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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Magma Dragon King! Gajeel failed to rile up Fairy Tail into attacking Phantom Lord. How will Jose Porla respond now that his first plan is out the window? He wants that Heartfilia Corporation money so badly he can taste it! Will his greed make him act rashly? Gildarts has returned to Fairy Tail though, so the Wizard Saint might want to step lightly.

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 26 – Capture Lucy Heartfilia

“Cana! Daddy is home!” Gildarts cheered when he saw his daughter standing in front of the Guild to meet him.

“Must you say it that way?” Cana sighed at her goof of a father. A small smile spread across her face a moment later. “Welcome home, Dad.” Gildarts beamed at her welcome and the two shared a quick hug.

“I’m back everyone.” Gildarts waved to the rest of the guild members that had come out to greet him. He looked over the damaged building before turning to face Erza and Mirajane. “It looks like something is going on, huh?”

“Phantom.” Mirajane’s one word reply made Gildarts sigh.

“That seems about right.” Gildarts shook his head as the group headed inside and towards the basement. “Any idea what got them to attack us directly?”

“None yet,” Erza informed with a brief shake of her head, her crimson locks swaying a bit. “We have some information that Master Jose has accepted some kind of under the table request. But we have no idea what it has to do with attacking us.”

“I guess we shouldn’t have expected him to remain quiet forever.” Gildarts shrugged before Happy landed on his shoulder. He started scratching behind the blue cat’s ears and Happy was almost purring.

“So that’s Gildarts?” Lucy noted the older man had a full head of dark-orange hair and some stubble on his chin and cheeks. She could feel a small pressure from the man. It only took her a moment to realize that she was feeling his Magic Power. ‘How strong is this guy?!’ Lucy almost gaped. To be able to feel Gildarts’ Magic Power when he wasn’t actively using it meant that he had more than he could fully suppress!

“Yep,” Natsu grinned at his girlfriend. “The Strongest Mage in Fairy Tail, maybe even more than the old man.”

The group returned to the basement and Makarov welcomed Gildarts back. The orange-haired man sat at a bar stool next to the Master and the two began to chat about the current situation. Every member of Fairy Tail that saw Gildarts let out a small sigh of relief. With him here, Phantom Lord wasn’t nearly as much of a threat. They all knew and believed in the Crash Mage’s strength and power.

-Phantom Lord-

“You FAILED?!” Jose Porla roared at Gajeel in a rage. “How could you fail such a simple task?!” Jose was a tall, slim man with long, straight, dark-red hair reaching down to his shoulders and had a thin mustache. He had a long and sharp face, slightly pointed ears, prominent eyelashes, and dark-colored lips.

His attire consisted of a flamboyant coat with a high collar that sported a jagged mantle and intentionally rough lower edges, as well as intricately decorated borders. The garment also featured two prominent wings similar to a bat’s, with a matching witch-like hat bearing Phantom Lord’s symbol, complete with an extremely long, bent top hanging down on Jose’s left. He wore a plain shirt and sported his Wizard Saint medallion around his neck. His pants were loose striped culottes that were paired with long socks, and on his feet were a pair of pointed shoes each bearing two fuzzy balls, one on the front and one on the back of the foot. The fingers on his left hand were adorned by a pair of rings, with one of them sporting an expensive spherical gem.

“The fairy I found put up a surprising amount of resistance.” Gajeel shrugged off the Wizard Saint’s rage without much of a care. It wasn’t like this was the first time he’d been yelled at for something.

“Don’t you see how this disrupts my plans?” Jose seethed with his eyes narrowed at the Dragon Slayer. “You were supposed to draw those fools out so that we could remove Makarov from the picture. With that old man still active, it makes our objective that much harder!”

“Master!” A blindfolded man wearing a green top hat and a matching green robe burst into tears beside the Wizard Saint. “It’s so sad that Gajeel failed!”

“Enough with your crying, Aria!” Jose barked at the emotional Mage.

