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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of The Logia Brothers! A certain Rebel Leader sneaks his way into the palace. Miss All-Sunday and Cobra arrive in the Royal Tombs. Luffy is speeding towards Alubarna on the back of the F-Wani. How much longer before that bomb in the clocktower goes off?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 36 – Koza and Vivi, Poneglyph

“Hmm?” Luffy blinked as he finally saw what he thought was the capital on the horizon. His Devil Fruit clued him in to the increased moisture in the air as he got closer and closer. Looking above the capital, he noticed wispy clouds forming in the sky. They weren’t much yet, but his Lightning Logia Fruit had the secondary effect of being fairly good at predicting rain or storms. Not that it helped much with the Grand Line’s crazy weather. But on an island with a stable climate, Luffy could make some rather accurate forecasts. “Looks like it might rain.”

-Alubarna Palace-

“Preparations are moving ahead as scheduled, Princess Vivi.” One of the Kicking Claw Force members passed on a message from a soldier. The four Elite Force Royal Guards wouldn’t let anyone close to Vivi with a clear line of sight. Not when any one of the other soldiers might be a Baroque Works plant.  All messages went through one of the Elite Soldiers to be passed to Vivi.

“Thank you, Hyota.” Vivi thanked the Leader of the Kicking Claw Force. The large, muscular man with the massive butcher knife-like sword gave her a short bow. “This has to stop the fighting…” She looked worried, anxious, and all four of the men felt for the Princess. She was suffering. Knowing that her people were fighting and even dying because of Crocodile’s schemes was enough to make her physically ill.

-Royal Tomb Beneath the Palace-

“Quite well hidden.” Miss All-Sunday praised the King as they walked down the sandstone steps. Already the temperature was much cooler than on the surface. King Cobra said nothing in response. He’d hardened his resolve already; this woman would not obtain the knowledge contained on the Poneglyph.

That did not make Miss All-Sunday’s statement any less true though. A hidden door beneath the grass of the back courtyard made the likelihood of anyone accidentally finding the entrance to the Royal Tomb next to zero. As the two descended deeper into the burial chambers, Miss All-Sunday continued to light the wall sconces along the way. She would need light to read the Poneglyph after all.

-Hidden Passage-

Cobra…I’m giving you one last chance. Surrender and let’s end this fighting. You’re going to destroy the country if you don’t!’ Koza, the Leader of the Rebels, thought as he walked through a secret passage into the Palace that he only knew about thanks to being childhood friends with Princess Vivi. He was a blonde young man and wore purple-tinted glasses. He had a scar on his left eye that he received as a young boy in a fight to protect Vivi from would-be kidnappers. His clothing consisted of a blue scarf around his neck, a dark purple jacket that went down to his ankles, a plain white shirt, black pants and a yellow sash around his waist.

He peeked out of the hidden passage, checking to see if he could slip in unnoticed. What he wasn’t expecting to see were the soldiers of the Royal Army placing explosives at various points throughout the palace. He couldn’t comprehend what he was looking at. Why in the world would the Royal Soldiers be setting up to blow up the Royal Palace? He spotted a very familiar face among the crowd of soldiers and knew he would at least be heard if he spoke with the man.

“Chaka!” Koza called out loudly as he left the secret passage and walked into plain view.

“Koza?!” Chaka stared in shock at the young man that he’d known since the blonde was a mere boy.

“What is going on here, Chaka?” Koza demanded of the Royal Guard. “Why are you preparing to blow up the palace?!”

“It’s Koza!” Was yelled by multiple soldiers and the Rebel Leader found himself at gunpoint, spearpoint, and sword point in swift fashion.

“Halt!” Chaka roared and all of the soldiers halted their actions immediately. “Koza…why are you here? The fighting in the city has only escalated. What do you hope to gain by sneaking into the palace?”

“Bring the King here, Chaka! I demand an audience with him!” Koza stated his demands without fear of the multiple weapons aimed at him.

“The King disappeared last night.” Chaka ground his teeth together in fury. “He was taken by the true enemy of Alabasta, Baroque Works!”

“Who?” Koza had never heard the name before. What was Chaka even talking about? Only after Chaka gave a brief summary of what they knew did Koza begin to understand what had been happening in Alabasta over the last three years. “That’s impossible! You’re just making this up to cover for the King!” He couldn’t just believe this story. Even if it did answer some questions that he’d had.

