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Hey friends and fans, Kairomaru is bringing you another Force of Souls Chapter! Time passes and things progress further for our foursome. Summer break for the students is nearing. A certain Quincy is planning to issue a challenge. All the while a Bucket hat-wearing man and a black cat continue to watch on. What will be the results?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 13 – The White Snow

Love is powerful
It can even change the soul

Finals were in full-swing at Karakura High School and many of the students were fully focused on the exams. Notably among them was one Kuchiki Rukia that was taking the finals, but not actually concerned about them. They didn’t actually matter for her, of course. Her true focus lay with her boyfriend and girlfriends at the moment. It had been close to a month since they’d deepened their relationship. She and Ichigo were intimate every morning. This had, as ridiculous as it sounded, helped her to recover much more quickly than she had been before.

Ichigo…’ Rukia glanced at the orange-haired young man out of the corner of her eye. He was leaned over slightly as he answered questions on the test before him. She felt a small smile pull at her lips as she looked at him. Her heart felt warm and she felt a brief bout of phantom pleasure from the memories of all their times together. ‘I should talk to Orihime and Tatsuki.’ Rukia decided as she returned her focus to the exam on her desk.

-After School-

“Finally free!” Tatsuki pumped her fist with a smile at the end of Finals.

“Yeah!” Keigo cheered happily. “Just a bit more school and then it’s summer break! That means beaches, games, festivals, and babes!”

“I’ve got some plans of my own too.” Mizuiro mentioned and Keigo shot him a look. The brunette teen stared holes into Mizuiro’s head, knowing the playboy was probably going to be surrounded by girls.

“Hmm, what should we do this summer?” Orihime put the tip of her index finger on her chin and looked thoughtful.

“I was hoping we’d make Nationals this year,” Tatsuki grumbled slightly at Karakura High School’s failure to make it this year. “But when Momohara broke his left arm, that went out the window.”

“You two are practically carrying the Team though.” Ichigo mentioned since he paid attention to what was going on in his girlfriends’ lives.

“True, but it would’ve still been Nationals.” Tatsuki shrugged before smiling when Orihime pulled her into a hug. She squeezed her girlfriend back and kissed her cheek.

“Are you doing anything special during the break, Chad?” Ichigo asked his friend curiously.

“Gitano says he’s trying to find us some gigs over the summer so we can make some extra money.” Chad shrugged as he spoke about his recently graduated friend. The older teen had graduated Karakura High School the year before their first year started. “But knowing his luck and the venues he tries; we’ll be lucky to get anything.” He mentioned of the older teen’s inability to negotiate work.

The group split up to head to their various homes. Keigo followed after Mizuiro, demanding the playboy tell him what his summer plans were. Chad gave a nod to Ichigo and the girls as he turned down a different street. Ichigo went to take the turn that would lead them to Matsukura. He was stopped by Rukia’s hand taking hold of his right arm.

“What’s up, Rukia?” Ichigo questioned her curiously. He heard Orihime and Tatsuki giggling slightly on his opposite side.

“Ichigo…” Rukia looked up into his eyes. Her face was slightly red and her violet eyes were full of emotion. “We’re skipping training today and going to Orihime’s.”

“Alright, can I ask why?” Ichigo’s warm gaze made Rukia smile reflexively.

“You’ll see.” Rukia shook her head and took his hand in hers.

Ichigo looked over at Tatsuki and Orihime, but both girls were only smiling at him. He knew that look too. They knew something, but were keeping it a secret for now. With an amused sigh Ichigo intertwined their fingers and smiled at Rukia. The foursome made it to Orihime’s apartment without issue and the bubbly orangette let them all in. Almost as soon as the door closed behind them Rukia turned to face Ichigo.

“Ichigo…” Rukia’s face was red again. “We’ve been together for a while now.” Her beautiful eyes looked into Ichigo’s with love and affection. “I’m ready, to take the next step with you.” She confessed to her boyfriend.

“Are you sure, Rukia?” Ichigo’s hand gently came up to cup her cheek. Rukia happily leaned into his warm palm with a smile. An unspoken conversation passed between them through their eyes. The couple leaned closer to each other. Rukia stood on her tip-toes as their lips met and Ichigo wrapped his arms around her waist.

“You two should take a shower first.” Tatsuki smiled at Ichigo and Rukia.

