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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you the third Chapter of Collector Hero: Synthesis! Analysis continues! Will Izuku impress his teachers with how he uses Collector? Who will be Class Representative?

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 5 – Quirk Analysis Pt. 2, Class Representative

“Can I go next, Midori?” Mina asked with a bright grin.

“I’ll go after Mina, if that’s cool.” Camie spoke up.

“Uraraka should go after her.” Kirishima spoke up. “That way all the girls are good and then the rest of us guys can go.”

“Yeah…sure.” Mineta nodded, though everyone noticed his eyes roaming. All of the girls glared back at him when their eyes met.

“Alright then, Ashido we’ll start with you.” Izuku smiled and got a beaming smile in return as Mina practically bounced up to him.

“Your Acid Quirk is very interesting, Mina.” Izuku praised the pinkette. “I assume you’ve had to build up resistance to your own acids over time?”

“Yeah, I hurt myself a few times growing up by creating stuff that was too strong for me to handle.” Mina admitted with a sheepish grin.

“Then you’ll need to keep building up your resistance. The stronger the acids you can make the more versatility you’ll have in the field. Also you might want to study up on some chemistry with Momo. If you can freely control which acids you produce you could become invaluable in dozens of situations. As for direct applications I’d recommend focusing your control on both solubility and viscosity. The more control you have over your acid the less likely you are to harm someone by accident. Since it’s a liquid you could also increase your effective range by learning to control the tension or pressure of your body. Or possibly by making a ‘nozzle’ with your fingers and palms? With higher resistance, free control, some extra knowledge, and different direct applications during use you’ll be an amazing Hero, Ashido!” Izuku grinned at the pink girl who had wide eyes at having so many suggestions given for her Quirk.

“Midori…that’s so cool!” Mina cheered as she hopped up and down. Izuku politely looked to the side instead of staring at what the jumping was doing to Mina’s ‘assets’.

“You’re welcome, Ashido.” Izuku smiled as Mina skipped over to the other girls that had already had their Quirks analyzed. The group began to chat even more with Mina suddenly talking to Momo. The pinkette even had her hands in the classic ‘begging’ position. Izuku was fairly certain Mina was asking the resident ‘genius’ for Chemistry help.

“My turn cutie~” Camie winked at him with a teasing smile. Izuku flustered for a moment, which made Camie giggle at him. He was so fun to tease. Though to be honest she really would like to get his number soon.

“C-Camie…” Izuku stumbled for a brief moment at using her first name. But the fawn-haired girl had asked him to, so he’d do so. “Your Glamour Quirk is very impressive. It can produce both visual and auditory illusions from what I’ve gathered.”

“Yep!” Camie popped the ‘p’ with a grin.

“As it appears to be based solely on your breath I’d recommend breathing exercises. With the level of control you’ve demonstrated so far in class I’d imagine you can fake voices well. But what about other sounds? Can you create full on auditory illusions that could potentially deafen the people under your Quirk’s effect? What about the other three senses? Can you make tactile illusions? What about olfactory or gustatory illusions?” Izuku questioned and Camie raised her hands.

“Slow down, Midori; take a breath fam.” Camie teased and Izuku rubbed the back of his head.

“As far as I’m aware my Quirk only lets me make visual and auditory illusions.” Camie answered. “Though I’ve never tried to really see how deep into the illusion I could pull someone. The illusions usually only linger for less than a minute too.”

“With proper breath control I’m sure you could maintain your illusions for a considerable amount of time, Camie!” Izuku encouraged the pretty teen. “Until you test out whether or not you can add the other three senses to your illusions you can focus on other aspects. Like making more complex illusions, pulling targets deeper into your illusions so they can’t fight effectively, and making moves too.”

“Oh~ Making moves, huh~ what kinds of moves would those be~?” Camie teased the verdette as she leaned closer with a saucy grin. Seeing his face go tomato red had her giggling again. He was such a cinnamon roll!

“W-well I-I was ac-actually thinking l-like illusionary clones and stuff.” Izuku stuttered out.

“Huh, that would be super lit.” Camie remarked as she tapped her pouty lips with her index finger. “I could ‘surround’ enemies all by myself.”

“If your illusions are dispersed by changes to the surroundings you could also try Support Gear that would, for lack of a better term, let your illusions ‘stick’ to them. It could provide good fall back in case you were fighting a Villain whose Quirk had area of effect abilities. Though I’m curious, how many people can you show your illusions to? Is there a set range?” Izuku inquired curiously.