“It’s the truth, Koza!” Vivi declared as she walked forward, surrounded by the Kicking Claw Force.

“Vivi?” Koza looked shocked at seeing her. No one in Alabasta had seen Vivi in over two years. She’d seemingly vanished one day before her Coming of Age Ceremony.

“Koza, it’s all true.” Vivi explained to her childhood friend. “Crocodile engineered this whole scheme. The framing of my father. Stealing the rain from the people. The food shortages. The riots. The rumors. It was all him and his damned organization.” She clenched her fists tightly. “I left Alabasta to infiltrate them with Igaram, to find out who the Boss was. When I learned what Crocodile had done…I couldn’t believe it either. He’d done nothing but help Alabasta deal with pirates for over a decade. But it was all just a ploy while he set up his organization and worked to destabilize our country.”

“Why are you planning to blow up the palace?” Koza was having a hard time coming to terms with the world-shifting information he’d been given. “What good is that going to do?”

“An explosion of this size, destroying the target of their rage, wouldn’t that stop the Rebels? Stop the fighting?” Vivi looked at him with eyes full of determination and sadness. “I can’t stand to see our people killing each other for Crocodile’s schemes!”

“Princess!” Barrel, the most rotund member of the Kicking Claw Force, called out as he moved his large axe next to her left side. Everyone heard the gunshot that rang out next. The sound of a bullet striking metal resounded throughout the courtyard.

A soldier had just tried to shoot the Princess. Five more men turned their guns at Vivi or Koza. Chaka noted two of them blatantly had the Baroque Works insignia tattooed on their upper arms. What happened next was a blur to most of the onlookers. Koza dropped to the ground to get out of the line of fire, while reaching for the rifle on his back. Vivi moved along with Barrel as the Kicking Claw Force rushed to eliminate the threat to her. Chaka had also transformed into his Hybrid Form and drawn his sword.

“Traitorous dog!” Arrow, a tall and thin man, with a pointed chin and with the traditional face paint of the Kicking Claw Force around both his eyes and his jawline, roared. His double-edged sword flashed out and sliced the man that had shot at Vivi nearly in two. That left five more Baroque Works infiltrators trying to kill either Vivi or Koza.

“Die!” Hyota’s deep voice thundered. The Leader of the Kicking Claw Force brought down his massive, butcher knife-like sword on his target. This man was split in two from shoulder to groin. The massive sword hadn’t even slowed down as it passed through the Baroque Works member’s body. Four attackers remained.

“Vanish!” Brahm, was a tall man and he wore the traditional armor and headdress of the Kicking Claw Force. He had light brown hair, which partially covered his eyes. He wielded two halberds, one in each hand. Before his target could even get a shot off, both of those halberds had impaled the man. Three infiltrators were left.

“Traitor!” Barrel, was bulky and rotund with a prominent nose. His eyes were focused and promised death. His axe had a mark on it from blocking the shot that had aimed to kill Vivi. The same large axe was swung horizontally and bisected the man at the waist with ease. Two Baroque Works members were still standing.

Vivi, who had followed Barrel at the man’s insistence, lashed out with her Peacock String Slasher. The flexible, bladed weapon cleanly sliced the attacker’s hand and forearm. Blood flew as the pistol fell from the man’s limp hand and he cried out in pain. Vivi’s foot smashing into the side of his head silenced his screaming. Only one enemy remained.

“Howling Fangs!” Chaka growled in his Hybrid Form. His sword was drawn and he had already blurred past the enemy. The man didn’t even have time to cry out before he died. Three massive lacerations had torn open his torso and side. It looked as if some large beast had taken a bite out of the Baroque Works infiltrator.

Koza blinked in shock as he held his rifle. It had taken him only a couple of seconds to hit the ground and bring the rifle to bear. But in that time, all of the enemies had been eliminated. His eyes glanced throughout the crowd of soldiers, looking for anyone else that was a threat. Seeing no one making any moves to continue the attack, he stood up with his rifle in hand.

“This mark!” Chaka revealed the Baroque Works insignia on the man he’d killed. “Those who have it are enemies of the kingdom! Kill or capture them on sight!” He ordered and every soldier in the courtyard verbally called back their acknowledgement of the order along with a salute. The soldiers quickly started checking each other first, tossing off the white, cape-like cloaks that they all wore to bear their unmarked skin to their comrades.

