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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Magma Dragon King! As Laxus comes back to Magnolia, he brings with him his anger and discontent at what he believes to be Fairy Tail’s weakness. Where Laxus goes, his three subordinates will follow. The Thunder God Tribe will return to Fairy Tail for the first time in over half a year! Meanwhile, preparations for Magnolia’s annual Harvest Festival are in full swing! The Fantasia parade put on by Fairy Tail is famous and well known all over Fiore! Hopefully…no one does anything to ruin it.

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 41 – Thunder God Tribe, Festival Preparations

Northwest of Shirotsume Town, in a dark forest, stands an old abandoned church of considerable size, surrounded by a forgotten graveyard. This place had been taken over many years after its abandonment by the Dark Guild known as ‘Ghoul Spirit’ as a place far outside of notice in most cases.

However, as there was nothing around their out-of-the-way Guild, the members often had to head to Shirotsume Town if they wanted to drink booze at the local taverns and pubs. The members of Ghoul Spirit weren’t good at keeping their mouths shut normally. Add in drinks and their behavior only got worse. They happily mocked Legal Guilds, and the recent article about Fairy Tail made for easy targets.

But their mockery had reached the ears of three Mages that they hadn’t intended.



Two of Ghoul Spirits’ members flew across the ground floor of the abandoned church to slam into the far wall. They were unconscious from the impact, but their injuries would’ve kept them from getting back up to fight again anyway.

“You laughed at us, didn’t you? You cretins!” The man in the middle of the three Mages that had seemingly shown up out of nowhere accused the Dark Mages.

He was a slim man of average height with waist-length light-green hair; his bangs are brushed to one side, covering the majority of the right side of his face, as well as a pair of thin lightning bolt shaped strands jutting out backwards from the sides of his head. His hair is gathered at the end and tied in a short ponytail with a grey ribbon. The man’s eyes were greenish blue; beneath the left one was a small beauty mark. In addition, he possessed prominent eyelashes. His green Fairy Tail Mark was located on the back of his left hand. His clothing stood out as a dark red, long-sleeved, double-breasted coat with four golden buttons, a white cravat around his neck, light-colored pants and knee-high leather boots. On his hip was a sword with a stylized Fairy Tail emblem as a basket-style guard.

This was Freed Justine, the leader of the Thunder God Tribe, a group that only answered to Laxus.

“Is this some kind of raid, you bastards?!”

“Make sure they don’t get out alive!”

The members of Ghoul Spirit roared out their battle cries while charging towards the three Mages.

“How droll. A Dark Guild showing impertinence to a Legal Guild.” The sole woman of the Thunder Tribe spoke. She had light brown hair, dark brown eyes and visibly pink lips. She wore oval glasses and had a very voluptuous figure paired with large breasts and curvy hips. Her hair was styled in a sidewards ponytail and she wore a strapless, green dress that had movable wings on the back of it. On her legs were navy blue stockings along with white sandals on her feet. She carried around a feathered purple fan with three hearts on it as well. Her Fairy Tail Mark was in green and just above her right breast. “What is the world coming to?” She asked rhetorically as she lifted her glasses out of the way and opened her eyes, Magic flared as her eyes glowed brightly.

Multiple of the charging Ghoul Spirit members suddenly turned to stone, stopping in their tracks completely. Such was the Magic of Evergreen, the only woman of the three-man Thunder Tribe.

“They’re stone?!”

“You won’t get away with this!”

“Get them!”

Ghoul Spirit was only becoming more violent now.

That was, until five totem-like objects started zipping around them, leaving behind small streaks of light.

“Wh-What the hell are those things?!”

The answer never came as each of the five totems started blasting out powerful beams of light. The Magic exploded on anything it made contact with; people, the floor, the walls…everything exploded and kicked up huge clouds of dust and debris.





Multiple members of Ghoul Spirit cried out in pain as they were blasted by the seemingly endless rain of beams from the ever-moving totems. The stone floor and walls were quickly riddled with holes and every piece of furniture was damaged and broken.

“That’s enough, Bickslow.” Freed spoke up after a moment.

