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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Aura Heart Journey! We’re here at Saffron City, largest city in Kanto! Let’s take in some sights! Spend some money! Have a nice time!

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 33 – Saffron City

“Wow…” Ash whistled as he and Misty rode closer to Saffron City. The large metropolis was bigger than he had expected. Sure, he knew it was the largest city in the Kanto Region, but knowing and seeing were two very different things.

“Yeah, I was the same way when I first came here.” Misty agreed as their Gogoats took them towards the city limits. “There’s a lot to see in Saffron. The Gym has a restriction though.”

“Six Badges, right?” Ash looked over at his girlfriend for confirmation.

“That’s right; Leader Sabrina instated it when Saffron Gym hit the Top 8 in Kanto a few years ago.” Misty explained as the archway that marked the city edge came into sight.

“I’m up for some sight-seeing too.” Ash smiled at her. “I bet there’s plenty to do around here.”

“I didn’t spend too much time here when I first passed through,” Misty admitted as they rode under the archway and into the actual city. “So I’m looking forward to it.”

The couple noticed a lane along the road that had a symbol of a Ponyta with a person on its back. Easily realizing that this was a lane reserved for Pokémon Riding, the two directed their Gogoat into it to avoid vehicles.

“Should we stay at the North Pokémon Center, or the West, or the East, or the South, or the Central?” Ash wondered as he saw a sign at the first intersection that pointed the directions towards the large city’s five Pokémon Centers.

“The South Pokémon Center would be closer to Route Six and Vermillion City.” Misty pointed out shortly before the light turned green.

“South it is then,” Ash agreed easily as they directed their Gogoat onto the proper lane to take them to their destination. “I wouldn’t mind checking out the Silph building while we’re here.”

“Sure, they give tours and you get to see some of the products they make.” Misty nodded as they rode along and took in the sights and sounds of the city.

The two followed the signs as they directed their Ride Pokémon towards the South Pokémon Center. Following the signs was easy and they still had the majority of the day to explore. When the Pokémon Center came into sight, the couple hopped off their Gogoat and gave them praise and pats for their work before recalling them to their Pokéballs. The two entered the Center hand in hand and headed for the counter.

“Welcome to South Saffron Pokémon Center, do your Pokémon need treatment?” Nurse Joy greeted the teens with a kind smile.

“Yes, we’d also like to rent a room for the night.” Ash nodded as he and Misty handed over their Pokéballs. He kept Bulbasaur’s for now, since it was locked. Once he transferred a Team member then he’d get Bulbasaur taken care of.

“You’re Pokémon will be treated shortly.” Nurse joy gave them a short bow before handing both trays off to a Chansey that took them into the back. “Now, let’s get your room rental taken care of.” The pinkette nurse typed on her computer for a few moments before speaking again. “Will you want a double bed or a single bed?” She gave them a playful wink, clearly seeing that they were a couple.

“A single bed, please.” Misty grinned back. She was not embarrassed by people knowing about their relationship.

“Of course,” Nurse Joy clicked and then typed on her computer again. “That’ll be sixty-five hundred PokéYen for the night.”

“Sure,” Ash blinked at the increased price, but figured it made sense for a room in Saffron City. He swiped his debit card and the payment took a second to process.

“Here are your room keys, have a pleasant evening.” Nurse Joy slid two keycards across the counter to Ash and Misty.

“Thank you, ma’am.” Misty accepted the cards and handed one to Ash.

The couple headed up to their room on the second floor of the Pokémon Center and put their packs down. They noticed it was a bit nicer than an average Pokémon Center room, but this was Saffron City, so that was probably to be expected. Both of them eyed the queen sized bed before grinning at each other. Checking out the attached bathroom made them smile too. It was fairly large and they could both easily fit in the large tub together. Plans for later tonight.

“So, what should we do first?” Misty questioned as they looked over a map of the city and notable attractions.

“We can take a tour of Silph Co. near the city center and then maybe get some lunch?” Ash suggested as he looked over all the options.

“That works, I’d like to see the Magnet Train too.” Misty pointed to the station on the map. The only line that connected Kanto and Johto directly was still a tourist destination even years after its opening.

“Yeah, I’d like to see it too.” Ash agreed as he looked at the location on the map of the city. “Too bad we don’t have any plans to ride it right now. Goldenrod City is almost as big as Saffron.”

“I mean, you could try to earn the Plain Badge in Goldenrod, but it won’t help you enter the Indigo League Conference.” Misty chuckled at her boyfriend.

