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Good morning cutie,

I hope you're experiencing a sense of calm and closeness with the people in your life, especially my American community. It's been a very long first week of 2021, so let's lean on each other and give space for whatever emotions come up.

I've mentioned RADAR to a few patrons who were unfamiliar with it, so want to take this moment to share it, in case it's also a new resource for you.

The infographic below elaborates on the RADAR structure, as created and defined by Multiamory. You can see more from them here: multiamory.com/radar 

Of course, different communication strategies are effective for different polycules, and there may be a need for much more nuance and complexity as you dive deeper into existing struggles. And also, keeping things simple can help us navigate unfamiliar, high-stress situations. 

I hope this serves.

With love,



Do you find it difficult to implement this? I’ve had partners in the past resist or refuse structure like this because they think it’s “cheesy” or “below them.”

Genevieve King

very frustrating. even if the structure winds up not feeling like the right fit, it's an act of love to the person you're dating to try out a discussion format they're saying could help them. at the very least, their response should be a counter suggestion of an alternative structure. but if they flat out refuse to try any type of guided conflict resolution, then maybe they're just resistant to unpacking conflicts entirely?

Emily Spinach

I had my first RADAR on Saturday and it went great! He's thinking about implementing it with his other partner, too.