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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of The Logia Brothers! As the Straw Hats are guest of the King, they have time to recuperate and relax within the palace. But what’s going on in the shadows of the kingdom? Will a certain some be stacking the odds in the Straw Hats favor? If so, for what reason?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 38 – In the Shadows, Dancing, Bounties

Take all of these…this…and these papers will be left right where they can be found.’ Miss All-Sunday grinned as she raided Crocodile’s office and secret safe in Rain Dinners. She was taking the liquid assets the Warlord kept on hand for herself. With a small grin on her lips, she made sure that some of the most incriminating evidence of Crocodile’s dealings in the criminal underworld would be found. The secret safe would just so happen to be left partially exposed, how fortunate for the Marines and Cipher Pols that would be investigating the late Warlord. ‘And now I disappear for a bit and wait.’ She hefted the heavy satchel and put the strap over her shoulder. She’d entered the damaged casino with no one the wiser and she’d leave it the same way.

Only an hour or so had gone by since Miss All-Sunday’s departure when the first wave of Marines had entered the blocked off building. They’d secured the area, as protocol dictated, and now a few dozen Marines were searching through the casino of the deceased Crocodile. They knew only vaguely what they were looking for among the pirate’s things. Anything that could give insight onto why one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea had gone rogue. One of their first targets had been the man’s office, of course. It was a rank-and-file Marine, Petty Officer Lourk, that noticed the slightly askew banner on the wall. He lifted the cloth out of sheer curiosity more than anything. The man blinked when he saw the hidden safe with its door slightly ajar. He called out to his fellow Marines and together they opened the safe and began to look through it.

“T-Transponder Snail…Transponder Snail! Someone get me the damn Transponder Snail!!!” Lourk bellowed as he read over some of the papers that were stashed in the safe. This was beyond basic piracy…this needed to be seen and dealt with by the Higher Ups as soon as possible!

For being the one to find the hidden safe and the evidence, Petty Officer Lourk would be promoted to Chief Petty Officer a little over a week later.


“You’re saying this ‘Haki’ is what gives your friends their strength?” Cobra looked at his daughter curiously. He’d briefly heard the word at a Reverie or two from some of the Monarchs of other lands, mostly from the New World. To think it was something like this was quite surprising. Cobra had been under the impression that ‘Haki’ was a type of Martial Arts style of some kind from what little his sharp ears had overheard.

“Yes,” Vivi smiled at her father happily. Only a full day of taking the medicine that Chopper had made and her father was already starting to look a bit better. “If you’ll allow it, father, I can ask Luffy if he’d be willing to help awaken it in our soldiers.”

“The Conqueror’s Haki that you mentioned?” Cobra nodded at the new information. “Didn’t you say that you possess it too?”

“I do, but it’s not nearly as developed as Luffy’s.” Vivi shook her head. “I can barely even call it forth during moments of extreme emotion. Right now, I can’t focus it enough to force someone else’s Haki to awaken in response.”

“If the Captain is willing to do so, I wouldn’t refuse.” Cobra gave his permission. Haki sounded like it could only be a boon to their forces, especially after the three-year civil war they’d just gone through.

“I’ll ask him as soon as I see him again.” Vivi beamed at her father.

“Princess? We need to get you fitted for your dress.” Terracotta spoke up from the doorway. “Your ‘Coming of Age’ ceremony has been put off for two years since you were gone. The people can’t wait to see you again!”

“Coming, Terracotta!” Vivi gave her father a polite bow before following after the woman. A ‘Coming of Age’ ceremony only happened once for each member of the Royal Family after all. It was a tradition that was centuries old and couldn’t just be skipped.

-Vivi’s Room-

“Ah, you look so lovely, Princess.” Terracotta gushed over the bluenette as they worked on her dress for the ceremony.

“Thank you, Terracotta.” Vivi smiled as she stood still while Terracotta and another seamstress adjusted the fitting of the dress she’d wear. They’d been doing this for a while already, but Vivi knew how much importance this ceremony held for both the palace and the country. People from all over the kingdom would be coming to see her and hear her small speech. She’d do everything she could to give them all hope.

Several minutes later and Terracotta finished a stitch before pausing. “How about a little break? I think we could use it and you must be getting stiff from standing still so long, Princess.” The blonde woman smiled at Vivi kindly.

“I’d like that very much.” Vivi agreed and the three women took a break from the fitting. Snacks and drinks were called for from the kitchen as Vivi walked around her room a little to get the stiffness out of her legs.

-The Kitchens-

A large platter of fruits and pitchers of water were being placed on a cart. This was a snack for the Princess and everything would be perfect. Various sweet fruits were sliced and arranged on the platter with the kitchen staff’s skills. A large red fruit, a Giant Prickly Pear native to Alabasta, was going to be the centerpiece of the arrangement. It was a favorite amongst the people of Alabasta for its sweet and juicy flavor.

Unseen by anyone, even though he wasn’t trying to hide, Akuma grinned at the red fruit. He touched the prickly pear with his right index finger. The fruit visibly moved. It seemed to pulse for a few seconds before a startling change overcame it. The red color shifted into a beige color, not unlike the color of sand, and gained swirl markings all over it. The flesh rippled as it morphed into a cactus-like shape, complete with two little ‘arms’ off-shooting from the round body. A ring of green leaves adorned the top of the fruit as a light-green stem emerged, split into two parts near the top, and then the right split curled inward. With his work done, Akuma sat back and waited.

“The hell is this?” One of the chef’s questioned as she blinked at the Devil Fruit. “Why is it with the prickly pears?” She picked the strange fruit up by the stem and set it aside before picking up one of the succulent red fruits. As she prepared the giant prickly pear, her eyes were drawn to the odd, cactus-shaped fruit. She arranged the sliced prickly pear in the center of the platter with precision and skill.