“True enough,” Ash laughed with her. “Though I heard the Gym Leader uses Normal Types, she’s supposed to be something of a prodigy. Supposedly, a lot of first time challengers have terrible memories of facing one of her Miltank or something.”

“I heard that rumor too,” Misty grinned at the gossip. “It was all over the internet not too long after Whitney took over the Gym.”

With the first part of their plans decided, the couple headed back down to the lobby. They picked up their Pokémon and Ash headed over to the Transfer Machine. A quick call to Professor Oak, who once again thanked him for the wonderful video data he’d sent him, and the transfer was made. Phanpy would be taking some down time at the ranch while Ash bonded with Bulbasaur.

“Bulbasaur, come on out.” Ash released the Grass/Poison Type in a flash of white light.

“Bul!” Bulbasaur smiled up at his new Trainer.

“Hey buddy, let’s get you taken care of, alright?” Ash smiled as he gently picked up his newest Pokémon.

“Saur~” Bulbasaur relaxed into Ash’s arms as he was carried over to the front counter.

“Ah, you have another Pokémon for treatment?” Nurse Joy smiled as she gently pet Bulbasaur’s head. “We’ll have him back to normal in no time.” She carefully took Bulbasaur into her arms and then into the treatment area. It was only a few minutes later that she returned with a fully healed Bulbasaur.

“Welcome back, buddy.” Ash smiled as Bulbasaur jumped back into his arms happily. After explaining that they were going to be walking around the city for most of the day, Ash recalled Bulbasaur to his Pokéball in a beam of red light.

Misty and Ash headed out of the Pokémon center and started walking along the sidewalks towards the Silph Co. building. The city was noisy, hundreds of cars and trucks filled the streets as business took place twenty-four seven in Saffron City. Despite that, the sidewalks were clean and lined with trees. The couple took in the atmosphere of the metropolis with smiles and enjoyed their walk. Following the signs, they found the Silph Co. building and headed inside. Joining a tour group wasn’t difficult and they only had to wait about ten minutes for the next tour to start.

“That’s a lot of Pokéballs…” Misty blinked at seeing the production floor through the glass of the observation area. Conveyor belts and robotic arms moved what had to be thousands of Pokéballs of different types along them.

“I see normal, Great, Ultra, Premier, Net, Dusk, Heal, Repeat, Luxury, and Dive balls.” Ash rattled off as he tried to look at everything. “Which ones are they not producing here aside from the artisan Pokéballs made from Apricorns?”

“Nest Balls, Timer Balls, and Quick Balls,” Misty answered after a moment to think about it. “I can understand why though. Nest Balls are often used by Breeders to store newborn Pokémon. Timer Balls are only used when attempting to capture powerful, hard to find Pokémon that are strong enough to escape most other Pokéballs. Quick Balls are just ridiculously expensive and work best when thrown at high-speed.”

“Indeed,” Their tour guide, a woman with long auburn hair down her back and kind brown-eyes nodded at Misty. “Mass production of those three types isn’t necessary. Quick Balls have a very high capture rate, but only if their mechanism can be fully activated by the Trainer throwing the ball. Naturally, it sees use for many Trainers that are physically fit and strong, but others find it harder to use. A trade off in high-price for its capture rate, but lower demand for its difficulty of use.”

The tour group all made sounds of understanding as they moved on to the next stop of the tour. Seeing various gadgets and tools being made was interesting, to say the least. Silph Co. had a hand in most every commercial industry in Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh. Ash noticed a team working on a device that was red and white. It had a screen and a single antenna as well. He was curious if it might be some sort of new Pokémon Finder or Tracker. They were always popular items for those Trainers that were on the trail of specific species of Pokémon that were hard to find.

At the end of the tour, the group was led to a gift shop on the ground floor. Ash and Misty decided to look around for a bit, but didn’t have any intention of buying anything. Well, until Ash found a short traveler’s telescope that had both adjustable distance and night-vision settings. Misty had playfully rolled her eyes as Ash picked a box off the shelf and took it over to the counter to buy it. The amber-eyed Trainer could think of multiple uses for the scope and couldn’t wait to try it out in the wilds.

“Lunch time!” Ash smiled as he and Misty left the Silph Co. building.

“Where do you want to eat?” Misty question as they walked hand in hand. “It’s not like there’s a lack of options in a city as big as Saffron.”