Aria was an extremely tall, massive man with tanned skin. He didn’t seem to have any hair beneath his hat, and possessed a rectangular, somewhat elongated face with prominent cheekbones. A thin, vertical dark line is present on the chin, crossing its whole length up to his lower lip, and his nose is flat. His green robe hid his limbs, but the members of Phantom Lord knew they were quite small and relatively thin in comparison to the large size of his body. Only Aria’s hands seemed to be more well-proportioned to his massive height and build. He was the leader of the Element Four, the strongest group in Phantom Lord, Aria of the Great Sky.

“Non, non, non, but this does put us in a predicament.” A different Mage spoke up. He was a slim man of average height with a tiny, pointy, mustache and green hair that pointed upwards. His right eye was hidden by a monocle, attached to a slim chain. He was wearing formal attire that consisted of a brown suit with a ragged collar. The collar had six prominent protrusions jutting outwards -three on each side- over a white shirt paired with a black tie and simple black dress shoes. He also had what appeared to be a short cape attached to both of his elbows, linking them together. This was Sol of the Great Earth, another member of the Element Four.

“I just said that, Sol.” Jose shot a look at the man. Why did every member of his Element Four have to be eccentric in some way?

“Our current advantages are our greater numbers, five S-Class Mages, and Master Jose. Our disadvantages are Fairy Tail’s Master and their seven S-Class Mages.” A younger man with long, two-toned hair of black and white that was tied up into a Japanese-style top knot on the back of his head mused aloud. On his face, he sported a simple marking consisting of three horizontal black bars passing across the ridge of his nose and both cheeks in a linear formation. He was dressed in a ninja-like outfit consisting of a long, orange reddish Gi-like cloth, held closed by a black belt. It had prominent reddish fur around the collar, and the sides were made of thick fishnet with looser fishnet appearing on his forearms. The robe’s sleeves were kept rolled up. His attire was completed by a pair of loose black pants tucked inside simple black boots. He also carried a simple katana strapped to his left hip. This was the third member of the Element Four, Totomaru of the Great Fire.

“Numbers mean little in the face of a Wizard Saint.” Jose waved off the assessment with a scoff. It didn’t matter how much fodder they threw at Makarov. It wouldn’t be enough to bring the old fool down.

“Drip, drip, drop…how will we proceed, Master Jose?” A woman asked the Guild Master. She was a slender, young woman with azure blue hair, midnight blue eyes, blemish-free slightly pale skin, and a curvaceous figure. Her long hair was tightly curled at the base. She wore a sapphire blue coat, a cream-colored fur trimmed navy blue shawl with a pure white teru teru bōzu attached to it. Atop her head was a matching Russian Cossack hat. This was Juvia of the Great Sea, the final, and only female, member of the Element Four.

“We still need to capture our target before we eliminate Fairy Tail.” Jose mentioned with a scowl. “Sol, have Laxus, Mystogan, or Gildarts returned to Fairy Tail?”

“Non, Master Porla, I checked the day that Gajeel attacked their Guild Hall. None of the three are currently at Fairy Tail.” Sol gave a bow to the Guild Master.

“That’s three nuisances out of the way at least.” Jose had a small smirk on his face. “You did find out where our target is most likely to be, correct?”

“Oui, Master!” Sol rocked side to side with a chuckle. “Our target lives in the forest at the edge of Magnolia. It is a fair walk from the town to the house. We can acquire her at any time on the path between the two locations.”

“That’s an odd choice for a young woman.” Jose remarked at where Lucy lived. “But it does present a good opportunity for us. There should be no interference from the town if we collect her on her way home.” He thought for a bit longer about the situation before seemingly making a decision. “Sol, Juvia, I have a task for you two.” He looked at the two members of the Element Four with a dark smirk on his face.

-Next Day ~ Magnolia-

Lucy was in town, doing a little shopping. She had some extra cash from the Galuna Island Quest and was looking to spend some of it. Clothes, books, maybe some jewelry? The blonde young woman was all smiles today and the sunny skies seemed to reflect her mood. Lisanna was with her as well, a precaution in case of any further attacks by Phantom Lord. Natsu was at home while Cana was spending the day with Gildarts so that father and daughter could catch up. Erza and Mira were going over the plans to rebuild the Guild Hall with Master Makarov. Both of their Dragon Slayer Magics would drastically speed up the construction after all.

