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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Harry Potter and the Artificer Legacy! Harry receives a gift! More items are revealed in the planning and prototype stages! Progress is made! But…something less than pleasant is going on in the shadows of the Magical World!

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 22 – Gift, Items, Progress

September was nearing its end and Harry was happy. With the Dwarves taking care of the Ministry Commission of ‘Auror Batons’, Harry had much more free time to work on his other ideas. Test Frames were also being made and sold in the storefront in Diurn Alley. Harry had taken out an ad in the Daily Prophet. This was to bring attention to the new store. ‘Potter & Erdunn Creations’ as the store was called, had a fairly large advert on the second page of the last three copies of the Daily Prophet. Test Frames could now be purchased just by going to the store and buying one. This freed up a lot of Harry’s time and the teen Artificer was more than happy to work on his Artifact Sword or some of his other ideas.

“So if I etch each link with the same Array, I should get the same effect even if a link or multiple links are broken.” Harry murmured to himself as he looked over the chain he was working on. With the Dwarves help Harry had gotten a decent amount of Magical Iron to work and experiment with. He’d had an idea to alter his ‘Mana Severing’ Runic Array and cross it with the ‘Auror Baton’s’ temporary ‘Mana Drain’ Array. If his idea panned out, and all the sequences he’d written out so far had no reason not to, then he’d have a new item that could be used for both restraint and possibly defense. “As long as the ‘Control Sequence’ works properly, of course.” Harry mused as he once again looked over his notes and various Runic Sequences. When he was done he’d have an Item that could render a Wizard or Witch, and potentially anything that used Magic to cause an external effect, powerless. This would be an Item he’d be keeping exclusively to himself, for obvious reasons. With that Harry took out his etching tool and set to work on the short length of chain that would be his first test of his new ‘Mana Bane’ Array.


“M-Master…Your loyal s-servant has come.” A huddled Wizard trembled as he kneeled before a shabby looking man. The man’s eyes were red and his face gaunt. He moved with slightly jerky motions and a strange smell came from him constantly.

“Stop that whimpering, Flint.” The shabby man hissed out. “I already know why you’ve finally sought me out. The Main Line of the Flint Family has cast out its lesser members to save what little gold they have left. They go about their lives while I languish in this state. They will know my displeasure once I am restored to my former glory.”

“Y-Yes, My Lord.” Stephen Flint, a member of one of the Pureblood Flint Family’s branches, stuttered out. Even weakened and possessing someone his master, Lord Voldemort, was terrifying.

“Find me another Squib, Flint.” Voldemort hissed out as the body he was currently inhabiting spasmed strongly. “This one won’t last much longer.”

“Yes, My Lord.” Stephen bowed and quickly Apparated to the nearest Magical Village.

“Barely useful for anything.” Voldemort hissed out his frustration. He was furious at being reduced to this state. His time possessing and draining the magic from Quirrel had strengthened him greatly from the mere smoke and vapor he’d been. When Dumbledore, Voldemort sneered at the mere thought of his old Professor, had trapped and ambushed him in that chamber at the end of his blasted trap-filled corridor. He’d managed to escape by tossing the near dead body of Quirrel at the old man. But now Dumbledore was aware of just how much he’d recovered. That would let the old fool plan for his eventual return. For now Voldemort had bigger concerns. He was strong enough to possess and drain the magic from Squibs by force, but each subsequent ‘host’ lasted less and less time. This meant that he was gaining strength, which was good, but also that he’d need a much more ‘permanent’ solution to his lack of a physical body. “Time…I just need more time.” The weakened Dark Lord muttered under his breath as he waited for his servant to return with his next ‘host’.

-Hogwarts ~ Second Week of October-

“No way.” Harry breathed out as he looked at the package that had been sent to him from the Dwarves. Inside was a piece of metal, created and refined by the Dwarves as a ‘Thank you’ gift to him for improving their quality of life. According to the letter, written to him by King Erdunn, this was a material that only the Dwarves knew how to make!