“We could stop at a fast food place,” Ash noted a few that they’d seen already. “Or we could find a little local restaurant and eat there.”

“Why not that place?” Misty pointed to a sign that proclaimed the shop below it as a small restaurant.

“Sure thing.” Ash agreed easily as they headed for the small restaurant.

The restaurant was called ‘Stella’s Grill’ and the smell was quite tempting. The duo entered and quickly soaked up the warm ambiance of the place. The biggest attention grabber was the large mural of two Dragonair twining through the clouds and stars together on a full moon night.

“That’s pretty.” Misty liked the painting quite a lot.

“Thank you, I did it myself.” A woman with long, dark-blue hair smiled at the two from behind a podium. She had earrings with red gems hanging from them, warm green-eyes, and was just a bit taller than Ash. Her nametag read ‘Stella, Owner’ and she was clearly happy from the compliment. “I saw that scene one night many years ago, on Route Forty-Five, just south of Blackthorn City. It really moved me and I’ve painted it dozens of times already.”

“You’re really talented.” Ash complimented Stella with a nod.

“Thank you, table for two?” Stella asked and Misty nodded as she finally pulled her eyes away from the beautiful mural. The couple was led to a table close to the mural and given menus while Stella went to get them water to start.

“Huh, I didn’t expect that.” Misty blinked at one of the specials. “They have Piloswine Cutlets. That’s more common in Johto than Kanto.”

“I’ve only had Piloswine once or twice.” Ash turned his eyes on the special. “Dad brought it home from the plateau since the Silver Mountain Range has a large population of Swinub and Piloswine.”

“Here’s your water,” Stella returned and set down glasses for the teens. “Did you want an appetizer?”

“I’m ready to order, you?” Misty looked at Ash.

“I think we both want the same thing.” Ash chuckled and Misty grinned at him.

“What can we get you?” Stella pulled out her order pad and clicked her pen.

“I’ll have the Piloswine Cutlet Special, please.” Misty ordered first. “Can I get Watmel Berry juice to drink?”

“Of course,” Stella wrote down Misty’s order with a soft smile. “For you?” She looked towards Ash.

“I’ll have the same,” Ash smiled back at the owner. “It’s been a while since I had Piloswine or Watmel Berry juice.”

“My husband cooks up the Piloswine Cutlets like you wouldn’t believe!” Stella gushed about her husband’s cooking skill. “The Watmel Berries have just come into season too, so their fresh and at their peak sweetness.” She added an ‘x2’ to Misty’s order before heading back to the kitchen.

Ash and Misty further refined their plans for the day as they waited for their lunch. The Magnet Train was definitely the next stop, followed by a trip to a Psychic Type Pokémon show. As Saffron City was home to the Psychic Type Gym, many specialists of the Type called the city home. It was part of the entertainment of the metropolis for the various Psychic specialists to put on shows for people.

“Two Piloswine Cutlet Specials with Watmel Berry juice.” Stella returned with a tray carrying their orders. “Careful, it’s hot.” She cautioned as she set their plates and drinks on the table. She left to let the couple enjoy their meal a moment later.

Ash cut off a piece of the Piloswine Cutlet on his plate and blew on it gently. “Mmm,” He savored the pork from the wild Swine Pokémon. “That’s really good.”

“Mhmm,” Misty nodded in agreement as she chewed her own bite. “Tender, super flavorful, and with the right amount of juiciness, since dry pork isn’t that good.”

“I wonder what the spice rub is?” Ash pondered as he cut a second piece off and ate it.

“The Watmel Berry juice is perfect; you really can’t beat the season.” Misty smiled as she sipped the juice. Sweet, with a similar flavor to a watermelon, it was a favorite among many people during the late spring and throughout the summer months, especially when it was ice-cold like this.

After enjoying their meal, the couple paid the check while praising Stella for a wonderful lunch. Misty and Ash both took another long look at the beautiful mural on the wall before heading out. As they walked towards the Magnet Train station to help digest their lunch, they noted the wild Pokémon that called the city their home too. There were sneaky Rattata that scurried through the shadows. Both noticed the large number of Murkrow and Pidgey hanging out atop buildings and utility poles. A few Meowth could be seen wandering around here and there without a Trainer. If they were in Johto, it would be possible to perhaps see a Smeargle or two marking areas as their territory as well.

“There it is,” Misty pointed to the large Magnet Train station. “Annnnnd there it goes!” She giggled as one of the trains took off at speed and only got faster until it was out of sight.