“Huh? You mean it’s over already?” Bickslow complained at the lack of effort needed to end the Dark Guild.

Bickslow was a tall man with a somewhat muscular build and broad shoulders. Most of his features were covered by his clothing, along with the hood and face shield that he wore, leaving only the bottom of his nose, along with his mouth and chin visible. His upper body was covered in a dark, mildly fitting cloth covered in vertical white stripes, which extend up to his head and was connected to the hood. He wore large armbands, and he had large shoulder pads each with skulls on the center. His waist was circled by a simple dark band, which holds up a large waist guard made of cloth, which were in four long, light-colored pieces, each adorned by a dark ‘X’, reaching down below his knees. Bickslow wore a pair of extremely baggy, loose dark pants, with each leg being adorned by a pair of lighter-colored belts crossing in an ‘X’ formation. His pants were tucked inside a pair of armored greaves.

“I’m amazed they can call themselves a Guild with members this weak.” Freed mentioned, looking at all of the sprawled out, beaten Dark Mages.

“Their weakness prevented them from being accepted by any Legal Guild.” Evergreen shrugged dismissively.

“This isn’t enough! My babies haven’t had nearly enough fun yet!” Bickslow complained as the five totems orbited around him.

“If that’s so, I’ve heard of the perfect cure for that.” Freed mentioned.

“Ah…you mean the idea that Laxus mentioned.” Evergreen let out a light giggle.

“I’ve been waiting forever for this! You have too, right, babies?!” Bickslow crowed, sticking out his tongue and revealing his black Fairy Tail Mark on it.

“A homecoming after so long.” Freed spoke flatly. “Back to Fairy Tail.”

As the Thunder God Tribe left the devastated abandoned church behind, the few still conscious members of Ghoul Spirit could only shake in fear or barely move from their injuries.

“O-Our entire Ghoul Spirit Guild…destroyed by just three people…” One beaten and bleeding man croaked out.

“No…the long-haired guy…didn’t do anything.” Another man groaned in pain as he lay in the remains of a shattered table that his body had been smashed through. “It…was more like…two people.”

“The Th-Thunder God Tribe…” A third man had his hands over his head and was shaking like a leaf from the experience.

The decimated Dark Guild didn’t know that they’d soon be set upon by the Rune Knights. The Thunder God Tribe had alerted the Council’s enforcers before they’d ever even gone to the Dark Guild’s base. They knew they’d be able to get there, destroy Ghoul Spirit, and leave before the Rune Knights would arrive.


“The Thunder God Tribe is coming back!” Laxus sat on a couch in his house. “Soon the moment will be here!” He smirked darkly as he looked out the window in the direction of the Fairy Tail Guild Hall. “Gramps, your time is at an end!”

All over Magnolia Town, preparations were being made for the Harvest Festival and for Fairy Tail’s annual Fantasia parade. There was a lot of cheer in the air, the crops had done well this year so there would be a surplus of food; plenty of ale, beer, wine, and other booze was going to be flowing and all of the stalls that sold food and souvenirs were already being set up too.

Through all of this preparation, Makarov walked with Mira, both of them with bags of supplies in their arms.

“The whole town is in the mood for a festival!” Makarov smiled brightly at all of the decorations being put up.

“It sure is!” Mira smiled at the atmosphere throughout Magnolia. “It’s nice to see everyone preparing for Fantasia!”

“Only natural since it’s Fairy Tail’s big parade! People from all over Fiore come to see it!” Makarov beamed with pride for his Guild.

“It’d be nice if Laxus helped out, for once, huh?” Mira rolled her eyes at the likelihood of that happening.

“Don’t even talk about him.” Makarov sighed heavily at his grandson. Laxus had skipped the last eight Fantasia parades out of his resentment for his father’s (Ivan Dreyar) excommunication from the Guild. Not that Ivan had left his father with any real choice; the man had seemingly become almost deranged as he grew older. It had gotten to the point that he’d even started to endanger his fellow Fairy Tail guildmates.

“According to Levy, he’s already returned to town.” Mira informed Makarov of the news. “She spotted him around the market a couple days ago. But he hasn’t stopped by the Guild even once.”

