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Hey, gang! Just wanted to update you all about this since it’s been a bit since I have sat down to record thank you videos for new Patrons. There’s a video giant backlog to get through, and I’m slowly working my way through it for ya!

Some things to keep in mind:

These personalized thank you videos are sent to the email you have through Patreon. It’s from a service called Bonjoro, so if you see something like that in your email inbox (or potentially junk folder) then it’s probably from me! 

I use the free plan for Bonjoro, which means I can only send 50 video messages per month. So I’m working from oldest Patron to newest. I’ve already recorded my limit this month today, so if you haven’t gotten your email yet, then be patient and I will get to it next month when my limit resets. Thanks for understanding!

Lastly, sometimes there are technical errors with the list of people I need to send these videos to. Currently, the list I have shows that all the Patrons who still need thank you videos had signed up no earlier than May this year. So, if you signed up earlier than May and still haven’t gotten a thank you video, then either comment below, DM me here on Patreon, or tag me in the discord server! I’ll be sure to add your name and email to the list of Patrons!

Thanks for hanging in there with me! Had a busy couple of months, especially the last few weeks. But more good stuff to come!

Oh, also! I have posted the social shoutout for Patrons today if you haven’t seen it already! Thanks for all the support! 


Brandon Allen

Is this for all patrons or just a certain tier and above?


Not sure I ever got one, but that's okay :)