“Harry? Would you like to share what’s so special about this package?” Penny asked him. They were currently in the Hidden Workshop at Hogwarts. Harry had received the large package at breakfast not ten minutes ago. Thankfully today was Saturday so they had no classes. Penny was honestly a mix of confused, concerned, and slightly mirthful. Harry had opened the package and simply stared at it mumbling ‘No way’ every moment or two after having read the letter that accompanied the package.

“Huh?” Harry shook his head before focusing on Penny.

“What’s so special about this package?” Penny asked again with a grin.

“You won’t believe this!” Harry broke out into a wide smile. “This is a ‘Thank you’ gift from the Dwarves. It’s Isimun, also called ‘Everlasting Iron’ by Wizards and Witches. It has similar properties to Adamantite! But with one key difference, Isimun is unchangeable by Magic. It can’t be Transfigured, Charmed, or altered through Alchemy! Only the Dwarves know how to make it!” The teen Artificer gushed as he picked up the bar of Isimun and started looking it over.

“If you can’t change it then isn’t it kind of useless to your Enchanting?” Penny questioned. It seemed like a rare paper weight to her the way Harry described it as unchangeable.

“Not at all!” Harry laughed as he placed the metal bar back down on his work table. “I can still etch Runes onto the Isimun and use it as a focal point for whatever creation I add it to. That’ll impart a similar strength and durability to the Item it becomes. Whatever I make with it will be just as unaffected by Magic as the Isimun is.”

“Oh, that could definitely be useful then.” Penny remarked, now understanding the properties of the metal better.

“Very useful in fact…” Harry suddenly trailed off as his eyes widened. “In fact it could be just what I was missing.” The Artificer quickly opened a drawer on the desk and pulled out his journal with all his notes about his Artifact Sword. “If I use the right Runes…a proper sequence…forge around it…the Sylvuan wouldn’t be bothered by it…”

“Harry?” Penny was wide eyed at seeing Harry going through his notes so fervently. He repeatedly glanced between the Isimun and the various pages he was flipping through.

“Penny, do you remember what I told you about my prototype and Voldemort’s book?” Harry asked the Head Girl suddenly. Penny was startled by the sudden question but recovered quickly.

“You said it fell apart because you pushed it far past its limit, right?” Penny responded as she recalled Harry’s studying of some of the dust his prototype had turned into.

“Exactly!” Harry nodded. “I not only burnt out the Array but rendered the metals themselves inert. The loss of all Magic is what made the prototype practically disintegrate.”

“What does that have to do with the Isimun?” Penny questioned, not seeing where Harry was going with his line of thought.

“Isimun CAN’T change by Magic once it’s formed!” Harry beamed at her. “If I make it the core of my Artifact Sword it’ll never be able to lose its Magic! It’ll be able to cut through any Magic if I can give it enough power! I need to check the Runic Sequences of my current Array, see what I other Sequences could be used to link them to the Isimun.” Harry grabbed three different Runecraft Books and opened them on his work table. Penny couldn’t help herself and broke out into a soft smile as she watched Harry get so excited about his project. The blonde watched with fondness as Harry looked through the books and compared his own notes to them.

“I’m completely smitten with you aren’t I?” Penny whispered to herself with a small giggle. The Head Girl sat at the desk in the ‘study area’ of the Hidden Workshop. She had her own studying to do after all. It was her Seventh Year and she wanted to get as many O’s on her N.E.W.T.s as possible.

-First Hogsmeade Trip-

“Hey Penny.” Harry smiled at his ‘date’ for the day.

“Good morning, Harry.” Penny returned his smile. “What did Tonks have to say about you taking me on a ‘date’?” She teased him slightly.

