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Hi cutie and happy new year!

A warm welcome to all the new community members who joined in the last 2 weeks. I’m so grateful for your support, and so happy to serve you.


Today’s exercise is about mindful pattern recognition. It’s somehow both short and time consuming, so move at whatever pace feels organic.

If you’re not a pen-and-paper journal type (I’m not really, either), I highly recommend speaking into the voice recorder app on your phone. It can be very freeing to talk into the void, especially for folks who get clarity through verbal processing.

Here are a series of journal prompts designed to help you pinpoint what you’d like to move through in the coming weeks and months.

I feel stressed about _________.

I feel scared of _________.

I’m mad about _________.

I can seek support from _________.

I feel less alone when _________.

A pattern I’m very sick of is _________.

One reason it might keep happening is _________.

The role I play in perpetuating the pattern is _________.

Something I know I need to do is _________.

A vice that isn’t helping me is _________.

Better coping mechanisms include _________.

A pattern I don’t really understand yet is _________.

Someone who might have some insight to offer is _________.

What I do have control over is _________.

What I don’t have control over is _________.

I’m proud of myself when _________.

I get hopeful when _________.

I’m totally at peace when _________.


These are a few ways to prompt self-exploration that will hopefully clarify your intentions in the new year.

I love you, and I look forward to working alongside you in 2021.





onviously not the new year anymore... but going through some big changes right now and found this to be a really helpful guide in holding myself in loving accountability. thank u!