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Hey, gang! I'm trying to post here every 2 weeks or so just so you know that I'm still alive and working on stuff. Busy few weeks at SCB but I'm hoping to get a video or two out this month if I can find the time to sit down and write/film.

The plan is still to make my first video of the year about Jimmy Olsen. Then I also want to make a video about the REAL Origin of Lois Lane since the new Superman & Lois tv show is coming out. 

I've finalized a lot of the set design, so now it's just a matter of actually making videos, haha.

Also, I know I haven't written out everyone's names for twitter/instagram posts the past few months, but it's still on my todo list! It takes a big chunk of time so it might be easiest if I print out most names but handwrite names at higher tiers.  Let me know if that sounds like a fair deal.

Anyway, always a bunch of stuff pulling me in different directions, but I appreciate your support here on Patreon! You're all the best!

More updates soon!


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