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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Collector Hero: Synthesis! The first round of the Tournament continues! We’ll find out the remaining students that move on to the quarter finals! How will our girls feel when they have to fight their fellow Izuku Lovers? I’m sure it’ll be interesting at least!

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 19 – Next Rounds

“Are you ready for the next match, Sports Festival fans?!” Present Mic boomed over the speakers. “We’ve got another great match-up headed your way!” The crowd cheered at the declaration and Present Mic soaked in the atmosphere. He loved a pumped up audience! “In our sixth match we have a dark horse contender! From General Studies Class 1-D, Togeike Chikuchi!”

The brunette girl that had been part of Todoroki’s Team during the Capture the Flag event walked towards the ring. She looked determined and ready to fight. Some people noticed that her uniform looked like it might be wet. It was an odd occurrence but not against the rules.

“Facing her is the Energetic Acid Girl of Hero Course Class 1-A, Ashido Mina!” Present Mic introduced her opponent with equal flair.

“Yahoo!” Mina was all smiles as she gave peace signs to the flashing cameras. The pink teen was in her element as an extrovert and social butterfly. She walked towards the ring with the intention to win!

“Are you both ready?” Midnight looked back and forth between the two girls.

“Yep!” Mina had a grin and shot her teacher a thumbs up.

“I’m ready.” Chikuchi nodded to the Pro Hero as she took a somewhat loose stance with her arms spread out to her sides a bit.

“Then let the match begin!” Midnight declared with a snap of her whip.

“Catch!” Mina tossed two handfuls of her acid at the other girl. It wasn’t anywhere near the strongest she could produce, but it would eat through her opponent’s gym uniform and sting like hell!

“No thanks.” Chikuchi denied as water from her soaked uniform flowed out of it and formed a column between her and the acid. The column was actually a cone-shape. Mina blinked at the water construct as her acid splashed into it and was rendered inert. “You catch!”

“Whoa!” Mina displayed her athleticism as she practically danced around a dozen nail-like water constructs. The water nails pierced the concrete ring if they were at the proper angle. Others splashed harmlessly on the floor.

“Nimble, aren’t you?” Chikuchi tsked as she launched a barrage of water nails again. The observant in the stadium noticed her large cone-like construct waver before the brunette refocused on it.

“Acid Shotgun!” Mina swiped her hands through the air, crossing them over each other. Dozens of large droplets of Mina’s acid spread out like buckshot. The water nails met the acid bullets and both splashed to the ground. The drops of acid that got through all hit the water cone as Chikuchi used it as a shield.

“Was that another Super Move?!” Present Mic questioned loudly and the crowd gained fervor as they watched the match.

“We just gonna have a shootout for the whole match?” Chikuchi questioned with a grin from behind her cone-shaped shield.

“I was about to ask you that!” Mina grinned before acid was secreted from her special shoes. She started skating around the ring, leaving a hissing trail of acid behind her as she encircled the General Studies student.

“Let’s try for two,” Chikuchi murmured to herself as more water was pulled from her half-soaked uniform. A second cone-shaped water construct formed, this one just slightly smaller than the first one. With a grimace on her face from trying to maintain two large constructs simultaneously, she pushed harder and the second cone spun like a drill. Faster and faster the construct spun around before it was launched a bit ahead of where Mina was. “Dodge!”

“Holy crap!” Mina was forced to limbo under the drill of water. The pinkette was still sliding on her acid and almost fell onto her back. The water drill cracked the ring from the force as Mina gaped at it.

“Gotcha!” Chikuchi’s shield rippled as it burst apart into at least two dozen water nails which were launched en masse at the staggered Mina.

“Acid Veil!” Mina increased both her acid’s solubility and viscosity as high as possible. The thick concoction made a brief wall between her and the incoming attack. The water nails pelted the defense but didn’t manage to pierce it.

“Are you kidding me?!” Chikuchi blinked at the Hero Course student. No wonder the pink girl was in the Hero Course! She made such great use of her Quirk and was athletic as hell!

