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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Magma Dragon King! Now that two of his attempts have failed, what will Jose Porla do? He’s known to have a temper. Perhaps he’ll bring his entire Guild along to try and take Lucy by force? How many times can you provoke a Guild like Fairy Tail before they retaliate?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 27 – Phantom Lord Attacks

“YOU LOST?!” Jose Porla yelled at Sol so loudly that it echoed throughout their large Guild Hall. “You had ONE job, Sol!” He ground his teeth furiously. “Where is Juvia? She needs to explain her actions!”

“Master…I’ve not seen nor heard from Juvia since Salamander separated us.” Sol explained with sweat running down his face. “Perhaps the Dragon Slayer finished her off? He was rather enraged that we came after the girl.”

“Finished her off?” Jose looked thoughtful for a moment before shaking his head. “No, those Fairies are too soft for such things. Makarov raised a generation of Mages to not kill, the old fool.” The reminder that Fairy Tail was still considered the current top Guild in Fiore even with this mentality made a vein start pulsing on his forehead. “So be it, I’ve tried provoking them and now being subtle, all that’s left now is the direct method.” He sneered before turning to look out the window. “Make sure everyone is ready, we’ll be moving out shortly.”

“You mean…” Sol blinked at what his Master was suggesting.

“Of course,” Jose had a dark smirk on his face. “It’s time to be rid of Fairy Tail for good. We’ll capture the Heartfilia girl in the process and hold her for ransom afterwards. I’ll squeeze every last Jewel from the Heartfilia Corporation before we give her back. With all that money we won’t have to worry about the Council anymore.”

“Yes, Master!” Sol gave a salute before leaving the office.

“Oh…it’s so sad…open war with Fairy Tail!” Aria faded into view with tears pouring down his face.

“Enough of your whining, Aria!” Jose glared at the leader of the Element Four. “I’ve had enough failures already! My S-Class Element Four has done nothing for me so far.” Aria stopped crying at the scathing remark. “You all had best prove yourselves in the coming battle, or else.” He warned the tall man and Aria nearly flinched at the Magic Power rolling off the Wizard Saint.

-Fairy Tail-

“They did what?!” Makarov looked nearly apoplectic after hearing what had happened to Lucy and Lisanna on their way home. The wooden staff in his hand was creaking from the force of his grip. “Are you two alright?” He looked over the two young women.

“We’re fine, Master.” Lisanna smiled at him from her place against Natsu’s side, his arm around her waist. Mira was pressed into her other side and was holding her too. The She-Devil looked downright murderous at the moment. Only holding Lisanna was keeping her from flying off to Phantom Lord’s Guild and destroying it. Elfman was sitting close by and was clearly pissed at what Phantom Lord had tried to do to his little sister.

“We teamed up and sent that Sol guy running.” Lucy tried to brighten the mood that had settled over the guild. She was pressed into Natsu’s other side, arm around her waist, and Cana holding her from the other side.

“This is getting far out of hand.” Makarov grumbled angrily. “I’ll need to contact the Council to tell them of these open hostilities against us. They can deal with Phantom Lord for breaking the Guild Laws.”

“If they want a fight, I say we should give them one.” Someone in the basement spoke up. Their exclamation was met with some approval and cheers. That was ended as soon as Erza stomped her foot on the floor.

“The Master has made his decision.” Erza stared down the group that had cheered. “Everyone in Fairy Tail will abide by it, understood?” The redhead was showing off her disciplinarian side in full force.

“Yes, ma’am!” The entire guild responded, all of them standing at attention like soldiers. Even the members that hadn’t been cheering for a fight.

“Two attacks so close together though…I’m starting to think Jose has lost his mind.” Gildarts shared a look with Makarov. Both of them knew something was up with the Phantom Lord Guild Master. Jose made no attempt to hide his disdain for Fairy Tail, but he’d never been so brazen before.

“For now, we’ll continue to keep up our guard. Don’t travel alone if possible. I’ll make the call to the Council now, but it’ll probably be tomorrow or the day after before any real talks or investigation begins.” Makarov spoke to the Guild at large.

