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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Magma Dragon King! Lyon makes his appearance and Gray goes OFF! What will become of the plan to revive Deliora? Will the effects of Moon Drip be removed from the island?

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 24 – Lyon and Moon Drip

“Gah!” Toby slammed into a wall in Deliora’s cavern. The dog-like man was then trapped inside an icy cage, courtesy of Gray’s Magic.

“Damn…it…” Yuka was bruised and beaten, his entire body pinned down by many of Erza’s swords. He’d been tossed around like a ragdoll by the three S-Class Mages. It hadn’t even been a real fight once they figured out the weakness of his Wave Magic.

“Aaah!” Sherry was forced to the ground by Lucy’s enhanced strength from her Taurus Star Arms. The pinkette was low on Magic from trying to summon stone golems to deal with the Celestial Spirit Mage. Lucy had destroyed each of them with a single hit! Now she was restrained as Lucy pinned her down.

“Now,” Gray looked at Toby, trapped in his Ice Make: Cage spell, with a cold glare. “You’re going to tell me everything. Who are you people? How did you know where Deliora was sealed? Why did you bring it here?”

“I can answer all of that.” A new voice spoke up as a new man entered the cavern. He wore an imposing outfit that hid his identity. It sported a large white cape, with a wide collar, golden edges and fur trimmings over the shoulders, held closed by a belt and adorned by a stylized snake with rectangular coils, and its corresponding buckle. Below this cape, the man wore a blue, high-collared tunic with golden edges, reaching down below his knees, with the part coming down from below the simple belt tied around his waist having an opening in the front. The tunic sported a large, dark cross-like design on the back, and appeared to have a dark shirt beneath it. The man’s legs were covered by baggy dark pants tucked inside armored greaves, composed of different plates and sporting kneepads. To finish his look, an ornamental helmet obscured most of his face. The helmet bore resemblance to a skull, sporting a front part which covered the man’s upper face, revealing his mouth and nose, with a line of sharp teeth beneath it and finished off with striped horns pointing frontwards and with a large crest of spiky fur, falling down his back.

“Who are you?” Erza demanded of the man, another sword in her hand in a flash.

“It’s been a long time, Gray.” The man smirked, though it was cold and mocking. He removed his helmet and revealed light-blue, almost white, hair and cold dark-eyes.

“Lyon?!” Gray nearly gaped at his old fellow apprentice. “Why would you…?”

“Yes,” Lyon brushed off Gray’s half-asked question without a care. “I’m the one that brought Deliora to this island. It was necessary for my dream to be realized.”

“Dream?” Gray questioned as he got himself together. “What dream is that?” He was actually starting to get a little angry.

“The dream that was stolen from me all those years ago,” Lyon glared harshly at Gray. “Stolen by you, when you killed our Master!”

“What?” Cana blinked at the accusation. She wasn’t alone as Erza, Mira, and Lucy all looked confused.

“You shut your damn mouth, Lyon!” Gray’s Magic spiked and the ground around him froze over for several meters. “Master Ur sacrificed herself to save us! She imprisoned Deliora with Iced Shell! Don’t you dare mock her memory!”

“She sacrificed herself to save you, because you ran off half-cocked to try and fight Deliora.” Lyon reminded with a cold indifference. “In doing so, I was robbed of my dream to surpass her. Now, I have a new way to make that dream come true. If I defeat Deliora, which not even Master Ur could do; then I’ll have truly surpassed her!”

“You snuck the High Level Magic books to read, you know how Iced Shell works…” Gray’s fists were clenching so tightly his knuckles popped. “You know…yet you still plan to free Deliora? You’re destroying Master Ur! That ice is her body!”

“It’s nothing more than wastewater.” Lyon denied without a care. “Once the Moon Drip ritual is complete, the ice will be thawed and I can finally defeat Deliora and surpass Master Ur!”

“You bastard!” Gray blitzed forward in a rage. Ice expanded from each step he took and the air in the massive cavern began to chill.

“Still reckless,” Lyon mocked as he waved his left arm at Gray. “Ice Make: Eagle!” A dozen animated eagles of ice formed and quickly flew at the charging Gray.

“Ice Make: Cage!” Gray’s right fist rested atop his open left palm. Each ice eagle was trapped within its own personal cage in a blink.

“Still using two hands to form your Magic?” Lyon scoffed at his fellow apprentice. “You haven’t improved much.”