“You’re really good!” Mina praised as she blitzed her opponent. “Here comes the Acid Fist!” Both of her fists were coated in the off-white acid as she cocked back her right arm for a punch. Chikuchi stepped back, the first time she’d had to move from her spot in the ring for the whole match, to avoid the punch. Mina was on her quickly as the brunette tried to make distance so she could focus more on her Quirk.

“Hmm, her Hydrokinesis seems limited.” Izuku noted as he flipped between Mina’s page in his notebook and the new page he was making on Chikuchi. “It’s like she can only make needle or spike-like shapes with it. She soaked her uniform before the match began too, so she can’t pull water out of the air probably.”

“She’s putting up a good fight though.” Momo mentioned of the General Studies girl.

“Heck yeah she is,” Camie grinned at the match. “The girl is pushing as hard as she can against Mina. I like her fire!”

“Don’t you mean water?” Tsuyu joked with a playful ‘kero’ at the end.

“She’d be a good Hero, I think.” Ochako watched the match as Mina chased down the brunette.

“Hand-to-Hand isn’t really my specialty.” Chikuchi grimaced at the persistent Mina. “But if you want it, then you’ve got it!” The last of the water that was trapped in her clothing was pulled out and a spike of water formed around each of her fists.

“Hey!” Mina playfully pouted. “You can’t just copy my move so easily! I took a while to work this out, you know!”

“Incredible!” Present Mic cheered as he saw the General Studies student going toe-to-toe with the Hero Course student. “Togeike is matching Ashido move for move! These girls have some real talent!”

“Togeike planned ahead to make the most out of her Quirk, her ability to adapt on the fly is a sign of her hard work.” Aizawa mentioned as he watched the two teens go at each other.

Chikuchi blocked a flurry of punches from Mina’s acid-coated fists with her dual water spikes. Dropping down to one knee put her out of Mina’s sight for a second and made the pinkette overextend. Shaping the tip of the right water spike into a more rounded form, Chikuchi slammed it into Mina’s stomach with the strongest punch she could muster.

“Gah!” Mina hacked as the air was driven from her lungs.

“Take this!” Chikuchi punched forward with her left fist and then her right. Both of her water spikes that had been acting as impromptu boxing gloves, or boxing spikes to be more accurate, went flying forward at high-speed.

“Eeehhh?!” Mina juked to the left to avoid the first projectile and then got clipped on the shoulder by the second. She stumbled as her balance was upset and missed the look of sheer concentration on her opponent’s face.

“Now!” Chikuchi pulled with her Quirk and the puddle of water that had spread all over the ring from her attacks gathered together. A long cone-like spike leapt form the ring floor towards Mina’s back. The rounded tip was to ensure it wouldn’t be lethal. Chikuchi wanted to win, but she wasn’t going to severely injure a fellow student to do so!

“Nope!” Mina had seen the construct out of the corner of her eye. She dropped into a perfect split and the construct passed over her and right towards Chikuchi.

“What?!” Chikuchi had no idea the other girl was that flexible! With a strong push of her Quirk, the large water construct splashed to the ring floor.

“Got you!” Mina bum-rushed the brunette and tackled her to the concrete floor. She pinned her opponent to the floor and then held her left hand over the other girl’s face. A thick, vicious acid began to slowly drip towards her face. “Surrender!”

“Alright, alright!” Chikuchi tapped the ring floor over and over with her right hand. “I give, I give!”

“Togeike has forfeited! Ashido is the winner!” Midnight declared loudly and the crowd went wild.

“That was great!” Mina placed her palm against the ring floor, showing that the acid she made wasn’t very strong at all. “You should totally be in the Hero Course!” She hopped up and held out her hand to the brunette.

“Thanks, you’re really good with your Quirk.” Chikuchi gave Mina a grin. “I didn’t expect the splits.”