“Yes, Master.” Every member nodded to the old man in acceptance.

-Dragon’s Den ~ Evening-

“What a day…” Lucy sighed as she leaned back against the edge of the hot spring.

“Agreed.” Lisanna exhaled as she relaxed in the water next to Mira. “You did great though, Lucy. Sol is an S-Class Mage and you helped fight him off.”

“You did most of the work, Lisanna.” Lucy shook her head gently. “I just provided support.”

“Don’t sell yourself short, Lucy.” Cana smiled at the blonde from beside her. “From how you two described your fight, you made a lot of Sol’s Earth Magic nearly unusable. That’s amazing for a Mage that’s never wielded Earth Magic before.”

“I was leaning heavily on Virgo for guidance.” Lucy praised her Spirit even though the maid wasn’t there. “Without her I wouldn’t have been much help at all.”

“So humble.” Cana laughed as she pulled Lucy into a side hug. Lucy chuckled and leaned into Cana’s hug with a smile. It was good to have family.

“Room for two more?” Natsu asked the girls as he and Erza entered the steamy outdoor bath. The only male had a towel wrapped around his waist for Lucy’s sake.

“Always.” Mira beamed at them while making a beckoning motion with her finger.

“Uh, Lucy, you sure you’re okay with this?” Cana questioned as she looked down at the Celestial Spirit Mage’s body. “You don’t have a towel on.”

“It’s fine.” Lucy assured her friend with a smile. “As long as it’s just Natsu.” She gave a warm look to the Magma Dragon Slayer.

“As long as you’re okay with it, Lucy.” Natsu smiled widely as he and Erza stepped into the spring and settled in.

“What’s next, Lucy?” Mira had her teasing grin on her lips. “Gonna ask Natsu to drop the towel next time?” She wiggled her eyebrows playfully.

“Maybe…” Lucy’s cheeks darkened slightly. Her brown eyes found Natsu’s gaze and he grinned brightly at her. Cana laughed as she hugged Lucy again.

After their soak in the hot spring, the group prepared for bed. It was all normal, as if Phantom Lord wasn’t breathing down their necks with blatant aggression. Lucy was in her pajamas and finishing up the last of her nightly routine. She stretched with a sigh and noted the time on the wall clock. A knock on her bedroom door surprised her a little. Walking over, Lucy opened the door to find Natsu standing in the hallway. The look on his face, especially in his dragon-like eyes, made Lucy’s heart thump in her chest.

“Natsu?” Lucy gave him a smile. “What’s up? Is something wrong?”

“Lucy…would you stay with us tonight?” Natsu asked softly.

“Stay with us?” Lucy blinked at him. Wasn’t she already doing that? They lived together after all.

“Yeah, like in the Master Bedroom.” Natsu further explained his request.

“Th-The M-Master Bedroom?” Lucy blushed at the idea. She knew what went on in that room after all. “W-What brought this on?”

“After what happened today…we all just want you and Lisanna as close as possible, you know?” Natsu’s words were laced with concern and Lucy felt warmth bloom in her chest.

For all he tries to reassure everyone, he’s really one of the most concerned.’ Lucy thought as a warm smile made its way to her lips. “Sure, Natsu, I’d like that.” She looked at him warmly and gently placed her hand in Natsu’s when he held it out to her. The couple walked through the hallway and around the corner to the door of the Master Bedroom. When they entered, Lucy started taking in the room she’d never been in before.

It was a warm space, large and yet still giving off a cozy feel. The windows on one wall let in the moonlight and bathed part of the room in a silvery glow. The walls were dark wood and lined with chests of drawers. Lucy noted a small door in one corner that she guessed led to a fairly large closet. It would make sense with all of the people that slept in the room to have their clothes here too. Her eyes fell onto the large bed next. It probably didn’t fit any of the standard sizes of mattresses. The bed was just that big. Lucy roughly estimated that as many as six or seven people could lay side-by-side and sleep comfortably on the massive bed. It had a wooden frame and a large headboard. It sat slightly low to the ground, probably a bit lower than the bed in her room. What really stood out was the bedding itself. It was a mix of regular blankets and furs. The Dragon Slayers did hunt on occasion. Lucy had seen Natsu bring back a large boar from the forest before. Honestly, in Lucy’s opinion, the Master Bedroom looked just like it should for a family of Dragon Slayers.