“Man, no wonder both Kanto and Johto spent so much on building this.” Ash noted that the station had multiple trains as they walked up to the building. “Some of those are cargo trains. They must have so much being shipped between Saffron and Goldenrod each day.”

“A few hours to get a trainload of goods delivered, is pretty fast.” Misty nodded as they watched another Magnet Train arrive to the Saffron Station. Seeing the magnetic levitation gently slow the train to a stop was interesting. It was like watching the leaving train in reverse. “Maybe we should think about riding it sometime?”

“I’d be cool with that.” Ash agreed as he gently squeezed her hand. “I’ve always wanted to see Goldenrod City too.”

“Same here.” Misty grinned before pecking his cheek.

The couple happily took a leisurely stroll through the large city. They saw various famous company buildings, everything from major item suppliers to National TV Station Broadcast buildings. When they got to the southwest of the city, they found a park with a sign declaring the schedule for a Psychic Pokémon show. It was no big deal for them to wait a bit for the next one to start. They walked around the park, used the restroom, and just enjoyed a nice spring day as a couple.

The Psychic show started and both had to admit to being very entertained. “That’s just silly.” Misty laughed as the Trainer had tossed eight foam balls towards his Kadabra only for the Psychic Type to levitate them all in an imitation of juggling. The Trainer had made a show of scratching his head in confusion before picking up a duffle bag and starting to toss random items into the mix. Soon the Kadabra was psychically juggling the eight foam balls, two tennis rackets, four rings, three bowling pins, four tennis balls, and a foldable camp chair.

“Now it’s just hilarious!” Ash laughed as the Trainer sat in the opened camp chair and was juggled along with the rest of the items.

The crowd cheered and clapped for the Trainer and his Kadabra. Quite a bit of money was tossed into an opened case in front of the small stage as tips for the show. Even Ash and Misty dropped a hundred PokéYen each into the case. The man and his Kadabra bowed to the audience as all of the juggled items were levitated back into the duffle bag.

“Hey buddy, do you want to battle?” A Trainer asked from behind Ash and Misty. The other teen wasn’t any older than Ash, but he seemed confident. He was probably a Rookie Level or maybe an Adept Level that had just ranked up recently.

“Sure thing!” Ash replied as he and Misty shared a quick look. They wandered over to a clear area of the park that had a battlefield outlined in the grass. Ash pulled a Pokéball off his belt. “My name’s Ash. Does a one on one sound good to you?”

“That works for me.” The other guy nodded as he pulled a Pokéball off his belt too. “My name’s Matt.” The other Trainer introduced himself. “Mankey, let’s go!” From his Pokéball emerged the mostly white Pig Monkey Pokémon. The Fighting Type’s red-eyes were narrowed in aggression. Mankey thrashed a bit as it riled itself up for battle.

“Key!” Mankey cried out, clearly ready for battle.

“Bulbasaur, you’re up!” Ash tossed his Pokéball and released the Grass/Poison Type onto the grassy field.

“Bulba!” Bulbasaur gave its version of a roar as he stared down his opponent.

“Begin!” Misty declared, since she was acting as the referee for the match.

“Mankey use Focus Energy!” Matt called out as soon as the match started.

“Man!” Mankey focused as its body was engulfed in an off-white light that raised its Critical Hit ratio.

“Might as well test this out! Bulbasaur use Sleep Powder!” Ash probed and Bulbasaur blasted a wave of blue powder from the bulb on his back.

“Mankey, Leer!” Matt grinned, all but confirming Ash’s suspicions. Mankey’s eyes glowed red and Bulbasaur shook himself as a blue glow covered his body. His Defense had just been lowered a stage. The Sleep Powder washed over Mankey, but the Fighting Type just ignored it.

“Yep, Vital Spirit, I figured,” Ash grimaced before deciding to switch up tactics. “Hit Mankey with Vine Whip and latch on!”

“Bulbasaur!” Bulbasaur lashed out with two vines that raced at Mankey.

“Dodge it and get in close for Fury Swipes!” Matt instructed quickly.

Mankey proved its species’ nimbleness as it deftly avoided Bulbasaur’s attack. The Pig monkey Pokémon leapt, bounced, ducked, and weaved through the repeated Vine Whips as it closed the distance. Just as it got close enough and its short claws glowed white with the power of Fury Swipes, Ash enacted his counter.