“Koza, please, let’s stop this war.” Vivi requested of her old friend. The Kicking Claw Force surrounding her in a defensive formation. “This can’t go on any longer.”

“Vivi…” Koza looked into her eyes and saw the truth in them. He’d never mistake that look. He’d seen it since they were both children. “Yes…I’ll do everything in my power to stop this.”

“Thank you, Koza.” Vivi graced him with the same smile he remembered from their childhood. “What will calm the Rebel’s fury and get them to listen?”

“Raise the White Flag, Vivi.” Koza spoke after a moment of thought. “I’ll be right beside you when you do. I’ll tell them all myself. They need to know the truth.”

“Raise the flag!” Vivi turned to Chaka. “Have all soldiers stand down immediately! We’re surrendering the fight!”

“Yes, Princess Vivi.” Chaka bowed and rushed off toward the defensive line to relay the orders.

“Koza, come with me and help me raise the flag on the watchtower.” Vivi requested and Koza agreed immediately. The Kicking Claw Force still kept him outside of their formation, but he was allowed to walk with them.

-Palace Plaza-

“Hey…is, is this real?” A Rebel blinked as he saw a white flag being raised. More and more large white flags were being held up by the Royal Soldiers. The fighting was slowing down as more and more soldiers and rebels saw the flags.

“We’re surrendering?” Several soldiers called out in confusion.

No one seemed to notice the darkening sky above. The wispy clouds of early morning had grown. They were thick and darkening more as time passed. But as Vivi and Koza stepped forward on top of the palace walls next to the watchtower, all eyes were focused on them.

“Rebels!” Koza’s loud yell filled the much quieter plaza. “Stop the fighting! The palace has surrendered!”

“Koza!” The Rebels cheered, thinking their Leader had managed to talk sense into the King. The sight of Princess Vivi after years of absence also raised questions, but the joy of actually seeing the beloved Princess again warmed the hearts of all.

“Please, Rebels and Soldiers, lend me your ears!” Vivi requested of her people. “The truth must be revealed!”


“What’s she talking about?”

“Is she going to admit her father stole the rain?”

“Didn’t he already confess in Katorea?”

Several hidden Baroque Works infiltrators on both sides snuck glances at each other. What were they supposed to do in this situation? Their orders were only to keep the fighting going and prevent Princess Vivi from meeting with Koza. But the two had somehow already met! They didn’t have any backup orders to go on!

“Huh, it looks like Vivi already has things under control.” Mikita blinked from where she and Nami were hiding at the edge of an alleyway.

“We should keep an eye out though, who knows where the rest of the Baroque Works members are.” Nami replied, her eyes scanning the crowd for anyone that was making a move towards hostility.

“Well, I’ll be damned.” Zoro smirked as he stopped at the edge of the plaza. He was lucky that the palace was visible from all parts of the city. Even he would admit that he’d probably get lost in the winding backstreets of Alubarna. But with the palace clearly visible, he’d just had to keep walking straight towards it.

“Vivi is so lovely~” Sanji was noodling around at the opposite end of the plaza from Zoro. His heart-shaped eye and strange movements would’ve gotten a lot of attention if everyone wasn’t focused on Vivi explaining what Crocodile and Baroque Works had done to Alabasta.

“So, is the fighting over?” Chopper asked Usopp as the two unknowingly copied Mikita and Nami by hiding in an alleyway at the edge of the plaza.

“Maybe?” Usopp wanted the war to be over, but he was a pessimist by nature.

-Royal Tombs-

“There it is.” Robin remarked as Cobra led her into the chamber that housed the Poneglyph. She approached the cube and gently placed her right hand on the cool stone. With a soft exhale of breath, she turned her eyes on the script and began to read.

She can read them!’ Cobra’s eyes widened as his worst fear was realized. This woman could read Poneglyphs! If what his ancestors had spoke of was true, then the location of one of the Ancient Super Weapons was upon that stone. He couldn’t let that knowledge get to Crocodile, no matter the cost! While his arms were currently restrained, he could still walk freely while the woman read and lost interest in him. He slowly moved towards a specific pillar, knowing by its location and design that it was one of the lynchpin supports. It would bring the whole Royal Tomb down if a specific block of stone was removed from it. The cascade of failures that would follow had been built into the Tomb’s design to forever bury the Poneglyph if necessary.

