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A new Bunny has risen in my brain! A way to really shake up the MHA World! Izuku becomes quite powerful, because of a new person appearing in his life! A very pretty someone at that! Let’s shake things up! Show everyone that the Heroes and Villains system isn’t perfect! It’s not all Black and White, but shades of Grey.

Let’s get this started!


Quoth the Raven, "Forevermore."

All men are not created equal. At the dawn of the greatest change in Human Evolution this became more apparent than ever before. Quirks, as they would come to be called, showed the differences between people in a staggering light. It would seem inevitable that in the ‘First Generation’ of Quirks someone would step forward to seize control of the chaos the world had been thrown into. A man with a Quirk that let him steal the Quirks of others, use them for himself, or give them to others who were loyal to him. This man’s very name would be lost to time, everyone only identifying him by the unparalleled Quirk that he wielded, All for One!

Two hundred years since the ‘Dawn of Quirks’ and All for One was still alive. He controlled most of the World’s Criminal Underworld through power and fear. He was a boogeyman to even the most hardened of criminals. Some didn’t even believe he existed. Others were too terrified to even speak his name. But one thing was becoming more and more certain to the man. Even with Longevity Quirks, he couldn’t outrun Time. After two centuries of life, All for One was brought to the stark realization that he had no one to pass on his control of the Criminal Underworld to. He had no ‘lieutenants’ or trusted people, only pawns in his machinations. He was still dealing with the Quirk his brother had passed down through the generations, One for All. It was an endless succession of ‘Heroes’ that rose up to challenge him again and again with that Quirk.

“Perhaps it is time to secure a bloodline.” All for One mused with a dark chuckle. Standing from his chair he held out his hand, a black liquid seemed to gush forth from his palm and cover the white haired man. In only a few seconds the liquid spun into itself and vanished, taking the man with it.

“My, my, this is an unexpected visit.” Garaki Kyudai commented as he watched a black liquid emerge from the air in his lab. The liquid expanded and then dispersed revealing All for One. “Did you acquire another interesting Quirk?”

“No, this meeting is for a different purpose Doctor.” All for One grinned. “I’d like you to find me a woman with a Quirk that would be beneficial to the further development of All for One.”

“Might I ask why?” Garaki questioned even as he started typing on his computer and began to pull up various Quirk Registries.

“Even I won’t be around forever, Doctor.” All for One spoke. “I think it’s time to secure the future the ‘old fashioned way’.”

“An Heir?” Garaki chuckled. “I never thought I’d see the day.” He continued to type on the computer.

“Indeed.” All for One chuckled as well. He was fortunate to have already stolen multiple Longevity Quirks early on in his rise to power. He’d have been a decrepit man of eighty years old or more by the time Garaki had been born otherwise. Now the Doctor was the source of his strongest Longevity Quirk and the one who was the biggest contributor to his century long plan. Recently the good Doctor had even found a way to replicate Quirks artificially. It still required the original Quirk to make a copy, but All for One had literal centuries of experience with ‘acquiring’ new Quirks.

“Do any of these young women strike your fancy?” Garaki chortled as the large screen next to him showed the Quirk Registries of multiple women from all over the world.

Leaning in All for One looked over the entries one by one. Several of the women had Quirks that looked promising. The ancient man continued to read through the list looking for any particular Quirk that stood out. It wasn’t until near the bottom of the list that he found one that stood out.

“Who is this?” All for One questioned as he pointed to the woman on screen. Said woman had dark purple hair, pale skin with a grey hue, and dark amethyst eyes.

“Arella Roth, a Villain from the United States. Her Quirk is called Enhance. From the full Registry it states that everything about the user's body can be enhanced to superhuman degrees. Simple things like metabolism, or bodily functions, all the way to enhancing strength, speed, and durability. Her location is currently unknown. She disagrees with Quirk Restriction Laws and was labeled a Villain during the California Riots that happened a few years ago. Apparently throwing a police car is all it takes to have the Villain label applied now days.” Garaki chortled as he brought up the woman’s available history.

“Her Quirk seems like the best fit for my plans.” All for One grinned darkly. “It seems I’ll be taking a trip to the States for a bit. Keep the replications and the Nomu Project going while I’m gone.”

“Of course.” Garaki nodded as he went back to what he was doing before. The black liquid engulfed All for One and he disappeared.

-Three Weeks Later-

“Who the hell are you?” Arella Roth demanded of the man that stood in front of her. She’d been holed up in her small, crappy apartment as usual. Ever since getting labeled a Villain her life had been on the downward spiral. The white haired man in a suit looked like someone her ass of a landlord would send to evict her.

“Arella Roth, I believe?” All for One asked, even though he already knew.

“Who’s asking?” Arella inquired; already she was channeling her Quirk in case this guy was a cop. She wasn’t going to let herself be dragged off to prison for her beliefs that Quirk Laws were unjust.

“I’ve gone by many names, but the one that’s stuck the most is All for One.” All for One smiled. Arella just quirked an eyebrow.

“The ‘boogeyman’ of the Underworld?” Arella shook her head. “Nice try, but I don’t believe in urban legends.”

“Perhaps a demonstration.” All for One chuckled as his hand flashed out and grabbed her head. A multihued light surrounded the two of them for a moment before Arella fell to her knees and blacked out.

A few hours later the purplette awoke in a daze. Her head hurt and she was lying on her couch. The memories rushed back to her as she saw the man in the suit sitting in her only other chair. Arella tried to call forth her Quirk to attack the man only to go completely still when she couldn’t feel her Quirk. The man, All for One as he claimed, only smiled darky at her with amusement in his eyes.

“Do you believe me yet, Miss Roth?” All for One asked with a smirk.

“You’re fucking real?” Arella scrambled back away from the man.

“Very much so.” All for One chuckled.

“Well you stole my Quirk, what more do you want from me?” Arella nearly whimpered as she pressed herself back into the far end of her ratty couch.

“I’ll return your Quirk to you shortly.” All for One waved his hand. “But I have a proposition for you that goes along with it.”

“What’s that?” Arella still wouldn’t move any closer to the man.

“After living for so long I’ve come to the certainty that Time or some enemy will eventually catch up with me.” All for One began. “To that end, I’d like to secure a legacy, if you will.”

“A legacy?” Arella repeated confused. “You’re a living urban legend, people have been whispering about you for two hundred years! What more ‘legacy’ do you need?”

“An Heir.” All for One answered simply.