“Lucy, what about that shop?” Lisanna teased with a giggle as she pointed to a lingerie boutique.

“Lisanna!” Lucy’s cheeks were warm as she looked at the shop. She knew the Dragon Slayers already considered her family. But Lisanna and Mira both seemed to want her to fully join as soon as possible. The sisters enjoyed teasing her about it and Lucy would be lying if she said that certain thoughts hadn’t crossed her mind recently.

The two young women finished their little shopping trip shortly after lunch. Lisanna and Lucy both had a couple bags of new things as they walked back home. Walking through the forest path, the two enjoyed the pleasant breeze and the sound of the birds chirping. As they neared the halfway point small raindrops began to fall from the sky. Both of them looked up in confusion as the sun was still clearly shining.

“Sun showers?” Lucy tilted her head at the sudden rain.

“I think this is something else…” Lisanna trailed off as she noticed clouds rapidly forming and blotting out the sun. The Take Over Mage was on alert at the clearly Magical change in the weather. They continued on their way home, jogging slightly to try and get out of the rain sooner. They only made it about a quarter of the way down the remaining path before they heard an unfamiliar voice.

“Drip, drip, drop…” Lucy and Lisanna turned to look behind them. On the path leading to their home, an unfamiliar woman was walking with a pink umbrella over her head. “Juvia is a Rain Woman.”

“Huh?” Lucy blinked at the approaching woman.

“What women are you two?” Juvia asked Lisanna and Lucy.

“So, is your name Juvia?” Lucy asked for clarification as she tried to huddle under one of her shopping bags from the rain.

“Lucy, get back!” Lisanna had dropped her bags and was staring down the bluenette woman fiercely. Lucy did as told without question when she felt Lisanna’s Magic Power spike.

“Non, non, non, the perils of being recognized.” Sol commented as he emerged from the ground. He gave a seemingly friendly smile to Lucy and Lisanna. “This would’ve been much easier if you had been alone.”

“Who’re you?” Lucy demanded as she dropped her bags and reached for her keys.

“I am Sol of the Great Earth, one of the Element Four!” Sol bowed with a grin. “You may refer to me as Monsieur Sol!”

“Juvia is the Rain Woman of the Element Four.” Juvia introduced herself with an almost expressionless face.

“They’re both Phantom Lord Mages.” Lisanna barely hid a growl. One of these two she might have been able to deal with, despite the difference in their official Mage Rankings. But both would be too much, especially since both Earth Magic and Water Magic were natural counters to Fire Magic. She’d have to use her Take Over to deal with them.

“Star Arms: Virgo!” Lucy held onto Virgo’s Golden Key. The Gate Key glowed brightly as a shackle appeared on each of Lucy’s wrists. A white apron and small bonnet appeared over her torso and on her head respectively. “Open! Gate of the Maiden! Virgo!” The Key flashed with a bright light and Virgo appeared beside Lucy.

“How may I be of service, Princess?” Virgo asked with a short bow.

“We’ve got two enemies, both S-Class. One uses Earth Magic and the other uses Water Magic.” Lucy informed the Spirit of the current situation as she took a stance. With the Star Arms of Virgo, she could now use Earth Magic too. It may not be to the same level as Virgo or this Sol guy, but it would at least let her counter a bit.

“I shall endeavor to assist you in dealing with them.” Virgo looked at the two enemies dispassionately.

“Non, non, non!” Sol waved his index finger at them with a mocking smile. “We were not told to fight you, merely to retrieve you. We cannot risk killing you after all.”

“You will not escape from Juvia.” Juvia made the water that was beginning to soak the ground rise up around her. The rain increased in intensity, soaking all of them further and sealing Lisanna’s Fire Magic more. She could use it, but in this rain, it would be weakened.

“Lucy, Virgo, cover your ears.” Lisanna warned without taking her eyes off their opponents. Lucy and Virgo moved their hands over their ears, confusing Juvia and Sol. Lisanna took a deep breath before turning to face their home and letting out an incredibly loud roar.