“We’ll use it afterwards.” Orihime nodded in agreement, almost cooing at how cute the two looked.

“Ichigo!” Rukia yelped slightly as Ichigo guided them towards the bathroom. A small, melodious laugh escaped her when she was pulled in after her boyfriend.

“Rukia,” Ichigo kissed her lips again. Rukia hummed in pleasure as she deepened the kiss and her fingers deftly undid the buttons on his uniform shirt.

The two were quick to strip each other bare. Both had seen all of each other before and were more than eager to do so again. Ichigo started the shower and while they waited for it to reach the proper temperature, the couple began to indulge. Rukia was mewling as Ichigo kissed along her neck and played with her breasts. Her own hands were stroking him slowly to get him riled up.

Once the shower was ready, Rukia slipped in with a teasing smile and Ichigo quickly followed her. Their hands did far more exploring than actual washing. Ichigo’s experienced fingers playing with her sex as they kissed each other had Rukia almost coming undone. They did eventually wash each other clean, Rukia running her hands over Ichigo’s back and chest. Ichigo returned the favor by washing her back and running his soapy hands all over her body. The two had only barely gotten dried off at all before Ichigo scooped Rukia up and carried her into the bedroom.

“Rukia, you’re beautiful.” Ichigo breathed out after he gently laid her on the bed.

“Ichigo~” Rukia cooed as she lay on the bed naked, letting him see all of her again.

Their lips met in another deep kiss, tongues playing before they pulled back. The two only had eyes for each other. Hands and fingertips gently stroking and caressing over skin as the heat began to build between them. Their control over their Reiryoku was slowly coming undone and Reiatsu began to rise. Rukia gasped when Ichigo’s cock glided against her wet heat. The spark of pleasure the contact had brought was powerful. With a mewl, Rukia moved her own hips to make it happen again and both of them moaned at the feeling.

“More~” Rukia panted as her boyfriend’s lips left soft kisses down her neck, across her collarbone, and to her breasts. Her chest heaved when Ichigo captured her left nipple in his mouth and began to lavish it with his tongue and lips. She arched into his touch as her hands ran through his orange hair. Ichigo took hold of her hips and brushed his cock against her drenched folds. Rukia jolted at the sensation and nearly came undone from the more intense pleasure. She tried to match the movement of her hips with Ichigo’s to increase their pleasure. That proved harder than she thought as she trembled in pleasure every time his length dragged across her clit.

“Rukia,” Ichigo’s voice rumbled in his chest and the violet eyed woman inhaled sharply at the sheer intensity of the emotions that she saw in his brown eyes. “I love you.” Rukia felt her heart beat powerfully in her chest at those words. The passion, the emotion, and the absolute certainty she heard in Ichigo’s declaration was enough to send her over the edge. The raven-haired Shinigami pulled her lover close and captured his lips even as she shook from her first orgasm of their lovemaking.

“I love you too, Ichigo.” Rukia panted as she came down from her high. “So, so much.” Their fingers entwined as their lips met again. Ichigo lined himself up with Rukia’s sex and began to ease into her for the first time. The two could only inhale sharply and then moan as they became one with each other.

Their Reiryoku flared strongly as Ichigo moved deeper, slowly bringing them together. Rukia began to pant as Ichigo filled her, stretching her and sending bolts of pleasure through her body and into her brain. She felt so full, so good. But their eyes never left each other’s. Ichigo’s smoldering gaze stayed perfectly focused on her beautiful violet eyes. Rukia felt them come together completely and inhaled sharply at the sensation. Ichigo was pressing up against her deepest spot and her mind was getting hazy from the pleasure of being completely filled.

“You’re gorgeous, Rukia.” Ichigo kissed her lips again and Rukia moaned into his mouth. She gave an experimental roll of her hips that made both lovers tremble in pleasure. Rukia gave him a loving smile, her eyes pouring out her love and affection for him as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

Ichigo’s body practically glowed with his Reiryoku as he tried to keep himself under some semblance of control. Rukia wasn’t much better. The ravenette was certain her own Reiryoku was slipping out and increasing the Reiatsu that she could only barely feel. Unbeknownst to either of them, Orihime and Tatsuki were peeking through the slightly open door. The two were all smiles as they watched Ichigo and Rukia consummate their love. Hands were also roaming between them as the got turned on by the sight.