“No one does!” Mina giggled as the two headed off the ring together. “That punch in the stomach is definitely bruising though.” She rubbed her stomach gingerly. “You pack a real wallop!”

“Not enough of one, apparently.” Chikuchi shook her head. “Do you need to go to Recovery Girl?”

“Nah, I’ll have Midori fix me up, his Quirk doesn’t drain your stamina when he heals you.” Mina shrugged to the girl that she was definitely going to be friends with.

“The green-haired guy can heal too?” Chikuchi blinked before shaking her head. “Is there anything he can’t do?”

“Not become a babbling wreck when girls tease him.” Mina laughed and Chikuchi raised an eyebrow at the information.

“Really? Do tell.” Chikuchi grinned at the thought of the powerful guy being all shy around girls. That was just so in contrast to what he’d displayed throughout the Festival.

A minute was taken to repair the ring with Cementoss’ Quirk before the next match was announced. In that time, Izuku did indeed heal Mina’s bruised stomach. The pinkette thanked him with a grin as she went to sit next to Toru.

“Wish me luck, Izukun~” Camie grinned before pecking his cheek. Izuku’s cheeks lit up brightly as he noticed that the entire class had seen.

“G-Good luck, Camie-chan.” Izuku stumbled over the first word but smiled at her brightly.

“Me too, Izukun.” Tsuyu gave him a look and Izuku hugged her without a thought. She was too cute with that look!

“Good luck, Tsu-chan.” Izuku held her for a moment, just listening to her happy ‘keros’ as she returned the hug.

The two girls headed down to the field together, happily chatting. There would be no bad feelings between them regardless of the outcome. They were friends first and competitors second.

“For our next match, we have the future Rescue Hero with Froggy Charm, Asui Tsuyu!” Present Mic announced as Tsuyu walked towards the ring. She looked calm and collected as she approached.

“Her opponent is the Illusionist of Class 1-A, Utsushimi Camie!” Present Mic directed attention to the fawn-haired girl. She winked at the cameras as she headed for the ring.

“Are you two both ready?” Midnight questioned the teens.

“Heck yeah, fam!” Camie grinned at their teacher.

“Ready, kero.” Tsuyu nodded as she dropped down to all fours.

“Begin the match!” Midnight started the match with a crack of her whip.

“Kero!’ Tsuyu shot off like a rocket with her powerful legs. If she could push Camie out of bounds instantly, she wouldn’t have to worry about her illusions.

“Ah, ah, ah, Tsu-chan~” Camie exhaled a prismatic cloud of her Glamor Quirk and disappeared into it.

Tsuyu landed where Camie used to be and immediately jumped straight up to clear the cloud of illusions. Below she saw eight different Camie all looking up at her with grins. With a swipe of her tongue she scattered the copies into more prismatic smoke. She landed and made some distance between the spreading cloud and herself.

My tongue can stretch twenty meters, the ring is only about nine meters by nine meters. Range is my trump card in this match.’ Tsuyu quickly deduced from what she knew of her own Quirk and her friend’s Quirk. Izuku was starting to rub off on all four of them, wasn’t he? The thought brought a small grin to her face.

“Tsuyu-chan~” All of the newly made Camie copies trilled playfully. “Come play with us!”

“Kero!” Tsuyu swiped her long, prehensile tongue through the spreading cloud, both to disperse the copies and to hopefully strike the real Camie.

“So close…but so far…” Camie’s voice came from within the cloud, but no one could see her.

“I’ll get you!” Tsuyu extend her tongue fifteen meters and swiped it back across the entire ring. She dispersed some of Camie’s Quirk but still didn’t hit the other girl. ‘Where is she? She can’t trap me in auditory illusions unless I’m within her Quirk. I should be able to hear her feet hitting the ring if she’s jumping over my swipes.

