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I have posted this on the Discord server, but in case you missed it, I wanted to post this here as well.

I am deeply sorry for accepting a sponsorship on my latest video from Ubisoft, a company that has been accused of creating an environment of sexual harassment and abuse. As I alluded to in my ad read, I do not follow video games or the video game industry very closely, so I was unaware of the extent of these allegations. That is no excuse. I should have looked into the company more closely before accepting their offer to sponsor my video. I did not, and that was wildly irresponsible of me. I am sorry for the harm it has caused.

I have taken my video down and have withdrawn from the partnership with Ubisoft. I will re-upload my video sponosr-free later this week. Thank you for the feedback and for holding me accountable. I promise to do better.



Do you have a Ko-fi where those of us who want to can throw you a couple extra $$ this month to at least partly offset this lost sponsorship?


I forgot I set one up but yeah https://ko-fi.com/nerdsync Not necessary though! The support here means a lot!


If you don't follow the videogame industry closely I could see how you wouldn't know about this. The videogame "journalists" have swept it under the rug to the point that people IN the industry don't seem to know about it. Also, I'm sure to someone outside the industry it would just be a case of "I've heard of them, they are a big company that has been around for years, surely they are fine." So don't beat yourself up too much for not knowing or researching a large company. I'm sure you spend a lot more time doing due diligence on small, internet companies. While I wouldn't have given it a second thought if a small creator like you took money from a big, behemoth like Ubisoft, it does show an incredible amount of integrity and character that you turned it down. I hope you can get out of the sponsorship deal legally and safely without any further repercussions.