“An...heir?” Arella’s eyes widened when she caught on to the Legendary Villain’s meaning. “You can’t be serious!” She almost toppled off the worn couch in her haste to get further away from him.

“Now, now, I’m not some lowly rapist.” All for One chided the young woman. “I do not ask this of you for free.” With a strange sound a black liquid appeared out of thin air. From within the liquid emerged a sleek metal briefcase. All for One casually placed it on the, thrice repaired, coffee table. Without a word the Villain opened the case and then turned it to face the scared woman.

“Holy shit…” Arella gaped at the stacks of US currency neatly placed inside. “How…how much…” She couldn’t even finish her sentence.

“Three hundred sixty thousand dollars.” All for One answered her question. “This is merely a fraction of what I offer you.” The black liquid appeared again and from it multiple sleek metal briefcases began to emerge and fall to the floor of her tiny apartment. She carefully picked one up, never taking her eyes off the man, and opened it. Just like the first one it was filled with stacks of banded bills. She opened three more, all with the same contents, before she turned to look at the man.

“Why me?” Arella asked softly. She knew she was considered beautiful by most men. She’d heard enough pick-up lines in her life to reinforce that belief. But this Villain, this living urban legend of fear, had mentioned her Quirk being necessary for his Heir. Sure her Quirk was strong, but she never thought it would attract anyone like this.

“You’re Quirk will complement mine in my heir. I’ve ruled the Underworld for centuries with my power. How much further could my heir take that control with an even stronger version of my Quirk?” All for One asked rhetorically.

“So what…you’re buying me off as a broodmare?” Arella didn’t much like the idea. Though she could most certainly use the money to help her disappear and live a better life than the meager one she was currently living.

“Two hundred fifty million dollars to have my child.” All for One laid out flatly and Arella couldn’t stop her gasp. “Another two hundred fifty million dollars to raise the child until their Quirk manifests. After that they’ll then come to Japan to live with me.”

“F-Five hun-hundred m-million?” Arella stuttered out as she almost collapsed.

“Indeed.” All for One stated. “With my influence you can have a home anywhere in the world, and your identity can be hidden. Or if you prefer your records can be wiped from every criminal database in the world.”

“I…I…” Arella was shocked. Here was a new chance at life, a good life at that! It would be a clean slate with no one hunting her anymore. All she had to do was have a child, something she wasn’t actually against anyway, and it would all be hers.

“What do you say, Miss Arella Roth? Will you accept my offer?” All for One held out his hand to the young woman.

“Yes.” Arella agreed as she took his hand. What did she have to lose in this agreement after all? Her life could only get worse if she was taken to prison as it stood now. All for One smiled in satisfaction as he gently clasped Arella’s hand in his. The plan could now begin in full. With a bright multihued light he returned her Quirk to her.

So it came to be that Arella Roth lost her Villain status and moved into a nice neighborhood. The neighborhood was full of wealthy people who all owned their homes and didn’t bat an eye at a successful single mother. She was content to raise her daughter while they wanted for nothing. She raised her little girl, Rachel, with love and care. Naturally Rachel was raised with her mother’s beliefs on Quirk Restriction Laws. The young girl grew up believing that a person should be able to freely use their natural born power. When her fourth birthday came and she accidentally stole Arella’s Quirk, the mother knew that Rachel’s father would soon show up.

“Hello Rachel, I’m your father.” All for One smiled at the five year old girl. She looked remarkably like Arella. Same dark purple hair, the amethyst eyes, just a slightly darker gray skin tone. Clearly her mother’s child through and through.

“You’re the one that sends me birthday and Christmas presents?” Rachel asked curiously.

“Indeed I am.” All for One gently patted her head. “I also have the same Quirk as you do.” He informed his daughter as he showed her a few different Quirks he could demonstrate without trouble.

“Mom says I’m going to move in with you, but why?” Rachel asked with sad eyes.

“I simply wish to raise my daughter, Rachel.” All for One smiled down at the girl. “You’ll be free to come visit your mother whenever you wish. I have a Quirk that can bring you here anytime.”

“Really?!” Rachel’s little eyes brightened and All for One chuckled. Children were easy to understand. Let them keep what they have, while offering them more, and they’d happily go along with almost anything. He even noticed Arella’s eyes wide in surprise at this new bit of information.

“Yes, really.” All for One responded. Rachel was overjoyed to get to know her father and live with him. Now that she knew she could see her mother whenever she wanted as well, she had no further inhibitions.

Rachel Roth quickly, and discreetly, became a dual Japanese and United States citizen. At her young age she picked up Japanese fairly easily as her mind hadn’t fully locked onto English yet. She was shown how her father ran his ‘business’ as he called it. Seeing her father use his power to get what he wanted only reaffirmed the lessons she’d grown up with. Quirks were an individual’s power and no one should be able to tell them that they couldn’t be used. Her father introduced her to a colleague of his, a Dr. Garaki, and she was given two Quirks to ‘acquire’ as well as a few tests to go through. They all learned that not only was her version of All for One stronger than her father’s, but that she could ‘feel’ a person’s Quirk Factor just by touching them.

Learning to use her Quirk, as well as the Quirks she ‘acquired’, was fairly easy. Her version of All for One gave her an intuitive understanding of any Quirk she took. She could use them quickly and efficiently shortly afterwards. She could even make them stronger and evolve them over time. Thanks to Dr. Garaki her Registry was changed and accepted without question. The summary was easy to understand and the, now six year old, had no trouble reading the Japanese.


Name: Roth Rachel

Quirk: Quirk Manipulation

Type: Omni-typical (Emitter/Transformation/Mutant)


As a Japanese citizen, Rachel was required to attend school. To avoid any suspicion on his daughter All for One placed her in a non-descript Public School. It was there that Rachel would meet someone new. A boy like she had never seen before.

“Why do they keep picking on him?” Rachel wondered to herself as she saw her classmate, Midoriya, getting picked on by the blonde boy, Bakugo, and his lackeys. Sure those without power weren’t of any interest. But she couldn’t understand how the bullies derived so much joy out of kicking the verdette around. It only proved that they either had little power themselves or that they were just jerks. Neither was appealing to the young heiress. She knew her power was far greater than any of the other students, teachers, or pretty much anyone else. She already had over a dozen Quirks in her ‘collection’. The combination of which could easily let her collapse a good portion of this school on a whim.