“Poison Powder!” Ash declared and Bulbasaur grinned.

“Saur!” Bulbasaur blasted a thick cloud of purple powder directly into Mankey’s face.

“Mankey, push through!” Matt instructed and Mankey struck Bulbasaur with the first swing of Fury Swipes. Two hits, three hits, four hits, and then five hits struck Bulbasaur in quick succession.

“Leech Seed!” Ash countered and a brown seed was launched like a bullet into Mankey’s fur. The parasitic seed sprouted and wrapped vines around the Fighting Type’s body. “Vine Whip!” Two vines lashed out and sent Mankey reeling as poison lowered its health and Leech Seed stole it to give to Bulbasaur.

“Bul!” Bulbasaur cried out as the first bits of energy were absorbed by him to healing some of the damage he’d gotten.

“Mankey, get that Leech Seed off with Scratch!” Matt showed he could adapt as Mankey got back to its feet and its claws glowed and lengthened.

“Razor Leaf!” Ash declared as it saw Mankey grimace from the pain of the poison.

“BA!” Bulbasaur unleashed a wave of sharp, spinning leaves at Mankey and the Pig Monkey Pokémon screeched in rage as it was struck.

Eventually, not even Mankey’s anger could keep it fighting as the combo of poison and Leech Seed sapped its health too much. Bulbasaur had recovered a good amount of his own health from the Leech Seed. The Fighting Type gave off a final growl of anger before face-planting into the grass.

“Mankey!” Matt exclaimed as he ran out to the field to check on his Pokémon. “You’re gonna be alright buddy; we’ll get you to the Pokémon Center.”

“That was a nice match.” Ash patted Bulbasaur and praised him for his work. “Is Mankey a newer Pokémon?”

“Yeah, he is, just caught him a week ago.” Matt recalled his Fighting Type into his Pokéball. “We’ve been training up with other Trainers, but it seems like we still have room for improvement.”

“Bulbasaur’s my newest Pokémon too, I’m glad we were both using our newest Pokémon.” Ash returned Bulbasaur into his Pokéball in a red light.

“Here you go, man, four hundred PokéYen, you earned it.” Matt handed over the money, revealing that he was indeed an Adept Level Trainer.

“Thank you.” Ash nodded as he accepted the cash and placed it in his wallet. Matt bid Misty and Ash goodbye as he jogged off towards the Pokémon Center.

“Pretty nice, he was a good sport about it.” Misty mentioned as they entwined their fingers and headed off towards the Gym to look at it.

“Yeah, glad he didn’t try and say he lost because he was using a newly caught Pokémon.” Ash replied with a grimace at any Trainer that would blame their Pokémon for a lack of training.

“Bulbasaur looked like he was having fun though.” Misty smiled at seeing how happy the Grass/Poison Type was in battle with Ash.

“He’s a great Pokémon; I’m not sure what his old Trainer’s problem was.” Ash shook his head. Bulbasaur was awesome and good at following instructions in battle.

“Who knows?” Misty shrugged as they walked. “Might have just been impatient or lazy.”

“Is that the Gym?” Ash questioned as he noticed a building with a lot of space around it compared to the rest of the city.

“Looks like it,” Misty nodded as they increased their speed a little bit.

“Huh, a little ominous, isn’t it?” Ash grinned as he beheld the Gym up close. It was surrounded by pillars that were thin at the bottom but widen as they reached the roof. The roof was uniquely shaped, having many valleys and eaves. All the edges were curved, leading into points and the roof was white. Ash briefly wondered if it might look like a flower from above.

“Just a bit,” Misty chuckled as she beheld the Psychic Type Gym. “But to each their own style.”

“Still a few more Badges before I can challenge this one, but I’ll get there!” Ash declared with a determined gaze.

“I know you will, Ash.” Misty had complete confidence in her boyfriend.

Unknown to the two teens, a young woman was watching them from one of the windows of the Gym. She was fair-skinned, with long, black hair and red-eyes. She’d be considered a beauty, her body slender but with curves in the right places. She wore a spaghetti-strap top in a dark-pink color that left her midriff bare. Her legs were covered by white pants that were held up by a black belt with a large silver buckle. Her feet were in comfortable shoes that matched the dark-pink of her top. On each wrist was a thick black band with four green sections each connected to the next by a matching thin green line.