Miss All-Sunday’s gaze drifted further and further down the Poneglyph. Cobra stilled at her slight movement, not wanting draw her attention and give away his plan. But he thought he saw some desperation on the woman’s face as she began to read further and further down the cube. He couldn’t image what she was hoping to find in the ancient characters of the lost language, but she was clearly looking for something specific.

“It’s not here.” Miss All-Sunday sank to her knees. “It’s just the location…”

“What?” Cobra couldn’t help himself. He’d spoken entirely without thinking. Weren’t they after the Pluton?

“Twenty years and this is all I have to show for it…” Miss All-Sunday looked heartbroken and Cobra couldn’t be more confused.

“What are you talking about?” Cobra was right next to the critical pillar. He could start the collapse in an instant if necessary.

“I couldn’t care less about Ancient Weapons.” Miss All-Sunday’s tone was bitter and flat. “I…we…just wanted to learn about History.”

“You’re Oharan…” Cobra’s eyes widened as his sharp mind put all of the pieces together. That explained why she could read the Poneglyphs.

“It doesn’t matter…” Miss All-Sunday shook her head, her eyes looking listless and dull. “Do whatever you want. I’m…tired.” A pair of hands appeared on Cobra’s restrained arms and quickly undid the knot of the ropes.

“What are you looking for if not Ancient Weapons?” Cobra rubbed his wrists.

“The true history of the world.” Miss All-Sunday stared at the Poneglyph listlessly. “The truth of the Void Century.”

“That’s all?” Cobra looked at her suspiciously.

“It’s all we ever wanted.” Mis All-Sunday replied as she turned away from the Poneglyph and slowly walked back the way they came.

Cobra stared at the Poneglyph himself for a long moment, wondering what the truth was regarding Ohara all those years ago. Something wasn’t adding up and his clever mind was already starting to paint a picture he didn’t like. A Buster Call was a last resort for the World Government and the Marines. To invoke one on an island of people attempting to resurrect the Ancient Weapons could be understood. But the way that woman had spoken…those weren’t the words nor the tone of a liar. He moved to follow after the woman and return to the palace proper.

“What in the world?” Cobra blinked when no matter how fast he moved up the stairs, he didn’t catch up to her. Even when he made it back to the surface, she was nowhere to be seen.

-Palace Plaza ~ Clocktower-

“What do we do, Mr. 7?” Miss Father’s Day questioned her partner as the fighting had completely stopped now.

“We haven’t received any orders beyond guarding the cannon and firing it when the Boss gave the order.” Mr. 7 shook his head in confusion. They needed to do something though, the plan was falling apart!

“What if we sniped the Princess?” Miss Father’s Day suggested. “Wouldn’t that start the fighting again?”

“Ah, that just might work, Miss Father’s Day!” Mr. 7 agreed as the duo pulled their specially made pistols and opened the clocktower’s face slightly. They should be able to get a good shot from their vantage point.

Vivi had just paused in her address of the soldiers and rebels below. She needed a moment after speaking almost non-stop for the last few minutes. That was when the feeling hit her. The intent to kill. Her Observation might not be incredibly impressive yet, but Luffy did say she seemed to have an affinity for it. Even when she wasn’t actively using her Haki, there was no way that her Observation wouldn’t pick up on such strong emotions when all the others near her were respectfully quiet.

“The clocktower!” Vivi’s head snapped towards the tall building and so did almost every other head in the plaza and along the palace walls. Two shots rang out, pistol fire, but Vivi had already been pulled behind both Barrel and Hyota. A blast went off as the two strangely shaped bullets hit each other. Both of the largest members of the Kicking Claw Force grit their teeth at the pain, but they remained standing as shields for the Princess.

“Damn, they got in the way!” Miss Father’s Day tsked at their shots being blocked.

“Aim for the Rebel Leader then!” Mr. 7 decided, seeing as Koza wasn’t being guarded.

Neither of them got the chance to fire a second shot.

A blur flew through the air and slammed into the clocktower at speed. The clockface was smashed from the force and everyone saw Pell in his Hybrid Form as he practically tore the damaged clock off the tower to get to the Baroque Works Agents inside. Both Mr. 7 and Miss Father’s Day cried out in terror at the sudden appearance of Alabasta’s strongest warrior.

“Flying Claws!” Pell shrieked in his Hybrid Form. Mr. 7 nearly exploded into blood as Pell’s talons tore across his torso. Miss Father’s Day wasn’t spared by the enraged Royal Guardsman either. Vicious lacerations were torn open across her body as her blood flew through the air.