“Hmm, usually about fifty meters at most.” Camie replied as she took on a cute ‘thinking’ pose of her own. With her index finger now on her chin and a cute little frown on her lips. “Though I’ve been steadily improving it over the years. Like, it was only about five meters when I first really got it under control.”

“I’d suggest continuing to work on refinement and techniques then. See how thoroughly people can be ensnared by your illusions. Try to expand the number of senses you can effect. Also work on breathing exercises to keep your illusions up for longer periods of time.” Izuku grinned and Camie smiled back.

“You’re, like, totes amazing, Midori.” Camie praised him. “It’s really hot!”

Izuku’s face once again went nuclear red.

Camie turned to face Ochako and gently slapped the brunette’s hand.

“Tag in, Chako-chan!” Camie grinned and Ochako smiled at the fawn-haired girl.

“I guess I’m next, Midoriya-kun.” Ochako grinned cheerfully.

“Looks like it, Uraraka-san.” Izuku chuckled.

“Ready whenever you are!” Ochako bounced on her heels a bit in anticipation.

“Your Quirk is an Emitter Type and works based on what you touch with the pads on your fingertips. You seemed to have some nausea issues when you use your quirk on yourself. You told me your weight limit is currently three tons too. As far as your Quirk goes you’ll need to train it to increase the amount of weight you can affect. I’m curious if you couldn’t eventually spread the effect from item to item so long as each item was in contact with the others. Though I believe it would still be capped at your weight limit. As for further developments I’d look into Support Gear that makes use of tethers or cables that could be attached to things you make weightless. Imagine making a car weightless, swinging it around on a tether or cable, like a flail, and then launching it at a rampaging Villain. At the last moment before impact you return the car’s weight and the full force strikes the Villain all at once!” Izuku was off on a muttering spree in his excitement over her Quirk and its potential applications.

“That could be useful.” Ochako looked amazed at the potential her Quirk could possess even with just a simple Support Item added to it. “If I could overcome my nausea when using my Quirk on myself I could even use a grappling gun type item to improve my mobility!” Her eyes practically sparkled at the thought.

“On that note you might want to think about having your Costume altered a bit to put a bit of pressure on your wrists and neck. There are pressure points there that help with nausea. Though the biggest cause of your nausea; probably has to do with the semi-circular canals in your ears. They help regulate balance and when they’re disturbed, by a sudden loss of gravity as an example, they’ll give you a case of vertigo. You might be able to train that weakness away but some Support Gear could also help. I believe you’ll be an excellent Hero, Uraraka-san. Combat, Support, or Rescue, you’ll be super helpful.” Izuku encouraged the brown-eyed girl.

“Thank you, Midoriya-kun!” Ochako beamed at him and Izuku felt his heart thump at how cute she looked.

“No problem, Uraraka-san.” Izuku smiled even as he fought to keep his cheeks from burning. Ochako happily went over to the girls to start discussing ideas. Sero stepped up next and grinned.

“What’re you thinking, Midoriya?” Sero asked curiously. “Is there something I’m missing? Or have I been on the right track?”

“A Mutant Type with quite a few applications.” Izuku began his analysis. “I’ve seen you both fire your tape off and reel it back in. So I believe you already know of its mobility applications.” Sero nodded with a grin. “How much have you experimented with it? Can you change the type of tape? For example, can you make double-sided tape? What about duct tape? Can you change the tapes’ color? Can you fire off more than one strand per elbow?”

“I figured out how to make double-sided tape last year actually. But it was touch and go for the first few months after I figured it out. I think I can do multiple strands at once, but I haven’t really tried before. As for changing the type or color, I’ve never actually tried.” Sero responded with a thoughtful look.

“Well if you can’t change the type drastically you have other options, such as altering the thickness of the tape or controlling the adhesiveness. Color may or may not be out of your reach. But it could be good for catching the eye of other Heroes in the field. That way they can be alerted to the direction of a fleeing Villain that you’re in pursuit of. Or if you find yourself needing backup. Other than that I’d suggest trying to fire multiple strands of tape from each elbow. You might even look into firing a single strand but splitting it as you do. You could potentially make a net or barricade in a single shot with proper control.” Izuku theorized the different applications of his classmate’s Quirk.

“I see what you’re saying.” Sero nodded as he thought about Izuku’s suggestions and analysis. “I guess I’ve got some work ahead of me to see how much control I really have.” The black-haired boy looked thoughtfully at his elbows. “Thanks for the analysis, Midoriya, I’ll start practicing with your ideas in mind today.”

“No problem, Sero.” Izuku nodded to the other boy. “Let me know how it works out. It could be that some changes will open up a whole new aspect of your Quirk.”