“Lucy, you’re here.” Lisanna beamed at the blonde.

“Thank you for agreeing, Lucy.” Erza also smiled at the pajama-clad girl.

Both were in the bed already, but not covered up or anything. They were in thin clothing, t-shirts and cotton short shorts, as they prepared for sleep. Lisanna crawled over to touch a small, round lacrima on a nightstand next to the bed. Lucy unashamedly looked at the bountiful booty that the white-haired girl was showing unintentionally. The lacrima lit up, but not in the way a normal lighting lacrima would. It appeared to flicker and shine with fire instead of the steady light of a regular lacrima used for illumination.

“A little more light, just in case.” Lisanna smiled as she crawled across the bed to her previous position.

“You gonna be okay in those pajamas, Lucy?” Cana questioned as she emerged from the doorway in the corner. It was indeed a large walk-in closet and Lucy saw Mira turn off the light inside as she followed the Card mage out of it. Both of them were dressed in similar light clothing. “It gets pretty warm and cozy with a Fire Dragon and a Magma Dragon under the blankets and furs.”

“We could always go au natural~” Mira teased as she pulled up the hem of her midriff-bearing t-shirt a bit.

“I-I’ll be okay.” Lucy blushed cutely at the offer. She was considering their words though. Natsu did naturally stay warmer than most. Maybe she would get too hot in her full pajamas?

“Let’s get some sleep.” Natsu yawned as he gently led Lucy to the bed. He pulled off his shirt and shorts without concern and stood only in his boxers. Lucy let her eyes roam over her boyfriend’s muscled body without restraint. His physique always made her hum lowly in approval.

The pink-haired man crawled across the blankets and furs as he always did. He kissed Lisanna softly, a slow gentle kiss filled with his love for her. Lisanna wore a happy grin when they separated. Mira was next as she’d scooted behind Lisanna. The older Strauss sister letting out a small hum of approval as they kissed and poured their feelings for each other into their lip lock. A content smile was on Mira’s face as she pulled away. Cana giggled as Natsu leaned in to capture her lips. Their kiss was much the same, long and slow and filled with love. The Booze Dragon Slayer looked oh so pleased when they finished. Erza gently rested her forehead against Natsu’s for a moment before leaning into his lips. The redhead mewled happily as she leaned back until her back hit the mattress. When Natsu pulled away from her lips, Erza had a warm smile as she lay on the bed.

“Come to bed, Lucy.” Natsu encouraged as he settled into the middle of the massive bed.

“Yes…” Lucy nodded before she hooked her fingers into the waistband of her pink pajama bottoms. Before the eyes of her boyfriend and housemates/future-Dragon Sisters, she pulled them down her long legs and stepped out of them. Now clad in only her pajama top and panties, Lucy crawled onto the bed.

“Ooh~” Both Mira and Cana cooed when Lucy crawled right up to Natsu and leaned in for a kiss of her own. The blonde let out a low moan as she and Natsu kissed slowly. Every time was so warm and full of love that Lucy had quickly gotten used to kissing Natsu once they’d done it the first time.

“Goodnight.” Lucy smiled warmly at Natsu and then all of her friends. A round of ‘goodnights’ followed as everyone got comfortable.

Lucy found herself cuddled up to Natsu’s right side with Erza at her back. The large bosom pressed against her and the arm around her waist was actually very comfortable. Lucy laid her head on Natsu’s shoulder while Erza was humming lowly as Natsu’s hand gently ran through her scarlet hair. Lisanna was pressed up against Natsu’s left side with Mira behind her. The Fire Dragon Slayer had a content smile on her lips as she snuggled into Natsu. Mira kissed the top of Lisanna’s head softly. The Forest Dragon Slayer gently laid her head on Natsu’s shoulder. Cana had a loving smile on her lips as she lay on Natsu’s chest. Her large breasts pressed into his strong pectorals as she stole a quick kiss from his lips. With a happy grin, Cana slid down Natsu’s body until her head was lying on his chest, just over his heart.