Seeing the bullies leaving Midoriya alone, of course the boy was still on the ground. Rachel decided to satisfy a bit of curiosity she’d had about the Quirkless boy since the start of the year. She walked over and knelt beside the beaten verdette. Reaching out she touched his arm, and then she felt something shocking. Midoriya was a void. There was nothing inside of him. At least that’s how it seemed to her Quirk’s ability to measure a person’s Quirk Factor. Midoriya was a vast and empty space where a Quirk should be.

“Are you alright?” Rachel asked the downed boy after getting her shock under control.

“I’ll be fine.” Midoriya exhaled raggedly as he lay on the ground. “Thank you for asking.”

“No problem.” Rachel waved off. Once Midoriya sat up Rachel left him to head home. She needed to ask her father something. She’d never felt a void like Midoriya before, even on people with weak Quirks, she felt like they were ‘whole’ or ‘complete’. Midoriya was like nothing she’d ever felt before.

Arriving home Rachel took off her shoes, went to the living room and pulled out her phone. She called her father and said she wanted to see him. Not a moment later a warp gate of purple and black smoke appeared near her. Without hesitation Rachel walked into the gate and emerged before her father.

“What did you wish to ask me, Rachel?” All for One questioned his daughter as he sat behind a desk. All Might was on his trail recently, so he hadn’t had as much time to spend training his daughter as before. Not that she needed much help. Arella had indeed been the perfect woman with the perfect Quirk to mother his child. The power his daughter wielded was incredible and she had many benefits that even he didn’t. Not the least of which was the lack of dreams or memories of the previous holders of her Quirks. Her version of All for One apparently subsumed the entirety of any Quirk she took for herself and made it a blank slate. He was more than happy to see it. After all, there had been a few Quirks he’d given away to powerful pawns in the past simply because of the dreams. Quirks he’d have very much liked to keep for himself.

“Father, did you steal a very powerful Quirk from a young boy in the last few years?” Rachel asked her father directly.

“I have not.” All for One replied truthfully. “It’s been over a decade since I last stole a Quirk from a child. Why are you asking?”

“A classmate of mine, Midoriya, I ‘felt’ out his Quirk Factor today.” Rachel took on a confused look which All for One easily noticed. “He’s like a void, vast and empty, it was weird. Do all Quirkless people feel like that?”

“A void, you say?” All for One held his chin. “No, most Quirkless people have always just felt ‘empty’ or perhaps ‘hollow’ to me. Even the ones whose Quirks I take don’t feel like voids.”

“Then why does Midoriya?” Rachel questioned.

“It could be that the boy’s body would be capable of holding multiple Quirks.” All for One mused. “Perhaps we should ‘induct’ him into the Nomu program? He might very well become a High End you could have for your personal protection.”

“No…” Rachel shook her head. All for One was pleased to see the contemplative look on his daughter’s face. She was puzzling out how best to use this situation to her advantage. She was already far ahead of his ‘other’ project. But competition was the best motivator. So she’d find out about Tomura in time.

“What are you thinking of, Rachel?” All for One asked after letting his daughter think for a few minutes.

“I’ll give him some Quirks. He claims that he wants to be a Hero. As a Quirkless person the world will reject him outright. My Quirk Registry states that I may have the ability to ‘awaken’ latent Quirks in people, doesn’t it?”

“Indeed it does.” All for One nodded, that was a lie that he and Dr. Garaki had concocted to hide her ability to give people Quirks. It wouldn’t do to place a target on his daughter’s back so young after all. “To what end will you grant him power?”

“He’ll be beholden to me.” Rachel replied with a similar grin to her father’s. “I’ll be the one that gave him the chance to chase his dream. The only one that gave him a chance in the whole world. That’ll secure his loyalty to me. He’ll be the most loyal and powerful soldier among all my subordinates in the future.”

“Very well, I’ll make sure that Dr. Garaki is the one that sees the boy.” All for One smiled at his daughter. “After all, such a late bloomer will require a Quirkology Expert and Garaki is the foremost expert in Japan. The fact that ‘his’ Quirk was activated by yours will need the eyes of a Specialist with decades of experience.”

“Thank you for your assistance, Father.” Rachel gave a small bow.

“You’ve made me proud, Rachel, think nothing of it.” All for One waved off. Another swirling portal appeared and Rachel returned home through it.

-The Next Day-

“Midoriya, are you okay?” Rachel asked her beaten classmate. Once again she found him lying in the dirt, bruised and beaten.

“I’m…okay…” Midoriya replied as he laid there unmoving, just staring up at the blue sky.

“I know they pick on you because you’re Quirkless.” Rachel began and Midoriya flinched. “Why don’t they ever get tired of it?”

“W-well…I guess that K-Kacchan, doesn’t like the fact that I want to be a Hero.” Izuku stuttered a bit.

“Would the Hero Commission people let a Quirkless person become a licensed Hero?” Rachel asked him ‘curiously’, she already knew they wouldn’t. The Hero Public Safety Commission existed to regulate and monitor Heroes. According to what her father had taught her. Over the last two years that she’d lived with him anyway. Quirkless people were mostly seen as ‘disabled’, though in some places they were treated as second class citizens. In Japan there was little to no chance of a Quirkless person ever being allowed to be a Hero.

“Well…maybe they’ll make an exception or change the rules if I work hard enough?” Izuku gave a lame excuse.

“You know what my Quirk is, Midoriya?” Rachel asked the verdette boy.

“Huh? Y-yeah, you told everybody on the first day of class last year. Your Quirk lets you manipulate the Quirks of others and mimic any Quirk you understand.” Izuku replied from memory.

“You remembered all of it? You have a good memory.” Rachel blinked before offering praise. Izuku smiled slightly at the compliment. “But yeah, I can manipulate other people’s Quirks. I can ‘turn them off’ or ‘make them stronger’ at least a bit.”

“That’s so cool!” Izuku beamed at her and Rachel was stunned by the bright sparkles that seemed to be in his eyes. “You could be such an amazing Hero with your Quirk!”

“Oh…well…thank you.” Rachel shook her head to get back on track. “Well, from what the Doctor that did my Quirk Registry says, I might be able to activate latent Quirks in people’s genetics.” Izuku suddenly looked at her as if she was a Divine Being. His green eyes began to tear up and he quickly bowed down to her. Full on prostrating himself with his head on the ground. Rachel smiled darkly at the act, a thrill running though her body at the complete submission.

“Please! Please Roth-san! I’ll do anything!” Izuku begged his face still in the dirt. “Please try and see if I have a Quirk! Somewhere inside, there just has to be! Please!”