“Is that a cannon?!” Usopp yelled out as his sharp eyes caught sight of the massive cannon that was hidden in the clocktower. His words were quickly being repeated as everyone else also noticed the massive weapon pointed at the plaza.

“What’s that noise?” Pell turned his head to the cannon as a faint ticking sound could be heard. He quickly investigated and looking down the barrel of the cannon reveled a massive bomb with a timer on it. The ticking was from the small clock attached to the explosive counting down! “Shit!” Pell transformed into his full Falcon Form and latched onto the huge bomb with his talons. They had only a couple of minutes before the device detonated. He had to get it as far away from here as possible!

Everyone in the plaza, rebel and soldier alike watched as the large Falcon flew out of the clocktower with what had to be the largest bomb they’d ever seen before. Pell flew higher as fast as he could while carrying such a heavy object. Higher and higher. He wouldn’t stop until he was sure everyone would be safe!

I am…the Guardian Spirit of Alabasta.’ Pell flapped his wings powerfully as he ascended higher and higher into the air. ‘The Falcon.’ Already the Royal Guardsman was a small dot in the air. ‘The enemies of the Royal Family…’ Pell smiled as memories of his time spoiling Vivi when she was young played out in his mind. ‘…Shall be destroyed.’ He was merely a speck, high in the cloudy sky now.

“What a way to end my show!” Akuma laughed as he watched the situation. “Going out with a bang!” His yellow irises on black sclera were filled with dark amusement. “But I can’t have you ruining my future entertainment…” His eyes narrowed as he looked directly at Pell from a distance no living being could ever hope to see from. “Wake up.

Pell lost consciousness as his Falcon form bulked up considerably. His Falcon body suddenly looking like something out of ancient myth as it transformed. With a horrifying shriek filled with primal instinct alone, the Tori Tori no Mi – Model: Falcon was fully unleashed.

That was the instant the massive bomb detonated. The blast shook the air even from the height that Pell had flown it to. Windows shattered all around Alubarna from the blast. Everyone collapsed and only the roar of the explosion was heard no matter how many people screamed and yelled in fear and panic. A gale of displaced air buffeted the capital.

PELL!!!” Vivi’s heart-wrenching scream nearly tore her vocal cords and yet still went unheard over the blast.


“What the hell?!” Luffy saw the explosion just as the F-Wani reached the edge of Alubarna. The crocodile panicked at the deafening noise and thrashed around in terror. Luffy grabbed Crocodile’s body and leapt off the reptile before it bolted back in the opposite direction. Even as the winds from the blast torn through the area Luffy reached out with his Observation to find his lovers and nakama. He heard their distinct ‘voices’ among the tens of thousands in the capital. Mikita and Nami were fine, if terrified. Vivi seemed a mix between shocked and in disbelief. Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, and Chopper were all fine too, but in various states of shock, fear, or confusion. “They’re safe.” Luffy breathed out as the remnants of the blast started to die down.

Something fell from the sky a second later and smashed into the sand nearby. Luffy looked over but couldn’t see through the cloud of sand that was thrown up by the impact. He walked over just as the dust was clearing and saw a truly massive bird that slowly transformed back into a badly injured man. He was singed, bleeding, and his breathing was slight, but he was alive.

“A Zoan Fruit user?” Luffy blinked at the injured man. Looking back up into the cloudy sky and then back down at the injured man, Luffy put two and two together…. “Was he flying up there and got caught in that big explosion?” And promptly got five. “I better take him to a doctor. Maybe Chopper can take care of him?” Luffy gingerly picked up the man and focused his Observation Haki. He felt a deep sorrow and pain from Vivi this time when he focused on her. He frowned reflexively and zapped over to her location in a spark.

-Palace Plaza-

“What the hell was that?!”

“Why was there a bomb like that in the clocktower?!”

“What’s going on?!”

“Pell…” Viv’s brown eyes were flooded with tears as she stared up into the cloudy sky. “Pell…”

“Princess…” Hyota kneeled beside her, ignoring his own injuries from the explosion he’d taken for her. He didn’t know how to console her right now.

