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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Collector Hero: Synthesis! With the final exams continue as Class 1-A does their absolute best to pass! Ashido and Kaminari passed, Izuku and Bakugo managed (though Bakugo had to be forced, so that might come back to bite him in the future), now, can more of the pairs pass, or will we see failure?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 35 – There’s Sexy, and then there’s Eraser

-Todoroki and Momo vs Aizawa-

“I have an idea, Yaoyorozu.” Todoroki spoke as soon as the alarm signaling the start of the exam went.

“So do I, Todoroki.” Momo replied with a small grin.

Todoroki nodded, giving her the go ahead.

“Aizawa-sensei isn’t affecting our Quirks right now, so he’s not within eyesight, most likely.” Momo created a Russian Matryoshka doll from her palm to demonstrate. “That gives us time to plan and me time to create what we’ll need for multiple plans.” Todoroki’s expression changed, and Momo could practically see the metaphorical lightbulb over his head. “His Erasure works by sight, so I can make smoke bombs, flashbangs, tear gas, cloaks, and whatever else we can think of to obscure his sight and render his Quirk ineffective.”

“That’s better than what I’d thought of.” Todoroki admitted as he held up his left hand and produced a small flame in his palm. “I was going to have both of us continue to use our Quirks, and when we couldn’t, then we’d know that Aizawa-sensei had erased them.”

“It’s not a bad warning system.” Momo smiled at the idea as she continued to create Matryoshka dolls. “Here, Todoroki, these three are smoke grenades.” She handed him three dolls that were gray in color. “These three are flash bombs.” These were colored a bright yellow. “And these three are tear gas.” The final three dolls were pink. “I’d suggest placing them on your belt in a way that you’ll remember.” Momo put her three smoke grenades on her right side, the flash bombs on her left side, and the tear gas on the back of her belt.

“What about cloaks, like you mentioned earlier?” Todoroki asked as he placed the Matryoshka dolls on his belt. “I’m sure that Aizawa-sensei will expect me to be in front for offense and defense with my Quirk, but if he can’t tell who’s who, then we can confuse him.”

“That’s a sound idea,” Momo agreed as she pulled the first black cloak from her stomach in the rainbow of colors produced by her Quirk. She handed the new cloak to Todoroki and quickly produced a second, identical black cloak for herself. “Do you remember the direction of the gate?”

“It’s that way.” Todoroki pointed in the direction they’d initially entered the townscape training field from. He donned the black cloak and pulled up the hood, completely obscuring his body.

“Let’s head out then.” Momo pulled up the hood of her own cloak, making them look identical. She peeked around the corner, scanning the street for any sign of Aizawa. Not seeing him at street level, she looked around at the rooftops of the fake houses. “I don’t see him.”

“He doesn’t know where we are exactly, let’s move carefully and try to avoid getting his attention.” Todoroki followed after Momo, both of them staying low as they moved so that they could use the wall next to them for cover.

Three streets over, perfectly crouched on the top of a telephone pole, Aizawa spotted the two cloaked figures moving as they crossed an intersection with no cover. “Cloaks, huh? Not the worst idea for such short notice.” Inwardly he was pleased to see that Todoroki wasn’t trying to brute force his way through the test. It spoke to the troubled teen’s progress since the start of the year. “Now…who’s the leader and who’s the follower?” Ideally, he’d like to disable Todoroki first, the overwhelming offense of his fire, combined with the defense and capture ability of his ice made him a problem. Throwing one end of his capture weapon across the street, it wrapped around another telephone pole and Aizawa swung down from his perch. “I’ll come at them from behind, try and take them by surprise first. Villains have no morals about sneak attacks after all.”

-Momo and Todoroki-

“See anything?” Todoroki whispered to Momo as she peeked around another corner.

“Nothing…it’s strange.” Momo whispered back. “Aizawa-sensei would’ve made a move by now, right?”

A loop of a very familiar capture weapon fell over Todoroki. With a strong pull, the cloth tightened around the cloaked teen and pulled him off his feet. Momo turned sharply, suppressing her desire to call out to Todoroki so that she wouldn’t give away who was who.

