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Here's the video and transcript from yesterday's Live Chat! The next one will be some time in May, I hope to see you there again.


  • 00.00 What if your partner wants to see you less?
  • 03.08 Deescalating a long-term relationship
  • 06.19 How do we challenge the romantic / platonic binary?
  • 09.08 Newcomers learning how to find and express needs
  • 13.07 What if a partner won't talk about feelings?
  • 16.32 Are a lot of queer polyams also cult survivors?
  • 18.42 Have you ever dated someone mono or ambiamorous?
  • 22.13 Newcomers discovering non-hierarchy
  • 27.13 Are kink power exchanges compatible with relationship anarchy?
  • 29.25 Does polyam require more emotional processing?
  • 33.24 How do you find educated polyam partners?
  • 36.58 How to recover from broken expectations?
  • 49.04 Repairing one relationship after destroying it for another?
  • 52.58 Outro


Video captions generated by Vimeo
Automated transcription attached at the bottom of this post, via Otter AI




LIVE CHAT: On Broken Expectations, Ambiamory, and the Myth of a Romantic/Platonic Binary


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