“Huh, that’s an odd-looking fruit.” An older chef mentioned as he caught sight of the Devil Fruit. “Is it something special we should be adding to the Princess’ snack?”

“I’m not sure, I’ve never seen one like it before.” The female chef shook her head as they both looked the Devil Fruit over.

“I’ll get the book.” The old man strode over to a shelf and pulled down a large book. He flipped it open while walking back and set it on the table. The two chefs flipped through the book for a couple of minutes before finding a fruit that looked vaguely similar to the one that they had.

“Cactus Melon?” The woman blinked at the name. “It looks sort of similar.”

“I suppose this one is ripe enough, based on the pictures.” The older chef rubbed his chin. “But it says it’s a bitter cactus fruit, best served as a beverage.”

“The fact that there’s one here is surprising,” She noted while pointing to a line in the book. “Cactus Melons rarely make it to full maturity because desert birds eat them. It must have been brought here because it’s rare.”

“Then I say we make it into a nice juice for the Princess.” The old chef chortled. “A bit of peach juice should balance out the bitterness. The Cactus Melon is nutritious too, so we’ll leave some pulp in the juice.”

“I’ll slice it up if you get the juice press.” The woman laughed as she placed the Devil Fruit on the chopping board.

“Will do, the Princess deserves something special after everything she’s done for the kingdom.” The old man agreed as he stooped down and opened a cupboard to retrieve the press.

In the corner, still unnoticeable to all, Akuma gave a fanged grin.


The sounds of hammers, saws, and the bustling of people filled the capital. People from all walks of life were helping to repair the damage that had been done during the fighting within the city. Sanji and Usopp were walking through the city with their arms full of purchases from the local market.

“Hey, I need more boards!”

“Me too! We’re out over here!”

“I have extras, you’re welcome to them!”

“These people sure are tough.” Usopp praised the citizens of Alubarna.

“That’s because the Princess is so beautiful.” Sanji responded with utter surety.

“There’s a connection?” Usopp cocked an eyebrow at the chef.

“Of course.” Sanji grinned before words caught his attention.

“Look at the hole in this wall!” A man gaped at the large hole in the wood and stone. “It looks like something was knocked through the wall with a ton of force. It even went through the building and out the back!”

“Well, we should probably get back to the palace.” Sanji sped up his pace slightly. He recognized the building he’d kicked that swan guy through.

-Outside Alubarna’s Southwest Gate-

Zoro sat on the sand with his arms held out perfectly straight. Balanced on each limb was a massive boulder bigger than the swordsman himself. Chopper would berate him if he knew Zoro was training again. The fight with Mr. 1 hadn’t left him on death’s door, but Zoro had taken more than his fair share of blows. The green-haired man exhaled slowly as he continued to push himself.

I have to concentrate harder.’ Zoro inhaled steadily, maintaining the balance of the boulders on his arms. ‘If I can’t cut steel with all three swords whenever I need to…then I haven’t really gotten any stronger.’ He exhaled again as the sun shone down on him, only a lone palm tree offering him some partial shade from the desert sun.

-Cobra’s Private Library-

“The King has so many interesting books.” Nami smiled as she flipped through a book on Oceanography. There was already a stack of other books beside her. “I can’t believe he’s letting me have so many for free.” The orangette placed the book in her hands onto the pile. Her eyes scanned the shelf she’d left off on for another interesting book to take with her.

-Palace Training Grounds-

“Take this!” Mikita threw a kick at Luffy’s head. Luffy swayed around it. “I’m not done!” A left jab, right hook, and then a left straight was all dodged by such a small margin that it was ridiculous. Luffy’s wide smile was bright as he sparred with his lover.

“The woman is good, but the Captain isn’t even being grazed.” A soldier blinked at the spar.

“I’m just glad they agreed to stop using their Devil Fruit powers.” Another soldier looked over to an area that was filled with cracks and small craters. That was going to take a while to fix.

“Gah!” Mikita bent backwards to avoid the sudden sidekick from Luffy. Her Observation flaring as she spun to avoid him dropping an axe kick onto her with the same leg. She countered with a low kick aimed at his knee, but Luffy’s leg lifted and her kick passed through empty air. “Damn it!”

“Shishishishi!” Luffy laughed as he entered her guard flicked her forehead.

“Ow!” Mikita lashed out with a knee aimed at his stomach, but he stopped it cold with his left hand. Luffy’s right hand caught her retaliatory punch before he leaned in and kissed her forehead where he’d flicked her.

“Better?” Luffy chuckled.

“Maybe…” Mikita grinned at him before laughing. “Kyahahaha.”

-Outside the Throne Room-

“You had best show the King proper respect.” Chaka warned the Marines following behind him. “I’ve received reports that a Captain threatened the Princess herself in Rainbase.” He growled in agitation that anyone would threaten Vivi.

“Hina assures you that Smoker meant no such disrespect.” The Marine Captain spoke in third-person for some reason. Hina was a tall and slim woman with straight, waist-length pink hair that she wore in a middle part. She had dark-brown eyes and wore red lipstick. She had been instructed to toss out her cigarette before entering the palace. She wore a burgundy-purple two-piece suit over a white blouse, along with dark-brown shoes and a pair of dark gloves. “In his pursuit of pirates, Smoker can get rather zealous.”

“Threatening a member of the Nefertari Family is inexcusable, Captain.” Chaka shot a glare over his shoulder that made the Marines behind the woman flinch.