“Using two hands is how we were taught,” Gray reminded Lyon with a growl. “One-handed Maker Magic is unbalanced.”

“Spoken like a true failure!” Lyon raised his right hand into the air, rotated his wrist and then dropped his arm to point at Gray. “I’ve long since surpassed such limitations! Ice Make: Snow Tiger!” A large tiger made of ice was formed and let loose a roar as it charged towards Gray.

“You and your Dynamic Maker Magic.” Gray ground his teeth as he focused and put his hands together. “Ice Make: Lance!” A barrage of icicle spears was launched from Gray’s hands. The tiger dodged a couple as it closed the distance, but the first lance that hit it destroyed its front right leg entirely. The rest of the lances quickly broke the construct apart.

“Hmm?” Lyon looked mildly curious at the ease his ice tiger had been destroyed. “No matter, I’ll just deal with you in one blow!” He raised his left hand, fist clenched, before splaying out his fingers. “Ice Make: Ape!” A giant gorilla of ice towered over the Mages in the cavern.

“Ice Make: Giant Hammer!” Gray placed both of his hands overhead and then brought them down as if he was swinging a hammer. A massive version of his normal Ice Make: Hammer spell was formed and smashed the ape construct into fragments.

“Impossible!” Lyon had to rush out from beneath his ape to avoid getting crushed by all of the falling ice.

“Your Magic is unbalanced,” Gray reminded as he charged towards Lyon. “It’ll never be as strong as properly formed Maker Magic!” The two were in close-range now and Gray lashed out with a punch.

“Nonsense!” Lyon blocked the punch and countered with one of his own. Gray blocked it with a scowl on his face. “You think you have a chance against me?” The two traded blows and kicks. Both of the young men straining against each other as they repeatedly landed hits.

“I won’t let you melt the Iced Shell, Lyon!” Gray drove his fist into his fellow apprentice’s face. Lyon’s head whipped around and he staggered back a step.

“I don’t need you permission, Gray!” Lyon slammed his knee into Gray’s stomach, making the dark-haired Mage hack and cough. “You’re the one who stole my dream from me! You’re the one that got Master Ur killed!”

“Her body is the ice!” Gray slammed his head into Lyon’s face in a textbook headbutt. “If you melt that ice, then you’re going to really kill her!”

“Gah!” Lyon cried out as his nose was bloodied from the strike. “I can’t waste my Magic on the likes of you! I still have to fight Deliora!” He kicked Gray away from him and then skipped back a few meters to make more distance. “Now vanish from my sight!” Lyon held out his right hand, palm outwards, before rotating his arm and bending his elbow. His hand clenched into a fist and the spell was completed as an icy mist formed around him. “Ice Make: Snow Dragon!”

A towering construct of ice was formed. The great beast wound itself around its creator with its long, serpentine body. The dragon let out a hissing roar as it looked down at its target. With a wave of Lyon’s right arm, the dragon shot towards Gray like a train.

Gray dropped into a horse stance, unbothered by the rapidly approaching Snow Dragon spell. With a slow, frosted breath exhaled, the Mage moved his arms into position. His left palm held his right fist, his elbows bent as if to cradle his hands close to his chest. The Snow Dragon spell barreled towards him at speed. Gray slowly opened his eyes when he’d finished constructing the spell in his mind. Lyon’s spell was mere meters away when Gray unleashed his own.

“Ice Make: Mausoleum!” Gray incanted and the entire floor between him and Lyon glowed with a bright, light-blue light. A TITANIC structure rose from the frozen floor in the blink of an eye. The Snow Dragon was encased in ice, its’ charged stopped dead. An ornate mausoleum made of ice now took up almost a third of the huge cavern they were fighting in. The entire underground area was now a bitter, harsh cold and everyone but the two Ice Mages were shivering from the biting chill.

“Im-Impossible…” Lyon craned his neck to look up at the frozen construct. It easily dwarfed his Snow Dragon spell and had literally frozen his ice! This was a true defeat. Among Ice Mages, the one that was able to freeze the ice spells of others was clearly the superior Mage in the Art. Lyon knew this, no matter how much he wanted to deny it. “Y-You can’t have surpassed me…you can’t…you’re just Gray…”

“Mira, Erza, Cana, Lucy, Happy!” Natsu burst from the frozen floor as he tunneled back into the cavern. The Magma Dragon Slayer blinked at the biting chill in the cavern and then stared up at the massive ice structure that hadn’t been there when he’d been practically dragged off by the mysterious woman. “What the hell?”

