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Danmachi Premise


First off, Demi-Gods are a thing.

Secondly, Demi-Gods are only born to Gods/Goddesses and a Mortal with enough Divinity of their own, e.g. a High Level Adventurer. HIGH Level!

Thirdly, Magic Weapons are a thing! The weapons of the Crozzo Family that are super-powerful, but break when they run out of power. And then you have enchanted gear which uses Runecraft to empower weapons, armor, and the like with Magic permanently. The effects are obviously inferior to the super-weapons of the blessed Crozzo Line though.

So, here's what I'm thinking for weapons, shields, and armor in the Premise, they basically operate on a Grade System:

Inferior Grade - Used, cheap, prone to breaking, but better than nothing. You can buy them in second-hand weapon shops.

Average Grade - New, fairly priced, should last a while if properly maintained. You can buy them in any weapon shop.

Superior Grade - New, costly, has a magical enhancement of some type, usually a single low buff for its durability, cutting power, or damage output.

Skillful Grade - New, expensive, have two low magical enhancements or a single intermediate magical enhancement.

High Grade - New, very expensive, have 3 or more low buffs, or at least 2 intermediate buffs, or a single high buff.

Mythical Grade - Custom Order, costs a fortune, 3 or more intermediate buffs, or at least 2 high buffs.

Legendary Grade - Custom Order, costs more than most Adventurers could hope to pay which usually makes it a Rich Familia purchase, 3 high buffs minimum.

Beyond these Grades are two other Types that exist, but are nearly impossible to get:

Crozzo Magic Weapons - Made by the Crozzo Family, said to have been blessed by the Spirits, incredible power unmatched by anything short of a Mythical Grade and able to be used by anyone. Break beyond repair as soon as their finite Magic runs out. The Crozzo Line has apparently been forsaken and lost the ability to create Magic Weapons for the last several generations.

Divine Weapons - Weapons created by the Gods themselves. These pieces can have EVERY type of buff in existence within them, but only the chosen wielder may use their power. Not unheard of are weapons, shields, and armor that scale to their wielder's power and grow stronger as they do.

Only Gods of Smithing are known to make these weapons: Hephaestus, Ptah, Kagu-tsuchi, Vishvakarma, etc.

Fourthly, Magic spells of the Higher Tiers might only be in the hands of Spellcasters, but simple Magics, like minor stat buffs, are something that many Adventurers have in their Skillset.

Fifthly, Gods/Goddesses can use their Divinity in defense of their life or the life of their Familia. Mortals immediately bow and submit to an unleashed God/Goddess, they literally can't even think to try and oppose them. However, use of a God’s/Goddess’ Arcanum breaks the 'Divine Rules' and returns the God/Goddess to the Heavenly Realm for a set amount of time before they can descend again. Likewise, any God/Goddess that is 'killed' -which is a MASSIVE violation and sees the perpetrator on the Shit List of, at the very least, EVERY OTHER God/Goddess of the same Pantheon- the 'slain' God/Goddess will descend from the Heavenly Realm again after a certain amount of time to recover from their 'death'.

Bell Cranel

Bell is more proactive.

He uses his earnings to slowly repair their home and then expand the holdings of his Goddess, like the Greeks of Old.

Bell and Hestia lived in the dilapidated Church in the abandoned and rundown part of Orario. I'm sure someone still technically owned that area, but they would probably sell the lots fairly cheap if the person had the Valis up front.

Hestia: "Bell, why are you stripping away all the stonework from this plot of land?"

Bell: "I'm going to fill it with dirt so we can grow our own vegetables on this side, and on the other side I'm going to start growing the herbs and other medicinal plants that Miach needs for his Potions. We get free Potions, Miach gets free herbs, all of his sales become pure profit, and I stay alive in the Dungeon. It's a win-win."

Hestia: Hugs Bell "You can be on top tonight~"


Bell: "Goddess Hestia, why do you want me to hit Level 8 as fast as possible?"

Hestia: Hiding the baby stuff she already bought "So that you'll be strong, Bell!"


Pairing: Bell/Hestia/Eina/Lili/Ais/Tiona/Tione/Ryu/Haruhime

Minotaur Attack

Bell will be mostly dodging and slowly making his way to the upper floor stairs to try and find help from a stronger party. Ais sees this Level 1 doing a fairly good job of evading a Minotaur and kills it. Gives Bell a compliment and Bell says thanks.

Bell: "I want to be strong like that someday. A High Level Adventurer! I WILL be that strong! I'LL BE THE STRONGEST ADVENTURER EVER!!!"