Todoroki angled himself as best as he could with his arms pinned to his sides, his right foot stuck out from the bottom of the black cloak and he unleashed the largest mass of ice that he could from the small area in the direction that he was being pulled. That amount ended up being a miniature glacier that engulfed the street that he and Momo had just traveled down.

They baited me, playing to my expectations of using Todoroki as the vanguard.’ Aizawa realized as he rapidly ascended into the air by pulling on his capture weapon that was loosely wrapped around a nearby lamppost. The wave of ice froze everything below his new position. “A rational deception…” His tone could almost be called approving.


A thick white smoke filled the area where Momo and Todoroki were. Aizawa pulled back his capture weapon, freeing Todoroki before the boy could grab it and freeze it solid. The lack of sight forced Aizawa to change positions to try and find his two students.

“Where did they go?” Aizawa narrowed his eyes as he landed on the roof of a fake house and scanned the street. The smoke was slowly beginning to clear up…but there were no signs of the two cloaked students. He spotted the black cloaks a street over and realized that the two had run the second that Todoroki was freed. “How long do you think you can run I wonder?” He knew that Todoroki was in the back now, so the prudent thing was to get ahead of them and lay a trap.

A couple minutes later and The two cloaked teens skidded to a stop. The street in front of them was crisscrossed by dozens of wires, all of them only visible because of the sunlight on such a clear day. Unless they broke through, this way was cut off for them.

Clink Clink Clink Clink Clink Clink Clink Clink

The two turned to face the sound behind them and saw that the way they’d come was now littered with a least one-hundred caltrops, the sharp metal spikes would make walking through impossible without clearing a path first. It was only as the loops of Aizawa’s capture weapon wrapped around them both that Momo and Todoroki realized that their homeroom teacher was above them. The scarf-like weapon tightened, but not all of the way, only enough to catch the black cloaks and yanked them upwards and off the students.

“Shit!” Todoroki cursed as he couldn’t activate his Quirk.

“What will you do without your Quirks?” Aizawa spun his capture weapon and the ends tossed the two cloaks aside before returning to his hands again. There was a red glow coming from his eyes behind the yellow goggles.

Todoroki responded by throwing a Matryoshka doll at Aizawa.

“More smoke?” Aizawa didn’t sound impressed, tossing the end of his capture weapon at the doll and then yanking it strongly to make the end snap and swat the doll aside.


The sound of metal coming apart was heard and a bright flash of light nearly burned Aizawa’s retinas as the flash bomb went off. He leapt backwards off the telephone pole, even blinded, and safely landed on the balcony of the two-story house nearby. He’d already memorized the location while setting up his trap, so he knew where to jump without seeing it.


This proved to have been the right decision as a wave of ice engulfed the telephone pole that he’d stood upon not a second later.

“Run, he dodged it!” Momo called out as she made a wide floor broom from her back and used it to clear a straight path through the caltrops.

“He was blinded and still avoided that much ice?” Todoroki grimaced at his inability to capture their sensei.

“He’s a Pro Hero for a reason.” Momo tossed the broom aside after they’d cleared the caltrops, they rounded the first corner and sprinted for the exit gate.

“Smoke and flash bombs…” Aizawa slowly opened his eyes again. “As much as I’m trying to take away their Quirks, they’re doing everything they can to nullify mine.” He easily got on top of the roof of the house and looked around for his targets. “Yaoyorozu knew they could lose access to their Quirks, so she made them some gear that would be effective against me on the fly.” In his head he marked down another point for the pair. ‘They’re thinking properly, at the very least.

“There’s the exit!” Momo called out as she and Todoroki rushed towards it.

“He’s coming!” Todoroki’s flames on his left hand suddenly went out.

The two turned around and saw Aizawa coming at them from above again, his capture weapon allowing him to swing around the corner and fly at them. The scarf-like tool was released from the lamppost and both ends rushed towards the students while Erasure nullified their Quirks. A fast and tactical rush down that had taken care of more Villains than Aizawa cared to count in his career.

“Incoming!” Momo yelled, mostly to force Aizawa to focus on her for a brief instant as she threw a Matryoshka doll at him.

The doll was knocked aside by the end of the capture weapon with Aizawa not slowing down.


