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Update Change?

  • Keep the Update System the same 22
  • Update each story monthly and remove the Monthly Update Poll 84
  • 2020-11-08
  • —2020-11-10
  • 106 votes
{'title': 'Update Change?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Keep the Update System the same', 'votes': 22}, {'text': 'Update each story monthly and remove the Monthly Update Poll', 'votes': 84}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 11, 10, 17, 0, 31, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 11, 8, 21, 35, 35, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 106}


Hey friend and fans! I have a bit of a question for you all and it involves hoew I update.

I recently had a Tier Reward request for another Bunny to become a full Story.

As I have 7/8 Stories already, that seemed unfeasible.

So here's a thought I had.

If I take all of my currently active stories, I could update all of them every month, until they finish. However, to do this I'd basically have to take away the Monthly Update Poll since it would no longer serve a purpose. The Monthly Random Drawing is the collective Tier Reward for the Support Soldiers and Support Officers, so it would remain.

From there Tier Rewards for Captains, Generals, Legendary Generals, and Defense Secretaries would remain as 'extra' chapters for stories. This would make between 8 and 10 updates a month. This is doable as it's about the rate that I update now, if you include the Plot Bunnies I write up every month.

In short this would mean that as soon as one story finished I could put up a Poll for which Bunny/New Story would take its place in the 'Rotation'.

This will be a short Poll, only two days, so let me know what you all think about potentially changing the update schedule.


Benjamin Shklyar

Right now I would prefer to keep the poll in. However that's only really because I don't know what the bunny is. If I knew what story was going to be made then if I like the idea that maybe I change my vote


At the moment Support General James Tucker was hoping to get the Multi-Flame Bunny, which he used his last Tier Reward to have written, made into a Full Story. But with the current system that seems unfeasible. Some of my stories already go a month or more without updates.

Benjamin Shklyar

Well it is an interesting premise. But but I'm going to stick with my vote and say to stay with the poll. Although it was interesting it wasn't my favorite of your bunnies. My favorite apart from collector was the string hero. But I understand and even if it does become a full story it still sounds interesting and I'm still going to read it


I honestly think it is way better to update all stories each month, it will make it much easier and may give u a few free days u don’t need to write 👍🏼

Thomas E Nellis

I ultimately will choose all stories because I am greedy and I love them all. But if it becomes too much switch back to the poll to spare thine divine hands of justice and glory! The holy texts can wait if the great defense God has not the time.

Ice fox

Honestly as much as I love pretty much all the stories yours I've read you could also drop the nemea leonthrop story as I genuinely feel that it's your weakest story. Or as I believe you said that you're almost finished with that 1 you could just hurry up and update that one until it's finished.

John Balman

I like to see stories progress and eventually end, you already have some good ones in the fire right now, I'd vote for working to completion for your current works. Plus you could always map out story board the upcoming plot bunnies so that when you finally start writing them you already have a high-level road map for where you will take them :) . either way, I will enjoy the entertainment.

Jay Leiden

I choose the new system cause im already emotionally invested in the current stories because of how amazing they are and want to continue to see more of them

william casey

Try out the new system but incase of burn out how about set certain months aside to not update the stories and do a cretive side project to not burn out.


If I did that our group would lose Patrons. Out of just over 400 Patrons I'd say around 200 or so are here almost exclusively for the Harry Potter stories. To not update them for a month would see a good chunk of people leaving, at least that's my prediction.

william casey

Okay how about Poll on which harry potter story gets updated and maybe create a new harry potter one shot that will only be updated on those months?

Thomas E Nellis

The rank and file have spoken! The word of the defense God shall be spread to all his holy texts! Let the literary master pieces flow! All hail the magic conch!