“Only that I now ‘Owe her one too’ and that ‘She should have been first because she knew me longer’ if you must know.” Harry sighed with a shake of his head. Tonks hadn’t let a chance to tease him pass when he and Penny had agreed to go to Hogsmeade together. Her reply letter had included her ‘terms’ for letting Penny have ‘first date’. According to the fun-loving Metamorph, Harry had to take her on a date either on Yule Break or at the earliest chance the following summer.

“Poor Harry, too many girls?” Penny giggled as they walked towards the doors. Argus Filch was checking students off his list of those allowed to go to Hogsmeade before letting them pass.

“I’m still trying to figure out how Tonks ended up getting her way with this ‘relationship’.” Harry scratched the top of his head.

“Wait until Fleur asks about joining in.” Penny remarked with a smirk.

“Why would Fleur want to join?” Harry asked. “We’re friends, sure, but she doesn’t have romantic feelings for me, does she?”

“Oh Harry, you have A LOT of things to learn about girls.” Penny chuckled as they climbed into a carriage together. “But we’ll never tell you what they are.” She laughed at Harry’s flummoxed expression.

“But…then how can I learn?” Harry asked. Penny only smiled pleasantly at him with laughter in her warm brown eyes.

Their date went well, at least Harry thought so. Penny had led him around the Village the first time to show him everything. They’d stopped by Scrivenshaft’s, peeked into Zonko’s for a bit, gone to Gladrags and had a nice lunch at the Three Broomsticks. The two had left Honeydukes with a smiling Penny holding a box of Honeyduke’s Finest Chocolates as a gift from Harry. There next stop had been the ‘Most Haunted Building in Britain’. But seeing the ‘Shrieking Shack’ up close was kind of boring when you knew that it wasn’t actually haunted. They both knew the ‘secret’ of the Shrieking Shack, thanks to Sirius and Remus.

The fact that Remus had agreed to be Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor had been quite the surprise at the beginning of the year. But Harry happily attended DADA classes that actually taught him something for the first time. Though Harry found both Runes and Arithmancy to be kind of a letdown. Third Year classes were merely introductory material and Harry had surpassed that before he’d ever gotten to Hogwarts. Though it was fun to chat with Professor Vector and Professor Babbling about higher level topics after classes on occasion. Hagrid’s Care of Magical Creatures Class was interesting. Though Hagrid was slightly put out that Harry would rather harvest materials from Creatures instead of raising them as pets.

“It was a lovely day, Harry.” Penny smiled at him on their ride back to Hogwarts.

“It was.” Harry agreed with his own smile. He was surprised when Penny leaned forward and kissed him. Their lips connected for a few moments. Harry enjoyed the soft kiss far more than anything else that day. The two separated and Harry opened his eyes with a dopey grin. Penny looked rather pleased with herself too and the two leaned against each other for the rest of the ride. Penny only smiled and leaned into Harry more when the younger teen’s arm wrapped around her waist. The two were noticeably closer to anyone that paid attention from then on.


“They really went all out on the decorating this year.” Harry mentioned as he and Penny were enjoying the Feast. “Let’s hope nothing horrible happens this time.” He muttered.

“Nothing strange has happened so far, Harry.” Penny reassured him with a smile.

“Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, but three times is a pattern.” Harry mentioned and Penny sighed with a fond smile.

“Hush and enjoy the sweets.” Penny giggled as she placed a spoonful of pudding into his mouth. Luna giggled from Penny’s other side with her own spoonful of pudding.


“This is what I need.” Voldemort hissed as he looked through a weathered tome. Stephen Flint flinched at the delight in his Master’s tone. Because the Dark Lord currently inhabited Squibs he couldn’t use a wand. But from what he’d just heard, Stephen was sure he’d be under the threat of Voldemort’s wand soon enough. “Flint!”

“Yes, My Lord?!” Stephen bowed to the Dark Lord.

“I’ll need several things to move to the next phase of my return.” Voldemort stated his red eyes locked onto the trembling Wizard. “You’ll get them for me.”

“Yes, My Lord.” Stephen didn’t rise from his bow.