“What was that?!” Makarov looked concerned at the odd actions of his grandson.

Mira cocked a delicate eyebrow at the reaction. “Is something wrong, Master?”

Makarov let out a slow exhale. “It had to be now, didn’t it?” He reminisced on better days. Back when Laxus had been just a kind boy. Back then he’d been weak of body, not having much chance to learn Magic, but healthy otherwise. He’d loved Fairy Tail, wanted to join as soon as he could and participate in the Fantasia parade. “Why did things have to change for you, Laxus?” He muttered under his breath.

Mira just pretended that her Dragon Slayer hearing hadn’t picked up on those words as the two continued to head back towards Fairy Tail.

-Dragon’s Den-

“Natsu…stop playing with my butt~” Lucy giggled as she tried to pick out what she’d wear for the Miss Fairy Tail contest. Perhaps standing around in the master bedroom in nothing but her bra and panties hadn’t been the best idea if she wanted to avoid getting Natsu’s attention.

“Don’t wanna.” Natsu’s hands cupped her cheeks and gave them a playful squeeze. He nuzzled against Lucy’s neck and inhaled her scent with a rumble in his throat.

“Down boy~” Cana grinned, wrapping her arms around Natsu’s waist and pressing herself into his back, her large tits molding against his defined musculature. She kissed his shoulder, neck, and then his cheek. “Lucy’s still deciding.”

Lucy, Erza, Lisanna, Cana, and Mira were all entering the Miss Fairy Tail contest that was being held on the day of the Harvest Festival. The top prize was 500,000 Jewel, so the Dragon Family was planning to stack their odds of winning. The fact that all of the women were absolutely gorgeous gave them amazing odds already.

Not to be unfair or anything, but 500,000 Jewel was 500,000 Jewel! They had a growing family and that money could certainly help them out. What they didn’t spend on any need-now necessities would be saved for the future. Lisanna even giggling that a good chunk of their savings would be for another five or so years from now. The meaning behind the time that the Animal Soul Take Over Mage had set wasn’t lost on any of the women.

All of Natsu’s Mates wanted to be Mamas after all.

“If you’re going to hinder Lucy’s choosing of her outfit, then we’ll have to distract you, Natsu.” Lisanna giggled as she sidled up to his side and wrapped her arms around his arm, pressing the limb against her voluptuous form.

“Don’t tempt me, Lisanna.” Natsu leaned his forehead gently against hers.

Cana pressed herself into his back some more. “I think we should tempt you even more~”

“You know… I could pick out my outfit later.” Lucy turned around to press her almost naked body into Natsu’s chest with a naughty smile.

“You three are evil.” Natsu growled lowly, seeing the teasing grins on his Mates’ faces. “Fine…I’ll be good.” His free hand running down Lucy’s side, to her hip, and then down her thigh, said otherwise. The Celestial Spirit Mage shivering as she cooed in pleasure.

“Come here you~” Lisanna pulled him away from Lucy with Cana’s help. The Card Mage and Take Over Mage nearly dragging Natsu away so that Lucy could make her choice on what to wear for the Miss Fairy Tail contest in peace.

“Once I finish here, I’ll go join them.” Lucy giggled to herself as she held up an outfit to her body and checked it out in the mirror. “It’s not like Natsu will be done with them any time soon.” She let out a breathy moan as her body felt phantom pleasure. She’d been absolutely spoiled rotten by Natsu in the bedroom since they’d become Mates. Her body vividly remembered all of the ecstasy that Natsu had given her during their many, many activities with each other. “Changing room, showering room, hot spring, master bedroom, kitchen, living room…” Lucy rattled off every location she and Natsu had made love in. Or in some cases just outright fucked in, like animals.

But they were technically in their ‘Honey Moon Phase’, so it was to be expected that the two wouldn’t keep their hands off each other.