“I’ll try, Midoriya, please stop that though.” Rachel agreed even though she really liked his submission. She wanted him to be loyal and beholden to her. For that she had to appear to be doing this out of the goodness of her heart. There would be time for more shows of gratitude and submission later.

“Thank you! Thank you so much!” Izuku had tears running down his cheeks as he raised his dirt smudged face. Though unlike usual, these were tears of hope, rather than pain and sadness.

“Before I start I need to ask you about your parent’s Quirks and if you know your grandparent’s Quirks. Whenever I mimic a Quirk I get a feeling for it. If I can awaken latent Quirks in others, then I need to know what I’m ‘feeling’ for.” Rachel falsely explained to the desperate boy.

“Oh, okay. Well my mom’s Quirk is telekinetic. She calls it ‘Attraction of Small Objects’.” Izuku started. “According to her my dad’s Quirk is ‘Fire Breath’. She told me my grandfather on her side had a healing factor. Some kind of slow ‘Regeneration’ or something. My grandmother on her side had a telekinetic Quirk too. But she could only push objects away from herself a bit. Sort of like a small ‘Shockwave’ Quirk. I think my grandmother on my dad’s side had a ‘Heat’ Quirk. My grandfather on dad’s side had a weak form of ‘Air Cannon’ Quirk that he could do with his breath. That’s all I know though.” Izuku finished what he knew.

“Hmm, well I’ll see what I can do.” Rachel nodded. “Close your eyes I need to touch you. Your head is the easiest place probably.” Izuku did as told and closed his eyes. Rachel grinned at the information Izuku was able to provide. She had two powerful Quirks she could give to her new subordinate already with that information. A multihued glow surrounded the two of them as Rachel passed two Quirks into Izuku. The first one, ‘Super Regeneration’ since Dr. Garaki had a few copies of it already. The second one, ‘Pyrokinesis’ which she’d taken the only copy of at her father’s instruction. He’d apparently acquired it from some Vigilante in the States the last time he’d take her to visit her mother.

“I feel different…” Izuku commented as Rachel pulled her hands back.

“You can open your eyes now.” Rachel told him and Izuku blinked as he opened his eyes again.

“Do I have a Quirk?” Izuku asked, hoping that this new feeling inside of him meant what he thought it did.

“I think so.” Rachel played the uncertain act well. “I felt warmth like when I mimicked a Fire Quirk for the first time. But I also felt something else. I don’t know how to describe it though. It was sort of like the time I tried to mimic a Mutant Quirk. Like my body was different but also normal? So maybe you have two Quirks?”

“Two?!” Izuku looked absolutely amazed. He acted without thinking and hugged the purplette. Rachel was surprised by the sudden affection from the boy. Her eyes went wide and she felt her cheeks heat up as Izuku hugged her. When the verdette realized what he was doing he jerked back and apologized profusely, his head once again in the dirt as he bowed and prostrated himself. Rachel, even as startled as she was, still felt a delightful thrill at seeing Izuku so submissive.

“Don’t worry about it.” Rachel waved off Izuku’s apologies. Izuku lifted his head from the ground, even more smudged with dirt than before.

“I wonder if I can use my Quirks?” Izuku wondered as he looked at his hands. “You said it ‘felt’ like a Fire Quirk, so maybe I can breathe fire like my dad?” This turned out to not be the case. Izuku thought of fire while looking at his hands, imagining it and picturing it in his mind. Flames snapped to life in his palms and Izuku jerked back in surprise. The green eyed boy almost fell over himself and Rachel forced herself not to laugh. If nothing else her new subordinate would be amusing.

“I think your parent’s Quirks hybridized into Pyrokinesis, Midoriya.” Rachel spoke up as Izuku figured out how to ‘turn off’ the flames.

“Roth-san, thank you! Thank you so much! I’ll never be able to repay you for this!” Izuku beamed at the amethyst eyed girl. Rachel tried to keep the heat from rising to her cheeks at the cute smile. She was pretty sure she failed though. At least Izuku didn’t mention it.

“We should probably tell the teachers about this, you have a Quirk now.” Rachel commented after a moment.

“Oh! You’re right! What will my mom say?!” Izuku exclaimed. He’d been diagnosed Quirkless after all. This was incredibly rare for a Quirk to manifest after the age of four. Usually that only happened to people with really obscure Quirks, ones that required certain situations to work or activate. “Who should we tell, Roth-san?”

“Our teacher, I guess?” Rachel shrugged even though inside she was smiling devilishly. Izuku was already looking to her for instruction. He had already mentally placed her on a pedestal above him. Her first subordinate was already becoming loyal. She didn’t think she’d ever get tired of the thrill of Izuku’s subservience!

The next few hours were a bit of an excited blur for Midoriya Izuku. After Roth-san had awakened his Quirk they’d gone to their teacher. After showing the woman his new Pyrokinetic ability his mom had been called. Roth-san’s father had been called as well since she’d used her Quirk on a fellow student. He hadn’t seen her or her father afterwards though. His mother, Midoriya Inko, had come to pick him up and take him to the doctor. Izuku had gone through a few tests and then both Midoriyas had been informed that a Specialist was coming in to talk with them.

The two had met Dr. Garaki about an hour later. The man smiled at Izuku and ran a few tests. The tests were a complete fabrication though. He’d already worked out a very convincing cover story for the boy. The Heiress wanted the boy so she’d get him. A few pre-prepared ‘test results’ and it was ‘determined’ that Izuku’s Quirk was something never seen before.

“Quite the shock, I’d say.” Dr. Garaki smiled as he flipped through his premade ‘results’. “Izuku’s Quirk apparently lets him access the remnants of his ancestor’s Quirks. He’s tested positive for Emitter, Transformation, and Mutant genetic markers.”

“But how can that be Doctor?” Inko asked confused. “Izuku was diagnosed Quirkless. He even has the extra toe joint.”

“The joint test is well-grounded in research, but it isn’t one-hundred-percent.” Dr. Garaki informed the mother. “I was actually the Specialist that diagnosed and studied Roth-san’s Quirk when it first manifested. It is one of the few Omni-typical Quirks in existence. I did theorize that her Quirk might be able to awaken latent Quirks in others, but it seems Izuku’s Quirk was dormant because of its complexity. Since he’s part of the sixth generation since Quirks came about that means he has the potential to manifest somewhere around sixty different Quirks.”

“Sixty!” Inko looked stunned. Izuku wasn’t much better as his eyes were wide and he went completely still.