Gonna have to thank Izuku for all the ‘thinking outside the box’ lessons we’ve done together.’ Camie grinned as she crawled along the ground as quietly as she could. Tsuyu’s tongue passed overhead again and Camie exhaled more of her Quirk to compensate. Maintaining her illusory invisibility was paramount right now. Getting caught by Tsuyu’s tongue was just asking for a ring out.

“Oh man…kero.” Tsuyu was fast running out of ring to stay out of Camie’s ever-expanding Quirk. She swiped through the cloud rapidly with her long tongue to both disperse it and try to find her hiding friend. ‘Where is she? I can’t find her!’ She was almost cornered, most of the ring was now within the prismatic cloud and she was running out of time.

Analysis is mostly just taking in what you see and applying what you know.’ Izuku’s words came back to her from one of their many practice sessions together. ‘If one method doesn’t work, but you know it should, then you need to change a variable to counter any variables that might have changed.

“Wait…” Tsuyu blinked as she swiped through the cloud again. “I’ve been aiming for about hip height…let’s try lower!” She reversed her tongue butt this time swung it through the cloud at ankle level.

“Oh damn!” Camie’s voice cried out as all of her copies dispersed and the real one leapt over Tsuyu’s tongue. The exclamation and the noise of her feet hitting the ground let Tsuyu determine her location.

Close!’ Tsuyu realized as a grinning Camie emerged from the cloud only a few meters in front of her.

“Gotcha, Tsu-chan!” Camie grinned as Tsuyu’s tongue was too far away to hit her before she closed the distance. The taller girl latched onto the verdette and tried to place her into a hold.

Tsuyu rolled with Camie’s force, ending up on her back while her tongue retracted. “I’ve got you, actually, kero.” She smiled at her friend as her feet were placed against Camie’s torso. A strong push wrenched Camie’s hold from Tsuyu’s body as the voluptuous teen went sailing into the air.

“Oh man!” Camie flailed slightly as gravity reasserted its hold on her and she started to fall.

“I’ll catch you!” Tsuyu shot her tongue out. The prehensile organ wrapped around Camie’s waist and slowed her fall. It only took a second for Camie to realize that Tsuyu had her suspended over the grass outside of the ring.

“Aw, no fair, Tsu-chan!” Camie giggled as she was gently set on her feet.

“Utsushimi is out of bounds! Asui is the victor!” Midnight announced and the crowd burst into applause for both girls.

“Now that was some back and forth!” Present Mic blared over the speakers. “Utsushimi took more and more of the ring for herself while getting closer and closer under the cover of her Quirk! But Asui figured out her trick and turned the tables at the last second! Even when it looked like Utsushimi was about to pin her!”

“Both showed good reasoning and that they know about the other’s Quirk, it was merely a matter of who had the better strategy at the right moment. It could’ve gone either way, honestly.” Aizawa gave his two cents on the match in a much more subdued tone than his friend did.

“Nice match, Tsu-chan!” Camie congratulated the frog-like girl as they headed off the field together. She would’ve liked to win, maybe get to fight Izuku again, but she’d played her strategy and Tsu had countered well. She couldn’t be mad about that.

“You too, Camie-chan.” Tsuyu smiled at her friend. “I have to admit, I was starting to panic near the end there.”

“You did great, Tsu-chan!” Camie pulled her friend into a side-hug with a laugh.

“It looks like we’re up, Yaomomo.” Ochako smiled at her friend. There was a determined fire in her gaze.

“Yes, let’s both do our best!” Momo agreed as she held her fists in front of her to match Ochako’s energy.

“You’ll both do amazing.” Izuku smiled warmly at them and both girls felt their cheeks warm up.

“Thank you, Izuku.” Momo smiled back happily.

“Thank you,” Ochako surprised even herself when she leaned down to peck his cheek. “We should go!” She seemed to instantly realize what she’d done as she covered her furiously blushing cheeks and dashed out of the seating area.

“Okay…” Izuku trailed off as his hand came up to touch his cheek.