“Soon enough, Ash Ketchum, our battle will come, I have foreseen it.” The woman grinned as she watched the teen and his lover walk away from her Gym. It was one of many things that her highly advanced Psychic Aura had let her foresee. Many paths led into the various futures, but she’d found somethings that seemingly always happened. A battle with Ash Ketchum was one of those seemingly inevitable things. It was what happened afterwards, that changed between her various foresights.

-End Chapter-


Some sight-seeing, some slice of life, some battling, and some mystery at the end. What more could you want?

Ash and Misty will be heading even further south next time. Their destination is Vermillion City!

Time to get another Badge and meet Misty’s grandpa!

Will anything happen on their way to the port city?

Keep reading to find out!

Ash's Current Pokémon

Pikachu – Static – Iron Tail, Discharge, Growl, Quick Attack, Electro Ball, Thunder Wave, Volt Tackle, Double Team, Light Screen, Reflect

Lucario – Inner Focus – Metal Sound, Quick Attack, Blaze Kick, Bulk Up, Copycat, Force Palm, Screech, Detect, Double Team, Aura Sphere

Poliwhirl – Water Absorb – Watersport, Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, Double Slap, Body Slam, Rain Dance, Bubblebeam, Scald

Butterfree – Compound Eyes – String Shot, Bug Bite, Confusion, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Whirlwind, Psybeam, Air Slash, Substitute, Safeguard

Pidgeotto – Keen Eye – Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Twister, Heat Wave, Agility

Gogoat – Sap Sipper – Growth, Vine Whip, Double Team, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Take Down, Bulldoze, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball

Teddiursa – Pick Up – Covet, Lick, Fury Swipes, Feint Attack, Sweet Scent, Bulk Up

Phanpy – Pick Up – Tackle, Defense Curl, Rollout, Endure

Eevee* – Adaptability – Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack

Bulbasaur – Overgrow – Tackle, Growl, Vine Whip, Growth, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Poison Powder, Sleep Powder

Misty's Current Pokémon

Staryu – Natural Cure – Harden, Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Recover, Psywave, Swift, Bubblebeam, Camouflage, Signal Beam

Starmie – Natural Cure - Rapid Spin, Signal Beam, Recover, Psychic, Swift, Bubblebeam, Psych Up, Protect, Brine, Thunderbolt

Seaking – Lightning Rod – Peck, Tail Whip, Watersport, Supersonic, Horn Attack, Flail, Water Pulse, Aqua Ring, Fury Attack, Waterfall

Poliwhirl – Water Absorb – Watersport, Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, Double Slap, Icy Wind, Body Slam, Mud Shot, Toxic

Gogoat – Sap Sipper – Growth, Vine Whip, Tail Whip, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Take Down, Bulldoze, Seed Bomb

Quagsire – Water Absorb – Water Gun, Tail Whip, Mud Shot, Slam, Mud Bomb, Protect, Water Pulse, Yawn, Toxic

Bibarel – Unaware – Water Gun, Aqua Jet, Headbutt, Hyper Fang, Crunch

Spheal – Thick Fat – Defense Curl, Powder Snow, Growl, Water Gun

Eevee – Run Away – Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack

Ash will challenge four Gyms besides the eight canon Gyms with Steel Type, Ghost Type, Flying Type and Dragon Type being the four. All four now have OCs planned out thanks to some awesome patrons!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Yup nice chapter and yup Sabrina is as mysterious as she is pretty. XD


I enjoy the sight-seeing and you show the development of the city. Question tho what will you do when Ash as finished the indigo league. Will you stop the story and start a new pokemon series? Will you contiune,if so up to what region? It's ok that you don't have the answers to these questions, just asks cuz I'm really invested and just want to know the future of this series. Anyways keep up the great work Kai


Probably start a new Story, but with a similar Premise to this one. I kinda want to give the various Regions their own story. I do want to try making at least one a Harem too! lol But in this fic, I've delved completely into the Romance aspect and it feels like it would cheapen it to add more girls to the relationship later. Maybe some youthful debauchery in this story, but no full-on Harem.

Sebastian Pineda

I do have to ask though, you might've said this you might not have but is Sabrina going to be in a relationship with ash and misty


Single Pairing, so just Ash/Misty. Not to say there may not be some Youthful Debauchery, but it's a Mono Pair.

Nathan Jones

I love this story. I like the idea behind being a Pokemon trainer as a job, and with a more realistic world view without going straight to more dark fics. What would the aura types be of the Oaks? Psychic?


Gary is a Physical Aura User while Professor Oak is a Special Aura User.