“That’s if every member of his family line had a Quirk.” Dr. Garaki held up his hands to placate the woman. “As I highly doubt that is the case based on how rare Quirks were, in the first two generations especially. I’d estimate a much more conservative number of between eight and twelve. This is assuming that some of the hereditary Quirks hybridized like your husband’s ‘Fire Breath’ and your own ‘Telekinetic’ Quirk did to produce Izuku’s ‘Pyrokinesis’.

“Oh.” Inko breathed heavily as her shoulders relaxed. “I was concerned for Izuku to have to figure out so many abilities.”

“Perfectly understandable, Midoriya-san.” Dr. Garaki nodded to her. “I’ll give you my card. If Izuku develops more Quirks in the future give me a call and I’ll be sure to help him as much as possible. The Quirk Registration Board has never encountered anything like this, so I’ll do what I can to make sure Izuku can update his Registry easily.”

“Thank you Doctor.” Inko and Izuku both bowed to the old man. Inko took the card and put it in her purse before she and Izuku left. The Midoriya’s had their own copy of Izuku’s new Quirk Registry to take home with them.


Name: Midoriya Izuku

Quirk: Atavism

Type: Omni-Typical (Emitter/Transformation/Mutant)


From that day on Izuku and Rachel were practically attached at the hip, much to the Heiress’ delight. Such loyalty was satisfying a desire she didn’t even know she had! This apparently didn’t sit well with a certain ash blonde boy however.

Bakugo Katsuki couldn’t care less if Deku suddenly awakened some weak Fire Quirk. The verdette would always just be a pebble in his path. But Roth had always annoyed him! Her Quirk was praised so much that it had started to grind on Katsuki’s last nerve. Now she’d started to pal around with Deku too! She was probably going to encourage the loser to try and be a Hero and get in his way!

“Hey, Roth!” Bakugo growled at the purplette girl.

“Do you need something?” Rachel asked the loud boy. She noticed he was being followed by his usual lackeys.

“Yeah, stop hanging around Deku!” Bakugo demanded. “I know you’re probably encouraging the loser to try and become a Hero!”

“And for that you needed to get me alone and bring your buddies?” Rachel asked with a raised eyebrow. Truth be told she’d noticed the three boys following her and had purposefully led them to this out of the way corner of the school. It seemed it was time to teach this loudmouth a lesson about the ‘pecking order’.

“What did you say?!” Bakugo practically roared as he swung his hand, crackling with small explosions, towards her. The boy with the ‘Extendable Fingers’ Quirk and the larger boy with the ‘Wings’ Quirk, revealed their Quirks to try and be intimidating. None of them expected to suddenly be incased in black energy and stopped dead in their tracks.

“You don’t seem to know your place.” Rachel stated her face and tone both showing her distaste for the three boys. “Let’s fix that.” The three bullies quickly found their bodies meeting the wall of the school. Then they were slammed into the ground. None of them could move with the black energy surrounding them. Over and over again they were slammed into the wall, the ground, and each other. With a final slam into the dirt Rachel let all three of the boys go.

The groans of pain from the three bullies brought a smile to Rachel’s face. To see the ones that tried to tell her what to do beaten by her own hand was invigorating! They’d do well to learn to stay silent and leave her alone! Izuku too, since he was hers now. Her subordinate would one day be able to deal with these pests easily. But until then, she’d break them as many times as necessary for them to get the message. Turning on her heel Rachel left the battered bullies to pick themselves up as she went to meet up with Izuku.

“Roth-san!” Izuku beamed when he saw her. Rachel couldn’t help but smile at him in return. He was too cute when he smiled like that! Shaking her head to get herself under control she approached him and they began to chat. If he was going to be a proper soldier of hers, then he needed to train with his new Quirks. She’d offered to help him after school and Izuku had instantly agreed. The instant subservience was still such a thrill for her.

The next few years passed in a similar manner to each other. Rachel helped Izuku get stronger and whenever she wanted to give him a new Quirk she simply used one of her dozens of Quirks, a sleep inducing one, to make him nod off after practicing. By the end of Elementary School Izuku had ‘Pyrokinesis’, ‘Super Regeneration’, ‘Barrier’, ‘Air Cannon’, ‘Heat Absorption’, ‘Surface Walking’, ‘Body Augmentation’, and ‘Psychic Awareness’. Her soldier had come a long way from the Quirkless boy she’d initially taken in. The fact that she liked having him around was perfectly fine too. She also wasn’t ashamed to admit that she found his sleeping face cute. She never WOULD admit that to anyone out loud though.

Now they were in Junior High and Izuku could take care of himself easily. Annoyingly though she did have to go a bit out of her way to break him of his Hero Worship. Thankfully she was his true number one after ‘awakening’ his Quirk. She’d spent the last few years slowly opening Izuku’s eyes to the flaws of Heroes and the current Society. Proving to the Hero Nerd that these ‘amazing’ and ‘wonderful’ Heroes were still just people had taken a few years of slow and steady work. She’d finally done it in fifth grade, but then her father had fought with All Might shortly afterwards. Seeing her father in the state he was in now after his battle with that bastard ‘Symbol of Peace’ always made her blood boil. She’d taken great pleasure in replacing the bastard in Izuku’s heart and mind.

“Izuku stop giving that idiot the time of day and let’s go.” Rachel called out as Izuku was once again being confronted by Bakugo. Izuku stopped attempting to talk to the angry ash blonde and walked towards her. Bakugo, predictably, yelled louder at Izuku’s back at the slight. Izuku didn’t care though, Rachel wanted him with her and that was more important than failing to have a discussion with Bakugo.

At twelve the two of them had both started the ‘journey to adulthood’ that was puberty. Rachel had started to ‘blossom’ and Izuku was growing taller. Much to Rachel’s delight Izuku had stated to notice her more. She often caught him gazing at her and that was another thrill all its own. Both had grown tremendously in power over the last few years. Rachel didn’t let anyone see her true power. Instead she kept herself even with Izuku in the public eye. Izuku, she was sure, could fight any average Pro Hero and come out the victor. The Quirks she’d given him were all meant to increase Izuku’s effectiveness and survivability. No one would take what was hers away!

“Why do you even pretend to be polite with that guy?” Rachel asked Izuku as the two walked to class together.

“I’ve known him forever, Rachel. I can’t just snub him, even if he is a jerk.” Izuku replied with a sigh. That was a new thing too. Rachel had told Izuku to call her by her first name. The verdette had been so happy that they were close enough friends to use each other’s given names. She’d been even happier to see how much she meant to him.