Hina nodded in acceptance as Chaka turned to face forward again. The Royal Guardsman wasn’t wrong. The Nefertari Family were one of the Twenty Original Families that had established the World Government. Even though they’d refused to leave their people behind and ascend like the rest of the Celestial Dragons, the Nefertari often were given similar treatment by the World Government and the Marines by proxy. They were looked upon favorably, even more than the Celestial Dragons, by almost every Kingdom in the Grand Line. Hina supposed it made sense as the Nefertari Family hadn’t ascended and then treated the rest of the world as something to be kept under their boots.

As the group entered the throne room, Hina beheld King Cobra for the first time. The man’s sharp eyes followed every movement she and her subordinates made. The eyes of a man trained in combat. The King sat regally upon his throne as Chaka quickly took his place beside the man. While Hina got the feeling that King Cobra wasn’t a harsh man, she saw the expectation in his eyes and his posture.

“Captain Hina of the Marines, it is a pleasure to meet you, King Cobra Nefertari.” Hina bowed to the Monarch and her subordinates followed.

“I am told you have questions to ask me about the situation of Sir Crocodile going rogue and attacking my Kingdom, correct?” Cobra questioned and all of Hina’s subordinates could swear they felt a weight to the King’s gaze.

“Yes, some evidence was found among Crocodile’s personal effects that bares questioning.” Hina replied politely. When it came to dealing with royalty, it was standard protocol to be courteous and none threatening. Marines had been court martialed for be too heavy-handed or disrespectful to Monarchs of the nations that made up the World Government.

“I see…” Cobra looked into the Marine’s eyes before changing the subject for a moment. “Before we get into that, I have Bounties that I’d like to turn in. Criminal members of the illegal Baroque Works Organization that attacked my country.” His words alone saw the doors on the opposite side of the room opening and four covered bodies being wheeled in on long carts.

“Bounties?” Hina looked confused by the sudden turn of events. “May I?” She motioned to the covered bodies. It was a request to inspect as much as it was a request to move. Hina had met enough royals to know that you didn’t just move freely in their presence unless you wanted their guards to treat you as an enemy.

“Feel free.” Cobra waved his hand and Hina walked over to the carts.

The Marine Captain motioned one of her subordinates to come to her. He was the one that normally carried the Wanted Posters on her ship, so he’d most likely be able to properly identify the criminals. With her subordinate at her side, Hina pulled back the first cloth. The face of a man with a shaved head was revealed.

“Who is this?” Hina asked her subordinate.

“M-Ma’am, that’s ‘The Killer’ Daz Bonez from West Blue, he has a Seventy-Five Million Beri Bounty on his head.” The man informed her, still slightly shocked to see a bounty this high being turned in. The next cloth pulled back revealed a blue-haired woman. “That’s ‘Poison Spider’ Zala, Captain. She has a Thirty-Five Million Beri Bounty.” The next two reveals weren’t nearly as large and the man breathed a slight sigh of relief. “She’s ‘Town-Collapser’ Drophy with a Fourteen Million Beri Bounty, and the large man is ‘Catcher-Killing’ Babe with a Three point Two Million Beri Bounty, ma’am.”

“Hmm, I see,” Hina nodded before turning to face the King. “I’m sure you’re aware that there is a thirty percent reduction of any Bounty turned in dead, correct?”

“I am aware, Captain.” Cobra looked into the pinkette’s eyes unwaveringly. “By my math, that equals out to Eighty-Nine Million Forty-Thousand Beri.”

“He’s right, ma’am.” Hina’s subordinate whispered to her after a second to do the math himself.

“The amount will be paid to you shortly, Your Majesty.” Hina bowed to the King. “We’ll take the bodies for disposal when we leave.” She knew that she’d have to write-up a pay out order for the four bounties. It was standard for such a large sum to be passed over.

“Your work is appreciated, Captain.” Cobra gave her a nod. “You may begin asking your questions.”

“Thank you, King Cobra.” Hina gave a polite bow again before she stood up to her full height and pulled out a notepad from the inside of her suit. “We’ll start with why Crocodile set up his illegal operations within Alabasta.”

-Vivi’s Room-

“Your snack, Princess.” A servant woman smiled warmly at Vivi as she wheeled in the cart with a pitcher of water, a pitcher of juice and the platter of fruit on it.

“Thank you.” Vivi’s smile was kind and the servant couldn’t help but swoon a little for the Princess. She departed the room with a bow and closed the door behind her.

Vivi, Terracotta, and the seamstress began to pick fruit slices off the platter to snack on. Terracotta read a small note by the pitcher of juice and her eyebrows rose in surprise. She was proud of her staff for noticing such a rare fruit among their stock and thinking of the Princess. With a smile she poured a glass of the slightly pulpy juice for Vivi.

“Princess, some Cactus Melon juice for you.” Terracotta handed Vivi the cold drink. “It can be a little bitter, but it’s very nutritious and good for you. The kitchen staff have added peach juice to help balance the flavor for you.”

“How kind of them.” Vivi gracefully accepted the glass of juice. Even she’d never had Cactus Melon juice before. By the door, beyond the notice of mortals, Akuma watched with an amused grin as Vivi raised the glass to her lips. The bluenette drank the juice, noticing the pulp of the fruit and swallowing it down. The taste hit a split second later and Vivi pulled the glass away from her lips with her eyes screwed shut. “Oh…my…that’s more than a little bitter.” She shook her head and did everything she could to not wretch. The juice was bitter, but almost tasted of sand, like someone had sprinkled some of the tiny grains from the desert into her drink. That combined with an almost rotten taste had Vivi setting the glass down.

“Is it not to your taste, Princess?” Terracotta worried as she saw the face that Vivi was making.