A snap was heard. It sounded like a spark of electricity arcing to a conductive surface. Everyone turned to it instantly as the sound came from behind them. Koza was confused and still dazed from the massive explosion. The Kicking Claw Force moved to protect Vivi. Vivi, however, knew that sound and she looked towards it with hope. And once more, Luffy didn’t fail to provide.

“Vivi, are you alright?!” Luffy looked at her with his dark eyes showing concern. In his left hand was the scruff of Crocodile’s fur coat, the dead Warlord face down on the floor. But in his right arm, cradled as best as Luffy could, was the person she thought she’d just watched die.

“Pell!” Vivi’s sadness vanished in an instant as she pushed aside the Kicking Claw Force and rushed to the badly injured Royal Guardsman. “Pell!” She checked him over gently and upon seeing him breathing, shallow as it was, she nearly collapsed in relief. “Doctors! Take him to the infirmary! Now!” Vivi’s words made Luffy blink as he felt the small bit of Conqueror’s Haki she’d imbued them with unintentionally.

“Yes, Princess!” The Kicking Claw Force moved to follow her orders. Barrel gently took his superior officer into his arms and headed for the medical bay in the palace. Arrow, Brahm, and Hyota stayed with Vivi and openly gaped when the Princess threw her arms around Luffy’s shoulders and hugged him tightly.

“Thank you, Luffy!” Vivi was in tears again, but this time they were tears of joy. “Thank you, thank you, thank you…” She buried her face into his chest and continued to murmur her thanks to him as his free arm gently wrapped around her waist and hugged her back.

“I kept my promise, Vivi.” Luffy pulled back after a minute with a wide smile. It was then that Vivi noticed Crocodile’s body. The Princess looked between the dead Warlord and the smiling Luffy before she did collapse as her legs gave out. Relief flooded over her as the threat to her country was gone. “Be right back!” In a spark Luffy disappeared with Crocodile’s body.


“I bet it was the Royal Army that set that bomb!”

“They were probably planning to take all of us with them!”

“The Rebels must’ve planted that explosive!”

“To think they would kill so many innocent people!”

The Baroque Works members that were still in the crowd started trying to fulfill their orders of keeping the fighting going. While everyone had heard Vivi’s explanation, or at least the part she’d had time to explain, tension between the Royal Army and the Rebels was still high.

All words stopped when, in a spark, Luffy appeared with the dead body of ‘Desert King’ Sir Crocodile held up in his right hand. Everyone gaped at seeing the Warlord of the Sea defeated. Several recoiled in horror when they caught sight of the large hole that went straight through the man. Luffy tossed the body in front of the crowd with a hard stare at everyone.

“If any of you still want to fight, you can fight me.” Luffy’s tone was like rumbling thunder in the distance. It promised an unstoppable storm to anyone dumb enough to challenge his words. Everyone around him dropped their weapons immediately, some even kicked them away to show their surrender.

None of the Baroque Works’ infiltrators made a sound. Most of them were trying to think of ways to quietly escape and leave Alabasta entirely now. No one wanted to fight a man that could kill a Warlord. Even less so when he looked like he was still ready to go as many rounds as it took to finish the fight. The sentiment quickly spread throughout the crowd as weapons clattered to the floor in a wave.

Seeing the end of the fighting, Luffy grinned widely. A rumble of thunder was heard above and everyone looked upwards as the skies opened up. A little drop here or there at first. Then a few more everywhere. Suddenly it was sprinkling, and then it was a drizzle, and then finally, true rainfall began for the first time in three years in Alabasta.


“It’s raining!”

“The drought is over?!”

People began to cheer as they were soaked by the rain.

Luffy turned just in time to catch Nami as she threw herself at him with a smile. Mikita laughed as she joined the hug in the rain. Sanji huffed at Luffy as he tried to light a cigarette in the rain. Zoro only shook his head at the three of them. Chopper and Usopp were all smiles when they realized the fighting really was over.

-Edge of the Plaza-

“This is Seaman First Class Raul, reporting,” A Marine spoke hurriedly into a Baby Transponder Snail. “Straw Hat Luffy has killed Sir Crocodile! I repeat, Straw Hat Luffy has killed Sir Crocodile!”

His report was being compiled with a few others from some other lower-ranking Marines that had been sent to Alubarna to watch the situation in the capital. Their deployment here had taken place when Smoker’s ship had first docked in Alabasta. They were only to report on the situation within the city and not interfere. The Marines needed information about the situation. Their job had suddenly become much, much more important after Smoker had informed all Marines stationed on the island that Crocodile had gone rogue.