A thick white cloud of smoke went off between Aizawa and Todoroki, courtesy of the Matryoshka doll the boy had tossed at the ground. The smoke did exactly as Moo and Todoroki intended…it cut off Aizawa’s line of sight for just long enough for Todoroki to use his Quirk.


Flames blasted through the smoke at ground level, forcing Aizawa to abort his rush and backpedal.

Fire? Not ice?’ Aizawa wondered why Todoroki had gone offensive instead of trying to capture him and pass the exam. He saw three of the odd dolls in the flames close to his location that had been hidden by the smoke bomb earlier. “What now?” He deadpanned, not looking forward to finding out what else his two recommendation students had cooked up.


The three dolls exploded into a noxious thick orange-ish smoke as the flames vanished. Aizawa recognized it for what it was and covered his mouth and nose as he backstepped and then leapt over the wall nearby to get into one of the years of the many fake houses.

“Team Yaoyorozu and Todoroki have passed the exam via escaping the testing site!” Was heard throughout the area thanks to the loudspeakers.

“Tear gas too, huh?” Aizawa sighed as he mentally gave another point to the pair. “And Yaoyorozu must’ve took off running after rolling those Matryoshka dolls along the ground for Todoroki to set on fire.” He noticed how quickly after the tear gas bombs had gone off, that the announcement of their passing had happened. “Smoke to block my sight, flash bombs to prevent me from opening my eyes, and a chemical irritant to hamper my sight and breathing if I was caught in it. All rational solutions to dealing with my Quirk. They escaped my trap too.” He couldn’t give them much less than full marks on this practical. They’d put everything they knew about him, along with everything they’d worked on in class to use. “This would’ve been a lot easier if I had access to all of my gear.”

The gas mask that he kept on him for real patrols usually rested around his neck, hidden by his capture weapon. If he’d had that, paired with his goggles, he could’ve moved straight through the tear gas and captured both Todoroki and Yaoyorozu. But he’d handicapped himself to only gear that he could fit on his belt to give them a chance. Eraserhead had many devices to capture Villains, including Mutant Types that weren’t affected by his Quirk. Everything from nets, to adhesive chemical bombs, to tasers, and many more depending on the situation or case he was involved in. But his belt only had so much space, which is why he often wore a tactical vest in the field with more pockets, and for more protection of his vitals.

“I’m going to put in some eyedrops, get my sleep mask, crawl into my sleeping bag, and take a damn nap.” Aizawa mumbled out as he reached for his eyedrops. He’d earned that much at least!

-Camie and Chikuchi vs Midnight-

“So…how do we get past Midnight-sensei?” Camie asked her partner for the practical exam.

Chikuchi looked thoughtful as they spied on Midnight from behind some rocks. The field they were in was a barren land that offered some places to hide, but very few obstructions to Midnight’s Quirk. “Hmm…not sure, do you know the range of her Quirk?”

“Not really…I know it puts you to sleep if you breathe it in though.” Camie, and most of Class 1-A, didn’t really have too much knowledge of Midnight’s Quirk and its limits. “I think it’s supposed to be less effective on girls though.”

“Can your Quirk counter it?” Chikuchi was trying to put some kind of plan together, considering it looked like Midnight was content to wait near the gate like a guard.

“I can make all sorts of illusions, but nothing that would probably surprise her.” Camie rolled around ideas in her head. “Keeping a distance would work if we tried to take her down, but what do you think our odds are of that?”

“Honestly? Not that great, even with the handicap she gave us.” Chikuchi sighed before noticing that Midnight was doing something. “What’s she up to?”

“Hmm?” Camie peeked over the rock again to see.

Midnight tore her suit, exposing the skin of her arms, and a pink cloud poured off of her to fill the air. The gas formed a thick cloud that quickly covered the entire gate area and lingered there. A barrier of Midnight’s Quirk Somnambulist now blocked them from escaping

“Ladies! You might want to do something soon! You’re time is running out!” Midnight called out as she emerged from the cloud of her Quirk, whip in hand.

“If I try to draw her away, do you think you could go invisible with your Quirk and make it through that cloud?” Chikuchi asked Camie, willing to play the role of distraction for them to pass.