“Non, non, non! You are much too loud!” Sol complained as he clapped his hands over his ears. Juvia grimaced at the loud volume but sent water to capture the distracted Lisanna.

“Take Over: Colossal Rabbit!” Lisanna chanted and her form was covered in light as she transformed. The water that had tried to surrounded her splashed harmlessly against the suddenly much larger target.

“A bunny?” Juvia blinked at the massive purple rabbit.

“Pierre Sonate!” Sol raised a large wall of stone between himself, Juvia and the giant rabbit.

It was just in time as well. Lisanna’s massive form had leapt forward at frightening speed for such a large animal. Her mass would’ve caused quite a bit of damage if it hit. It still cracked the stone wall and made it crumble as Lisanna slammed into the defensive spell.

“Take Over: Cat Soul!” Lisanna glowed as her rabbit form shrank in squares of light. She blitzed forward in a tiger-striped bikini complete with real cat ears and a tail. Her speed made Juvia blink as she saw the claws headed her way. “What the?” Lisanna gasped as her claws splashed through Juvia’s body and she landed behind the woman.

“Juvia is a Rain Woman; her body is water too.” Juvia informed her opponent with a flat expression.

“Roche Concerto!” Sol attempted to cast before a large hole opened up beneath him. “Eh?” The Earth Mage fell into the hole and it tried to close on him. “Non, non, non!” He used his Magic to overpower Virgo’s and rose up out of the hole on a pillar of earth. “You think you can outclass me in Earth Magic? Non, non, non, you will see the error of your ways!”

“Spica Hole!” Virgo and Lucy cast together. The earth beneath Sol and his spire opened up and he fell into a massive and deep hole. The Element Four member seemed to be annoyed by this and moved his hands in a distinct pattern.

“Saleté Rhapsody!” Sol cast and the ground closed up quickly. He was left standing on flat ground again with a smirk. “You cannot hope to approach my skill with Earth Magic. Nor can you match my Magic Power. You are finished, yes?”

“Water Lock!” Juvia raised her hand in Lisanna’s direction. The Take Over Mage was gone before the sphere of water formed. “You are quick on your feet.” She noted of Lisanna as the white-haired girl kept on the move. “Water Ray!” Juvia launched a high-pressure stream of water at Lisanna and maintained it.

“Damn it,” Lisanna cursed as she had to constantly be on the defensive. She couldn’t attack this woman’s body. Now she couldn’t even get close to her. She watched as the high-powered stream stripped bark off the trees it hit as she dodged.

“Roche Concerto!” Sol cast and large rocks were launched from the ground in a wave at Lucy and Virgo.

“Diver.” Lucy cast and Virgo did so silently. Both sank into the earth as a perfectly circular hole was formed beneath them and then closed.

“Non, non, you can not get away with such child’s play!” Sol stomped on the ground and both Lucy and Virgo were practically shot back upwards.

“LISANNA!!! LUCY!!!” Natsu’s yell was so loud it sounded like a roar. The earth beneath the Magma Dragon Slayer’s feet was carrying him towards them at speed like a wave. Steam was rising off his body as the rain touched him. As he got closer, everyone could see how angry he was. A vicious snarl was on Natsu’s face, exposing his fangs.

“Natsu!” Lucy smiled happily at her boyfriend. She’d suspected that Lisanna’s earlier roar had been to call Natsu, but this certainly confirmed it.

“I knew he’d hear me.” Lisanna had a bright smile on her face as she was given a moment of respite from Juvia’s attacks.

“Who the hell are you two?” Natsu growled at Sol and Juvia, steam rising off of him even more as his body emitted greater heat.

“They’re with Phantom Lord!” Lucy called out and Natsu’s scowl became a full-on snarl.

“These two are part of the Element Four.” Lisanna informed her Mate. “The woman uses Water Magic and the man uses Earth Magic.”

“Which one do you want to deal with?” Natsu questioned as his Magic Power continued to increase. The rain wasn’t even making contact with his body before it turned to steam.

“I’m not sure Lucy and can deal with the water woman with the guy in the way.” Lisanna mentioned as she looked between the two Phantom Lord Mages. “The same is true in reverse though. My Fire is being severely hampered by the rain and I think the woman is causing it.”