“Yes…we should head down to the stadium floor…” Momo fidgeted with her hands for a second before leaning down to peck Izuku’s opposite cheek. The lovely girl then bolted out of the area much like Ochako and with equally red cheeks.

“Wha?” Both of Izuku’s hands were now on his cheeks. He certainly didn’t expect Ochako and Momo to make such a bold move, especially not in front of their classmates! That was more Camie’s thing!

“Midoriya you lucky jerk!” Mineta was crying tears of blood from sheer jealously. He probably would have continued if Kyoka’s jack didn’t hit his head and blast vibrations into him.

“Shut up.” Kyoka admonished the pervert, though her own cheeks were a light-pink from watching Momo and Ochako’s actions.

“So manly.” Kirishima had his right fist raised in front of him, his eyes closed, and manly tears in his eyes.

“Midoriya is definitely the Bro of our class.” Kaminari nodded his head with his eyes closed and his arms crossed.

“G-Guys!” Izuku shook his head rapidly.

“Don’t tease, Midoriya.” Shoji intervened to spare his classmate some embarrassment.

“He’s just in a relationship,” Sato shrugged while supporting his buddy. “Not like he’s the only one in our class that has a significant other.”

The looks of all of the entire class turned to the Sugar Rush user. The muscled teen looked between all the stares directed at him confused. Meeting the eyes of his friends and then seeing the positively gleaming eyes of Mina looking back at him, he rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.

“Am I really the only other one?” Sato questioned and the looks he got answered his question.

“Sato…” Mina’s grin was downright gossip hound worthy.

“Tell us…” Toru joined in and the taller boy could feel her invisible eyes practically staring a hole into him.

“How about after the Festival?” Sato held up his hands to placate the two girls.

“Fine…” Both of them pouted, even Toru whose gym uniform indicated that she was crossing her arms.

“For our final match of the first round, we have the Zero Gravity girl from Class 1-A of the Hero Course, Uraraka Ochako!” Present Mic introduced as Ochako headed for the ring. The sheer determination radiating off the girl was almost palpable.

“Facing her is another student from Class 1-A, a recommendation student at that, it’s Yaoyorozu Momo!” Present Mic informed everyone of Momo’s status as a recommendation student to get more eyes on the teen. She had the makings of a Top Pro once she really hit the potential of her Quirk. She needed the attention of Pros that could help her unleash that potential during her internships.

“Uraraka, are you ready?” Midnight looked to the perma-blushing girl.

“Yes!” Ochako nodded resolutely.

“Yaoyorozu, are you ready?” Midnight looked to the dark-eyed teen.

“Yes ma’am.” Momo informed as she rolled up her sleeves to expose the skin of her arms.

“Alright, let the final match of the first round, begin!” The R-Rated Hero snapped her whip.

Momo wasted no time as both of her arms glowed with her Quirk. She crossed them and then flung the glowing limbs wide. A dozen shuriken were sent spinning towards Ochako to keep the brunette at bay. Momo pulled open her shirt, exposing her toned stomach which began to glow.

Fast!’ Ochako reached up and caught two of the spinning shuriken, ignoring the slight cuts she got from the semi-dull blades. She activated her Quirk after dropping to a knee to let the rest of the stars pass overhead. When she threw the shuriken back, they were untethered by gravity. Therefore they spun forward at higher speed in a straight line, their velocity only hampered by air resistance. She followed after her stolen weapons to close the distance with Momo. Staying at range was playing to her friend’s strengths after all.

“Clever,” Momo formed a short staff form her right arm to bat the two shuriken away. Her left hand pulled a net from her stomach which she flung at the approaching girl. “But not good enough!”

“Says you!” Ochako retorted as she caught the net, rendered it weightless with her Quirk and then threw it back. She returned its weight a second before it reached Momo.

Momo smacked the net out of the air with her short staff, sacrificing it as both items hit the floor. A pair of tonfa emerged, one from each arm, and she spun them around before engaging Ochako. Both girls displayed some fairly impressive martial skill, something they’d gotten a good amount of practice in with Camie over their sessions working together. Both of Momo’s tonfa quickly became weightless as she used them to parry Ochako’s palm strikes and grabs.