“Probably, I have good lung capacity because of my Quirk, and I’ve been training to make it better when Izuku suggested it.” Camie judged the distance as something she could easily clear without taking a breath. “But would she really go very far from the gate, even if you were egging her on?”

Chikuchi grimaced at the obvious hole in her plan. Midnight would have to chase after her, and the Pro Hero had no reason to do that during this exam. Time was on Midnight’s side, not theirs. So long as she wasn’t captured, or one of them didn’t make it through the gate, Midnight would ‘win’.

“Hmm, she’s probably expecting us to try and make it through the gate.” Camie’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “So, what if we don’t do that and capture her instead?”

“You’ve got a plan to make that work?” Chikuchi questioned her partner with an interested look.

“Yep!” Camie giggled and quickly started to explain the plan to Chikuchi.

Chikuchi blinked after hearing it and an almost wicked grin formed on her face. “You’re evil, you know that?” The amount of mind fuckery that the illusionist had planned was amazing.

“Hmm?” Midnight looked amused as a crowd of Togeike and Utsushimi clones charged at her. “Illusions are all well and good, ladies, but I know a distraction when I see one!” She snapped her whip around and it passed through her cloud of pink gas, only to not hit anything. “Oh? Not trying to be sneaky? How bold~!” She cooed and licked her lips as the two girls charged at her

“Eat this!” The dozen Chickuchi’s raised their arms and fired water from the gauntlets on their wrists. Every shot of water quickly became a sharp spike almost fifteen centimeters in length. A wave of hyrdrokinetically manipulated spikes approached Midnight like a wall.

“Is that all?” Midnight demonstrated an insane amount of skill as she lashed her whips around in an intricate series of loops, proving that it was far more than just a simple whip and was indeed support gear. The lashing weapon quickly intercepted each and every spike of water, dispersing most into Camie’s chromatic mist, while splattering the real ones into droplets. “I’m not just a pretty face, you know?” She winked at the various girls.

“Rush her!” One of the Camie’s yelled out and all of the illusions rushed forward.

“Well that’s not much of a plan.” Midnight lashed her whip through the first clone, long before it could close the distance. “A Hero must be able to keep a level head in the field.” The second clone was dispatched easily, as was the third. “Charging in against a superior opponent is rarely the correct solution.” The fourth and fifth clones were both struck, but the fifth cried out instead.

“Kyah!” The Camie cried out, but in Chikuchi’s voice as the illusion faded away to reveal the water manipulator.

“Oh my? Were you hoping to get close, Togeike?” Midnight had a hungry look on her face as he ‘S’ switch was flipped. It was quickly removed as the Chikuchi vanished into chromatic mist. “Eh?”

“Time for a guessing game, Teach!” Camie and Chikuchi called out together as the illusions and the real two began to run about, some charging while others went wide and some retreating backwards.

“Oho?” Midnight would give the two points for that. They’d actually tricked her for a second there! “Let me show you some real whipping, girls~” The pure sexual energy in Midnight’s voice made both Camie and Chikuchi flinch a little. Midnight was on another level of sensuality!

Midnight’s whip danced through the air, lashing one illusory clone after another, all the while blocking each and every water shot that Chikuchi fired at her, both real and fake. Occasionally, the whip would lash out to the far sides and behind Midnight, passing through the pink gas of her Quirk to make sure that Camie wasn’t trying to be sneaky and slip past her.

“Got you!” Midnight grinned as her whip struck a solid body, one of the Camie copies. “Huh?!” The chromatic mist was scattered to reveal a good-sized rock in the place of the girl. “Your illusions aren’t capable of carrying things!” She knew that much of her student’s Quirk.

“Kawarimi no Jutsu (Substitution Technique), success!” Camie laughed at tricking Midnight successfully. Using her illusory mist, she’d made herself and the rock invisible, while making a copy in front of her. When the whip had come, she’d tossed the rock into the illusion copy of herself, and jumped backwards. The whip had hit the illusion and the rock, distracting Midnight as planned.

“Right… You went to Edgeshot…” Midnight had to backstep repeatedly as another wave of water spikes came at her from every angle in the instant that she’d been focused on hitting the fake.

“Nin nin, sensei!” All of the Camie clones called out at the same time, making a hand seal while laughing.