I love my family.’ Lucy smiled as she dozed off, warm, safe, and comfortable.

The fire-like light of the lacrima slowly dimmed and went out after the Magic Lisanna had given it was gone. But the family in the massive bed was already asleep by that time. Only the light of the moon through the windows illuminated the bedroom and the residents of the Dragon’s Den slept peacefully that night.

-Fairy Tail Guild Hall ~ The Next Morning-

“Did you hear that?” Lisanna questioned as a slight rumbling had caught her attention.

“Huh? I didn’t hear anything.” Elfman shook his head.

“There it is again.” This time it was Cana who spoke.

“What is that?” Mira cocked her head slightly, now picking up on it too.

“What’re you guys talking about?” Max questioned from his table close by.

The ground shaking slightly clued everyone in and calls of confusion filled the basement of the Guild Hall. The Mages of Fairy Tail started rushing out of the basement to figure out what was going on. None of them were prepared for the source of the noise and tremors.

“What the hell is that?!” Multiple Mages shouted in shock and confusion.

“A guild…is walking…” Wakaba’s cigarette nearly fell out of his mouth.

“Is that Phantom…?” Macao stared at the castle approaching Magnolia on six massive, mechanical legs. The mobile building was crossing through the large lake that the town drew its water from without issue.

The castle was six stories tall and had squared towers that were even taller than that. The outer wall was covered in arched windows and the visible entryway was a series of arches over a large double door. Multiple domes could be seen within the center of the castle. The center tower in the castle had a cylindrical roof and on top of it, waving in the breeze was the flag of Phantom Lord.

“You’ve gotta be kidding me…” Alzack stared at the approaching Guild in stunned disbelief.

“The hell is that thing?” Gray’s eyes were wide as the tremors got stronger the closer the building approached.

“Never seen something like this before,” Ur commented coolly. “That thing is bigger than Deliora was.” Inwardly she was cursing that she hadn’t even come close to recovering her Magic Power. She couldn’t help her old student’s Guild out right now. If anything, she’d be more of a hindrance.

“I never counted on this…for us to be attacked this way…” Erza ground her teeth at what Phantom Lord was doing.

“What’re we supposed to do?!” Another member cried out.

The approaching castle came to a stop. The six mechanical legs lowering the building until it sat just above the churning lake water. Steam hissed out of vents on each leg and a loud clanking sound was heard. Six sharp thuds followed and the castle stilled completely in position. The mobile Guild had locked itself in place.

Within the Phantom Lord Guild Hall, Jose Porla looked down on the still wrecked Fairy Tail Guild Hall. The large number of members that stood outside of it and stared up at his castle meant little to nothing to the Wizard Saint. “Prepare the Magic-Focusing Cannon: Jupiter!” He ordered with a dark, angry look on his face. More metallic clanking was heard as a section atop the castle slid down and a platform bearing a massive cannon moved into position. The cannon began to hum as Ethernano was charged into it from its power source deep within the castle. “Eliminate them.” Jose ordered coldly, not at all concerned about the lives he was about to snuff out.

“No…” Erza noticed the Jupiter Cannon and turned to face her guildmates. “Everyone, get back!”

“What’s going on?!”

“Is that a Guild Building?”

“It walked right through the lake!”

Almost every Fairy Tail member turned to look at the gathering townspeople of Magnolia. The citizens were naturally curious of the strange goings on in their town. They approached without knowing the danger that was about to befall them all.

“No!” Bisca Mulan, a verdette woman that used a gun-focused style of Requip Magic, yelled at the townsfolk as she tried to wave them away.

“You have to get out of here!” Reedus was already running towards the people.

“You’re in danger!” Loke was also heading towards the innocent civilians.

“Phantom Lord is attacking!” Nab was right behind his two guildmates as they rushed to try and shield them from the incoming blast.