“It’s over, Lyon.” Gray stared his fellow apprentice in the eye as he walked around his creation. “Stop this now and I’ll only beat you unconscious.” He was still furious with Lyon. That wouldn’t change until he’d forced the other man to see the error of his ways. His breath came out in clouds of mist as he approached the stunned Lyon.

Suddenly, a large beam of purple light struck the Iced Shell from a hole in the ceiling. All of the Mages could feel the amount of power within the Magic as the Iced Shell glowed the same eerie purple color. The massive sphere of ice even refracted the light and the whole cavern lit up in an ominous purple glow.

“What the hell is that?!” Gray snapped his focus back onto Lyon as he grabbed him by the front of his shirt. “What’re you doing, Lyon?!”

“The Moon Drip ritual is being performed above,” Lyon smirked through his bruised face. “The Iced Shell will melt and Deliora will be revived! Stand aside,” He threw Gray’s arm off of him. “I’ll be the one to defeat Deliora!”

“Natsu!” Erza called to her Mate. When Natsu’s turned to face her she continued. “Let’s cover the hole!”

“Right!” Natsu nodded as they both stomped on the ground powerfully. The stone began to rumble as they pushed their Magic into the cavern.

“Don’t interfere!” Lyon blasted a wave of ice at the two of them.

“You bastard!” Gray socked Lyon across the face, sending the other man reeling.

“Yeah right!” Natsu exploded into a wave of blistering flames that quickly reduced the hastily thrown together spell into water and mist.

“Uh guys…” Lucy had let the exhausted Sherry go as she backed away from the Iced Shell. “It’s melting!”

“Damn it, close the hole!” Cana’s fist glowed with the white light of her Crash Magic. If the whole ice sphere was dropped another several meters underground, they could at least cover it up!

“My Forest Magic isn’t working well down here, everything is stone and ice!” Mira grimaced at not being able to grown trees to block out the light.

“I’ve got it!” Erza focused her attention on the hole at the top of the cavern. She clenched her fists as she focused and the stone quickly swirled shut.


Cana’s fist impacted the ground and a lattice work of white lines appeared underneath the glowing Iced Shell. The entire icy prison fell down into the hole formed by the spell. The bottom half of the ice ball could no longer be seen now.

“It’s too late, Moon Drip is complete!” Lyon shoved Gray off of him as he stood to face the demon that would soon emerge.

Water poured off the Iced Shell in waves. Everyone watched in shock and some in terror as the prison that contained Deliora quickly vanished. Lucy moved closer to Natsu as the frozen demon began to twitch. Mira took a ready stance as Deliora’s body began to shake. If this Demon was anything like Lullaby, then she’d do her best to defeat it and use her Take-Over on it to remove the threat of it ever returning.

ROOOOAAAARRRGGHHH!” Deliora roared as it awoke from its decade of forced slumber. The cavern shook from the noise and everyone was forced to cover their ears.

-Mysterious Woman’s Location-

“There it is,” The woman watched on through her crystal ball. “What will you do now?” She watched on with mild interest. Her only concern was to question her mother. She could easily wait for Deliora to break out of the ruins before retrieving the woman.

-Deliora’s Cavern-

“Get ready!” Natsu roared out as he let his Magic flow.

“Mira, can you Take-Over this thing?” Cana questioned her Dragon Sister. “Mira?” She blinked at seeing Mira not preparing to fight.

“It’s dead.” Mira stated simply as Deliora’s roar faded away. “It died a long time ago. I can’t Take-Over something that has been dead for so long.”

“Dead?!” Lyon and Gray both exclaimed in shock.

“Deliora is right before my eyes!” Lyon declared as he stood in front of the Demon of the Book of Zeref. “I shall defeat it here and now!”


Everyone stopped as the loud cracking sound rang out. A large crack had appeared on Deliora’s chest. The demon’s arms were next as they twitched and cracked from the movement. More and more cracks appeared all over the giant demon’s form. Even its head split in half as the fallen beast began to crumble into pieces.

“It’s just falling apart…” Lucy mumbled, but in the silence of the cavern her words resounded.

“F-For the last ten years…Ur’s spell slowly stole Deliora’s life away…” Lyon dropped to his knees in shock and despair. “I…I can never surpass Ur now.”