“Damn it… Now I’m getting all hot and bothered.” Lucy pouted as her traitorous brain brought up all of the memories. “Let’s finish this up and see if we can make it a foursome!” She’d become rather familiar with her ‘Dragon Sisters’ and their gorgeous bodies since fully joining the family. All of them had their own likes and specialties in the bedroom; which made sexy times very interesting! Lucy picked out another outfit and held it up, comparing it to the one that she was already holding. “Oh! Maybe a cheerleading outfit?” She quickly went into the walk-in closet to find the outfit in question.

-Fairy Tail Guild Hall-

“That should be up a bit higher!” Erza called out as the curtains for the Miss Fairy Tail contest was being hung up and the sign set directly above the stage. The disciplinarian of the Guild had appointed herself ‘Head of Guild Decorating’ and was making sure that everything was as perfect as possible when it came to decorations. Their Guild would be hosting people from Magnolia and all over Fiore! Erza would ensure that everything was perfect and left a great impression of Fairy Tail on their visitors!

“Man… I swear it’s getting hotter outside.”

“Yeah, it’s October…it seems unseasonably warm today.”

Hearing the words from some of the Fairy Tail members made both Erza and Mira’s ears perk up. Sudden heat increases in Magnolia usually had one or two specific causes…or both at the same time.

“Oh, those sneaky little…” Mira grumbled, knowing the most likely culprits.

“If they’re fooling around while we’re all working, then punishment will have to be given.” Erza stated with a crushing finality.

“Spank all three of them, tie them up, and then drain Natsu dry right in front of them.” Mira mumbled out as a dark aura surrounded her.

“At the very least.” Erza agreed, a dark red aura surrounding her too.

Juvia, who had been approaching Erza to ask how she could help with the decorating, was now visibly shaking. Both from the twin auras of doom, and from what she’d been able to hear from the two women.

Juvia has never experienced both terror and arousal at the same time before!’ Juvia’s mind went straight into the gutter at hearing Mira and Erza’s plans for ‘punishment’…her normally pale cheeks turning a bright rosy red.

-West Magnolia-

“Why’re you coming along?” Gajeel questioned Levy as the bluenette walked beside him. “I’m the one doing the Quest.”

“Master Makarov was slightly concerned that you chose a Quest to teach at a children’s Magic School. So, he asked me to watch for safety’s sake.” Levy answered the Iron Dragon Slayer.

“I can teach kids the basics of Magic just fine!” Gajeel scoffed at the idea that he needed a minder. “Maybe I don’t look it, but I’m actually pretty good when it comes to looking out for kids.”

“Really?” Levy actually looked interested at his claim. “Not to be mean, but you don’t really give off any ‘Dad’ vibes, you know?” She smiled at him as they continued to walk.

“Shut up.” Gajeel tsked at the Script Mage. “I’m not looking for anyone’s approval. I do my jobs well and get my pay. That’s all I’m at Fairy Tail for anyway.”

“Uh huh.” Levy sighed at Gajeel’s attitude. Sure, there were some members in Fairy Tail that were skeptical of Master Makarov’s decision to let Gajeel join. A few of which made little attempt to hide their distrust of the Iron Dragon Slayer. But the majority had accepted Makarov’s decision and didn’t treat Gajeel any differently. ‘Okay…maybe they give him a bit of a wide berth…but they still accept him as a member!’ She rationalized in her mind.

“Why you, anyway?” Gajeel asked as they turned a corner. “If he was worried that I might act up, why not send one of the S-Class with me? They’re the only ones that have a chance to actually stop me.”

“Because Master Makarov believes that you won’t act up.” Levy informed him of why she was chosen. “For all the ‘bad’ that you try to project, you’re not a bad person, Gajeel.” She looked at him with a grin. “I’ve seen it.”

“Yeah right.” Gajeel looked off to the side. “You and I have barely talked since I came here.”

“And who’s fault is that?” Levy deadpanned at Gajeel. “I’m kind to you and want you to be a member of Fairy Tail just like the rest of us.”

Gajeel let out a long exhale through his nose. “Maybe you do, but that’s not true of everyone.” There was silence between the two of them as they walked for a long moment. “But thanks, I guess.”

“You’re welcome.” Levy smiled brightly at him.

Gajeel’s heart did NOT just beat faster and he would deny it to his dying day!