No one in Britain would know that on this Halloween something horrible had indeed happened. Harry would actually get to fully enjoy a Halloween with nothing happening to him. But it seemed to be his fate, as long as Voldemort was alive, that Halloween would be a day that horrible things happened.

-First Week of November-

“Nice.” Harry smiled at the note that Tayla had just delivered to him. The Dwarves had finished the DMLE’s Commission of five hundred ‘Auror Batons’. At one hundred Galleons per baton Harry and the Dwarves had made fifty thousand Galleons. With their current deal that meant Harry now had thirty thousand Galleons in the expanded trunk back at Wood End Cottage. The Dwarves had happily celebrated the twenty thousand Galleons they’d made from their work. That money would also go to expanding their offerings in the storefront of Diurn Alley. As the old saying went, ‘You have to spend money to make money’.

With his fortune growing bit by bit Harry felt confident in his future. Now if he could only get his Artifact Sword and other projects completed the Artificer would be even happier! Though to be fair, Penny could be rather distracting when she wanted to be. Not that Harry was complaining! He wasn’t sure just how he and Penny had ended up in Tonks’ relationship idea so well, but he wouldn’t trade their relationship for anything! The Artifact Sword was still slow going. Isimun could have Runes etched into it, but finding the right Sequence to link up with his already made Array was difficult to say the least. Not to mention that differing materials interacted differently with certain Arrays. Harry had found that out with his Oulm Circuit Knife after all. As of now he was still in the planning stages of the full Array he hoped to integrate into his Artifact Sword.

-The Next Day ~ Breakfast-

Harry smiled fondly at Hedwig as the beautiful snowy owl landed at the breakfast table. She allowed him to pet her and feed her some bacon and ham. Harry smiled as he removed the letter from her leg and she flew off to the Owlery. Penny looked at who the letter was from and teasingly nudged him with her elbow. Reading the name Harry found himself smiling too.

“I wonder what new thing Fleur wants to talk about.” Harry smiled as he opened the letter. Reading over the French version first and smiling at having gotten most of it right when he read the English version next, Harry felt his cheeks warm up slightly.

“Told you so.” Penny whispered into his ear. Harry refused to meet his girlfriend’s eyes. Fleur had expressed interest in ‘deepening’ their relationship in her letter. The picture she’d sent along with her letter, once again wearing the tiny bikini from his birthday, had made it obvious how serious the Veela girl was.

“This reeks of Tonks’ mischief.” Harry remarked as he looked at Penny out of the corner of his eye. “And a certain Head Girl’s too, now that I think about it.”

“What? Me? I’d never.” Penny smiled ‘innocently’.

“Uh huh, sure.” Harry shook his head disbelievingly. “How did Tonks corrupt our sweet and proper Head Girl?”

“I am not corrupted.” Penny huffed jokingly. “I just found a good man a lot earlier in my life than I thought I would.” Harry wouldn’t have been able to stop the smile that spread across his face if he wanted to. His hand quickly found Penny’s and entwined their fingers.

“How did I get so lucky?” Harry murmured so only Penny could hear him.

“Who knows, but you might’ve used up all of your luck for life.” Penny smiled at him with mirth. “But what’re you going to write back to Fleur?”

“What should I say?” Harry asked as he reread the letter. “Fleur is a wonderful girl and any man would be lucky to have her affections. But I have you and Tonks; I don’t want to cheapen that.”

“Oh, when did our Harry get so wise?” Penny grinned fondly at him. “You don’t have to worry about ‘cheapening’ our relationship, Harry. Tonks, Fleur, and I have been in contact for a bit about this already. Tonks is happy to welcome Fleur into our relationship.”

“Are you though?” Harry asked her softly. His eyes met hers and Penny felt her heart thump in her chest at the care and affection directed at her by Harry’s gaze.

“I’ve already agreed, too.” Penny squeezed his hand as she smiled beautifully at him. “Fleur and I get along very well. Not to mention she is very pretty.”