“I…I think I’ll stick to water.” Vivi wiped a tear from her right eye and forced herself not to dry heave.

“Hmm…” Terracotta looked at the picture of juice before pouring a little for herself. The woman with the rolled blonde hair took a sip and immediately pulled the glass from her lips. “Oh my! No! No, no, no! That is most definitely not fit for a Princess!” The Head Chef eyed the remaining juice as if it had betrayed them. “Perhaps the Cactus Melon was overripe? I’ve only heard about it before. I’ll check with the kitchen staff later and try and solve what happened.”

“It’s fine, Terracotta.” Vivi waved off the reproachful look in the Head Chef’s eyes. “It wasn’t intentional and I’m very appreciative of their efforts.”

“You’re so kind, Princess Vivi.” The seamstress smiled at the young woman. Truly Alabasta was blessed with such a kind Princess.

And so, the game begins again…’ Akuma disappeared from the room and the palace altogether. He stood on the ocean waves near the Going Merry only seconds later. “Keep entertaining me, you amusing pawn. Hehehehehe…” The Sea Devil chuckled darkly before splashing into the sea as mere ocean water. There were plenty more that bore his incarnations throughout the world. He knew of other entertainment to be had now.

-Evening ~ Room of Authority ~ Pangea Castle-

“This is unprecedented.” An old man huffed as he read over the information on the Crocodile Incident. He had a scar on the left side of his face, wore a hat over his gray dreadlocks, and held a walking cane in his free hand. “To think a Warlord would betray their position like this.”

“If we had suspected any of this, then he’d have lost that Warlord title and we’d have doubled his Bounty at the very least.” A second old man stated with noticeable agitation. He was bald and had large birthmark spots on his forehead and a large, white handlebar mustache. He also held a copy of the report.

“Our largest concern is Crocodile’s interest in Poneglyphs.” A third elder man noted as he grimaced at the report behind his own mustache. He was a tall and thin bearded man with long white hair. His long mustache matched the length of his beard. “That cannot be ignored.”

“A man like Crocodile…I believe would be interested in finding one of the three Ancient Weapons.” A bald old man with glasses and wearing a white gi spoke his thoughts. He held a katana at his side and leaned it against his shoulder. He was the only one of the five men not wearing a black suit or tie. “We could very well have sent Cipher Pol 0 after Crocodile for such an offense.”

“There is some good news from this situation at least.” The youngest looking of the five men stated as he looked up from reading the report. He had blond hair, a beard of the same color, and a scar on his chest. He also wore his suit with the shirt buttons open, and without a tie. “The first being that Crocodile has already been killed, so that’s one less person looking into the Poneglyphs. The second was the evidence found in the man’s hidden safe. We have code names for multiple underworld dealers now. Once we understand the rest of the documents that have been collected, we’ll have enough information to hunt down those criminal elements that are dealing in knowledge that has been outlawed.”

The other four elder men nodded in agreement at that. The Poneglyphs, the Ancient Weapons, and the Void Century. Anyone looking into them was a threat and would be dealt with as such. They could try and hide in the criminal underworld, but no one was out of the World Government’s reach. The Five Elder Stars would make sure of it.

-Alubarna Palace ~ Evening-

“You have something you want to show me, Vivi?” Luffy blinked as the bluenette was leading him to her room. “Is this about helping the soldiers awaken their Haki?”

“No, but thank you for agreeing to help with that.” Vivi smiled at him thankfully.

“No problem.” Luffy shrugged with a smile of his own. Not like it would take him more than a handful of seconds to do so.

The two entered Vivi’s room and the Princess closed and locked the door behind them. She asked Luffy to sit on her large bed while she changed into something else. The straw-hatted man went along with it without issue. Nami and Mikita had told him to do as Vivi asked of him tonight. He noticed that only the silvery moonlight from the windows was illuminating the room. When Vivi returned from changing a few minutes later, she was once more donned in the dancer’s outfit that Sanji had picked out for her in Nanohana.

“Luffy…” Vivi smiled even as her cheeks went pink. “I’d like to dance for you.” She looked at him a little bashfully. “Would you like that?”

“Yeah.” Luffy nodded with a bright smile. Vivi felt her heart flutter and she lost some of her nervousness.

“Alright…” Vivi knew almost all of Alabasta’s traditional dances by heart. It was part of her position as Princess. To keep the history and heritage of their Kingdom alive was the responsibility of any Monarch. “I hope you like this one.”

Vivi drew her arms upward, her hands running up her bare stomach, over her breasts, and then above her head. She began to move her hips to a rhythm that was imprinted into her memory from practice. She looked at Luffy and grinned when she saw his eyes following the sway of her body. She turned slowly, the loose clothing swaying in a circle from the motion. With her back to Luffy she swayed her hips from side to side in a slow, almost hypnotic, fashion. Her arms took hold of the loose cloth and raised it upwards. Her dark-purple panties were clearly visible through the sheer material of the dress covering her legs. She smiled when she heard Luffy make an appreciative noise. She dropped the cloth, covering herself from Luffy’s eyes as she spun to face him with lidded-eyes. Her waist and hips moved in a sensuous roll and Vivi nearly let out a moan as she saw how intensely Luffy was watching her dance. The belly-dancing the Princess was showing off was clearly having an effect on Luffy.

“Wow…” Luffy’s eyes were locked onto Vivi’s body as she danced for him. Her thin waist and wide hips swayed to a rhythm he couldn’t hear. Her breasts, confined in the top of the dancer’s outfit, bounced as Vivi leaned forward and caught his gaze. She smiled sultrily at him as she rose back up to her full height and put her hands behind her head. Her trim stomach rolled along with the movement of her hips and captivated Luffy.