Liaris Freese has been acquired

Developmental Abilities

Bell's Grandpa, shortly before his death, gave Bell a strange drink and told him it was the only bit of the said drink in the entire world. Bell drank it, noting that it was the best drink he'd ever had in his life. He never questioned it beyond that.

Zeus said ‘Fuck the Rules’ and took a tiny bit of Ambrosia from the Heavenly Realm when he descended to the Lower World. He held onto it for all this time, waiting for when he felt it was right to let a Mortal drink it. Once, and only once, it will create a Miracle within the Mortal that drinks it, if they've received the Falna of an Olympic God. In Bell's case, the Miracle in question was developing two Developmental Abilities at Level 2 instead of a single one that he would’ve had to choose from the available options.

Bell’s two Developmental Abilities are Luck and Hunter.

Bell fills up all three Spell Slots:

First Spell – Quick Cast/Swift Strike Magic – Firebolt (From the Grimoire)

Second Spell – Quick Cast/Swift Strike Magic – ‘Enhance’/’Boost’ (Raises all Basic Stats by one Letter Grade on the I to S Scale for 5 minutes. Then can’t be cast for 5 minutes after the buff wears off)

Third Spell – Quick Cast/Swift Strike Magic – Thunderbolt (Uses all Mind when cast, except for the very last dredges to prevent a Mind Down, this is non-negotiable and just how the spell works to get its immense power with no Chant)

Liliruca Arde

Make Lili a Shortstack.

Lili joins the Hestia Familia earlier, which means she can get her Status updated regularly and grow stronger as a Supporter/Adventurer.

Thanks to the long and near-death experience that was getting down to the 18th Floor, both Lili and Welf Level Up to Level 2.

Lili gets the Abnormal Resistance Developmental Ability as per Canon.

Just think of it! Soma ends up getting a Divine slap across the face for letting his Familia devolve into a bunch of violent alcoholics! He could even still give Lili the test to overcome the Perfect Soma Wine, since Conversion requires the consent of both of the Gods involved.

Lili proves her resolve as she does in Canon, forcing Soma to listen to her and make him take responsibility for what he's let become of his children.

Then we have a happy Lili joining the Hestia Familia! She quickly finds out how the celebration ends with her snuggled up between Hestia and Bell. Lili would be all tuckered out~

Give Lili another Skill -or two- aside from her Artel Assist and Command Call.

OC Skill: Harvester - When breaking down monsters the holder of this Skill is more likely to get more Drop Items and higher quality ones too.

OC Skill: Merídio Range - Lili’s shots with her bowgun increase in power and accuracy. The increase is proportional to how many of her Familia are with her.

Lili’s Stats at Level Up:

Strength: G212

Endurance: G289

Dexterity: E448

Agility: C670

Magic: B700

Hestia Familia’s Influence

Start of the Fic

Abandoned District

Amount Owned by the Hestia Familia: 1%

By the time Bell hits Level 3

Abandoned District

Amount Owned by the Hestia Familia: 95%

Total Amount Restored: 25%

Goddess Hestia's Influence in Orario: 9th Most Influential Deity

When you offer housing, have food production, have weapon and armor crafting, have potion making, and have multiple teams of Adventurers that gather rare material from the Dungeon on a regular basis while your Ace Team brings back almost boulder-sized Magic Stones from the lower floors, it's no surprise that your Familia becomes wealthy and influential.

The Hestia Familia needs to grow, especially after the War Game! Have some experienced Adventurers join the rising Hestia Familia after they save Haruhime and Ishtar is returned to Tenkai. When the Patron God/Goddess returns to Tenkai their Falna fades away from all of their children. That leaves the children unable to grow any stronger or gain any new Skills. Hestia wouldn't mind taking in some of the Amazons from the Ishtar Familia as extra Dungeon Teams to increase their Valis income. (Strict rules against trying to Snu Snu Bell! He already has 2 Level 5/6 Amazons claiming him and the Familia doesn't need in-fighting and external fights between their Amazons and the Hiryute Sisters.) This way both the repayment of the Debt to Hephaestus and the restoration of the Hestia Familia's territory in the Abandoned District will speed up!

Ishtar stole some of her children’s freedoms with her Charm, like Aisha. Also, Ishtar was noted to have very little care for her Familia overall. Aisha and some of her fellow Amazons are going to be incredibly surprised at the care they're shown in the Hestia Familia. Starting with the fact that Hestia only asks for 10% of their Dungeon loot for the Familia, where Ishtar probably took 50% or more. Hestia, as the Goddess of the Hearth, Home, and Family, doesn't take any of the money the Amazons make from their brothel (because you know Aisha and her friends aren't giving that lifestyle up) as that type of profession falls outside of her Domain. This surprises the hell out of the Amazons and makes them more eager to join the Hestia Familia.