“Ichigo, Ichigo, yes, yes, yes~” Rukia was panting as she held onto him while they moved together. She was nearly clawing at his back as her legs wrapped around his waist.

“Rukia, fuck~” Ichigo panted as he sped up his thrusts into her tight pussy. She pulled him to her lips and their tongues quickly entwined again. The lovers had found their own rhythm with each other. The Reiatsu continued to get stronger as the couple lost themselves in each other. Rukia had been reduced to one-word exclamations as Ichigo showed his experience. She held onto him tightly and moaned loudly when he gently bit her neck and sucked on it strongly. That would be sure to leave a visible mark.

As pressure filled the room, a faint aura of Reiryoku enveloped Ichigo. The lovemaking couple had no thoughts for anything aside from each other now. Their bodies were moving in sync, chasing greater pleasure while passion and love flowed through them powerfully. Neither of them could tell how long they’d been at it, the constant motions of their hips as they gave themselves to each other for the first time was all they knew. Rukia locked her legs around Ichigo’s waist instinctively as she got closer and closer to her peak. Ichigo was already approaching his own release when he felt Rukia’s tight sex spasm around his cock. The two broke their kiss to moan as they hit their climax together. Ichigo buried himself to the hilt inside Rukia and flooded her with his seed.

“Haaaaahhh~” Rukia would be mortified to learn that her tongue had lolled out of her mouth as she shook in orgasm. Her eyes nearly rolled up into her head as she clutched Ichigo close to her. Stars and spots danced in her vision as she had the most powerful orgasm of her life, so far.

“Damn, Rukia…” Ichigo slowly eased himself from her depths and rolled onto his side. He smiled warmly at Rukia’s blissed out look and gently pulled her into his arms. He let her rest as they both came down from their highs and just held her close to his chest.

A minute or so later and Rukia slowly opened her eyes again. She was still tingling all over from their lovemaking. Her mind was finally clear, or at least mostly, and she nuzzled into Ichigo’s chest with a happy moan. She happily cuddled closer when one of Ichigo’s hands slowly drifted down her back to cup her ass.

“Welcome back,” Ichigo teased lightly as he kissed the top of her head. His hand began to play with her amazing ass making Rukia mewl.

“Hmmm~ that was amazing, Ichigo.” Rukia hummed in contentment. Her violet eyes were still hazy with pleasure as she kissed his chest.

“Are you already done?” Ichigo nuzzled her black hair with a chuckle.

“What?” Rukia leaned back to blink at him. She stilled when she felt Ichigo’s cock hardening against her again.

“I could go another round or two…” Ichigo leaned forward to capture her lips for a short kiss.

“Okay…” Rukia had a little smile on her lips and a smoldering look in her lovely eyes.

Ichigo wasted no time as he sat up and got on his knees. He gripped Rukia’s hips and moved her onto all fours. Rukia blushed at the position. This was rather lewd in her mind. When Ichigo began to play with her butt again, she couldn’t help but let out a low moan. She enjoyed having her ass played with. When Ichigo spanked in slightly, Rukia let out a yelp and turned to look at him over her shoulder.

“Ichigo! Stop that!” Rukia’s face was bright red.

“Just one more?” Ichigo teased as he brushed the head of his cock against her dripping slit. Rukia trembled as a shock of pleasure travelled up her spine and into her brain.

“Okay.” Rukia agreed, even shaking her ass slightly to tempt him. A sharp smack rang out a second later. “Oooh~” Rukia moaned a little louder at the second spank.

“Ready, Rukia?” Ichigo questioned as he took hold of her hips again.

“Yes…” Rukia shook her booty again. Ichigo buried himself to the hilt in a single thrust and Rukia choked on her breath. She nearly collapsed forward as an absolutely lewd moan poured from her lips.

Ichigo wasn’t planning to give Rukia anything but his best. They still had hours before he needed to head home after all. He held her hips tightly as his hips smacked into her amazing ass and made it ripple from the force. Rukia was moaning loudly and trying to push back to match his thrusts. Ichigo continued to give her his all. The slapping of skin meeting skin got even louder as he increased the power of his thrusts. Rukia eventually fell forward, her arms giving out, and moaned wantonly into the pillow. Ichigo had to force himself not to release when Rukia hit another climax and her tight pussy tried to milk him. He continued to thrust deeply into his lover, fucking her through her orgasm and making Rukia grip the pillow tightly. She was hit with a mini-gasm before she could even come down from her last and her moaning turned into mewling and cooing as she seemed to almost lose her voice.