“Penny?!” Harry choked as Penny winked at him. He grabbed his goblet and drank to clear his throat. He wasn’t thinking about Penny, Tonks, and Fleur being together like ‘that’! He wasn’t! “Tonks has most definitely corrupted you!”

“Are you really complaining?” Penny practically purred lowly to him.

“Absolutely not.” Harry admitted instantly.

“I didn’t think you were.” Penny smirked at him. The couple only let go of each other’s hand when breakfast ended and they were forced to separate.

-Hidden Workshop ~ After Classes-

“Why doesn’t the ‘Control Sequence’ work?” Harry murmured to himself. He was working on his ‘Mana Bane’ chains this afternoon. Whenever he got stuck on one project he’d simply set it aside and work on a different project. Right now though he was running up against another wall. The ‘Control Sequence’ for the ‘Mana Bane’ Array wasn’t working. Without it the user of the chains couldn’t use their own magic through the chains to manipulate them. They’d just have to swing the chains around and hope to wrap up their target. “Damn it.” Harry pinched the bridge of his nose. This was the pain of the inventor and craftsman, having ideas and having to try over and over again to bring them to reality.

It wasn’t like he couldn’t take a break from this project for a while though. He did still need to write back to Fleur and accept her offer to try dating along with Tonks and Penny. Wasn’t that absolutely mind boggling in and of itself? Three beautiful older girls were interested in him. Definitely not how Harry had ever thought his romantic life would end up. The few times he had actually thought about it, that is. But he was very interested in all three of them, they were all intelligent, which Harry found attractive. Their differing personalities and interests were fun and interesting. They were also undeniably beautiful. Penny was a natural beauty. Tonks could be whatever she wanted and had made more than enough innuendo about what she could do in the bedroom. Fleur was a Veela and they were known for their beauty and their Magical Allure. What they saw in him was a bit of a mystery to the Artificer. He was younger than them; he’d had to play catch up from being isolated from the Magical World for almost a decade. Maybe he could ask them? That would be the simplest route, right?

“I guess I’ll write Fleur back first. I can ask her while I’m accepting her feelings.” Harry figured as he moved the notes on the ‘Mana Bane’ to the side and pulled a fresh sheet of parchment towards himself. “Afterwards I can read more of the Broom Crafting book. I’m pretty sure I know enough to start planning a prototype Array and Item.” Harry set himself to put quill to parchment and began to write to Fleur. He poured his own feelings into his response, letting her know he was happy and willing to accept her feelings. He expressed how amazing he found her and how intelligent she was. He worked his questions about how they’d make the long distance relationship work and what she liked about him into his writing. The teen spent almost an hour on the letter. Mostly stopping to worry about how to best say what he felt in writing, but that was to be expected, or at least Harry thought so.

Harry sent the letter off to his French paramour just before dinner that night.


“You sure you want to do this?” Harry asked the Dueling Club members. Quite a few of them had approached Harry and Penny about practice. Penny had agreed and helped with the Dueling Club when she wasn’t studying, doing Head Girl duties, or spending time with Harry. The only reason Harry was here was because Penny couldn’t make it to the club meeting. She was attending some kind of meeting with the Staff and Head Boy Percy Weasley.

“Of course.” Adrian Pucey nodded, the older Slytherin, along with quite a few others from his House, all looking eager. Members from the other three Houses had formed their own groups and were waiting their turn. Harry didn’t know why Penny agreed to help out but he’d give it his best.

“So, do you want to do this traditionally and do a series of one on one duels? Or are you wanting a more realistic ‘battle’?” Harry questioned the older teen.

“Do you really think you can take on ten of us at once?” Adrian questioned; a look between shock and a sneer on his face. Many of the Slytherins had a similar look on their faces too. Especially Malfoy, who was standing just behind Pucey.

“I should be able to.” Harry informed the Slytherin ‘Team’.