“He needs to be reminded of the pecking order.” Rachel scoffed as they entered class together. She noticed the majority of their classmates already there and looking at them. This seemed like a good time to make sure their Junior High peers understood the pecking order too. “It goes Bakugo, the dirt, the worms inside the dirt, everybody else, the teachers, you, and then me.” She grinned when she noticed the wide eyed stares of their new classmates.

“Rachel! You can’t just decide that!” Izuku flushed even as he suppressed a chuckle with a cough. The purplette smiled at seeing Izuku agree with her, even if he wouldn’t say it out loud.

“I’m just being honest.” Rachel grinned at him as they sat next to each other. Things were going well for the daughter of All for One. If only she could’ve somehow convinced Izuku to not be a Hero. Though she had to admit, his drive to become a Hero was admirable, and it was also why he pushed himself so much to get stronger. That and a desire to make her happy, which made her feel warm inside. It was just as the bell rang to start the homeroom that a devious thought came to the girl. One that she’d be sure to share with her father as soon as she got home.

Emerging from the Warp Gate to see her father hooked to the life support machines instantly made her angry. That bastard All Might! She’d make sure he paid for this one day. That was a promise. One that might very well be kept by the plan she’d come up with today.

“Daughter, how nice to ‘see’ you again.” All for One replied as he turned his damaged face in her direction. It was an ‘Infrared’ Quirk allowing him to see the vague shape of her as a heat signature.

“Father, I swear I’ll make him pay for this.” Rachel growled as she looked at her scarred and weakened father. “In fact, I might have thought of a way to do just that today.” The amethyst eyed girl smiled darkly.

“Oh? Do share, my child.” All for One always enjoyed hearing his daughter’s schemes. She was very intelligent and her first plan to secure a loyal soldier for the future had already borne fruit.

“I’ll become a Hero with Izuku.” Rachel informed her father. “I’ll rise through the ranks and become more adored by the masses than he ever was. I’ll take his Number One position. I’ll do greater things than he ever accomplished. The ‘Symbol of Peace’ will only be a memory by the time I’m done. And then, when he is only a shadow of his former self, when the masses adore me far more than him, then I’ll let him know who I am. Right before I end him with my own hands. He’ll die in despair knowing that the new ‘Leader of Evil’ rules over both the regular world and the Underworld.”

“Hahahahaha!” All for One laughed, even as it upset his weakened body. “How truly malicious, my daughter; to take everything from a burnt out Hero, his legacy, his peace of mind, even his very hope just as you end his life.”

“I thought it proper to take everything from him for what he’s done to you.” Rachel replied. “In his last moments he’ll know only despair. Then I’ll own the world and shape it properly.”

“You are truly my daughter, and you’ve learned well.” All for One praised his child with a smile. “Very well, play their game, and once you stand atop their pyramid of platitudes and hypocrisy, tear it all down and remake the world as it should be!”

“Of course, father, I will not fail.” Rachel grasped his hands tightly and received a squeeze in return.

Rachel spent the rest of Junior High practicing and strengthening herself and Izuku. She hunted down Quirks that caught her interest, or took copies that Dr. Garaki had made of Quirks her father had collected. She hadn’t given any more Quirks to Izuku yet. She wanted her soldier, and crush, to evolve the Quirks she’d already given him. He was close with a few of them, she could tell with her All for One Quirk. Just a bit more time and a good trigger and Izuku would break past the current limits of a few of his Quirks. After examining the footage she’d secretly taken of an ‘all out’ training session with Izuku. Dr. Garaki had rated the teen as having the strength of one of his ‘precious’ High End Nomu. Rachel was pleased for now. Izuku had done extraordinarily well since she’d made him hers. But the goal she had for him in the end was to eclipse even Gigantomachia. The giant was the most loyal servant of her father, and by far the most powerful. Izuku would one day be able to surpass even that monster. She was sure of it.

Sitting on the roof eating lunch together, Rachel and Izuku were so close their shoulders were almost touching. At almost 15 years old both of them had grown quite a bit since Junior High started. Izuku was one of the tallest boys in school and was in great shape. Something Rachel took great pleasure in while glaring death at any of the other girls that made eyes at Izuku. Likewise the Heiress of All for One had ‘blossomed’ beautifully. A pretty face, long dark purple hair down to her shoulders, a very bountiful bosom, a thin waist with strength hidden beneath her soft skin, wide flaring hips, a round booty, thick thighs and long legs. She was the envy of every girl in Aldera Junior High. She was also desired by probably every boy in the school as well, barring Bakugo who saw her as an obstacle, and the few that ‘swung for the other team’. Her ‘goth’ style of dress when not in school uniform had attracted the attention of boys that were in High School. But she didn’t even spare any of them a passing glance. She’d rather indulge in a novel with Izuku at her side than give the lustful glances they sent her way a second thought.

At the moment Rachel was flipping through Izuku’s current Quirk Analysis Notebook. Her future soldier, and current crush, had an amazing talent for analyzing Quirks. He was able to make accurate descriptions and inferences about another person’s Quirk even after only seeing it once. She’d encouraged this hobby and talent to make it blossom. The results were in her hands. Strengths, weaknesses, limitations, variables, all of these things on dozens of Pro Heroes Quirks, and not just the Heroes either. Izuku analyzed nearly every Quirk he saw in action, Villain, Civilian, Hero, even their own classmates, all of this valuable information freely given to her for whatever she would use it for. She’d made good use of it on multiple occasions over the last few years. Some Villains that escaped were never seen again, though their Quirks would certainly be put to good use.

“Hey…Rachel.” Izuku spoke up when he noticed her close his notebook.

“What’s up, Izuku?” Rachel asked her soldier/crush.

“We’ve known each other for years now…” Izuku trailed off.

“We have.” Rachel agreed wondering where he was going with this.

“You’ve helped me so much in that time, spent so much time with me…” Izuku fidgeted a bit. “You’re so smart, and kind, you’re amazing, and pretty and…and…”

“Izuku?” Rachel felt her cheeks grow warm and her eyes widen.