“Ichi…go~” Rukia mewled lowly as her mind faded into a haze of white pleasure. She had completely lost track of her surroundings as she experienced all of the sensations of their fucking. It couldn’t be called lovemaking when he was taking her like this! Through the pleasurable haze she felt when Ichigo’s thrusts sped up. He buried himself into her deepest spot again and she felt a pleasant heat fill her again. Ichigo’s cock was throbbing and pulsing inside of her as he filled her to the brim.

“Love you, Rukia.” Ichigo pulled from her well-fucked depths and lay beside her. He gathered up the almost insensate woman and held her close again. She breathed heavily from their sex and he ran his fingers through her hair softly. He’d let her recover a bit and see if she was up for another round afterwards.

“Love you too, Ichigo.” Rukia returned his words several moments later. She looked up at him, beautiful violet eyes meeting loving brown. They were kissing before either could think about it. “Ichigo~!” Rukia yelped as one of her lover’s hands began to play with her ass again. The other had found her breasts and was teasing them and her nipples.

“What?” Ichigo looked at her with a teasing grin.

“You’re insatiable.” Rukia’s eyes were half-lidded as he hands trailed down his chest and abs.

“I’ve been told that before.” Ichigo smirked before kissing her again.

“I might need Orihime and Tatsuki to trade places with me soon.” Rukia grinned as Ichigo rolled onto his back and pulled her on top. She was straddling him now and let out a low moan as her pussy began to grind against his hard cock.

“I’m sure they wouldn’t mind.” Ichigo took hold of her hips while Rukia placed her hands on his chest and lifted her hips.

“Mmm~” Rukia hummed as she sank down on Ichigo’s cock and felt the pleasure shoot through her again.

Orihime and Tatsuki did indeed tag-in after Rukia’s third round. Letting the Shinigami woman rest as they got their time with Ichigo too. It was probably no surprise to anyone that Ichigo got home late again that evening.

-The Next Morning-

It’s a good thing today is our day off from school.’ Rukia thought to herself with a relaxed smile shortly after waking up. She was lying in bed with Ichigo and just enjoying the warmth and closeness.

Don’t ever do that again, Kuchiki Rukia.’ A soft and beautiful voice was heard in her mind.

Rukia’s eyes widened at the familiar voice before happy tears stung her eyes slightly. She eased her mind and slipped into Jinzen from decades of practice. When she next opened her eyes, she was in a land of white snow. A cool breeze blew through the area and Rukia smiled at being back here. She moved forward without hesitation and as she crested a small hill, she saw a pure white pagoda made from what appeared to be ice. Sitting in the pagoda elegantly was a gorgeous woman. She had waist-length pale lavender hair that was partially tied up at the back in a long bun and fell behind her shoulders, while a strand of her hair also fell between her icy blue eyes. Her long locks were parted on the right side of her head by a blue star-shaped hair clip. She wore a resplendent white kimono with large sleeves and a long hem. It had a pale yellow-green obi wrapped around her waist which was attached to a large, pale purple bow on her back.

“So, you’ve returned,” The woman greeted Rukia as the petite Shinigami approached the ice pagoda.

“Yes,” Rukia acknowledged as she sat across from the woman after being offered a seat. “I’m sorry for losing you for so long, Sode no Shirayuki.”

“Hmm…” Sode no Shirayuki, Rukia’s Zanpakuto, hummed for a moment as she locked eyes with Rukia. “I was worried, you know?”

“Yes, I’m sorry that I lost my Shinigami power, but it was the only way to save Ichigo and his family.” Rukia gave her Zanpakuto a smile.

“That may be true, but your own life is important as well, do not be so willing to just toss it aside for duty.” Sode no Shirayuki requested with a cool tone.

“I don’t think that will be a problem.” Rukia had a warm smile on her face as she recalled her boyfriend and girlfriends. “Not having you at my side for these last few months has been eye-opening. I had to re-evaluate myself and my skills. I feel like I may have unintentionally started relying on you too much.”

“You did have a tendency,” Sode no Shirayuki had a small smile on her lips now. “But you’ve realized your own strength again.”

“Thank you.” Rukia shared a smile with her Zanpakuto.

“Would you like to see something, Lady Rukia?” Sode no Shirayuki stood up from her seat. “It’s something new that has come about since last you were here.”