“Don’t regret your choice, Potter.” Adrian stated stiffly. The nine other Slytherins all stood in line next to him, shoulder to shoulder.

“We still bow first, correct?” Harry asked for clarification.

“Of course.” Adrian and the Slytherins all bowed which Harry reciprocated. As soon as they raised up from their bow all ten Slytherins pointed their wands at him and let loose a volley of spells. Seeing a wall of lights and sparks heading for him Harry raised a powerful Protego. The ten spells bombarded the Shield Charm but dispersed without breaking through. Harry focused and six wands were jerked out of their owners’ hands. The sudden squawks at being disarmed almost made Harry laugh. He levitated the wands over to Flitwick and Lupin who were supervising the Club. With only four opponents left, all of them appearing to be Sixth and Seventh Years, Harry inhaled and breathed out the thick smoke of the Fluctus Fumus spell.

“I can’t see!” One of the Slytherins yelled. Harry heard a few spells being fired into the cloud of smoke. But he’d already moved off to the side. With a brief look of concentration Harry formed a standard Stunning Spell in his palm. A moment later, along with the Slytherins finally using spells to clear the smoke, and Harry had altered the Form of the Charm. With a wave of his arm a bright red wave of mana was released in a crescent shape. The wave passed through all four older Slytherins making them drop to the cushioned ground.

“That still takes too long.” Harry mused as he flexed his hand. “A widespread Stunner is possible, but changing its Form takes a lot of focus.”

“Excellent work, Mr. Potter.” Flitwick praised the Third Year.

“Thank you, Professor.” Harry bowed slightly to his Head of House.

“So which ‘Team’ wants to go next?” Remus asked the other three House groups.

“We’ll do it!” An older Gryffindor spoke up. Harry couldn’t recall his name or if he’d ever met the teen before.

“Alright then, line up.” Remus motioned for them to stand across from Harry. A quick bow and the match started. Harry instantly snatched the wands of five of the ten Gryffindors.

‘You’d think they’d learn from the previous match they just saw.’ Harry thought to himself as he projected a strong, localized Protego around his forearm and smacked away the only two spells that would have hit him. The Artificer sent a wave of force at the remaining five Gryffindors. None of them could see it as it produced no light and all five staggered back. A few quick swipes of his hands and arms and his remaining five opponents were bound in animated ropes that wound their way around them.

“I believe that’s the match.” Remus intoned as he flicked his wand and freed the tied up Gryffindors.

“Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff? Who wants to go next?” Flitwick asked the two remaining groups. It appeared there was a small discussion between the two Houses before Hufflepuff stepped forward.

“Very good, now bow and you may begin.” Flitwick instructed. The group bowed to Harry and Harry returned the gesture. In the first instant of the match Harry tried his Wandless Summoning trick. To his delight he only managed to snatch one wand this time.

‘At least they’re learning.’ Harry internally praised the Hufflepuffs. He moved and swayed through the barrage of spells the Badgers were sending at him. ‘So, not letting up, using your numbers against me. That’s smart and shows their trust in each other.’ Harry performed the Similitudo Spell and the Hufflepuffs looked shocked as two Harry’s split and ran in opposite directions. The hesitation cost them. Harry reached out with his mana and then performed a simple household Charm. The Wringing Charm was a precursor to the Drying Charm for laundry. It spun clothes around tightly in order to squeeze water out of them so that they could dry faster on a clothesline. When used on the robes a person was wearing though…


“What the?!”



The Hufflepuffs quickly found their robes wrapped around them like straightjackets. The remaining nine opponents fell to the ground as they struggled to get out of their crushing robes. Harry summoned all of their wands to himself and then ended his spell.

“A wonderfully inventive use of a simple Charm, Harry!” Flitwick clapped. “Take this to heart students! Even Charms that aren’t offensive or defensive in nature can still be applied in the Dueling Circuit!”