“Rachel Roth, will you go out with me?” Izuku asked as he bowed his head until it nearly touched the concrete of the rooftop. Rachel’s heart was beating loudly in her chest. Her crush returned her affections, this was great! The show of subservience was also mixing into her joy and becoming a turn on for her. Damn cute, hunky future soldiers that were too cinnamon roll for this world! He was making the ‘Evil Empress Overlord’ position hard to reach for! His cinnamon roll-ness was definitely rubbing off on her over the years too! She’d have happily taken over everything by force, like her father had tried to during the ‘Dawn of Quirks’. But being with Izuku for years, seeing the world through his eyes as she showed him it through hers, it had changed her. She’d happily remove any obstacle on her path to conquest. But she no longer thought of leveling cities as ‘appropriate measures’ against resistance to her future rule.

“Yes, you fluffy green cinnamon roll.” Rachel sighed as she smiled at him.

“Really?!” Izuku raised his head to look at her, though he didn’t leave the ‘bowing’ positon. Damn it, if he kept that up she was going to make him take responsibility for riling her up!

“Yes, you can stop bowing now.” Rachel pointedly looked at him. Izuku shot upright and chuckled. With a grin she leaned against her new boyfriend, this made it absolutely fact that Izuku was hers! No one would separate them! She wouldn’t allow it. Izuku seemed unsure where to put his hands and was fidgeting. She playfully rolled her eyes and grabbed his right wrist. Placing his arm around her waist she leaned into his chest with a smile. Izuku relaxed and pulled her closer. She would only let Izuku see her like this. Happy, relaxed, and at peace, she was content to spend the rest of their lunch break right where she was. Anybody that interrupted could be thrown off the roof as far as she was concerned.

-UA Entrance Exams-

“What a pain.” Rachel muttered as she and Izuku stood at the gates of UA High School. The courtyard was full of idiots and weaklings that stood no chance of making it into the Hero Course. Why thousands of teens with lackluster Quirks and zero skills tried every year she didn’t know, or care.

“Come one, Rae-chan, don’t be like that.” Izuku smiled at her. That damn warm smile that made her stomach flutter and made her want to kiss him. She was the one with the authority! He wasn’t supposed to have this kind of power over her!

“Whatever.” Rachel shrugged as they headed for the Written Exam area. She wondered if she’d be able to steal a few answers from the other examinees with a ‘Telepathic’ Quirk.

-Lunch Break-

“That was brutal.” Izuku groaned as they ate their lunch together. The Written Exam had been beyond difficult. It was amazing UA had half as many students if that was the bar for entry into even the non-Hero Courses.

“It gave me a headache.” Rachel agreed. She’d taken more than her fair share of answers from other student’s minds, though only on questions she had been absolutely stumped on. She wasn’t dumb and wouldn’t use someone else’s answers for questions she could answer herself.

“Do you want me to get you something for it?” Izuku offered which brought a smile to the purplette’s lips.

“I know what I need.” Rachel stated as she threw her leg over Izuku’s legs and straddled him. “And it’s right here.” She purred as she kissed him. Izuku’s eyes quickly shut and his arms wrapped around her waist. The couple deepened their kiss and made out heavily. Tongues quickly got involved in their kiss and Izuku’s hands found their way down to his girlfriend’s amazing ass. “Yes~” Rachel moaned into his lips as his hands massaged her cheeks. The bell signaling the end of the lunch break interrupted them. Rachel was tempted to ignore it and continue but quickly shook the thought from her head. They’d have time for this later, getting into UA was paramount to her plans. With a disappointed sigh the two separated and fixed themselves up a bit. Leaving the secluded area they’d snuck away to for lunch the couple entered the auditorium for a briefing on the Practical Exam.

-Exam Site C-

“Separating people that went to the same Junior High.” Rachel grumbled. “It keeps friends from cooperating, I guess.” Honestly she was just annoyed at being separated from Izuku.

Standing at the entrance to the Mock Cityscape, Rachel could feel the eyes of dozens of people practically running up and down her body. Though considering she was wearing yoga pants and a sports bra with a thin tank top over it, that wasn’t really surprising. She knew she was ‘stacked’ as she heard a few of the less subtle boys comment. But she had no interest in any of them. Izuku was dozens of times stronger and had a better personality than any of these pervs that were trying to grope her with their eyes.

“START!” Present Mic called out loudly from where he stood on a platform at the top of a tower, his voice reaching out across the large testing grounds and to all the various groups of applicants.

“Loud.” Rachel complained as she lifted off the ground and flew into the cityscape.

“WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! THERE ARE NO COUNTDOWNS IN REAL LIFE! RUN! GO, GO, GO!!!” Present Mic yelled at the applicants that hadn’t moved yet.

“Let’s just get this over with.” Rachel huffed. With a thought her eyes began to glow with bright white light. Every robot on the main street was engulfed in black energy and lifted off the ground. The rest of the examinees arrived just in time to see Rachel clench both of her fists. With the sounds of bending and compacting metal, every robot was crushed into a ball and then dropped to the street. With a sigh the beautiful teen flew over to a nearby rooftop and leaned against the railing. She’d easily gotten enough points to pass the Practical Exam. Now she just had to wait for the clock to run out.

-Staff Observation Room-

“Holy shit…” Midnight exclaimed as she watched the grey skinned teen wipe the entire main street clear with one move. “I don’t know how many examinees are going to pass from Site C this year. But it’s probably not going to be many.”

“That would be Roth-san.” Nezu remarked from memory. The hyper intelligent chimera seemed entirely nonplused by the result. “She’s one of two Omni Type examinees this year.”

“Omni Type? The Quirk Type that’s so rare it’s barely ever mentioned or discussed even in Quirkology?” Hound Dog, the counsellor, asked for confirmation.

“Exactly.” Nezu nodded. “A Quirk that exhibits traits from all three common Quirk Types, also called a Multi-Quirk since users often have Multiple Quirks at their disposal. Roth-san falls into that category with her Quirk Manipulation Quirk and its ability to mimic any Quirk she understands the function of.”

“Who’s the second Omni Type then?” Ectoplasm, the Mathematics teacher, questioned curiously.

“Midoriya-san, the verdette in Site B, his Atavism Quirk is quite interesting from reading his Quirk Registry.” Nezu commented as he finished making himself a cup of tea.

“Yeah, I can see the Multi-Quirk part.” Snipe nodded as he watched the boy go to town on the Faux Villains.