“What’s that?” Rukia also stood up and followed after her spirit. The two walked along a snow-covered path for a short time. The snow was piled high where they stopped, making a large and impassable hill.

“New beauty has appeared here, since you found love.” Sode no Shirayuki smiled softly at Rukia before spreading her arms wide. The snow moved away in powdery winds and after a short time, Rukia gasped at what she saw.

Flowers, hundreds of them, in many shades and colors, were popping through the snow on the ground or flowering from evergreen shrubs. Rukia didn’t know all of their names, but she could identify a few. Carmellias, Winter Aconite, Winter Jasmine, Hellebores, and a few more she wasn’t familiar with. It was a winter garden in her Jinzen world. A place that had been stark white for as long as she’d known it was now filled with spots of color.

“It’s beautiful…” Rukia breathed out as she and Sode no Shirayuki walked through the garden together. Her fingers gently trailed over some of the plants and flowers as they walked. She felt warmth in her heart that her love and relationship with Ichigo, Tatsuki, and Orihime had brought about such a change within her.

“This has quickly become my favorite place now. I hope you’ll continue to let it grow in the future.” Sode no Shirayuki smiled softly, also trailing her fingers over a nearby flower.

“Of course.” Rukia smiled back at her Zanpakuto.

-After Breakfast-

“Ichigo, I’ll be going to Urahara’s today, would you like to come with me?” Rukia asked with a warm smile.

“Sure,” Ichigo agreed as he stood up from his desk and set aside the book he’d been reading. “Should we invite Tatsuki and Orihime too?”

“Actually…” Rukia held her shin with her index finger and thumb thoughtfully. “Go get them and bring them to Urahara’s and I’ll meet you there.”

“You want to go by yourself?” Ichigo raised an eyebrow at his girlfriend. “Why?”

“It’s a surprise.” Rukia smiled as she placed her hands on his chest and leaned up to kiss his lips.

“Alright, alright…” Ichigo grinned at her as he pulled her into a warm hug. “We’ll be there shortly if you want to hurry and get your surprise ready.” He kissed her cheek and moved to help her out of his window. They both checked that the coast was clear before Rukia exited. The ravenette took off at a light jog towards Urahara Shoten while Ichigo gathered his things and headed downstairs. He told his dad that he’d be out and that he had his phone on him. He hugged Yuzu goodbye and headed out since Karin was apparently already out playing soccer with some of her friends.

-Urahara Shoten-

“Why can’t I get out of this Gigai, Urahara?” Rukia nearly growled at the shopkeeper. The Gikon she’d taken had only sent a sharp spike of pain throughout her body and failed to eject her.

“I told you that if you over-synchronized with it, then it was going to be a bad time coming back out!” Urahara hid his face behind his paper fan. He was incredibly shocked that Rukia had regained her powers. That shouldn’t have been possible with his special Gigai. What on earth had she done to recover so much Reiryoku so fast? ‘Going to have to find an alternative method then.’ He thought about what else that Gigai stored within it. “Just give me a second, I have the proper tools to separate you from the Gigai.” He went to collect the items in question before seeing Yoruichi. The black cat eyed him curiously and Urahara shrugged. The cat sighed before going to laze in the window and enjoy the sun.

“What’s this?” Rukia questioned as a device in the shape of a semi-large ring was placed into her hands. It was metal and had some odd markings on it that she couldn’t identify. It was also connected by a wire to a small box in Urahara’s hands.

“Just hold it tightly and we’ll have you out of that Gigai in a second.” Urahara assured her. Rukia did as instructed and held onto the metal ring tightly. The shopkeeper gave her a thumbs up before pressing the button on the box.

“Ow!” Rukia cried out as it felt like a powerful shock was passing through her body. She felt herself be ejected from the Gigai with force as her Shinigami Form crashed onto the floor. “What the hell was that?!” Rukia demanded with a harsh glare at Urahara.

“It worked, didn’t it?” Urahara had to duck to avoid the small trinket that Rukia had grabbed from a nearby shelf and thrown at him. “If you want another Gigai, you’ll be happy to know that I have another on hand.”

“What’s wrong with that one?” Rukia narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

“Until this one is fully reset, it’ll remember the synchronicity that you have with it. That means every time you want to get out, we’d have to use my device there.” He pointed at the ring in the stationary Gigai’s hands.