“Needle Rain!” Chikuchi busted out a Super Move that she’d come up with during her internship with Backdraft. She emptied a full canister of water from each of her gauntlets high into the air. Using her Quirk to ‘grab’ the water, the scattered liquid formed into hundreds of eight centimeter-long ‘needles’ and fell down upon Midnight’s retreating form.

“Hah!” Midnight proved her skill with her whip as it spun above her and struck down the vast majority of the water needles. The ones that got through tore into her thin costume, opening up more and more holes in the material. ‘This would be easier to deal with if I had one of my reinforced fans too.’ Midnight felt a few of the sharp water needles draw blood or stab into her skin for a moment before losing cohesion and splashing onto her skin.

“Are you kidding me?!” Chikuchi called out in shock that her move had been almost entirely negated. “I worked hard on that!”

“Sorry, dear, but I have a lot of experience~” Midnight grinned sadistically. “And tearing up my costume was the worst thing you could’ve done.” An explosion of the pink gas blasted off Midnight’s body as she made a pose worthy of a pinup model. The cloud was so thick only a silhouette of the woman could be seen. “Even if your mask has filtering and respirator functions, it’ll have no chance of filtering this much of my Quirk!”


The sound of cuffs latching together was heard and Midnight blinked as she felt the weight on her wrist. “Eh?” Camie faded into view, one hand over her nose and mouth, the other giving Midnight a peace sign as she ‘eye smiled’ at her teacher. “You, tricky little bombshell!” Midnight laughed and walked out of the thick cloud of pink gas with her student.

“Team Togeike and Utsushimi have passed the exam by capturing their instructor!” Blared throughout the area over the loudspeakers.

“Pah!” Camie stopped holding her breath once she’d cleared the pink gas. “Even my lung capacity was put to the test there.”

“We did it!” Chikuchi cheered and high-fived Camie.

“Heck yeah!” Camie laughed brightly with her friend.

“You both did wonderfully.” Midnight praised the two girls with a smile. “Distraction, combat, and countering your opponent’s strategy. I can’t find much of anything that you did wrong while challenging an opponent that had multiple advantages over you both. Your teamwork and cooperation made all of the difference!”

“You’re super skilled though, Midnight-sensei.” Chikuchi smiled at her teacher. “I came up with that Super Move with Backdraft’s help, but you beat it while weighed down and with a handicap. It was amazing!”

“You’ll be just as good someday, Togeike-chan.” Midnight assured the girl with a laugh. “It just takes time and a lot of training to master your gear and your Quirk. I’m surprised at how much you’ve already improved since joining the Hero Course.”

“Thank you, sensei.” Chikuchi lit up at the praise for her growing skills as a Hero.

“I’m going to have to call Edgeshot about you, Utsushimi-chan.” Midnight looked at the girl in the black catsuit. “Tell him that he was too good at making you into a kunoichi!”

“Hehehe!” Camie giggled with a bright smile. “He taught us a few Ninja Tricks, so I figured that I could incorporate them into my style, you know? Kunoichi are totally hot too!” She grinned saucily. “Yaomomo can do the techniques too…but she gets all adorably shy when other people see her doing it; so cute.” Camie laughed, remembering the dark red blush on Momo’s face when someone had taken a picture of her using one of the techniques during a patrol.

“That girl…she’s too precious.” Midnight cooed at Momo’s adorable side, one hand on her cheek.

“So, you’ve become a kunoichi now, huh?” Chikuchi asked as they waited for the last of Midnight’s pink cloud to dissipate so that they could leave the training field.

“Kinda.” Camie shrugged with a laugh. “I did buy the sexy kunoichi outfit already.”

Chikuchi did a spit take, or would have if she’d been drinking anything, at Camie’s words. “Why?!”

“How am I going to tease Izuku with a sexy kunoichi outfit if I don’t have one?” Camie questioned Chikuchi with a tilt of her head. “I want to get Yaomomo in on it too, for double the sexy kunoichi action. But she’s such a cinnamon roll that she gets all flustered when I bring it up!” She giggled tapping her index finger onto her pouty lips and playfully wiggling her eyebrows.

“So much passion! I can’t take it~!” Midnight put her hands on her cheeks and wiggled in place at Camie’s plans for her relationship. The woman was nothing if not a fan of passion in all of its forms!