-Exam Site B-

“Boom.” Izuku remarked as he unleashed his ‘Pyrokinesis’ on the robots. The flames scorched the machines, destroying vulnerable components and leaving burning hunks of metal all over the street. With a thought Izuku used ‘Heat Absorption’ to draw in the flames and empower himself for a short time. With his body strengthened he used ‘Body Augmentation’ to extend his arm many times its natural length. A blur was caught by the various cameras as Izuku’s arm whipped through six more robots with ease. Restoring his arm to its natural length and shape Izuku noticed a few Three Pointers about to barrage a small group of examinees with missiles. A green barrier separated the missiles from their targets.

“Thanks!” One of the examinees called out, only to go slack jawed as a blast of air tore through all four Three Pointers instantly.

“No problem!” Izuku yelled back with a smile. With that he ran off to hunt down more robots. Using ‘Psychic Awareness’ he was able to become far more aware of his surroundings. It was almost like having a Mini Map in a video game, with the added bonus of protecting his mind from being read or intruded upon. “There’s a few!” Izuku exclaimed as his expanded awareness found more robots. He used ‘Surface Walking’ to run up the wall of the nearest building until he got to the roof. Looking down and seeing a good sized group of robots with no other examinees around Izuku smiled. Combining his ‘Pyrokinesis’ and ‘Air Cannon’ Quirks together he launched the equivalent of artillery shells down onto the robots. Within seconds nothing was left of the group beyond scrap metal.

In the last two minutes of the Exam the Zero Pointers were released across the various sites. Izuku, having been near where the titanic machine emerged, was quick to notice the trapped examinee in the rubble. Without thinking twice Izuku faced the behemoth machine and combined his ‘Air Cannon’ and ‘Pyrokinesis’ Quirks again. Shot after shot rocketed down the street and blasted the Zero Pointer. Izuku made sure to focus on the robot’s giant ‘head’ to avoid hurting the trapped examinee. After about a dozen shots the Zero Pointer’s head was totaled beyond recognition. Seeing the gimmick stop moving Izuku jogged forward and helped the brunette girl out of the rubble.

-After the Exam-

“I’ve heard the rumors.” Rachel looked at her boyfriend with a lazy grin. “A green haired boy in Site B blasted the gimmick robot apart.”

“I saw a trapped examinee, so I just reacted.” Izuku smiled and Rachel couldn’t even pretend to be mad at him.

“Come on Hero, let’s head home and tell your mom how well you did.” Rachel took his hand in hers and the two headed for the train station.

-One Week Later-

Izuku sat at his desk in his bedroom. His mother had just handed him the letter from UA containing his exam results. With a deep breath Izuku opened the letter. A small metallic device fell out and began to project an image a few seconds later.

“Greetings, Midoriya Izuku, I’m Nezu the Principal of UA High School.” Nezu introduced himself. “I’m happy to inform you that you passed the Written Exam with a very respectable Eighty Nine percent; as for your Practical Exam Score please look behind me.” The chimera pointed to an electronic board that turned on, showing Izuku’s picture and score.

-Practical Exam Score-

Izuku Midoriya

Villain Points: 62

Rescue Points: 75

Total: 137 Points

-Practical Exam Score-

“As you can see you performed very well! You have one of the highest scores on record, in fact, so you’ve more than qualified.” Nezu congratulated with a smile on his face. “I’m pleased to welcome you to UA High School, Midoriya-san! This will be your Hero Academia!”

“Yes!” Izuku cheered as he stood from his desk so quickly he knocked his chair over. Quickly picking the chair up and setting it upright again, Izuku grabbed his phone and called his girlfriend.

“So you got second place it seems, Izu-kun.” Rachel teased over the phone.

“You got your results too, Rae-chan?” Izuku asked.

“Of course, how else would I have known you got second place?” Rachel questioned him.

“Right, that makes sense.” Izuku chuckled. “Congratulations Rae-chan, you did amazing!” Considering his girlfriend’s score was sitting directly above his, she got first place in the Practical Exam. He’d briefly noticed Bakugo had gotten third place but didn’t focus on it.

“All I did was crush all the robots on the main street in a few seconds after the start of the Exam.” Rachel shrugged, even though Izuku couldn’t see it.

“Wait…all of them?!” Izuku squawked in surprise. “Rae-chan most of the robots in the exam are put on the main street. How many did you crush to get almost one hundred fifty points?”

“All of them, like I said.” Rachel grinned smugly and Izuku could hear the grin in her tone.

“You’re amazing, Rae-chan.” Izuku smiled happily. Rachel broke into a smile of her own reflexively at the tone in her boyfriend’s voice.

“Glad you think so.” Rachel replied with a soft tone.

“I’ve always known you’re amazing.” Izuku stated and Rachel couldn’t stop her smile from growing. “Do you want to come over for a massage?”

“A massage? Trying to butter me up for something?” Rachel asked while hiding the fact that a pleasant shiver had just travelled down her spine. Izuku had gotten very good at massages over the last couple of years.

“Think of it as a reward.” Izuku smiled into the phone.

“Alright, I’ll be over in a bit, if you do as good as you did last time…well, I’m sure I could reward you in return~” Rachel purred into the phone.

“Yes ma’am!” Izuku almost saluted out of how vigorously he made that exclamation.

“At ease soldier~” Rachel giggled even as she gathered her purse and put on her shoes. The loose cotton pants and the t-shirt she was wearing would be easy enough to get off. She expected to be rewarding Izuku just as much as she was rewarded by him. Being fully clothed would get in the way of that.

-End Chapter-


There you go! Another Bunny completed! VERY different than any of the others! How did you like the changes? All for One is the Trigon to this version of Raven! I always liked Raven, especially from the old Teen Titans show from 2003! Plus this lets me shake up the MHA World in BIG ways!

Hope you enjoyed it!

Until next time, later!


Thomas E Nellis

That was absolutely amazing. I loved it!


Glad to hear it! Hope you liked the shake up of the MHA World a bit! The future 'Evil Empress' won't be heartless, but what do you expect when she fell in love with the green cinnamon roll that is Izuku, right?

Creature of Grimm

I hope you continue this, it is definitely my favourite bunny you have posted. The fact Raven is so possessive keeps making me chuckle, she is one step away from being a yandere. All she needs to do is threaten/beatup/kill a girl for being too close to izuku and she is there.


Izuku is HERS! She claimed him! She marks him on occasion to reaffirm her claim too! Izuku just enjoys the affection and returns it just as much.


well sex was hot and the line at the end, solidify her message even more


Can we just pretend that I caught on to the fact that Rachel was raven before the very end (ha she's even got her own lovable green goof)


More and more competition for apex hero! Between this and energy hero, I'm so torn! But apex deku is so fucking cool though