“Will do!” Sero grinned as he went to think about his Quirk training.

“Me next!” Mineta cried out and Izuku nodded in acceptance to the short boy.

“Mutant Type, the balls you produce have incredible tensile strength and adhesiveness. But from what I’ve see using too many in quick succession could cause damage to your head. Can you alter their adhesiveness? Can you make them stronger or weaker? Are you the only thing they don’t stick to?” Izuku asked a few questions since he’d only gotten to see Mineta’s Quirk in action once during the Assessment Test.

“The stickiness is based on my physical condition.” Mineta replied. “If I’m in good health their adhesiveness is maxed and their duration is about half a day.”

“Hmm, so no ability to alter any of their other properties?” Izuku questioned.

“Not that I’m aware of.” Mineta shook his head. “I figure I’ll have to focus on capture more than anything.”

“The balls can stick to each other, correct? Have you considered forming them into constructs like chains? Or maybe making a cushion-like shield between yourself and an opponent?” Izuku postulated a few ideas.

“Hmm, I guess that could be possible.” Mineta nodded. “Though I’ll bleed a lot to make constructs that’re of any real size.”

“You’ll need to toughen up your scalp then. I’m afraid the only way to do that is through conditioning training. You’ll have to go beyond your current limit and then push even further. Mutant Types only advance through rigorous physical exertion.” Izuku explained.

“Aww man, that’s gonna hurt like hell.” Mineta grabbed his head in phantom pain.

“Some Support Gear that you could link up by attaching the balls to them may help out too. You said you’d probably focus on capture so things like nets, bolos, or tethers could prove useful.” Izuku laid out some options for the shorter boy.

“I’ll think on it, Midoriya. Thanks for the heads up.” Mineta gave a thumbs up as he went to talk to Sero about ideas.

“It would seem that moi am up next, Monsieur!” Aoyama posed as he got Izuku’s attention. Giving a friendly smile Izuku nodded to the blonde boy.

“Emitter Type, you fire energy from your navel in short but powerful bursts. While it appears in the visible spectrum it isn’t actually light. You wouldn’t receive any recoil if it was massless light. Your Fifty Meter Dash during the Assessment showed the recoil your beam produces.” Izuku commented.

“Oui, you are correct. My sparkling laser is a form of energy rather than pure light.” Aoyama nodded. “The sparkles can’t be stopped.”

“You also mentioned that if you fire it for more than a second you’ll suffer abdominal stress or injury. Your belt also shows the traits of a daily Support Item meant to keep your Quirk from firing accidentally. I won’t ask why, that’s not my place to pry, but I believe you’ll be able to fully control it in the future.” Izuku encouraged him.

Aoyama’s normal smile softened a bit and seemed more genuine in Izuku’s eyes for a moment.

“As for utilizing your Quirk, your Costume has amazingly well thought out incorporation points to redirect your beam to your shoulders and knees to give you more options. As much as you may not like it, Emitter Type Quirks only develop further by forcing them past their limits. So you’ll have to build up your abdomen with constant usage.” Aoyama grimaced slightly for a moment and looked a little blue in the face. “Also, perhaps you could use a bit more refinement of your control to change the nature of your beam? By focusing it down to a thin beam you could make it an effective cutting force. You might want to look into Support Gear that could store some of your energy for prolonged use. This could, in theory, be a temporary fix for your current time limit. You have the knight motif already. So a shining sword would fit, right? It would even give you melee combat options if you ever ran across a villain that was impervious to blasts. Plus this theoretical sword could be used to help free people from rubble or vehicles they’re trapped in.”

“C'est merveilleux, Monsieur Midoriya!” Aoyama exclaimed his indigo eyes sparkling brightly! “I shall become a beacon for those in need of a shining knight! My sparkles will never dim with such wonderful ideas!”

“Happy to help.” Izuku smiled as the blonde teen practically started sparkling even without his Quirk.

“I’ll go next if you’d like, Midoriya.” Iida nodded to the verdette.

“Sure thing Iida.” Izuku smiled at the earnest teen. “A Mutant Type, of course, your engines let you rapidly accelerate and maintain high velocity. Your legs seem to have undergone natural strengthening because of this. Though I believe you’ve also conditioned them further yourself?”

“Indeed.” Iida nodded with a grin. “I plan to use my legs as my main form of offense in the field. Therefore it was paramount that I strengthen them as much as possible.”

“Agreed.” Izuku nodded. “To further your Quirk usage I’d suggest consistently upping the time you can spend in top gear. The longer you can maintain max speed and output the further you’ll push your Quirk. As I told Mineta, Mutant Type Quirks only advance when physically forced past their limits. You may also want to incorporate the most efficient cooling system you can fit into your costume. I believe overheating will stall you out and that could leave you as a liability on the field."