A massive boom shook the town as the Jupiter Cannon fired. A titanic beam of pure Magic tore through the water and the air as it headed for the Fairy Tail Guild Hall. Erza’s body was covered in a bright glow as she Requipped into her most powerful defensive armor.

“Adamantine Armor?!” Max gaped in shock. “She doesn’t think she can block that, does she?!”

“Erza!” The Dragon Slayers all roared as they tried to rush to her.

“What the hell did I wake up to?” Gildarts questioned aloud as he ran a hand through his orange hair. His cloak swayed in the breeze and Erza blinked as the Crash Mage had seemingly appeared between her and the incoming blast out of nowhere.

“Gildarts!” The majority of the Guild exclaimed at the man’s sudden appearance.

“Calm down…” Gildarts held up his right hand, palm facing the wave of Magic coming at them. The beam stalled as it made contact with Gildarts’ hand. A fierce gale sent many members stumbling from the shockwave. The beam of power took on a slightly compressed, spherical form as it tried to move beyond the Mage holding it back. “CRASH!”

The colossal sphere of pure Magic gained a grid pattern across its brightly glowing surface. A moment later, and with a pop that made many of the Fairy Tail Mages grab their ears, the immensely powerful blast scattered in every direction as nothing more than tiny sparks of Ethernano. Gildarts had literally broken down the shot of the Jupiter Cannon into so many fragments, that none of them were remotely harmful.

The strong breeze that crossed the area was met with silence as both Mages and townspeople looked on in shock. Gildarts actually yawned while shaking out his hand from the absurdity he’d just pulled off. Several people collapsed onto their knees or asses as the immediate threat had passed.

In the Phantom Lord Guild, Jose Porla and every one of their Mages that had been watching just stared with wide eyes. None of them could believe what they’d just seen at all. A single Mage had just stopped a Jupiter Cannon without so much as getting injured! Jose’s face was flat, his eyes wide and his mouth a thin line. His expression was matched by dozens of the Mages he’d brought with him in the mobile guild.

“Bet you can’t do that again.” Gildarts stared at the stationary cannon as it steamed from its previous shot.


“Phantom Lord is attacking!”

“They’ve gone Dark!”

“Someone call the Rune Knights!”

The townspeople of Magnolia were in a panic as they fled from the area. Some stopped just long enough to bang on doors and warn the inhabitants to leave before taking off. The cries of fear and panic quickly spread throughout the normally peaceful town. Waves of people rushed towards the far end of the town and the train station. Some skipped the station entirely and headed into the forest and up the forested hills.

“So, you have returned, Gildarts Clive.” Jose’s voice rang out from speakers on the mobile castle. “It is no matter. We’ll deal with you all personally while the Jupiter Cannon recharges!” From the entryway of the stationary castle out in the lake, a pitch-black path formed, branched off into multiple paths, and then connected to solid ground. “Wipe them all out and bring the target to me!”

“What the hell does that mean?” Elfman blinked at the target part of Jose’s orders.

From the Phantom Lord Guild Hall, a massive wave of Mages rushed forth along the pitch-black pathways. They let out war cries, charged their Magics, and brandished Magical Weapons. The sheer number difference was immense. It was clear that Jose had gathered up the majority of Phantom’s members, even ones from branch halls around Fiore.

RAAAAARRRRRHHHH!!!” A bellowing roar drowned out all of the other Mages of Phantom Lord. All of the Dragon Slayers felt their hackles rise at the sound. That roar was not meant to intimidate. That was a Dragon’s Roar. A roar of challenge. The slitted eyes of Natsu, Lisanna, Cana, Erza, and Mira all zeroed in on the source quickly. “Gehehehe.” Gajeel smirked down from the castle with his teeth and fangs bared. “Come get some, Salamander!”

“One-on-one, huh?” Natsu growled as he started stalking forward. His body was already emitting a heat haze as he bared his own fangs. With an explosive burst of fire from his legs, Natsu rocketed into the air and towards the Iron Dragon Slayer. “GAJEEL!!!”

“We’ve got incoming!” Macao called out to get the Fairy Tail Mages to refocus. His hands were surrounded by his signature Purple Flare Magic.