“I’ll take the new one.” Rukia replied instantly. No way was she going through that again.

“Sure thing, Miss Kuchiki!” Urahara grinned and Rukia really considered throwing something else at him. The shopkeeper headed into the back while she waited in the front area.

Rukia closed her eyes and reached out with her spiritual sense. She gained a smile when she felt Ichigo, Orihime, and Tatsuki approaching. As the three got closer and closer, Rukia made sure that she’d be the first thing they saw when they entered the shop. She opened her eyes and looked towards the door as it rattled slightly. It slid open and all three teens that entered stopped dead at seeing her clad in a shihakusho with her Zanpakuto on her hip.

“Surprise.” Rukia beamed at her boyfriend and girlfriends.

“You got your powers back…” Ichigo mumbled out before the smile that she loved to see was directed at her again.

“Rukia!” Orihime moved forward to wrap her petite girlfriend in a warm hug.

“So, this is how you looked when you and Ichigo met, huh?” Tatsuki walked over at a more sedate pace. Her dark eyes looked over Rukia’s form appreciatively, as always, before she joined the hug. Rukia happily put an arm around Tatsuki’s waist too.

“Room for one more?” Ichigo chuckled before wrapping his arms around all three of them as best he could. Rukia happily immersed herself in all of the love and affection that she was being surrounded by with a smile.

“Oh…am I interrupting something?” Urahara questioned as he’d stopped in mid-step from entering from the back area.

“Yes.” Rukia turned to glare at the blonde man.

“Sorry?” Urahara’s smile was anything but sorry though. He looked like he was a few moments away from laughing if anything.

“Shut it, Hat n’ Clogs.” Ichigo deadpanned at the man. He knew how powerful the man was, but at the moment he really didn’t care.

-Ishida Residence-

He’ll be out all day and working late on the day summer break starts.’ Uryu noted his father’s schedule. He’d need to make sure that his father couldn’t stop him from entering the room that he kept his grandfather’s items locked up in. If he did it late enough, then he wouldn’t have to worry about anyone else in the house either.

There was one item he needed from his late grandfather’s Quincy items. A single piece would be enough. Once he had it, he’d track Kurosaki down and issue his challenge. If the orange-haired teen was the type of person that Uryu was sure he was, then he’d take the challenge without fail.

I’ll prove that Karakura doesn’t need Shinigami.’ Uryu thought to himself as he headed for his room. ‘Just you wait, Kurosaki.

-End Chapter-


Rukia got her powers back! Woohoo!

We even got to see how her love and relationship has affected her Jinzen world! Isn’t love a beautiful thing?

Sexy time finished the job! *Perverted giggling*

But, for all good news, there is something not as good.

Uryu has finally found his window of opportunity to get something from his late grandfather’s old Quincy things. I think we all know what that something is. A single piece is all he needs.

What happens next?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Ant Franklin

Still one of the top 3 writers I follow here and on ff.net

Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

God , you are such a horndog Kairo. Not that any of us are complaining. Also, the massive Hollow invasion via dumbass Quincy is coming up, isn't it?


No complaints! You're just as horny! I know you, Tristan! Also, yes, yes, it is. Someone should REALLY make sure that stuff is all destroyed.


Awesome chapter, it was a great combination of emotion and action, as it were. The big question now... what will Urahara try next to get rid of the hogyoku?

Mr. Khaos

I personally don't like Uryu, his challenge put too many people in danger all because of his pride, quincy have suffered discrimination but they refused to stop killing hollows by the hundreds and were going to quite literally destroy the world.


Yeah, he was never my personal favorite either. Quincys don't get much sympathy from me. Destroying the balance of the worlds and bringing about what amounts to the end of days? Fuck you and your entire group of jackasses! Completely destroying Hollows and all of the souls inside of them? What did those other poor souls do except get eaten?


I wonder, did Urahara actually get the Hōgyoku back or did it shift over into Ichigo when he and Rukia were doing it and her powers went back to her? It would be funny to see Urahara go to get the Hōgyoku out of the Gigai only to find it missing.

Thomas E Nellis

Glorious! Take that hat and cogs! Rukia has her power so now when her fam shows up they will suspect nothing! No execution memes to destroy the plot device evolution box! Get rekt!


Glad you enjoyed it, Thomas! Yeah, a certain someone is going to be rather surprised when he tries to get the Hogyoku, isn't he?