“Indeed, when I hit maximum output I can usually only maintain it for a short ten second burst.” Iida informed the Multi-Quirk user. “As I further develop my Quirk I hope to be able to not only increase speed but maintain it as well.”

“Additionally you may want to look into specialized attachments to your Costume.” Izuku suggested. “Thrust, when focused to a smaller point, will give you explosive speed and could be used for added mobility if paired with proper Support Gear. Heck you may even be able to attain short distance flight. That could be useful for getting around obstacles and continuing pursuit of a Villain.”

“Yes, I see what you mean.” Iida held his chin as he pondered on Izuku’s observations. “My speed can be hindered if I have nowhere to run or if a large obstruction blocks my path. Limited flight to help deal with such obstacles would be useful.”

“Exactly!” Izuku nodded. “It could also enable you to make a safe landing if ever you were thrown into the air. Or help you reach people trapped in out of the way places that you couldn’t normally run to.”

“Thank you for your analysis, Midoriya! I shall look into implementing your ideas in the near future.” Iida thanked while making a chopping motion with his right arm.

“No problem Iida.” Izuku smiled at the taller teen.

“Until Kirishima returns it seems that I am the last, Midoriya.” Tokoyami nodded to Izuku.

“Alright then, let’s get started.” Izuku offered. “I’ve never actually seen a sentient Quirk like yours before. So I’m thrilled to be able to analyze it. It seems to be an Emitter Type, but does it have complete autonomy or are you always in control? Is its range limited? Can it be damaged or destroyed?”

“Dark Shadow has an effective range of about thirty meters, but can reach just over forty. Its size and shape are semi-malleable but it mostly retains the same overall form. I’ve yet to find anything that can truly damage Dark Shadow, so I’m doubtful of its ability to be destroyed outright. As for autonomy it can speak and act to a limited degree without my input. But it becomes less controllable the darker it gets with its strength growing proportionally.” Tokoyami answered Izuku’s questions.

“I see, that’s amazing. I believe you mostly use Dark Shadow for mid to long range combat?” Izuku surmised.

“Indeed, Dark Shadow’s strength makes that the best option.” Tokoyami nodded.

“If you wanted to gain a better handle on Dark Shadow, I believe you’ll need to overcome it in full darkness. Though if you always leave combat to Dark Shadow and keep at a distance I worry about your melee and close quarters options. You said Dark Shadow’s form was semi-malleable. Have you ever consider using it as a cowl? Letting Dark Shadow cover your body would increase your defense and strength while giving you melee options against fast opponents that may be able to avoid Dark Shadow at mid and long range.” Izuku theorized.

“Hmm, you make a good point, Midoriya.” Tokoyami nodded. “I have been a bit over reliant on Dark Shadow’s power. It would be good to take care of the glaring weakness of my close quarters combat. What say you, Dark Shadow?” The sentient Shadow Monster emerged from Tokoyami’s stomach and looked Izuku over for a moment.

“He’s got a point.” The Shadow Beast commented. “I guess I can cover you and keep up your defense while you handle the offense.” The sentient Quirk shrugged and Izuku almost squealed at how cool it was to see such a unique Quirk.

“Sero, Tokoyami, Hagakure, Mineta, Bakugo, and Yaoyorozu, you’re up!” All Might called loudly as the second group started approaching the rest of the students. The named students moved over to the three teachers and left Izuku and Todoroki as the only students not to be called yet.

“Yo, Midoriya, think I can get an analysis?” Kirishima asked with a wave.

“Of course, Kirishima.” Izuku agreed.

“I’m pretty psyched to see what you have to say about my Quirk.” Kirishima smiled as he hardened his hand and forearm. “My Quirk isn’t exactly amazing or flashy.”

“Your Quirk is amazing, Kirishima, you shouldn’t doubt it.” Izuku shook his head. “Transformation Types are interesting. They advance and develop as a sort of in between of Emitter Types and Mutant Types. Your Hardening seems to take on a rock or crystalline structure. With training you’ve probably built that up from only a moderate increase in sturdiness, correct?”

“Yeah…how did you know?” Kirishima looked shocked.

“Most Transformation Types start out fairly small scale.” Izuku shrugged with a smile. “But I can already tell you’re nowhere near your full capabilities. You can push so much farther. In fact, let’s try a little experiment.”

“Experiment?” Kirishima questioned.