“When did those two get so good at hand-to-hand?” Sero blinked at what he was seeing.

“We practiced together a lot.” Camie informed from her seat next to Izuku. She and Tsuyu were happily sitting on either side of Izuku as they watched the match.

Hidden by the gym uniform pants, Momo’s legs glowed as a pile of small ball-bearings were formed and scattered over the ring floor. Ochako didn’t hesitate to use her Quirk on herself and leap into a high kick that knocked the weightless tonfa out of Momo’s hands. The brunette kicked off and floated over the small metal spheres before undoing her Quirk and landing safely. She wouldn’t give Momo any time to think! Ochako rushed around the obstacle and headed for Momo again.

“Gotcha!” Momo produced a single shot riot gun. She fired it at Ochako and the shell burst apart into a familiar red net.

“MY BABY!” Mei screamed from within the stands excitedly.

“No!” Ochako juked to the right to avoid the net, barely letting it pass her by, and stumbled back into a full sprint towards Momo.

The voluptuous teen’s eyes widened as Ochako managed to evade her shot. Ochako grabbed her and Momo felt herself become weightless. As she was easily pushed towards the edge without her weight, Momo surprised everyone when she leapt up and wrapped her legs around Ochako’s waist. The brunette blinked in confusion even as she headed for the edge of the ring.

“Time to stop, Ochako!” Momo declared and from her hands the glowing light of her Quirk produced an odd yellowish goo. The stuff covered the ground and Ochako nearly fell as her shoes stuck to it.

“What the?” Ochako struggled to pull her foot off the floor.

“Industrial adhesive,” Momo informed her before a small blade was formed in each of her hands. She jabbed Ochako’s arms making the girl recoil at the sharp pain. With Ochako’s grip released Momo gently pushed off of her friend before creating a simple dumbbell. Her body might be under the effects of Ochako’s Quirk, but her creations weren’t. The twenty pound dumbbell quickly grounded her weightless body. “I believe I win.”

“Uraraka, can you move?” Midnight questioned the Zero Gravity user.

“Yes ma’am!” Ochako pulled her feet free of her shoes and used her Quirk on herself to leap clear of the adhesive trap. When she released her Quirk, unfortunately returning Momo’s weight to her as well, she stood in her socks, ready to continue the match.

“Resume!” Midnight declared and Ochako moved to close the distance again.

“I really love your determination, Ochako.” Momo beamed at her friend.

Ochako’s cheeks would’ve probably turned red at the word ‘love’ had she not been hyper-focused on the match. As it was she was almost on top of Momo when the other girl pulled a police taser from the back of her thigh and shot her with it.

“Aaahhh!” Ochako yelped loudly as the current passed into her form the device. As she twitched Momo threw a new net over her before cutting off the current for a second. “I…can still…fight.” Ochako tried to touch the net, but Momo shocked her with the taser again, the two nodes still stuck to Ochako’s body.

“Please surrender, Ochako-chan.” Momo asked her friend as she let go of the taser trigger.

“No…” Ochako tried to move, only to be hit with another burst from the taser.

“Please.” Momo insisted, not liking what she was having to do.

“Uraraka is incapacitated, the winner is Yaoyorozu!” Midnight took the decision out of Ochako’s hands.

“Ochako,” Momo dropped the taser and moved over to pull the net off of her friend. “Here, let me get those off of you!” Momo gently removed the two taser nodes and tossed them aside.

“I lost…” Ochako exhaled heavily, her normally bright eyes saddened. “I really thought I had you, Yaomomo.”

“You were amazing.” Momo praised as she pulled the brunette into a hug.

“I hope I made a good impression at least.” Ochako and Momo got to their feet and Momo produced a new pair of shoes for Ochako to wear.