I’m going to seal your darkness away.’ Gray remembered the last words that Ur had spoken to him before casting Iced Shell. His hand rose to his face and covered his eyes as tears fell. “Thank you…Master…”

-Mysterious Woman’s Location-

“So…that’s what you did.” She had a thoughtful look on her face as she watched Deliora crumble to pieces and the pieces begin to dissolve into ethernano. “Iced Shell kept it from reviving, over and over again, until its Living Magic ran out. It died just as all living things do once its Magic was gone. Even if the Iced Shell failed someday, Deliora would never be a threat again.” She would give her mother credit, it was a permanent solution, even if it cost the woman her life.

Or it would have, had Moon Drip not come into play.’ She had a small grin form on her lips.

-Deliora’s Cavern-

“Is it over?” Cana questioned as she looked at the flooded cavern. The water had risen to shin level and was flowing out through various tiny gaps and crack in the stone.

“Not unless this stopped the moon from being purple.” Erza shook her head, sending her red hair swaying.

“I’ve actually been having a thought about that,” Mira spoke up from beside Erza. “I think we might be able to fix that problem too.” She grinned at her Dragon Sister.

“Weird, it just dissolves into nothing.” Happy watched as one of the small pieces of Deliora seemingly disintegrated before his eyes.

“That is odd.” Natsu agreed, watching even the larger pieces as they all shrank and dispersed.

The four enemy Mages were wrapped in chains from Erza’s Requip Magic. They were dragged back to the village under the purple moonlight and locked up in a cube of stone, courtesy of Erza and Natsu’s Earth Dragon Slayer Magic. They had small windows for air, but as for now, Toby, Yuka, Sherry, and Lyon were prisoners.

“Mages!” Moka called out to the Fairy Tail members. “When are you going to destroy the moon?”

“About that,” Mira grinned at the Demonfolk man. “We’ll fix up your ‘curse’ right now.” The villagers all cheered in excitement at the announcement.

“How are you going to fix this curse?” Lucy questioned as the Dragon Slayers gathered around and she was practically pulled in along with Gray.

“Erza has a weapon that can disperse Magical Effects.” Mira looked at the redhead with a smile. In a flash of light an ornate spear was in Erza’s hand.

“The De-Malevo-Lance can disperse negative Magics.” Erza nodded to her summoned weapon. “But I don’t think it’s strong enough to deal with something that covers the whole island.”

“That’s where Cana comes in.” Mira smiled at the Booze Dragon Slayer next. “Her Crash Magic breaks even other Magic if it’s used for that purpose, right?”

“Yeah, I can do that, why?” Cana held up her left fist as it was covered with a semi-opaque orb of white Magic.

“I see!” Erza suddenly declared with her brown-eyes widening. “My lance can take in Magic through the end of the staff and apply those effects to its own dispelling power!”

“Uh huh!” Mira nodded with a wide smile. “I’ll fly it up to where it needs to go and we’ll be done quickly.”

“I’m lost…” Gray admitted as he looked between the three women.

“Me too.” Lucy agreed, not following where her housemates were going with this.

“Aye.” Happy raised his paw into the air as he floated beside Natsu.

“You’re going to break something in the sky?” Natsu questioned as he pieced together what Mira had planned. “But you can’t actually destroy the moon.”

“Just watch and you’ll see.” Mira transformed into her Satan Soul form.

“Cana, if you would.” Erza held out the end of the De-Malevo-Lance towards the Crash Mage.

“Here you go.” Cana chuckled as he placed her right hand on the butt of the lance. He hand was covered in the hazy white light of Crash Magic and the lance seemingly absorbed it. The blade began to glow with the same light.

“I’ll take that, thank you!” Mira took the charged lance and flew into the sky with it. She flew higher and higher until she was nearly a dot in the night sky. Mira felt the thin film that existed in the air and grinned. She’d been right after all. With all of her strength, she thrust the lance into the invisible film and let the amped up weapon activate.

Everyone left on the ground gaped when it appeared that the purple moon cracked. The villagers began cheering loudly but they went silent when the sky shattered and the full moon was revealed to still be its true luminous color. More and more cracks spread from the point of impact as the Crash Magic empowered the dispelling effects of the De-Malevo-Lance and the magical film in the sky became visible. Mira flew back down with a laugh as more and more of the dome-like film dispersed before everyone’s eyes.

“The sky?” Lucy blinked at what she was seeing.