“Then I’ll deal with her.” Natsu nodded to Lisanna before he punched his fist into the ground. With a heave and some Magic, Natsu lifted an entire section of the ground up as one large piece.

“Huh?” Juvia blinked in shock and confusion as the ground below her feet was literally lifted up by Natsu.

“Let’s go!” Natsu used his Earth Magic and raw strength to hurl the fragment of earth as far away as he could from the area.

“Yaaaahhhh!” Juvia actually screamed as she tried not to fall off the speeding piece of ground. Natsu was hot on the trail of the impromptu projectile.

“Now, let’s team up, Lucy.” Lisanna grinned at her friend and housemate. She glared at Sol and brandished her transformed claws.

“You’ve got it, Lisanna!” Lucy smiled back as she and Virgo both touched the ground.

“So, you think you’ve increased your odds of victory? Non, non, non, you see!” Sol chuckled at them like he was facing children. “I am still far more powerful than you both!” He raised a wall of earth to block a swipe of Lisanna’s claws as the Take Over Mage blurred forward. His eyes widened as he saw how deeply the claws had carved into the wall and how fluidly they’d separated the earth.

“You were saying?” Lisanna raised an eyebrow as Virgo and Lucy countered Sol’s Earth Magic with their own. The wall crumbling before the Earth Mage’s eyes.

None of them were paying much attention, but the rain was also starting to lighten. Going from a heavy rain to a light one and then becoming more of a drizzle. If it kept weakening at this rate, it would soon stop altogether.

-Natsu and Juvia-

A loud crash was heard in the deep forest as a mass of earth slammed into the ground. The dirt and stone broke apart on impact. Large and small chunks of dirt and stone scattered around the impact site while kicking up a cloud of dust. From the dust emerged a woman, she coughed and waved her hand in front of her face to try and clear the dust. The clouds overhead began to rain harder and the woman sighed as the falling water helped clear the dust.

“Where is Juvia?” Juvia looked around to try and determine her position.

“You Phantom Lord guys have a lot of guts, trying to attack my family.” Natsu growled as emerged from between the trees. Steam was still rising off of his body as the rain tried to touch him and failed. “Now you’re gonna pay for it.”

“Juvia’s water cannot lose to your magma, Natsu Dragneel.” Juvia showed that she was well aware of who she was facing.

“You haven’t even seen my magma yet.” Natsu flared his Magic Power and the wet grass and dirt around him instantly dried out before burning and then becoming molten. “You brought this on yourself, remember that.” He growled at the woman as both of his hands were coated in magma in the shape of dragon claws.

“Water Cane!” Juvia whipped her arm forward and a tendril of water followed her arm. The spell hit Natsu, even thought he blocked with his left arm, and burst into steam.

“Magma Dragon’s Claw!” Natsu blitzed her and his right claws split Juvia in half at the waist. A blast of steam followed and Natsu cocked his head at the phenomenon.

“You cannot hurt Juvia; my body is water.” Juvia stated as she fully reformed from water without issue.

“That’s a weird spell.” Natsu remarked as he noticed that she reformed from the constant rain. “Your Magic is causing the rain, isn’t it?”

“Rain follows Juvia wherever she goes.” Juvia replied, though her mostly blank expression suddenly became sad. “Do you think it’s depressing too?”

“Depressing?” Natsu tilted his head a little at the question. “Affecting the weather takes a hell of a lot of Magic Power. It’s impressive more than anything.”

“Im-Impressive?” Juvia looked blankly at Natsu’s declaration. Her cheeks started turning pink after a second.

“Yeah, but you’re not going to beat me with a little rain.” Natsu spiked his Magic Power and the ground began to rumble. Steam wafted off the ground as it super-heated. The grass withered and then burst into flame and turned to ashes. The ground dried out and began to glow. With a roar and a tremor of the earth, Natsu’s spell was completed. “Magma Dragon’s Cataclysmic Eruption!” Juvia heard something crack and then an explosion happened.

