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A month has already passed in 2021 and I'm still working on a lot of the behind the scenes of my new set and next videos. Lots of reading, lots of research, lots of set design, and lots to manage around the new office as we make way for a new team member. But you're still here supporting me and that's amazing! It means so much to me!

I have a lot of fun videos in store this year. I hope to make one video this month at least, maybe two videos if I can really get rolling. I still want to start by doing a Jimmy Olsen video just for fun. Real chill stuff. Then maybe the real origin of Lois Lane for when the new Superman and Lois show comes out at the end of this month. We'll see!

Anyway, here are some pics from my new set. Still working on the lighting and color and prop placement, but it's coming along very nicely! Let me know what you think!

You'll also notice that these images are shot in a 2.00:1 aspect ratio instead of 16x9. I've been seeing a lot of creators do this for the past few years and I think it's really neat! It's that perfect middle between cinema widescreen and 16x9. Plus it fills phone screens much better, imo. So now begins the long and annoying process of upgrading all my bumpers and graphics to fit this new format. But it'll be fun to go back and tweak some stuff!

Hope you're all well! Stay tuned for more updates here and on the Discord server. Thanks again for all the continued support!






This is a delight


Also I meant to ask, are there seriously no depictions of Bob Ross in comic book form? The closest I can think of is the captain ersatz appearance of the painting teacher character in the boondocks animated series