“I…I didn’t really need to know that…” Chikuchi’s cheeks were red and she was looking away form both of the other women.

“No worries, it’ll be a private show for just Izuku…maybe Chako-chan and Tsu-chan if they want to watch too.” Camie winked at her friend, making Chikuchi flustered.

“Ah~!” Midnight squealed like she’d just heard something scandalous, fully playing up her ‘R-Rated Hero’ persona. Both to encourage Camie on her passions, and to tease Chikuchi a little as well. The world could use more strong-willed female Heroes that were confident in their bodies and sexuality, as well as their skills as a Hero. Midnight had believed that since she was a girl just entering U.A. High in her teenage years.

“It looks like we can head out now, let’s do that!” Chikuchi pointed out that the last of the pink gas had cleared and speedwalked towards the gate.

“Don’t be embarrassed, Chi-chan!” Camie chased after her friend with bubbly laughter.

“I don’t need to know what you get up to with your boyfriend!” Chikuchi called back, now running away playfully from her flirtatious friend. “You deviants need to get a room!” She laughed.

“I wish!” Camie called back, making Chikuchi stumble, allowing Camie to catch up and throw her arm over the other girl’s shoulder with a giggle.

“Ah, the future is looking pretty good with this group on the way.” Midnight smiled happily at the two Heroes-in-training. She was always proud to see students growing and figuring themselves out. Helping them along had become one of her joys in life since becoming a teacher.

-Recovery Girl’s Onsite Medical Tent-

“Two more without any real injuries…” Recovery Girl sighed happily at the outcome. She looked over at one of the beds where Izuku was napping. The boy wasn’t injured, just tired after using up so much of his energy. She’d healed Bakugo with a simple use of her Quirk, but the boy had left with an odd look on his face, as if he couldn’t figure something out. “Hopefully that youngster gets his head on straight soon. Talent like his would be a shame to lose, but a Hero isn’t just their Quirk and combat ability.”

Recovery Girl returned her eyes to the remaining exams that were underway. She had a feeling that she’d be healing at least a few more students before the day was over with.

-End Chapter-


More confident Momo equals a bad time for Aizawa and his eyes! Kek!

Our little genius knows Aizawa’s Quirk and how it works! With a Quirk Nerd like Izuku for a boyfriend, her ability to make accurate guesses about an opponent’s Quirk will be noticeably higher than normal, after all!

Todoroki, now not trying to do everything himself, actually listens to Momo’s plan from the beginning, preventing any breakdown in communication or cooperation! Progress for the troubled teen!

He’ll be ‘friendshipped’ by Izuku and the others soon enough! There is no escape! Heh!

Camie and Chikuchi are able to capture Midnight with sneaky Ninja Tricks! Yay!

Chikuchi has come up with a Super Move during her internship! Good job!

Camie shares her plan of teasing Izuku with a sexy Kunoichi outfit! Hehehe!

Now, if she could only get Momo to join in too! Izuku is lucky young man!

Which pair are next on the chopping block? Will we have our first full failure?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



'nin-nin sensei' was adorable and i loved it. more sexy kunoichi shenanigans please


Glad you liked it! Camie is fun to write! Sexy Kunoichi Shenanigans are definitely in Izuku's future!


How many quirks does izuku have now anyways ? And will he copy any of his classmates ?


38, so far, some of which haven't been seen just yet. And I'm not actually planning on Izuku copying his classmates' Quirks. There are more Quirks I'd like to play with outside of the Class, rather than the ones that I can showcase just by letting the other Class 1-A students have their moments to shine here and there.


What about him copying Eraserheads ? Because that’s be op Or midnights because he has that gas manipulation


Maybe later? Not sure just yet, since, again, I can use their Quirks without Izuku copying them.


Is he gonna copy twice’s quirk because with that many girlfriends it’d certainly be useful if ya catch my drift ;)


Camie: *Gets nosebleed* Momo/Ochako/Tsuyu: "CAMIE!!!" Camie: "You all were thinking it too!"


Im just imagining him using twices quirk and spawning clones of himself to curb stomp overhaul like this https://youtu.be/DMI1dHGOPJo