Now the improvised part…’ Vivi thought to herself with a heady grin on her lips. She lowered her arms, letting the loose cloth slide off her body. The Princess swayed her hips as she turned her back to face Luffy, once more letting him see her dark-purple panties through the sheer dress. Her hands traveled down her front and slid over the clasp keeping the dress on. Luffy actually breathed in sharply as the dress fell and left Vivi’s smooth legs bare. Her heart-shaped butt was framed amazingly by her panties. The bluenette turned again, letting Luffy see her from the front. She was starting to breathe harder as her own desires built up. She ran her hands through her long hair and freed the blue locks from the ponytail she kept them in.

“Oh…” Luffy smiled at seeing Vivi with her hair down like this. He’d only seen it on rare occasions during their trip to Alabasta. But in this situation, it was so much more to watch her hair cascade down her back like a blue wave.

“Luffy…” Vivi’s voice was sensual as she purred his name. She walked towards him, the same sway in her hips as when she was dancing. Her hands trailed up over her sides and she pulled her top off, letting her large tits bounce free. She was close to Nami’s size in breasts and Luffy was quite the fan. He noticed her soft, smooth skin and that her nipples were poking up. “Let me thank you for everything you’ve done for me and Alabasta.” She leaned forward and captured his lips. The dance had been to get her worked up enough to not chicken out as much as it was to rile Luffy up. “Let me show you…” Vivi pulled back from his lips only to be cut off as Luffy sought out her lips again. “…how much I love you.” She finished when they separated again.

“Vivi…” Luffy rumbled out her name and the Princess trembled in desire. She moaned as he pulled her into his lap and pressed their bodies flush together. Their lips met again and Vivi rolled her hips as she felt his hardness press into her. When Luffy’s lips opened slightly, she was quick to reciprocate and deepen their kissing.

“Luffy~” Vivi moaned and threaded her fingers through his black hair as his head dipped down and captured one of her nipples. She cooed when one hand left her hips to begin playing with her unoccupied tit. “Ah…” Vivi gasped when the hand remaining on her waist drifted down and cupped her ass.

“Vivi,” Luffy pulled back from her breast, leaving it tingling and wet from his mouth and tongue. “Beautiful.” He finished his simple thought before capturing her other boob in his mouth and lavishing it with his skillful lips and tongue.

“Yes…more~” Vivi hummed in pleasure as her body happily gave into Luffy’s touch. Her body was getting so hot as she continued to roll her hips against the hardness below her. She was soaked already and they’d only just gotten started.

Luffy eventually left her heaving chest and rolled them onto the bed properly. Vivi giggled as he stayed above her, just looking at her almost naked body as it seemed to glow in the moonlight. She refocused his attention as she pulled her panties down and slipped them off her legs in a show of flexibility. She tossed them at him playfully and laughed when he caught them before tossing them aside. Under the silvery light from the moon, Luffy beheld all of Vivi for the first time. The Princess reached out for him after a long moment and Luffy leaned over her to capture her lips again.

“Off…” Vivi tugged on Luffy’s clothes impatiently. Luffy took off his hat first, placing it on the night stand. His vest, shorts, and boxers were gone almost faster than Vivi could believe, landing haphazardly across her bedroom. Vivi’s entire face and even down to her neck flushed a deep red as she beheld Luffy’s length for the first time. ‘Oh Gods…’ She wasn’t sure that would fit…but a very primal part of her brain told her that she was going to enjoy trying it anyway.

“Vivi…are you sure?” Luffy cocked his head to the side as he asked. Nami and Mikita had impressed upon him how important sex was during their relationship. He wanted to make sure that Vivi wanted him like he wanted her.

“Yes, Luffy…” Vivi smiled beautifully at him as her blush began to recede. Her brown eyes were filled with love, affection, and no small amount of lust. “Come here.” She spread her legs for him and Luffy settled between them. He ran his hands up her thighs, drawing a pleasurable gasp from Vivi, before he gently grasped her hips and lined himself up. “Hah…ooh…Luffy~” Vivi held him tightly as he sank into her soaked heat for the first time. The size made Vivi wince once or twice, but when Luffy’s hips met hers, stars explode in her vision.

“Tight…” Luffy exhaled as he kept himself steady. He didn’t want to hurt Vivi.

“Yes~” Vivi moaned lewdly as she came down from her minigasm. She moved her arms from around Luffy to behind his neck and pulled him to her lips. Her legs wrapped around his waist as they kissed and their tongues played. “More Luffy…”

“Okay.” Luffy grinned at her and Vivi gasped when he pulled back slowly and then filled her in one long thrust. She clutched on to him tightly even as she instinctively rolled her hips into him. The two were quick to start building a rhythm together as they moved.

“Luffy, Luffy, Luffy…” Vivi called out her lover’s name over and over again as they made love. She couldn’t think of anything but the sensations she was feeling. She wanted more, more of Luffy, more of this pleasure, more of this. Her cries were only silenced when Luffy’s lips captured her own. It wasn’t a surprise that the inexperienced Vivi hit her peak first. “LUFFY!!!” Vivi cried out loudly as she crashed over the edge and clung to him tightly. She would later be thankful that her room was far enough away from others to not have alerted anyone to their activities.

“Vivi…” Luffy panted as he stilled his motions as she rode out her climax. The young man ground his teeth as her pussy tried to coax out his load.

“Hah…hah…hah…Luffy~” Vivi called out to him as she came back down to earth. Her eyes were hazy, but full of love and affection.

“Do you want more, Vivi?” Luffy tilted his head and kissed her cheek.