“Maybe you’re just a weird one though?” Gajeel pushed past the way that seeing Levy’s bright smile made him feel.

“And two steps back.” Levy shook her head at Gajeel backpedaling any time that he seemed to realize that he was ‘becoming soft’ as he called it.

“Got a problem?” Gajeel looked at Levy, his red, dragon-like eyes staring into her warm brown gaze.

“There is so much more to you than what you let people see.” Levy laughed at Gajeel’s attempt to end the conversation. “Maybe someday you’ll share it with us?”

“Tch!” Gajeel turned away and sped up his pace a bit. “Don’t hold your breath, shrimp!”

“Hey!” Levy pouted at having her height mentioned negatively. “Just because you’re embarrassed doesn’t mean you have to be rude!”

“I am not embarrassed!” Gajeel barked over his shoulder.

“What’s this? A lover’s spat?” Laxus questioned the pair as he stood in the street in front of them. He glared at Gajeel with open contempt. “You’re the punk that trashed our Guild Hall, right? Damn old man… Recruiting people just so they won’t attack his Guild anymore, huh?” Lightning sparked off of Laxus’s body as his rage increased. “Because of bastards like you, people are laughing at us!”

“Solid Script: Lightning Rods!” Levy quickly wrote the pluralized word into the air and from the single word, dozens of long metal rods stuck themselves into the ground all around the street, especially encircling Laxus. They were lucky this street was empty since most of Magnolia’s citizens were on the main road decorating it for the Festival.


The lighting unleashed by Laxus was quickly directed into the lightning rods, as they offered the path of least resistance into the ground. Levy was known for her intelligence for a reason, and she’d been in the same Guild with Laxus since she was young, so she knew what to look for when Laxus used his Magic.

“Laxus!” Levy shouted at the S-Class Mage. “You can’t just attack other Fairy Tail members!” The brawls in the Guild were one thing, but Makarov put his foot down on using powerful Magic in the streets without a reason.

“It’s his fault!” Laxus roared as a massive vortex of lightning built up in his right hand, the sphere quickly growing larger than him as he threw it at Gajeel.

The vortex came apart from the instant it was thrown, the first chunk being pulled into the lightning rods surrounding Laxus. Then more and more drained away with every lightning rod that the spell passed through or near to. Gajeel smacked aside the remaining sparks that actually got to him without a care; his red eyes still locked onto the fierce glare that Laxus was giving him.

“You’re the reason that everybody thinks we’re weak!” Laxus, seeing that his normal spells wouldn’t work with Levy’s interference, leapt at Gajeel instead. The bookworm might not be S-Class, but there was a reason that her name was the only one that Laxus remembered from Team Shadow Gear.

“Guh!” Gajeel’s head whipped around as Laxus’s lightning-coated fist slammed into his jaw. This was followed up with a powerful knee to the stomach that sent bolts of lightning throughout Gajeel’s body. Then a hammer fist slammed Gajeel into the ground like he’d been hit by the Mjölnir of legends.

“You can apologize by dying!” Laxus’s foot was encased in bright lightning as he kicked the downed Gajeel over and over again. “I’m going to kill anyone that opposes Fairy Tail!”

“Solid Script: Rubber!” Levy wasn’t just going to sit around and watch Laxus beat Gajeel to death. The word she’d written in the air stretched and snaked around Laxus before snapping back to its resting length, tightening around the Lightning Mage. As a natural insulator, Laxus’s Lightning Magic started to struggle to leave his body, made more difficult because the rubber was also made from Magic.

“You better get this off of me, weakling.” Laxus growled, looking at Levy menacingly. He could force his way out, he had more than enough Magic Power to do so.

“Laxus, you’re going too far!” Levy shouted, refusing to back down when the S-Class Mage was clearly in the wrong. “Gajeel isn’t even fighting back!” Laxus narrowed his eyes as he looked down at the Iron Dragon Slayer still on the ground. “He’s letting you beat the hell out of him because he wants to be one of us! Isn’t that enough?”

