July Update! (Patreon)
So, June was a weird month. I only posted one video and I had to post it twice for complicated reasons. And now, I've become sick for the past few days which has thrown my schedule off even further!
Let's try to make July a little better.
I'm in the process of finishing up my video about the 1966 Thor cartoon, which I think you'll enjoy! I had a lot of fun with it. I hope to release that one next Friday, July 9th.
After that, I'm going to be doing back-to-back collabs with cool channels that I won't mention because I'm not sure I'm allowed to just yet! But I've got some fun ideas for topics!
Then after all that. it will be August, which means I'm going on vacation! My birthday is in August, so Em and I are going to take a week away from the world. So expect a little bit of a gap between NerdSync videos then. I'll be back in late August with something BIG I hope!
Oh, also, I'm hoping to run another Patreon Special Offer like we did last year with the Wonderful Nerd pins. Maybe this year... notebooks? With a cool design? Let me know!
Okay, I think that's all the updates I have right now. I'm still sick, but starting to feel better. Thanks for your support and your patience!