“Moon Drip was causing a side-effect with its use.” Mira smiled at the blonde. “I guess you could call it Magical Exhaust. But it hung in the air and since they continuously performed the ritual over and over again, it never had time to disperse. So it made a film over the island that made the moon look purple. That’s what caused the ‘curse’ the villagers were experiencing.” She motioned over to the tribe as they all began to glow as the last of the dome dispersed into pure ethernano and disappeared.

“Wait…why didn’t we take our normal forms?” One of the villagers questioned as they were all still demons.

“Those are your normal forms,” Mira giggled as she returned to her own normal, human form. “You’re all Demonfolk!”

“Wait…is she…oh crap!”

“Hey…I think she’s right.”

“My head is still a little fuzzy…but yeah.”

“How did we forget?”

The villagers were all shaking their heads as their memories finally became clear and the confusion left their minds. A whoop of joy was heard. Then another followed a moment later. Soon the sounds of joy and laughter were heard as the villagers celebrated their recovery.

“They remembered!” Lucy cheered with a big smile.

“I knew I could count on you!” Bobo flew down from the sky with a wide smile. “I saw the sky clear up and flew over!”

“B-Bo-Bobo!” Moka exclaimed at seeing his son alive. “I thought, I thought I’d killed you!”

“Come on Pops!” Bobo landed and laughed as he embraced his father. “Getting stabbed in the chest wouldn’t kill one of us Demonfolk! We’re built different from Humans!” Moka laughed even as tears poured down his old face.

“Let’s celebrate!” The villagers all cheered loudly.


“Did you see all of that, Master Siegrain?” The woman smiled as she removed her mask. The face revealed was beautiful, with captivating red-eyes, no blemishes on her soft, slightly pale skin, and elegant features.

“Indeed, they exceeded expectations.” The man on the other end of the crystal ball replied. “It’s too bad about Deliora. I never expected it to be dead.” The man paused for a moment. “Fairy Tail…I hope they don’t get in the way.”

“I agree.” The woman replied as the crystal ball cleared as the communication spell ended. “Now, when will you wake up?” She looked over to a woman wrapped in a blanket behind her. She’d made sure that her mother was out of Siegrain’s sight. That little fool still needed to be kept in the dark until his usefulness ran out.

“Mmm…” The woman reacted to the noise and slowly opened her eyes. “Ugh…my head…everything hurts.”

“Hello, mother…” The red-eyed woman looked at the woman in the blanket.

“Mother?” Ur blinked her eyes open and took in the woman across from her. She took in the facial features, so similar to her own. The red-eyes that she remembered the man she’d once spent much of her time with possessing, and the dark-purple, almost black hair that matched her own short locks. “Ul…Ultear?” Her eyes were slowly filling with unshed tears. “You…you’re alive? B-But they told me…”

“I’m very much alive,” Ultear replied with a neutral tone. “I have some questions for-” She wasn’t expecting to be bowled over as her mother wrapped her in a hug and bawled her eyes out.

“My baby!” Ur held Ultear as tight as she could. “My baby, my baby is alive…” She couldn’t do more than repeat those words over and over again.

“Stop this…” Ultear didn’t know how to react to this. “I still have questions…” She was so out of her depth here. Her hands were starting to fidget as her crying mother held onto her. Without prompting she found herself returning the hug. ‘At least she’s already answered one question. They did lie to her, she never gave me away.

Mother and daughter sat on top of the old ruins and held each other under the light of the full moon. Ultear still had questions for her mother, there were many things that didn’t add up in her younger years and she needed answers. But for now…maybe this wasn’t so bad? She couldn’t bring her mother back with her, not to that fool Jellal nor to Master Hades. She felt a tear run down her cheek and realized that she was also crying. Her -a Dark Mage- was shedding tears over what could have been, what had been stolen from her and her mother.

The two would spend most of the night talking. Ultear would get her answers, the real truth that had been kept from her. Ur would be brought up to speed on what had happened in the ten years she’d been gone and the fate of Deliora. Ultear now knew her suspicions had been very much correct. Most of her life since she’d been stolen from her mother had been orchestrated. She’d make sure to pay those responsible back ten-fold.

“We’re not that far apart in age now…” Ur shook her head as she held her daughter close. “We could pass for sisters.” She chuckled lightly as she ran her fingers through Ultear’s long hair.