“Bunch of jumped-up punks!” Wakaba stood beside his best friend with scowl. The smoke from his cigarette suddenly turned a dark gray color and began to billow into a large cloud thanks to his Smoke Magic.

“Bring it on!” Elfman roared before his body was covered in bright yellow squares. He transformed into a Lizardman, with deep green and black scales covering his new body. The Lizardmen were known for having armor-like scales and powerful bodies. Their tails alone could send a fully armored man flying with a swipe.

“You got my back, Bisca?” Alzack drew his Magic Revolvers.

“You know it, Al!” Bisca held out her right hand. “The Gunner!” A bright Magic Circle formed in the air before a rifle materialized into Bisca’s hand.

“Master Ur, please wait here.” Gray let his Magic flow throughout his body. The Ice Make Mage exhaled a frosted breath as cold steam rose from his shirtless body.

“Why did he take off his shirt?” Ur held the garment in her hand while looking at her old student in confusion.

“Jose.” Makarov floated into the air from atop the Fairy Tail Guild Hall. If his fellow Wizard Saint wanted a fight, he’d oblige the arrogant brat. He flew towards the castle with a glare on his normally kind face.

“Hey, Dragon Slayers, I’m not seeing any of the Element Four in this crowd.” Gildarts called out to the girls. “They’re probably hold up in that castle. Why don’t you go make sure they can’t fire that Jupiter Cannon again? If you find the Element Four, deal with them too. We’ll hold down the fort here.” While Gildarts didn’t technically have the authority to order around any other Fairy Tail Mage, none of the Dragon Slayer girls had any problems with his plan.

“You got it!” Mira was already transforming into her Satan Soul.

“We’ll take care of it.” Erza nodded to the other S-Class Mage.

“Make sure nothing happens to the Guild, Dad.” Cana shot a grin at her father. Gildarts chuckled at her and waved her off.

“Watch your back, Lucy.” Lisanna hugged the blonde. “They said target and I’m pretty sure that means either you or me for some reason.”

“I’ll be careful, Lisanna.” Lucy hugged the slightly shorter girl back. “Worst case, I’ll just stay close to Gildarts, right?” She nodded her head towards the powerful Mage.

“Thank you.” Lisanna beamed at her friend, her heart now more at ease knowing that Lucy would be as safe as she could on the battlefield.

“Knuckle Plant!” Droy cast and the fist-shaped vines lashed out to strike multiple Phantom Lord Mages.

“Falcon Heavenward!” Jet blurred forward to kick another Phantom Mage back into the water.

“Solid Script: Combo Words: Chain Lightning!” Levy wrote the word ‘chain’ with her left hand and the word ‘lightning’ with her right. When she crossed her arms, the two words touched and changed into a single color. From the new form ‘Chain Lightning’ a wide arc of electricity passed through one enemy after another. The many bolts leapt from one person to the next closest enemy, all under Levy’s control.

“Star Arms: Taurus!” Lucy incanted and her arms were covered by the cow-print sleeves, fingerless gloves, and the forearm guards. “Open! Gate of the Golden Bull: Taurus!” Lucy held up Taurus’ key and in a bright, golden light the Celestial Spirit appeared.

“Moooo!” Taurus grunted out loudly. “You look amazing with those on, Lucy!” The Bull Spirit smiled at Lucy using his Star Arms.

“Not the time, Taurus.” Lucy shook her head. “We’ve got a lot of enemies to deal with, let’s go!” She pointed at the horde of Phantom Lord Mages.

“Will do!” Taurus flexed his muscles, feeling the extra power that Lucy had put into his summoning this time. ‘She’s getting stronger and stronger.’ He grinned while pulling his massive axe from his back. The duo rushed into the fray and sent enemies flying with every attack.

-End Chapter-


Some fluff! Yay!

Phantom attacking! Boo~!

Jose thought he was prepared! Gildarts would like to say ‘Hi’.

Makarov is heading straight for Jose!

Natsu and Gajeel are about to fight for dominance as Male Dragons often do when they meet.