“I’m certain you did.” Momo smiled brightly, almost bouncing on her heels.

Cute~’ Ochako thought to herself as she slipped on the shoes that Momo had created for her.

The two headed off the ring together and towards the Class 1-A seating area. Ochako couldn’t help but smile at her match. If she didn’t have such close friends, she’d undoubtedly be in tears about now. But becoming so close to Momo, Izuku, Tsuyu, and Camie had yielded not only a strong emotional support group, but also a business connection for her parent’s company.

The Yaoyorozu zaibatsu had been looking for a construction company in Mie Prefecture. Ochako’s parent’s company had been mentioned by Momo to her mother and father. The small company had passed her parent’s strict test quite easily. The company had no complaints, recorded accidents, lawsuits, or any other legal filings against them. The quality of the small company’s work spoke for itself. Momo’s father didn’t care if a project took longer to complete, so long as it was done right the first time. She didn’t know the full story behind that, but she suspected it had something to do with her grandfather as she remembered the old man having much the same mindset.

“You’ll be a great Hero in no time, Ochako-chan.” Momo smiled beautifully at her friend. “Sending your parents abroad for vacation whenever they want will be easy for you.”

“Thank you, Momo-chan.” Ochako returned her smile with a beaming one of her own.

The two picked up the pace of their walk a little. The second round bracket was always randomized so no one knew whom they would be facing next. Neither of the young ladies wanted to miss it.

-End Chapter-


Boom! First round done! Some surprises and exciting matches I hope!

For those of you that’re unaware, Togeike Chikuchi is NOT an OC! She’s a General Studies student in Canon. You can look her up on the Wiki! I just gave her a Quirk I felt fit her name is all!

Ochako’s parents are going to be doing just fine now that they’re partnered with the Yaoyorozu zaibatsu. Momo is too much of a generous Goddess to let her friend’s family struggle! She’s a sweet, adorable cinnamon roll like that!

Now we randomize it up to determine who will fight whom in the next round of the Tournament! I’m sure we can make some more interesting matches!

Who will make it to the next round?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Fun chapter and very curious about who sato’s girlfriend is…. Or boyfriend I guess you didn’t specify a gender but harem fics don’t often bother with relationships outside the harem that your putting one in shows how your bringing more detail into your MHA world which makes the fic better


Yeah, small details like that improve the world, I think. It shows that the characters have lives outside of what happens around Izuku. Fleshes out the characters a bit more.


great chapter man as always, a question regarding your note of interesting fights: if Izuku and neito fight, what do you think he would be able to copy from izuku?? would he get a blank like when he copied Eri in the canon or would he get a random quirk?? I always wonder what would happen if a copycat copies another one (on that note i don't remember if neito is still participating xD)


Monoma didn't make it to the Tournament. But Collector would best be described as a type of Stockpile Quirk, so Monoma would probably get the blank slate. If he tried to USE it, he's more than likely setting himself up for brain death, considering most people are NOT compatible with multiple Quirks. There's a very real possibility that Monoma would become like the failed Nomu; completely catatonic and unresponsive.


"Busty teen licked until she can't continue" "Girls play with toys and experiment with bondage" And other pornhub-y titles

Hannah Pinson

I don't think I ever read a story where they randomized every match of the third round. It's an incredible idea since it makes it harder to predict who will win since we don't know who is fighting who. Can't wait for the next chapter.

Michael Mendoza

Awesome fights. Thanks for the chapter!


I can't wait for the next chapter

Clark Kent

Great chapter! Between reading this and Sun Hero concurrently I have to refresh myself with the characters personalities before a new release or I end up a little lost. I’m impressed at how distinct the two stories are concerning the details, yet they definitely share a similar vibe or theme that’s always a pleasure to read. Thanks again!

God of Darkness and Shadows

Sorry it so took long for me to get around to reading this, been watching youtube allot. Anyways this was an awesome chapter and the fights were killer, can't wait for more updates in the future.