on how involved your character is with it in the game. Now, if I have misunderstood what you were aiming for, I apologize. I was working based on my assumption of your comment.


Wonder if there are 2 separate animations for needing wet and mess


I suppose maybe some kind of option could be added in the future regarding how the incontinence and energy penalties work? I guess what I love the most about games is when the game mechanics dictate the narrative and story. This playing around with energy penalties could work towards creating an environment for what ever kink people have, AB or whatever. What I felt was lacking with the game thus far has been the process of infantilization is very sandboxy and totally up the the player. some players definitely prefer that, though it’d be nice if there was the possibility to make “maturity” more difficult for players who want a bit more direction as the game story progresses for the individuals who prefer that experience. Certainly more work, though I could imagine maybe an option at the start of the game such as the “mess vs poop” choice to determine how the player would like to engage with energy penalties.


There is, and 2 for each depending on how full your blabber and bowels are


I was playing the game last night and came up with a couple of questions. - Will there ever be more interaction with the dorm RA besides the three current questions? - The two girls at the locker room on the right side of the gym, will we ever be able to get them to share their interests with each other? Or will it happen naturally as the game continues? - The girl that wants to play basketball in the gym, will we ever be able to play a game with her? Same for the girls on the soccer field? - The person lost in the main building, will there be a mission/quest helping them? - The girl looking for the mystery room in the library, will we show them the room or they figure it out that it is open? - Will there ever be interaction with our mom and sister again as part of the story? Or maybe a little side interaction, like they send us money, they send a care package, or maybe Claire/doctor/school contacted them and they are reaching out? --- If you do a care package thing, you could have them send diapers and/or other baby items with a note saying they know and how they found out. Maybe someone told them. I am just spit balling. There are more, but I don't want to ask them if they are things that already planned to happen as you continue to make progress with the game. Also, until last night, I didn't realize there was a special pull-up for the nursery and a sequence for it. I guess I should have assumed or figured it out sooner, but it is what it is. I am really enjoying the game, thanks for your hard and continued work.


I have a question; whenever I walk in the hallway in the dorms, past our bedrooms and toward everyone else's room and the two bathroom, if I'm wearing a diaper, it becomes wet, No animation at all, I just check my inventory and it is. Is this 'as designed'? It makes the two bathrooms in the dorms kinda useless for the player. Given the nature of the game, that may well be intended, but I really can't guess, so I'd like to know.


This is the area I"m working on at the moment. It wasn't intended to be "that" subtle. The system is a little complex but was for the most part bugged so what you saw was happning.


Cool, then I'm looking forward to whatever you've planned.


Cool but how do I go to the mall