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We finally have it! A solid plan in place for NerdSync content in 2021! And I think you're going to like it!

Quick recap with some *context* in case you're new here

I've been the editor for the SuperCarlinBrothers for a year and a half, which is why I haven't been able to release as many videos lately. Just a couple weeks ago, the SCB offices hired a new editor who is in the process of taking over the SCB videos so I can get back to NerdSync. He's great! So now we're in the process of planning out the NerdSync release schedule for 2021. Here's what we've come up with.

Getting ahead of schedule

This week will serve as the final transition week for us to onboard the new editor. Mainly, I have been finalizing graphics, organizing project files, sending the new guy all the presets I've made. Basically, all the boring logistical stuff. I still have a lot on my to-do list, but once everything is running smoothly, I can focus my full attention back on NerdSync.

But that might still mean no new videos for a bit. Why? Because we're going to attempt something I've never done before. We're going to try to get ahead of schedule on videos. 

The eventual goal is to have at least one video finished and waiting to be published while I work on my next video. So let me give you an example. My following three videos are likely going to be a trilogy about Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane, and then the Fleischer Superman cartoons.

This month, I will write, film, and edit the entirety of the Jimmy Olsen video. Once I've finished the video entirely, I will not immediately publish it to YouTube. Instead, I will get started on my Lois Lane video. And by the time my Lois Lane video is all finished, I will finally hit publish on my Jimmy Olsen video. Afterward, I will get started on my Fleischer Superman video, and once that's all finished, I will hit publish on the Lois Lane video.

The reasoning behind staggering the video release like this has a lot of benefits. Firstly, it means a more consistent video schedule. In the previous examples, even if I'm running a day or two behind on the Lois Lane video, the Jimmy Olsen one is already done and ready to go. So I can set a firm release date for videos and build up a release schedule. This is good for viewers because they can work my videos into their routine if they know when to expect a new video.

It also means it's easier to work with brands and sponsors because they know precisely when I will release a new video, and I don't have to push it back for months (like I've done a lot over the past year).

Additionally, it means that I have the exciting opportunity to release videos early right here on Patreon! Let me know if you'd be interested in that idea. You could see my new videos up to 2 weeks earlier than the primary YouTube audience. That could be fun! Let me know, though!

Finally, having a built-in buffer system with videos will ultimately be best for my own mental health. Instead of working 18 hour days, weekends, and the occasional all-nighter to get videos done on time, I can cut myself some slack.

For example, if a video needs to be up on YouTube by the 15th of the month, I will have to finish it by the 1st. So if I am running late and need an extra day or two, I can still work on the video for a couple of additional days and know that it will still be up on time for the 15th like intended.

The catch is that for this system to be sustainable, I can only have so many "cut myself some slack" days over the year. The SCB guys and I have decided to limit it to 10 days total for the whole year. If I go over those 10 days, we will evaluate what needs to change in the workflow to stay on track. This means very likely that I will not be making any more hour-long videos about Bob Ross any time soon, haha.

I will still likely make longer videos between 15-25 minutes long because I don't know how to keep things brief anymore. Remember when I used to have a show where I made videos that were under 5 minutes long? How did that guy do it?

So when can you expect a new video?

As I said, this week is the final week of transitioning the new editor at SCB. After that, I'm back on NerdSync pretty much full time! I say "pretty much" because I'm still the producer at SCB, and I want to always be involved with new projects around the office. Plus, SCB is trying to get ahead on their own videos, and having two editors edit videos simultaneously will help a long way with that.

So for the remaining first half of this year, I will have 3 weeks to work on new NerdSync videos. So that means 3 weeks to work on my Jimmy Olsen video. And then, once it's done, upload it to YouTube privately and get to work on my Lois Lane video for another 3 weeks. Once the Lois Lane video is done, hit publish on Jimmy Olsen!

That means about 6-7 more weeks until a new NerdSync video is posted to YouTube. Somewhere around the middle of April. But it will be posted here to Patreon earlier, of course!

The 3 weeks to work on videos is just to ease me back in the swing of things. In the second half of the year, I will be moving to posting new videos every 2 weeks instead! This is the schedule I had back in the middle of 2019 when I made some of my favorite videos like The Tragedy of Thor, How Mysterio Changed My Life, Why the Skrulls Changed, etc. Some of my best videos in recent memory!

Final thoughts

I hope to continue pushing myself to create cool and weird stuff. With your help and support, NerdSync is still alive! And that's incredible! And if we can get even more Patreon supporters, I'd love to be able to upgrade my old computer to export my videos even faster. Did you know I shoot in 4K, but I only export at 2K because it would take so ungodly long for my computer to export in full 4K? So yeah, a new computer is very much on the wish list.

Speaking of making cool and weird stuff, I will try to impart some kind of ratio with the videos about comics to the videos about non-comic stuff. Like after every 2-3 videos about superheroes, I'll make a video about the history of aspect ratios in film and how people have used them creatively. Or a video where I try to find the scariest episode of Scooby-Doo. Or an in-depth analysis of ASMR culture. Okay, maybe not that one. You guys didn't seem to like the ASMR bit in my Bob Ross video.

But you get the idea. I still want to stretch my wings occasionally while also still doing the stuff that pays the bills. Eventually, I would like to be known as an all-around nerdy channel analyzing all kinds of pop culture outside of superheroes and comics, but I know where my bread is buttered for now. Thank you to everyone who does watch all my videos regardless, though. Means a lot!

Anyway, this is a lot of info to throw at you. Thanks for reading, and thanks again for all the support. If you have any questions or comments about all this, fire away below!

See you real soon with a bunch of new videos!

- Scott 💜



Very excited to see what you’ve got cooking, and so happy that you’ve found a way to take care of yourself at the same time! That “slack days” system actually sounds like something I might wanna consider for myself, too 👀


Yep. Love a good buffer. This all sounds great