“Last group, right?” Harry asked Remus. He wanted to get back to his workshop. He had projects to work on still.

“Yes Harry.” Remus grinned at his surrogate nephew. “Ravenclaw, you’re up!”

“Hey, go easy on us Harry!” Terry Boot, one of Harry’s year mates called out jokingly.

“Sure thing Terry!” Harry called back with a smile.

“Alright, bow and you may begin!” Flitwick called. As soon as the bow was finished Harry didn’t bother trying to summon his Housemates’ wands. A bright flash from a massive Lumos Charm went off right in front of the ten Ravenclaws.

“My eyes!”


“I can’t see!”

“Where is he?”

Harry quickly bound all ten of the Ravenclaws in writhing ropes. When they were bound up he yanked all of their wands out of their hands.

“That wasn’t easier, Harry!” Terry complained as he lay on the ground tied up.

“Sure it was.” Harry chuckled. “You aren’t hurt are you?”

“Just our pride.” Richard, an older Ravenclaw in Seventh Year, stated as he kept his eyes closed.

“Well, I can’t do much about that I’m afraid.” Harry shrugged.

“Another excellent use of a simple Charm, Mr. Potter! Very well done!” Flitwick congratulated his student. “Mr. Potter just pulled off what’s known on the Dueling Circuit as ‘Bradley’s Hello’. It was made famous almost three centuries ago!”

Harry tuned out the rest of the Dueling History lesson and approached Lupin.

“Well done, Harry.” Lupin smiled at Harry.

“Do you have any advanced spells you could teach me?” Harry questioned the werewolf. “I’ve found almost everything useful that isn’t in the Restricted Section.”

“I might know a few.” Remus chuckled. “Let’s talk about it a bit later. I still need to finish up here.”

“Thanks Remus, I mean Professor Lupin.” Harry smiled.

“Get out of here and go snog your girlfriend or something.” Remus jibed.

“Maybe I will.” Harry retorted while puffing up his chest a bit. The two parted with chuckles and Harry made his way back to his workshop. That had been a good break but he had some projects to make progress on.

-End Chapter-


So Harry’s making progress, that’s good. Voldemort has managed to gain enough strength to forcibly parasite possess Squibs, that’s bad! The relationship(s) have started now that Harry is older. Harry might have finally found the last piece to making his Artifact Sword a reality! Now he just needs to actually figure out HOW to integrate it! Also his ‘out of the box’ thinking is even more apparent in his Dueling!

Now, what will Voldemort’s increased strength give him time to look into, find out, and do?

Keep reading to find out!

Current Mana Levels

Harry – 5,366

Tonks – 6,858

Penelope – 5,974

Fleur – 6,138

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Thanks for another excellent and very fun chapter


That was a nice chapter. I admit i am looking forward to more interaction between Harry and Erdun as well as the goblins reaction to the trick with the sword.


Fun fun fun. As ever, I love the world building you've done and the nerdy bits with the crafting are interesting without being too long or involved. Well done!

John Balman

Good balance of mad artifcering /fluffy moment with the girls / and foreshadowing of the BBG

mark geier

Another good and fun chapter. While many look forward to the conflict in stories (i.e. Voldemort), personally I'm enjoying the other pieces more...seeing how things go with the dwarves, the relationships with Penny/Tonks/Fleur, his inventions and the type of creative things you think of for magic and how it works, and the dueling was pretty funny. While I like the fights in stories as well, I guess you've done such a good job of making the rest of it interesting, I'm not even worried when that doesn't show up in your chapters.


Oh you know the little blighters are pissed. But they can't even really suspect Harry much. He's just some young Wizard and the sword was in the hands of the Goblin King in the depths of Gringotts. There's no way he could have gotten through their Wards and Magically stolen the sword! Technically they're right too. After all, harry didn't DO anything, but the Sorting Hat sure did!


Glad you liked it! I'm planning to make one hell of a World out of the bare minimum JKR made.