If anyone had been in eyesight, then they’d have seen what looked like a volcano erupting in the middle of the forest. Lava spewed high into the air in a towering column. The heat in the area suddenly spiked dangerously high. Steam was released in a massive cloud from the rain-soaked forest. The clouds themselves began to thin as the eruption continued. Far too much heat was being jettisoned into them for the water not to spread out further and further and lose any cohesion. Then lava began to rain down on the forest and start fires that were slowly put out by the last bits of the falling rain.

“Th-This man…” Juvia gaped while her water body bubbled as she stood in what looked like a volcanic hellscape. Fire was everywhere and the ground was a mix of smoking basalt and molten lava.

“See,” Natsu had a growl in his tone as he walked through the lava and flames like it was normal. “You aren’t going to beat me with a little rain. Now, let’s keep going! I haven’t beaten you down for attacking Lucy and Lisanna yet!” His body ignited before being covered in lava. A full-body covering, not unlike Gajeel’s Iron Dragon Scales that Juvia was familiar with.

“…” Juvia didn’t respond and Natsu was confused. The Phantom Lord Mage was simply looking upwards at the sky. “The rain…stopped.”

“Huh?” Natsu looked up and say the blue sky. The only thing partly blocking the open sky was the clouds of smoke from the burning wasteland he’d turned this chunk of forest into. “Yeah, it stopped raining.”

“Is this…what people mean when they talk about the blue sky?” Juvia mumbled, but the sharp ears of a Dragon Slayer picked it up.

“Have you never seen the sky when it’s clear?” Natsu looked at her incredulously. “How long have you been able to effect the weather?”

“Juvia has always been a Rain Woman.” Juvia replied without taking her eyes off the sky. “This is the first time she’s ever seen the blue sky.”

“How’re you alive?” Natsu dropped his spell and the lave flowed off him easily as he stepped towards the bubbling form of Juvia. “If you had that much Magic Power as a child, you should’ve died.”

“I…I don’t know?” Juvia shook her head after tearing her eyes away from the sky to look at Natsu. “Juvia has always had cloud above her.” She returned her eyes to the sky, free of clouds still. “Juvia doesn’t wish to fight you anymore.” She shook here head. “Would it be alright…if Juvia looked at the sky for a bit longer?”

“Uh…sure…let me just stop you from boiling.” Natsu was really confused about this turn of events. With a rumble and shake of the land, soil and rock began to subsume the molten lava and basalt. The heat died down as Natsu buried it deeper and deeper into the ground. The smoke slowly faded away, leaving the sky unobstructed.

“Thank you, Natsu…” Juvia had stopped boiling and now simply stood in the clearing of fresh dirt, staring at the clear sky. What Natsu didn’t notice was how strongly Juvia’s heart was beating in her chest. The Rain Woman had never felt like this before. She felt warm inside and it all because of this man.

-Lisanna and Lucy vs Sol-

“Mon dieu!” Sol exclaimed as he launched a wave of boulders at Lisanna. A mere instant later and he had to focus on closing the hole in the ground that had opened up below him. He raised another wall of stone to block a small boulder from slamming into him. Then he was backstepping to avoid Lisanna’s claws again.

Having to split his focus to take on multiple competent opponents was new for the Element Four member. He excelled in one-on-one fights or taking out weaklings en masse. Having his own Element used against him, even at a lower level, was also annoying. He could never be sure if his spells would maintain their form or if he’d have to counter the spells of Lucy and Virgo. The speed of Lisanna was becoming tough to deal with as well.

“Hey, the rain stopped.” Lucy noticed and Lisanna had a feral grin cross her face before she bared her fangs at Sol. Her Cat Soul Take Over burst into flames and she rocketed at the Earth Mage. Her flaming claws scorched the earth wall he raised to defend himself.

“Fire Dragon’s Roar!” Lisanna flipped herself over the wall with her Cat Soul flexibility and blasted the area behind with a torrent of flames.

“Trop chaud!” Sol yelled as he dodged the flames, mostly. His cape had caught fire and the Phantom Lord Mage quickly tossed it off. “Sable Dance!” He whipped up a sandstorm only for the ground beneath his feet to split open into a small chasm.