“You didn’t…” Vivi rolled her hips to emphasize what she meant. The slight shock of pleasure made both of them smile at each other.

“Not yet.” Luffy shook his head.

“Take me.” Vivi grinned as her hands rested on his cheeks and brought their lips together again.

“Okay…” Luffy had a devilish grin, the first one that Vivi had ever seen on his face, as he took hold of her legs and pushed them up high. The Princess moaned at the movement before realizing what Luffy was planning. A tremor of anticipation passed through the bluenette as she was put into the Mating Press position.

“Do it.” Vivi gave him the go ahead and then nearly choked on her breath as Luffy set a fast and powerful pace.

“Vivi…so good…” Luffy groaned as he fucked his new lover into her mattress. This had become one of his favorite positions since he’d first done it. Nami and Mikita both became insensate puddles of pleasure when they did this with him. The same state that he was quickly working Vivi towards now.

“Luf…fy…oh fuck…yes, yes!” Vivi gasped, mewled, and moaned under her lover’s powerful thrusts. She couldn’t focus as pleasure rocked her body and mind. She was fairly certain, maybe, that she’d just been fucked through her second orgasm, but she was almost blanking out in hazes of pleasure to often to be sure.

“Vivi…here it comes…” Luffy groaned some time later. Before the Princess could respond, he released his seed into her for the first time. Vivi did blank out this time, her body rocking as she experienced the strongest climax of her life, so far. The warmth inside her was setting off so many sensations that she could only let out a lewd moan as her eyes nearly rolled up and her tongue lolled out of her mouth.

“Mmm~” Vivi came to an indeterminate time later. She opened her eyes and found herself cuddled into Luffy’s side with his arm around her waist. She felt pleasurable tingles and shocks still traveling through her body even now.

“Hey Vivi,” Luffy grinned at her and the bluenette smiled back with a slightly dopey smile.

“Luffy…that was incredible…” Vivi praised his sexual prowess. She trailed her hand down his chest, across his abs, and gently took his half-hard cock in hand. “You can still keep going too~” She let out a little giggle.

“Yep.” Luffy smiled widely. It wasn’t a look of pride, merely a happy smile that he could please his lovers. “You wanna go again? We have all night.”

“All…all night?” Vivi felt her body shiver pleasantly even though her mind knew she couldn’t keep up with that.

“If you want.” Luffy shrugged and his arm around her waist pulled her closer. “Or we can stay like this.” He kissed her lips and Vivi eagerly kissed him back.

“I don’t know about all night…” Vivi giggled as she left his embrace and crawled across her large bed a bit. She stayed on all fours and looked over her shoulder at him with smoldering eyes. “But I can think of a few things I’d like to try~” She shook her amazing ass at him temptingly.

“Okay!” Luffy was behind her so fast that Vivi thought he might’ve used his Devil Fruit! His hands roamed over her butt and Vivi mewled in pleasure as he massaged her cheeks.

“Luffy…hmmm…put it in~” Vivi cooed at him as she pushed her ass back into his crotch and grinned when she felt his hard cock glide against her soaked pussy. Her wish was granted quickly and the Princess let another lewd moan pass her lips as Luffy buried himself to the hilt inside her again. The bolt of pleasure that slammed into her brain only assuring her that this had been the correct decision.

“Vivi...” Luffy rumbled low in his throat as he fucked her from behind. The Princess wasn’t even trying to stifle her moans and cries of delight anymore. She eagerly thrust her ass back to meet Luffy’s thrusts forward. Occasionally Luffy’s hands would leave her hips to give her bouncing and rippling ass a swat. Each slight sting only made the pleasure spike in response and Vivi was having a hard time keeping her arms steady.

“Ooh Luffy~” Vivi turned her head to capture his lips. He’d seemingly responded to her needs without needing to hear them. Luffy was now leaning over her back, his chest pressed against her from behind, and his arms around her as both hands played with her heavy, swinging tits. He was holding her up without even slowing his hips as he continued to pull rapturous cries from her body.

Neither of the lovers was paying any attention to time. Only each other mattered to them as they continued to pleasure one another. Vivi was certain her ass was going to be red tomorrow as Luffy had once more fucked her through an orgasm and then sent her over the edge a second time when his thrusts sped up. He pressed into her deepest spot and filled her full of his seed again. If they weren’t already kissing so deeply, Vivi knew she’d have woken up someone with how loud her cry of ecstasy would’ve been.

“Vivi…” Luffy didn’t let her collapse onto the bed. He gently held her to his chest and eased her to the mattress. The bluenette was murmuring too lowly for Luffy to make out anything as he laid on the bed and pulled her close. Vivi snuggled close and laid her head on his chest. She finally recovered enough of her voice that Luffy could hear her softly murmuring sweet words to him. He kissed the top of her head and ran his hand through her long blue hair. Luffy was pretty sure Vivi was done for the night. But, if she woke up for another round, he’d be ready. There were plenty of positions that Nami and Mikita had shown him after all.

-The Next Day ~ Late Morning-

“This is so fast…” Cobra looked over what had come with the morning paper.

“The higher ups in the Marines and World Government must be involved.” Igaram grimaced at the papers lying on the table.

“What shall we do, Igaram?” Chaka asked as he grimaced at the papers himself.

“There’s nothing we can do, it’s to be expected after he killed one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.” Igaram had some sweat running down his face. “I’ll inform them immediately!” The blonde man with the incredibly rolled hair gathered the papers and rushed towards where the Straw Hats were staying in the palace.

When he burst into the large guest area it was to a rather amusing scene.

“Were you training again?!” Chopper, in his Heavy Point Form, grabbed Zoro by his shirt.

“What? That’s my business.” Zoro looked aside.