“Mother, there are more important things to think about.” Ultear reminded even as she continued to hold her mother too. “You need to find somewhere to recover your strength.”

“I’m fine,” Ur shook her head softly. “Just a little Magic Exhaustion, it’ll clear up in a while.”

“It could take months for you to recover from a decade of Magic depletion.” Ultear looked her mother in the eyes. “I don’t want anyone around me to take advantage of you before you can defend yourself again.”

“Where should I go?” Ur didn’t want to be separated from her daughter again. “Back to Brago?”

“No,” Ultear shook her head. “That’s too far away.” She squeezed her mother’s hands gently. “You’d be all alone out there.”

“I don’t want to trouble him, but Gray is on this island, right?” Ur remembered what her daughter had told her earlier. “He’s part of a Guild now. I could probably stay with him until I recover.”

“Fairy Tail is rather powerful,” Ultear looked thoughtful as she contemplated the merits. “If you did this, you’d need to keep a low profile, the dead don’t return to life after a decade. Not even with Magic.”

“Reports of my death were merely exaggerated.” Ur smiled as she continued to hold her daughter.

“Well, regardless, you’re not going to the village naked.” Ultear stated while tapping the blanket that covered her mother’s naked body.

“A blanket is enough until I get there, Gray’s seen me in just my underthings when he was training, it’ll be fine.” Ur waved off and Ultear didn’t look amused.

“I do wonder if you’d have trained me the same way as those boys.” Ultear gave Ur a flat look.

“Of course, if you wanted to learn Ice Make Magic, you have to know the cold.” Ur grinned softly at her daughter.

“Really?” Ultear brought her hands together before opening them to reveal a rose in full bloom made from ice. “I didn’t have to run through the snow near naked to learn this.”

“You…you learned my Magic?” Ur’s eyes started welling up with tears again.

“Sentimental reasons, also a way for me to be better than you; I held a lot of resentment for you because of what I was told happened.” Ultear admitted and Ur hugged her tighter as she cried softly. These were tears of joy, however.

“Can we stay together, just for tonight?” Ur requested as she pulled back a little to look into her daughter’s red-eyes.

“Yes, I’d like that, mother.” Ultear admitted before being pulled into another warm, if also rib-bruising, hug from her mother.

-Morning ~ Demonfolk Village-

“Sagittarius!” Lucy exclaimed gleefully as she looked over the Golden Zodiac Key in her hands. “It’s really Sagittarius the Archer!” She was bouncing on her heels in joy at getting another Zodiac Key.

“Well, that means it’s real.” Natsu laughed as he saw how happy Lucy was.

“The Seven Million Jewel, as promised.” Moka handed over the reward with a smile. The large bills were banded together and each stack was worth approximately Five-Hundred-Thousand Jewel.

“Thank you very much.” Mira smiled as she accepted the reward from the old Chieftain.

“Well, that’s another Quest completed.” Cana grinned as she threw her arm around Erza’s shoulders.

“Yes, I’m looking forward to returning home.” Erza smiled at her Dragon Sister.

“Lucy didn’t wait until we got home~” Happy teased as he floated through the air.

Erza, Cana, and Mira turned to face Lucy, only to see the Celestial Spirit Mage with her arms around Natsu’s shoulders and their lips locked. Natsu’s arms were around her waist as he pulled their bodies together. The two seemed to have blocked out the rest of the world.

“Oh my~” Mira giggled at the pair.

“Lucy really wanted that key, huh?” Cana playfully teased.

“Apparently she did.” Erza chuckled at the pair. Lucy would be a Dragon Sister in short order at this rate.

“I didn’t need to see that.” Gray turned away with a scoff.

“We thank you for taking these other Mages off our island too.” Bobo spoke up while motioning to the still shackled Lyon, Sherry, Yuka, and Toby.

“It’s no problem.” Erza assured both Bobo and Moka with a sharp nod.

“Open the gate!” Moka told the gatekeepers and the large gate made of logs and iron bands was raised. “We wish you well on your future travels and quests, young Mages.”

“See ya, Sideburns Chief!” Natsu laughed as he and Lucy had finally let go of each other’s lips. He still had his arm around Lucy’s waist as the group waved goodbye to the villagers and headed towards the shore.

When they got to the beach, the group was surprised to find someone else there. The short-haired woman stood up from the sand with a loose, white robe around her body. It went down to mid-thigh and was closed with a large yellow obi. When she turned to face them, both Gray and Lyon stopped dead in their tracks.