Every low-ranking Marine that had witnessed what had happened in Alubarna that day already knew what was about to happen. The Higher Ups in both the Marines and the World Government were about to get involved. They did their absolute best not to miss anything that had happened. But they were only human, and human’s made mistakes. That was how one man made his way safely out of the capital with none the wiser.

-End Chapter-


Woohoo! Civil War is over! It’s raining!

Robin is still depressed by what she found on the Poneglyph. Will she still stow away on the Going Merry without her chat with Luffy?

The Marines know who fought/killed who! That might make some changes in the future!

Akuma had a grand old time! But we also got to see a bit more of what the Sea Devil can do. I hope you liked it!

Pell was brought back by Luffy! No more sad Vivi! Yay!

What happens next for the Straw Hats and Alabasta?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

From what I vaguely remember, there was another one of those stones hidden in the desert, right? Anyway, thanks for another great chapter.


Woo-hoo, new chapter! Took me a bit to get around to reading it cause my brother was watching TV and I'm easily distracted. I really enjoy seeing Vivi get to be super badass, like taking down enemies by herself! She didn't get to fight very often in canon. Poor Robin... We all knew she wouldn't be getting what she wanted, but that doesn't make it easier. But of course, she'll still seek out Luffy. There's no way she forgot that conversation they had before his fight with Crocodile! Good to see Vivi didn't have to blow up the building! And Observation Haki saved the day! I dunno why, but I guess I assumed that anyone who could use Conqueror's Haki would have the affinity for it, so I was confused at first when Vivi thought about how Luffy told her she had an affinity for Observation. Speaking of Luffy, I laughed pretty hard when I read that statement: "Luffy put two and two together... and promptly got five." Also, yay! Luffy's finally made it! And he easily stopped any fighting that could have sprung up, and showed that he defeated Crocodile! Not to mention saving Pell! Looks like we're one step closer to some Luffy/Vivi goodness! Akuma's role actually surprised me. I thought he wouldn't like that the fighting was coming to an end and would try to restart the fighting himself, but instead he helped Pell. So he can also forcefully awaken Devil Fruits. Is it a temporary boost or is it permanently Awakened? Looking forward to the next chapter, Kai!


No one has a natural affinity for Conqueror's. You can have it, but it's not going to be your bread and butter for a LONG time. Luffy is smarter, but he still has his moments. Perhaps we are getting close to some Luffy/Vivi cuddling? We'll see. Akuma is a connoisseur of violence and destruction. Eventually it just becomes played out if you let it drag on too long. Also, remember, he Awakened the Tori Tori no Mi - Model: Falcon for his own reasons. Saving Pell was merely a requirement to assure future entertainment. The Awakening is up to Akuma, he can make it a onetime deal, or he can Awaken permanently. It all depends on what he decides will bring him more entertainment. Glad you enjoyed it, Sparky!


Nnnnoooo! It felt way to fast when I saw the "End Chapter"... oh well. This was a good chapter, got to see Vivi being a bad ass. Hate to see Robin so devastated about not be able to accomplish what she came for. Akuma force awakening was so surprising but yet I feel dumb for not thinking he could do it either. It was awesome tho wonder what awakened forced fruit we will see in the future. Can't wait to read the next one Kai!!


Happy you enjoyed it! Yeah, he can do what he wants with his own Incarnations. He is the Sea Devil after all.

Evgeniy Kazanin

Thanks for chapter. Robin is top character is One Piece. And she one read road of ponegliphs for Raftel. So, Robin on crew Luffy :) P.S. Sorry for bad language.

John Balman

As always love it,!


i really like your style but a critique point from me would be the lemon content i mean your improving on it but the first few were a bit dull dont know if its just me but i really like storys with them makes them more reallistic and mature in my opinion i mean pirats who are months on the sea need something to do and a bit of kink exploration seems fantastic


Keep in mind the first few times both Luffy and Nami are still new to it all. I refuse to write virgins having hardcore porno sex for their first times. That simply isn't what happens, at all. Source: My own first time.


i like it a lot keep making more chapter, i like that you make Robin join Luffy's crew. Kairomaru have you read the one piece ch 1037, so how strong is luffy's haki can he use alle the adv armement, observeison and conqueror's haki. When you come to water 7 arc i like you to have Franky join Straw hat's they need a shipriter