“No, it’s not! I’m your doctor!” Chopper shook him slightly. “Where are your bandages?!”

“They got in the way of my training.” Zoro replied carelessly.

“Then don’t train!” Chopper shook the swordsman again. He was showing the side of himself that had developed under Kureha’s tutelage.

The Head of the Royal Guard noticed that Vivi was sitting between Nami and Mikita. The Princess was blushing, but also giggling about something the women were talking about. Both of the slightly older girls seemed to be having a grand time if the wide smiles on their faces were any indication.

“Igaram? What’s up?” Usopp noticed the man standing in the doorway.

“You need something?” Sanji asked the large man curiously.

“What’s up?” Luffy finished off a tray of snacks before speaking.

“It’s…it’s terrible…I’m not sure how they think you deserve this.” Igaram shook his head. To the people of Alabasta, the Straw Hats would be regarded as heroes, even if none of the pirates thought that way. “Look at this!” He laid out the papers on a nearby desk.

“WHAT THE HELL?!” Nami exclaimed as they all gathered around to see what Igaram had brought.

On the desk were Wanted Posters, each bearing the name and image of one of the Straw Hats.

“‘Straw Hat’ Monkey D. Luffy, Two-Hundred Million Beri!” Luffy cheered loudly for the massive increase. Taking out that bastard Crocodile had this nice secondary effect apparently! The picture had changed, showing Luffy with sparks of electricity coming off his body. The Captain didn’t much care where or when the Marines had managed to snap the photo.

“‘Santōryū’ Roronoa Zoro, Eighty Million Beri.” Zoro read off his own Wanted Poster with a smirk. He was happy enough with the increase. He noticed that they hadn’t changed his picture for some reason though, not that he much cared.

“‘Cat Burglar’ Nami, Thirty-Two Million Beri.” Nami sighed as she looked over her Poster. They’d doubled her Bounty! The new picture was better though, in her opinion. Showing her with the Climatact over her shoulder and catching her face with a slight smile. She was fairly certain this photo had been taken as she and Mikita were leaving the area they’d fought Miss Doublefinger.

“‘Black Leg’ Sanji, Forty-Five Million Beri.” Sanji read off. He was more annoyed that the Moss Head’s Bounty was so much higher than his! The picture was the same as his last Wanted Poster. Apparently, whoever had been watching him fight that swan guy hadn’t been able to get a good shot.

“‘Quadruple Guns’ Usopp, Twenty-Five Million Beri!” Usopp cheered and posed as he read off his increased Bounty. His picture, like Zoro’s and Sanji’s, had remained the same. If he wasn’t so excited, he’d probably put it down to him and Chopper fighting outside the city.

“‘Beast Doctor’ Chopper!” Chopper was at least happy they’d gotten his profession right. “Eighteen Million!!!” The reindeer’s jaw almost hit the floor. He was a wanted Pirate now! Maybe later he’d wonder how long they’d watched him to know he was a doctor. His picture was of him in his Heavy Point Form. The background wouldn’t give it away, but it had been when he and Usopp had beaten down the pursuing group of Marines in Rainbase.

“Huh, they changed my epithet.” Mikita noticed as she looked over her new Wanted Poster. “‘Crushing Fists’ Mikita, now with a new and improved Thirty-Eight Million Beri Bounty! Kyahahaha!” The blonde laughed at the massive increase to her previous bounty for getting caught up in smuggling.

“Well, the Straw Hat Pirates are now worth Four-Hundred Thirty-Eight Million Beri.” Nami did the math quickly in her head. “That’s pretty annoying. The Marines are definitely going to be upping their efforts any time they encounter us from now on.

“How can they punish you for helping us?” Vivi glared at the Wanted Posters. “You saved Alabasta from Crocodile!”

“The Marines and Government don’t like it when Pirates do notable good things.” Mikita gave Vivi a small smile. “All they’ll report this as was a Rookie Pirate Crew taking down a Warlord. We get slapped with larger bounties and the rest of the world only knows part of the story.”

“That’s…that’s so wrong though.” Vivi’s fists clenched at her sides.

“Eh, it’s how Pirate life goes.” Zoro shrugged before motioning towards the Wanted Posters. “The bigger our bounties, the more clout we have among other Pirates though. So, there is some good that comes from this. Less pirates are going to want to fight with us and that’ll make our voyage a bit safer.”

“I still don’t like it…” Vivi shook her head and everyone suddenly noticed they heard the sound of sand falling.

“Where’s that sound coming from?” Usopp looked around along with Igaram, Chopper, Sanji, and Zoro.

“Um…Vivi…” Luffy blinked and pointed at the Princess’ clenched fists. Her skin had taken on the color of sand. From her changed hands, actual sand was falling and piling up on the floor.

“EH?!” Everyone in the room, including Vivi herself, exclaimed loudly.

-End Chapter-


DAMN!!! A lot happened this chapter!

We see Alubarna starting to rebuild. The Straw Hats recovering. Cobra is also starting to recover and has spoken with Hina about the Crocodile Incident. Luffy also agrees to help the Royal Guards and soldiers awaken Haki!

We see Robin being sneaky and leaving all of Crocodile’s underworld contacts to the sharks.

The Five Elder Stars don’t like what they’ve learned about what Crocodile was up to! Notice they mention that they’d have stripped Crocodile of his Warlord title and DOUBLED his Bounty if they had known. You can kinda see where Luffy’s massive increase came from now, huh?

New Bounties and increased Bounties for all of the Straw Hats!

Vivi and Luffy have finally come together too! What will that mean for the future?

Akuma did Devil things (AKA whatever would be the most amusing and entertaining for himself) and now Vivi has the Suna Suna no Mi!