“M-Master Ur?” Gray was shaking as he beheld his Master alive.

“I-It’s not possible…” Lyon wasn’t any better as his legs threatened to give out beneath him.

“Who is this?” Natsu looked between Gray and Lyon and then back to the woman.

“It’s been a long time, Gray, Lyon.” Ur smiled at her former apprentices.

“Master…” Gray staggered forward as he got closer to the woman. When his hands were gently grasped by hers, the Ice Make Mage nearly fell to his knees. “Master Ur!”

“Hey now, a man isn’t supposed to cry like he did when he was a boy.” Ur smiled warmly at her disciple.

“H-How can this be…Master…” Lyon had also walked forward in a daze. He did collapse to his knees before her, tears spilling from his eyes.

“You’re the one that undid my spell, Lyon.” Ur placed her hand on his head and gently ran her fingers through his light-blue hair. “That was foolish, arrogant, and completely stupid, but it brought me back at the same time, so I can’t be too angry with you.”

“Master!” Lyon bowed until his head hit the sand. “I don’t deserve your forgiveness! I’m a failure of a disciple! I’ve tossed aside your teachings and disrespected everything you stood for!”

“What am I going to do with you two?” Ur smiled down at her crying disciples before kneeling down and pulling them both into a hug.

Confusion reigned supreme among the rest of the Mages. Yuka, Sherry, and Toby had no idea what was going on with Lyon. Likewise, Natsu, Cana, Mira, Erza, and Lucy had never seen Gray act this way before. It would be some time before all three of the Ice Make Mages were able to get themselves under control and introductions were made. Seeing someone come back from what was essentially death, was more than a little shocking for everyone though.

“Good, now I have things to do.” Ultear nodded as she watched from a distance. Her mother would be given the help she needed. She however, had revenge to enact on a certain person and it wouldn’t be easy.

I’m coming for you, Master Hades.’ Ultear scowled at the thought of the man she’d been loyal to for so long.

-End Chapter-


BOOM! Ur is back, bitches!

Now, what to do about these two disciples of hers?

She’ll need quite a long time to recover from her use of Iced Shell. Good thing she has a devoted former student to crash with until she’s better!

Gray is lucky he just made 1,000,000 Jewels, huh?

Maybe in her time of recovery she’ll even decide to join Fairy Tail? Who knows?

Lucy got Sagittarius now! How long before she bonds with this Spirit and unlocks his Star Arms?

Things are a changing! How will these ripples spread and affect other things?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Sweet chapter! And Hades isn’t much of an issue for her since iirc that generator in his ship seriously weakens him when destroyed


Thank you, glad you enjoyed it! Yeah, but there's still the other Kin of Purgatory she has to deal with if she tries. Better to get things all squared away and make sure that none of them will be a problem before making her move.


Kek, of course those three wouldn't be a match for the Fairy Tail group! Gray vs. Lyon was really nice! Glad you didn't have Gray lose the first round! Mission accomplished, and now they can actually get their reward since the mission was taken legally! Lucy certainly seems to be very happy! I wonder which we'll be getting first, the lemon or the ritual? Wow, you really did it! Ur is back, and reunited with her daughter! Ultear learns the truth! She's not mad at her anymore! Ur is going to Fairy Tail! I kinda hope she does become a permanent member. I'm guessing the group won't turn Lyon and his gang over to the Magic Council then, and let them go back to Lamia Scale? And now Ultear's got some plans to make! Bet she'll be calling on a certain group of people for help! Can't wait to see more of this!


Great chapter especially The gray v Lyon fight which was very well written

Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

Kairo, you are a mad genius. You actually brought Ur back to life. I wonder what that means for Ultear?........Guess we'll find out after she kicks Hades's ass.


Happy to hear that! Fight scenes can be hard, but I'm glad you thought it was good!


Happy you enjoyed it so much, Tristan! Yeah, what will happen with Ultear? Natsu: "She wants my Dragon babies! So many women want my Dragon babies!" Lisanna: "Natsu, come down here and say hi!" Kek!

John Balman

I keep wondering if lucy will be a standard dragon slayer or something unique like Cana lol


Another amazing chap repair Kairo. A few ideas for Lucy are popping in my head that you could use for her dragon Slayer Magic but I like to see how you would do about it. I also have to agree with Tristan on what you might be doing with Ur and Ultear. See you next time.