“Geh…” Gajeel coughed and sat up. “You’re freaking petty, aren’t you? Going on about ancient history like that.” He stood up to face Laxus. “Are you done? I’ve got a job to do…” He continued down the street towards the Magic School for kids that was at the far end and around the corner.

“I don’t need anyone that fraternizes with our enemies.” Laxus stated as Levy released her Magic, making the rubber and the lightning rods vanish. He stalked off in the opposite direction, a scowl etched onto his face.

“F-Fraternize!” Levy stumbled over the word as her face went red. “I am not!” She turned away from the leaving Laxus and jogged to catch up to Gajeel.

“Leave me alone…” Gajeel looked away from Levy when she caught up to him.

“No.” Levy denied, even as her cheeks were still lightly pink. “You can’t show up to the children’s school looking like you just got into a fight. So, at least let me help you clean yourself up.”

“I don’t need your pity.” Gajeel huffed, looking away from her.

“It’s not pity. It’s concern.” Levy rolled her eyes at how stubborn Gajeel could be. “Solid Script: Heal” She pressed the light green word to Gajeel’s stomach.

The pain from the vicious, lightning-infused kicks lessened considerably and Gajeel barely held back the sigh of relief.

“Solid Script: Water” Levy wrote the word and then used it to go over the dust and dirt marks on Gajeel’s clothing, removing them quickly. The rest was used to clean his face which, to Levy’s surprise, wasn’t bruised from the punch he’d taken, just dirty from the dirt on the ground. “There you go, now you look better.”

“You finished?” Gajeel grumbled at the care being shown to him. “I’m gonna be late at this rate.”

“Most people would say ‘thank you’, you know?” Levy deadpanned at Gajeel.

“Thank you…” Gajeel started walking again without looking at her.

“You’re welcome!” Levy smiled as she walked beside him. “Laxus was out of line there. I should report him to the Master.”

“Do whatever you want.” Gajeel didn’t care one way or another.

The word ‘iron’ appearing in front of him made out of actual iron wasn’t what he expected.

“What’s this for?” Gajeel caught the iron before it could fall to the ground.

“You told me to do whatever I want, so I did.” Levy shrugged nonchalantly.

Gajeel bit into the iron, chewed it up with his fangs, and swallowed it down. He felt the brief swell of his Magic as some of his reserves were refilled. “Thank you.” His thanks were genuine this time as he quickly finished off the iron.

“Mm.” Levy acknowledged with a small smile.

Why is her iron so damn good?’ Gajeel kept his face blank, even as the question bounced around his mind.


Pathetic!’ Laxus raged in his mind. ‘Fairy Tail… This isn’t the Guild that I wanted to be in anymore!’ His fists clenched so hard that the knuckles audibly cracked. ‘I’ve reached the limits of what I can stand!’  Laxus nearly growled out loud as he stalked towards his next location. He’d only run into Levy and Gajeel by chance as he covertly set up his secondary insurance measure to make sure that he got what he wanted in the end. I’m going to make Fairy Tail my own!

-End Chapter-


Things slowly change further…

The Thunder Tribe is heading back to Magnolia.

Laxus is plotting and setting things up in advance.

Gajeel still lets Laxus wale on him when they meet without fighting back. But this time Levy isn’t just some scared wallflower! She intervenes and makes the situation end!

Badass Adorable!

Levy and Gajeel have a moment that’s FAR more deserved than the one we got in Canon!

The Dragon’s Den might be filled with Sexy Punishment tonight! Hehehe~

Do you think Virgo will want to join in? KEK!

The day of Fantasia is approaching rapidly! What will happen and will it further alter the course of the story from Canon?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Laxus is just in denial, after all we all know his fairy law didn't send anyone away. The funniest thing in my mind is if someone just goads him into using it right away and how embarrassing it would be for him when the light clears and everyone is still there staring at him.


Wonder when Juvia will officially join and become a Dragon Slayer herself, and now that I think about it, could Levy become one as well, in her case by doing the ritual with Gajeel? Speaking of Dragon Slayers, Wendy should reappear soon right? What is the plan for her pairing wise?


You'll see what happens with Wendy when we get there, no worries! As for Juvia and Levy becoming Dragon Slayers... In time, in time.