IS Voldemort the BBG? In the whole world? Voldemort being the worst, or the strongest 'Evil' Magical? Hmm...


Thank you for the praise! I want this story to be a true Epic, both with the Worldbuilding and the Character Development and Interaction! We're going to have fun with this story for a long time!

william casey

Great chapter. I happen to find this story in my top 10 harry potter fanfic and top 30 fanfic in general. The fact that you are expanding on and explaining how harry is growing in power and character is fantastic instead of giving him plot armor which I am starting to see in the actual series now that I am taking time and thinking about. With how Dumbledore is taking the prophecy as fact and not training Harry to ensure that he wins against Voldemort.


No Plot Armor here...if I can help it...I'll ty not to use it if at all possible. I'll try and leave as few plot holes and other things to. But this is going to be a LONG story...a true Epic...so there might end up being a few.


Harry finally accepts all three of them! Now I’m really jealous. Oh no, Voldemort gets closer and closer to getting his body back!


Good chapter, I can't wait for the artifact sword to finish and is Harry eventually going to start to create a spell or will that be way later. Nice work with the relationships and Harry reaction to Fleur joining as well.

Michał W

Harry still needs to learn how to use a sword effectively. Not to mention the moment he realises that to use the sword on opponent he has to get close. Maybe he'll figure out some quick-step ability :D

Creature of Grimm

Another good chapter. It always puts a smile on my face when I see a new chapter posted. I wonder if harry is leading himself to a minor breakdown with his sword. I can almost picture him locking himself away for days or weeks without realising it if penny wasn't there to snap him out of it.


Loving the story. Like Harry’s ideas with his sword and chains I hope he since she decided that’s he’s keeping them exclusive that he binds them to himself or his bloodline otherwise that could come back to bite him in the backside. I like idea that Voldemort might not be the big bad, as I always got the impression that while Voldemort was evil and all that he only seemed to be a big fish in a small pond. It just seemed like in a world with magic Voldemort seemed kind of underwhelming. For example you introduced flamel in this story with his magic power, compared to him Voldemort and Dumbledore can’t really be considered all that powerful at all.

william casey

Hey guys i think fanfiction has fixed its latest problems


really like this story and the way you are taking it. the only thing that i would change is right at the end the listing of current Mana amounts considering that they are now... 3 chapters(?) old and are at least for me always confusing as to whether or not these are the new or still old values


Indeed he does, like a persistent weed he is! Always coming back until you get rid of the roots! But with this extra time on his hands...what manner of things could he get into, or learn?


Oh our Artificer will dabble in a bit of Spellcraft too. I have a vague idea for a very powerful spell...or two...maybe three.


Summer Break is going to be grueling for the teen. That's all I'll say about that!


No breakdown, he'd just switch to a different project if he gets stuck. Though Penny is most certainly not going to allow her boyfriend to lock himself away. She will withhold the cuddles if he starts being too bullheaded about his Enchanting.


Oh you can bet 'Ownership' Runic Sequences and 'Bloodline Bindings' will be a thing when it comes to the Items he keeps exclusive, as well as his Artifacts!


Check again! They're growing, so I'm listing them without having them constantly scan each other every chapter. It's a fun and easy way to keep track of just how powerful our main four are becoming.


I don’t know why but I keep imagining harry and the dwarves opening their own bank or something.


Not quite...but in the future the Magical Banking System will have a complete overhaul.

Thomas E Nellis

Excellent! I loved it! The plot and power continues. I feel that this Harry honestly is ready to fight canon Voldemort. Maybe not this au’s but lol.


Glad you enjoyed it Thomas! Harry is strong but I have something new in mind for old Voldemort before all is said and done! Something I don't recall EVER seeing in ANY Harry Potter fanfiction to date! Look forward to it!


love the story thanks!

Stephen Potter

Excellent chapter I am thoroughly enjoying reading this story and am looking forward to the next update. Thanks for writing. Steve🤠🇦🇺