What will all of these changes lead up to?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Thanks for another highly entertaining chapter

Alex P

Love this chapter. Also like the new bounties, but I feel Sanji’s bounty should have been above 45. Like maybe 55 or 57. Also since Terracotta took a sip of the juice, does that mean she also have the powers?

Ant Franklin

Bruh… The amount of unexpected twists that you add to the story keep me interested you are one of maybe five riders that make me want to start writing again. I thank you for giving me the spark to know that I want to start riding again. But about the story this is amazing I’ve never seen one we’re out of every fruit Vivi could get if she joined the crew or not she gets the sand fruit, and I know you are using your own version of devil fruit lore so does that mean terra-cotta is going to have sand abilities as well because she also ingested some of the fruit juice blend? Either way I can’t wait to see how this goes in the future I’m rooting for you 100% you are a phenomenal writer and so imaginative keep up the good work.


It was based on the Bounties of who they fought. Mr. 1 had 75,000,000. Mr. 2 had 32,000,000. So, the disparity is in the enemies they took down. Nope, in Devil Fruits it's first come first served. Vivi drank first and ingested the pulp, she gets the power.


Bro...you're gonna make me tear up over here. It's literally one of the most moving things to know that you inspired someone to give writing a try or to pick up the 'pen' again. I'm glad my stories are good enough to give you that fire. Nope, Devil Fruits are always first come, first served. Vivi drinks and ingests the pulp first, so she gets the power. Thank you for the praise, I'll do my best! Look forward to future chapters!

XxxKDDarkxxX boss

Got to love twists man,had a feeling akuma would show up sooner or later.


Great chapter Kairo, loved it, and the twists are great, even more the vault and the new bounties, i was waiting for the fruit juuce got rotten after vivi drank it. Since after first bite the fruit is over. But i am glad we got vivi with sand sand. Hope she continues with the adventure. Since the most i read of her is she getting the sand fruit and staying on Alabasta and she vanishes of the story after that


Happy that you enjoyed it! Yeah, things are definitely changing. What will change in response? You'll see!


Vivi getting some Thunder Loving and the Suna Suna no mi... combined with Haki (all 3), she's gonna be a power house


Amazing Chapter. I can’t wait for Robin to join the crew. Robin with Haki and her DF will be quite a powerhouse.


Damn right! Luffy will make her a Mini-Luffy! XD You gotta love Vivi, she's precious.

Clark Kent

Great chapter! It was such a good idea to have Akuma be used in this story to assign devil fruits to people. Other stories have a harder time dealing with the how and why someone eats one.


Thank you, glad you enjoyed it! Yeah, he's a good background character. Makes Devil Fruit fuckery easier to deal with.


great chapter i love it i can't wait for next chapter


Phew, don't usually take this long to review, but I was feeling kinda tired yesterday and was busy with schoolwork for a while today. Then I took a nap. Well, here I am now! What a good thing Robin did, exposing all of Croc's secrets! Now she's on her way to finally join the Straw Hats! Good to see that Cobra is already doing better! Chopper done very well! I was surprised when Vivi thought of having Luffy awaken the Haki of the soldiers. The thought literally never crossed my mind, since the weaker fighters (i.e. cannon fodder) are typically not important. But this will serve as a welcome surprise for anyone who comes to attack Alabasta! Yeah, I'm pretty sure we all saw this coming! Vivi's finally eaten (well, drank) the Suna Suna no Mi! Good to see the Straw Hats are all recuperating in their own ways! I liked the emphasis you placed on the respect the Marines have to show to King Cobra. Btw, is Smoker going to be punished for threatening a member of the Royal family? Finally, Vivi gets her time with Luffy! The dancing was a nice touch! Now she's seen Luffy's stamina for herself and knows next time, she'll need her fellow harem members to tag in when she's exhausted! Alright, new bounties! Luffy got quite the increase in bounty! Also, yay! Chopper finally has a real bounty! Good for the little human reindeer! Finally, the reveal we were waiting for: Vivi having eaten Crocodile's DF! I suppose she'll recount her day next chapter so that Luffy can confirm when exactly she ate it. Can't wait for the next chapter!


Hey, it's fine, Sparky. Take all the time you need. You don't have to review any chapter if you're not feeling up to it. Robin throwing all of Crocodile's underworld connections to the sharks to cover her own tracks is smart of her, yes! Yep, Chopper is a hell of a Doctor! The Alabastan Soldiers (Especially the Royal Guardsmen) learning Haki will most definitely make Alabasta stronger if ever someone tries this shit again! Even if they're a Logia like Crocodile was. Vivi is the Sand Princess now! She'll put the Suna Suna no Mi to good use! Yeah, a lot of fics don't seem to remember how much importance/emphasis the WG places on the Celestial Dragons and even the reigning Monarachs of their member Nations. No Marine can just get forceful and disrespectful with a Royal and expect to get away with it free and clear. As for Smoker, you'll see what happened to him soon. It wasn't too horrible, but he's been reminded of his position, to say the least. Vivi doing some sexy belly dancing! Much yes! Teaming up against Luffy will indeed be the strategy for the lovely ladies that fall for him. Yep! You don't kill a Warlord and dismantle is illegal Organization without being slapped with an even bigger Bounty. Of course, Chopper EARNED that Bounty, damn it! Yeah, it's literally the only difference she's had in her day and the only time she's ever tried Cactus Melon, so it'll be pretty easy to pinpoint. Not to mention when Luffy ask if she's eaten any fruit that made her nearly vomit recently. Glad you're looking forward to the next update!

Mr. Khaos

This is fantastic, thank you for the chapter lol.