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DxD Premise


Both Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing are a corruptive influence upon their host. Even inactive they will slowly turn their Human host into a partial Dragon. This is to ensure their own awakening. The Human body can only take so much however, which is why many users have died in the past. Their bodies gave out and broken down by the time Red Dragon Emperor and White Dragon Emperor met, or even before in some cases.

By the start of puberty, 11-12, Issei takes up workouts and jogging/running to deal with the buildup of his own Dragon Energy.

Issei has no idea he has this power. He just feels too energized and wants to move. His father tells him that girls like guys that are in-shape, which is all the reason Issei needs to take up working out as his method of energy burning!

Issei is roughly Half Dragon by the time he starts High School. This is as much as his Human body can withstand. The Boosted Gear is close to awakening on its own. He has a FUCKTON of power but no knowledge of what it is or how to use it. Rias approaches him in his Freshman Year instead of Second Year.

Rias: Looking over Freshman Issei "Dibs." Looks at Sona

Sona: Sighs "Fine..."

Rias: Starts subtly flirting with Issei the same day

Issei: Dragon Instincts boiling "I want her..."

Rias: "Akeno, would you like to help me secure Issei?"

Akeno: Eyes gleaming "Ara Ara?"

Rias: "Yes, Akeno, 'Ara Ara' indeed!" Devilish smile

Rias asks her brother for training to use the last resort Rating Game to annul her betrothal to Riser.

Naturally Siscon Sirzech's agrees and they quietly train together to make Rias and her Peerage stronger.

So, by the time Issei is on Rias' radar and she makes her offer to him...

Our little Ri-Ri has Four Wings!

So yeah, she has enough power to turn Half-Dragon Issei, as long as she uses all of her Pawn Pieces.

Issei is still a bit of a horn dog, though more of a loveable pervert he shall be! He'll make Draig happy by working to repopulate the Dragon Species! Eventually making a literal Dragon Faction! A Real and Unified Dragon Faction! Those who have ties to the Dragon Faction have an easier time maintaining peace, since they have a shared Ally Faction to help mediate. This would mostly be Tannin and Issei, on occasion, instead of just any random Dragon.

Issei’s Abilities

Transformation, or more specifically, taking on Physical Dragon Traits at will. Maybe learn a little Magic too? Mostly Utility Magic, but maybe some Elemental too, for diversity and because Draig seems to be a Fire Dragon, but his innate ability is to Boost anything and everything.

Since Rias approached him a year earlier; by the time Canon starts Issei’s had a year and change of training. He can control his Dragon Energy and has a grasp of some basic Magics for their Utility.

Issei is still an eight-fold pawn, the only Pawn Piece of Rias Gremory.

Other Changes for Later

When Riser comes to meet with Rias about their wedding being moved up, she’s wearing a Helltaker Suit.

She kisses Issei right in front of Riser while Akeno pours her a glass of wine and then Issei uses his fire ability to light her cigarette.

Riser: Shocked at the blatant disrespect

Rias: Blows smoke in Riser's direction "What do you want, Riser?"

Riser: "I... You... The nerve!"

Rias: "You are aware that I hate the very thought of marrying you, right?" Takes a sip of wine

Cute Idea!

Issei: Lying on a couch in the Occult Research Clubroom, just relaxing

Koneko: Ears and tails out, lying on Issei's body and purring softly

Rias: Smiling "Koneko has really latched onto you now, Issei."

Issei: Chuckles "It happens, she says I'm warm."

Rias: "You are a Fire Dragon."

Koneko: "Mmm~" Snuggles closer

Koneko is a Shortstack~

Potentially funny scene:

Issei and Vali are fighting in Balance Breaker

Issei: "You're such a dick!" Let's off a Dragon Shot

Vali: "Too slow!" Dodges the attack

The Dragon Shot hits the Gymnasium and wipes it from existence

Issei: "Oh fuuuuuuuuck... The Student Council President is gonna be pissed!"

Sona: "Given the situation, I won't say anything."

Issei: Dodges Vali's attack "Sweet! I really didn't want the lecture." Sends a blast of Dragon Breath at Vali and incinerates the auditorium when Vali flies upwards to evade

Sona: "That doesn't mean you can destroy more of the School!"



I love high school dxd and would love to see you do a story about it


Maybe point out that 4 wings in your premise is far stronger the the canon variety otherwise her having power equivalent of four wings would not be something to be proud of


That's sort of implied in the Premise, but I would most certainly make a point of it in the actual story.


It would be AU a good amount, but I do like the series and thought it could've been done better. This is another Series where Power Creep went too far and we have a far few too many Reality Breakers in a story.

Ant Franklin

Please make this sort I would love to see this outcome

Ice fox

So I thought about This premise all day yesterday Mostly because I love did stories and 2 things came to mind 1st Is Sona gonna be part of the harem? And 2 did you think about having Issei interested into parkour Or free running To deal with the energy?

Ice fox

The first questions answer is the Saddest 😢😢😭