Erza, Cana, Lisanna, and Mira are heading into the castle to deal with the Jupiter Cannon and the Element 4! Or Element 3 as it would be, I guess.

Man…wouldn’t it just suck for Sol to be found by Mira? After he attacked Lisanna? Oh, damn…

How will the battle between Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord play out?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

..............I see Jose rolled a critical fail on the Common Sense check. Welp, time for him to meet the lovely lady known as Karma. I heard she's a cruel mistress.


Nice chapter Kai though did Juvia go off screen somewhere? Also it looks like Jose’s lost his marbles but that’s also bad as he can be unpredictable.


Fun chapter phantom lord is in for an epic smack down and I look forward to reading it


Juvia has a lot to think about, she doesn't want to fight right now. She's sitting this attack out. The Rain Woman is far from where anyone would look for her right now. She'll be back soon.

Primal Deva

Funnily enough, I only started reading this story yesterday and caught up to it a few hours ago. Anyway loved it and I'm looking forward to how it progresses. Now I'm trying to figure out what element Lucy is going to choose and all I'm coming up with is Light cause it kind of suits her. Thanks for another great chapter!

Damion D

Phantom lord just got a major reality check don't mess with fairy tail they can all throw down I wonder how Wendy will be when she shows up


Glad you liked it so much that you binged it all! XD All will be revealed in time.

Ice fox

Speaking of Wendy well Nastu And the girls Adopt her as a daughter?

Ant Franklin

This honestly stands up to being one of my favorite favorite fictions just cause of how in depth the story is


Thank you for the praise, I'll happily accept it. I'm glad that the effort is appreciated by the readers.


Can't believe I forgot to review here earlier... well, here I am now! Ah, Jose's rage to learning that another plan of his failed is music to my ears! Juvia's already gone, I see. Will she be helping Fairy Tail during the upcoming war, or will we only see her again after it's over? Fairy Tail isn't happy with the second attack on it's members! But no one got hurt, so still no retaliation yet! I guess Makarov calling the Council to report this means they'll be showing up not long after the war ends. I always love seeing so much fluff with the Dragon Family! Hopefully it won't be too much longer before Lucy officially becomes a Dragon Sister! Finally Phantom Lord attacks directly! Starting off with Jupiter, not caring who may get hit and die. Fortunately, Gildarts was there to put a stop to that! Bet Jose's stupid face didn't see that coming! I'm not gonna lie, I constantly forget that Ur is back. Especially since she can't do a whole lot when she hasn't recovered her Magic Power yet. Phantom's Mages have come out to fight, and with them is Gajeel challenging Natsu to a fight! Honestly, I can't see Gajeel winning this one. After all, he lost to Natsu in canon when the latter was just a Fire Dragon Slayer, he probably won't do much better against a Magma Dragon Slayer. Meanwhile, the Dragon Slayers are preparing to fight the Element 3. I'm guessing we'll be getting Cana vs. Totomaru, Mirajane vs. Sol, and Erza vs. Aria. At least, if you want to have Mira get her revenge on Sol. I could just as easily see the last two switch opponents it you wanted to have Erza fight Sol with her Earth Dragon Slayer Magic. As for Lisanna, she'll probably fight either Sol or Totomaru. Either way, I'm looking forward to the next chapter!


We'll see Juvia afterwards. She has a lot to think about. Of course! All of the Fluffy! Cuddle Pile Dragons! Yeah, a direct attack will force the Council to step in. Jose is gonna be in trouble~! Magic Cannon! Gildarts: "Lol Nope!" Yeah, it'll be a while until Ur recovers and can get back in the thick of things. But, oh boy, when she does! Do remember that all Dragon Slayers raised directly by Dragons have been strengthened in this story, not just Natsu. You'll see who fights who soon enough! Sol...we hardly knew ya...you won't be missed. Happy that you enjoyed the chapter, Sparky!

John Balman

Catching up great as always, did natsu get a future dragon of rain last chapter......


Water Dragon, Rain Dragon, something like that! And future little Steam Dragons! *Hehehehe~*

Esteban Gonzalez

How often do you update the story? Do you have a schedule?