“Got you!” Lucy declared as she and Virgo manipulated the earth. There was sweat on her brow as she continued to use Magic in two ways at the same time. Summoning Virgo took a good amount of Magic Power to begin with since she was a Golden Key Spirit. Her power was a match for however much Lucy gave her when she summoned the Spirit. She also had to maintain her Star Arms if she wanted to keep using Virgo’s Magic. Speaking of which, Lucy was now using Earth Magic, which she wasn’t really familiar with, on top of that. Her efficiency was next to nothing with such an unfamiliar Magic.

“Fire Dragon’s Brilliant Flame!” Lisanna brought her two burning hands together. An intensely hot fireball was formed from the two flames. It grew in size until it was almost as large as she was before she threw it at the falling Sol.

“Non, non, non, non, non!” Sol cried out as he was blasted with the full force of Lisanna’s spell. He slammed into the bottom of the small chasm and the fireball detonated. His suit was burned almost to ash and he cried out in pain as he burned. In a panic he used his Magic to bury himself in the earth and traveled through the soil and rock to escape.

“Where’d he go?” Lucy looked over the edge of the little chasm that she and Virgo had made.

“He’s probably travelling through the ground, stay on guard!” Lisanna landed beside her and spread out her senses to try and find Sol.

“I shall check for him.” Virgo bowed before she shot into the ground and began searching. It was a few tense minutes later before she popped back up next to Lucy. “He is nowhere in the area. I believe our enemy has retreated.”

“Did we win then?” Lucy looked at Lisanna.

“I think we can call this a win.” Lisanna gave the Celestial Spirit Mage a smile as she started to relax.

“Geez…” Lucy exhaled heavily as she let go of the Star Arms transformation. The shackles, apron, and bonnet disappearing in golden light. “That was exhausting.”

“What I can’t figure out is why they were trying to capture one of us.” Lisanna looked confused. “They never did say which of us they were after.”

“That is weird, do you think they’re trying to take hostages?” Lucy shuddered at the thought.

“If they try it’ll be open-war, Master Makarov won’t care what the Council think s at that point.” Lisanna grimaced at what Phantom Lord was up to. They’d never been like this before. Why were they suddenly so aggressive?

All of Fairy Tail would soon find out that the aggression had only just begun.

-End Chapter-


Well shit, things are changing again!

Sol and Juvia were sent to collect Lucy, but that backfired a bit now, didn’t it? Lisanna doesn’t let anyone hurt her family!

Natsu blasted away Juvia’s rain, letting her see the clear blue sky for the first time in her life. How much Magic Power does Juvia have to affect the weather as a side-effect? How did she survive having that much Magic Power as a child? Perhaps it wasn’t as widespread when she was younger?

Did Juvia’s heart just go ‘Doki Doki’?

Well, well, well…perhaps a certain Water Mage has caught some feelings?

Will we see some little Steam Dragons in the future?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

Man, for a Wizard Saint, you'd think Jose Porla would be less of a dumbass. But no, here he is, making an absolute tool of himself.


Power doesn't make one more intelligent. Wizard Saints seem to have been primarily chosen based on power. How else does an egomaniac narcissist like God Serena become one?


Another fun chapter looks like juvia will be next to join the family….. they may need to increase the size of the house


Good thing Mira, Erza, and Natsu make that easy, huh? Glad you enjoyed it! Future little Steam Dragons~

Ant Franklin

I hope to see little steam/ Fog dragons soon

Thomas E Nellis

Absolutely amazing! I loved it. I can’t wait to see how Jose reacts when Juvia doens’t comeback

Damion D

Such a good chapter Jose doesn't know who he is dealing with never mess with a dragon for you are crunchy and good with bbq sauce


No one has seen a True Dragon in like 400 Years in Canon. I guess they forgot this age-old wisdom. Glad you enjoyed it!


You know the best part gajeel could have probably told Jose that forest is where natsu lived he seems that type to keep track were his rivals live and could have pointed it would have been to attack there and wake a sleeping dragon


Yeah...he might've known that...but Jose can't prove it. Gajeel certainly isn't saying anything. XD