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As always, I just like to say thank you to all you wonderful Patrons for the continued support! I've just about filmed everything for my new video, and that will be going live here on Patreon a couple weeks before I post it to YouTube! I hope you like it!

I know I said in a recent update that my first three videos will be about Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane, and then the Fleischer Superman cartoons, but I've changed up a bunch of stuff thanks to the Snyder Cut and Falcon & Winter Soldier so now I'll be doing a video about Superman's black costume and a video about the old Captain America cartoon that not enough people talk about because it's so goofy haha

So that's what you have to look forward to soon! Those other video ideas are still in the works. Don't worry! Thank you so much for letting me make weird, niche things!



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