It is stated in Canon that an average Team of five Level 1 Adventurers can make about 25,000 Valis a day in the Dungeon. Since all of the Amazons from the Ishtar Familia were Level 2 in most cases, I think we can safely double that. If they Dungeon crawl 5 Days a week that amounts to 1,000,000 Valis per month, give or take, per Team. That's an extra 100,000 Valis per month per Team for the Hestia Familia's treasury. Both to pay back the Debt or to restore more of the Abandoned District.

Stronger Amazon Dungeon Teams could make much more by farming the Middle Levels. 100,000 Valis from Magic stones plus whatever the Drop Items are worth. They could even stop in Rivira on the 18thFloor for the night and offer their Night Services for multiple times what they go for on the surface.

Canon Things

Bell still gets the knife forged by Hephaestus.

The Hestia Familia works to repay the 200,000,000 Valis over time and makes more and more headway on repaying the Debt as Bell and the Ace Team get stronger and goes deeper into the Dungeon. Not to mention the side businesses that the extra space and businesses in the Hestia Familia’s territory generate.

Hestia and Loki still bicker about anything and everything!

Loki: "Let me try the Little Rabbit's dick!"

Hestia: "Fuck no!"

Loki: "Three of my best Adventurers are all over his dick whenever they have time off, so I'm curious! Now let me have a try!"

Hestia: "Fuck no! You stay away from my Bell you tomboy hustler! Homewrecker! Washboard!"


Bickering intensifies

For Later

Takemikazuchi: "How many Demi-Gods have you given birth to Hestia?"

Hestia: "Yes."

Takemikazuchi: "I see..."

Hestia: "Unlike my brother, Zeus, all of mine are from the same father! Bell-kun is such a stud~"



1000% on board with this!


I say yes to both dxd and denimachi

Sin Hunter

I love the premise here. I’d like to request that you add Aisha to Bell’s harem but I’d enjoy this either way.


I would love this! Your stories are great and there’s not a lot of good quality Danmachi or DXD stories that continue through the story. I would totally support these two! I haven’t read your ever story premises but if it’s your typical level it will be great!


Glad you like them both! Unfortunately only one vote per person...sorry.


Happy to hear that you like the Premise so much! I have a limit for Harem size, so I couldn't add her in. Aisha also doesn't seem the type to settle down with a single man either, at least to me.

sebastian contreras acuña

It was not necessary to read the whole summary to love it long ago I expected a good fic of danmachi and it is my opportunity


Love this idea so much has the potential to be seriously entertaining


Glad you like it! I plan to actually cover the time Bell spent in the Dungeon directly after meeting Hestia too. I haven't seen anyone cover that in a satisfying way.

Akai Kensei

*twitches, looking back and forth between this idea and DxD. Whines* I am... so torn! This is one of my all time fave anime... but I really like the DxD idea too... *sighs, crossing arms* One vote... FINE. Danmachi. This just has too much promise to ignore. I gotta ask though, any plans to change anything with Wiene's arc?


I may not even do the Xenos, to be honest. Or if I do it'll be handled much more competently by Ouranos and the Guild as well as the Ganesha Familia.


Will he be involved with loki in anyway?


Loki is curious when Ais, Tiona, and Tione are all over him on their time off. Hestia remains vigilant about other Goddesses approaching Bell though! Refer to the Premise near the bottom! XD


Will anything come of it


No mostly curios. The is almost nothing with bell and loki is all


Understandable, and to be honest, I'm not sure yet. Hestia and Loki don't get along very well, but both want their children to be happy. So it comes down to several factors in the actual story.


So will there be any changes to the blessings system like since bell is the first member or cause he is the captain of the familia or cause hestia favors him greatly


Bell's Falna is already atypical. Sometimes it stays visible on his back for no apparent reason, while other times it's hidden just like every other Adventurer's. As for any changes beyond that, I hadn't planned any. After all, ALL of the Gods and Goddesses got together and agreed on the Falna System to begin with before they came down to Gekai. No way would they leave exploitable loopholes in the System that other Gods/Goddesses could use to 'cheat'.


Can’t wait to read it


I changed my vote from dxd to this.


I didn't know you could change your vote. I've never voted on a Poll before. Well this Premise is currently in the lead.

Creature of Grimm

At first I voted for the dxd, but then I read this premis and changed my vote as well.

Donald Bagwell

Yes please! If it’s working the next two months for the first chapter I’ll rank up


Huh? It's already got 6 chapters written for this story. Just search for the 'Familia Myth' Tag and enjoy.