“Yeah, I think you’re much closer to advancing your Quirk than you think.” Izuku grinned at the red-head. “You’re holding yourself back by doubting your power, Kirishima. Activate your Quirk, full body please.”

“Okay…” Kirishima blinked as his body took on a rough, sharp texture. “What now?”

“Do it again.” Izuku smiled confidently.

“What?” Kirishima questioned confused.

“Do it again, force your Quirk to activate again.” Izuku encouraged him.

“But my Quirk is already active?” Kirishima looked perplexed.

“Is it?” Izuku asked and Kirishima blinked. “Are you really using all of it?”

“Yeah…?” The red-head looked a bit unsure.

“Then prove it and force it again!” Izuku had both of his fists clenched in front of him as he encouraged the other teen.

“Alright, I’ll try!” Kirishima roared out as he tried to activate his Quirk while maintaining it. He felt a strong resistance, like his body was fully flexed and he was trying to move. He couldn’t move past the resistance, this was his limit.

“More! Stronger! Denser! More!” Izuku almost ordered the other boy. The verdette was fully caught up in trying to help his classmate that he didn’t notice the rest watching them.

“Raah!” Kirishima forced his Quirk past the resistance. He felt like something cracked and then the resistance was gone. He felt heavy but strangely…stronger.

“Holy crap, Kiri!” Mina exclaimed loudly and Kirishima opened his eyes. He noticed everyone looking at him in shock. Looking down at his hands he could see why. They looked like claws! His arms seemed jagged and he looked down at his chest to see it looking like jagged, dense rock.

“Dude! What happened?!” Kaminari asked in shock. “You look crazy tough!”

“I…I just did what Midoriya told me.” Kirishima replied distractedly before he looked up at Izuku.

“Congratulations Kirishima!” Izuku smiled brightly. “Your Quirk just advanced!”

“This is hard to maintain.” Kirishima mentioned and just like that his Quirk deactivated. The red-head stumbled slightly and Izuku caught his arm. “That takes a lot out of me.”

“You just developed it.” Izuku grinned happily. “It’ll take a while until you can use it just as easily as you use the current level. You just need practice and training.”

“Thanks Midoriya, I can’t believe I was able to go so much further.” Kirishima smiled. “I was so close and didn’t even know it.”

“You just needed to stop doubting yourself and your Quirk, Kirishima.” Izuku waved off the thanks. “Sometimes we’re our own worst enemy.” Kirishima looked at Izuku’s face when he heard that. He saw the same look in the verdette’s eyes that he’d seen in his own in the mirror, back when he almost lost his drive to be a Hero.

“I feel that, Bro.” Kirishima nodded to the verdette as he stood up straight.

“Yeah.” Izuku gave a lopsided smile. “But we have to move beyond the past if we what to be Heroes, right?”

“Heck yeah!” Kirishima fist bumped Izuku while everybody came over to congratulate Kirishima on his new development.

“Todoroki! Midoriya! You’re up!” All Might called out and Izuku started. Looking over and seeing the third group returning he realized how long he’d been helping Kirishima. Jogging over to the three teachers Izuku and Todoroki awaited instruction.

“Alright students, we’ll be going over how you use your Quirks currently and seeing if we can’t find new ways to implement them!” All Might explained.

“Midoriya, you’re up first.” Aizawa explained. “Show us a new application of your Quirk. With how your Quirk works you should have plenty of abilities that aren’t just making a bigger blast.”

“Yes sir.” Izuku nodded. The verdette didn’t move but the teachers did as they suddenly jerked and started to look around. Todoroki quirked an eyebrow at the strange behavior of the teachers. Izuku simply walked behind the teachers and Todoroki watched as Aizawa’s hair began to float as the man’s eyes glowed red. Several seconds later all three teachers seemed to get their heads back on straight.

“Midoriya?” Cementoss questioned when he didn’t see the verdette student.

“Right here, sensei.” Izuku called out from behind them.

“What was that, Young Midoriya?” All Might asked seemingly shaken.

“A Quirk I got from a man in Tokyo. It’s a shame he was too scared to be a Hero. His Quirk is amazing.” Izuku lamented. “That’s a trump card Quirk of mine. It’s called ‘Total Sensory Deprivation’ and…well you experienced what it can do.”

“A complete sensory void.” Aizawa remarked. “All five senses shut off entirely in an instant. I’m guessing it’s a ‘Psychic’ Subtype?”

“Yes, sensei.” Izuku confirmed.

“That was an... unsettling experience.” Cementoss commented. “But it was incredibly effective for subduing people.”

“Indeed, Young Midoriya, an excellent non-combative use of your Quirk!” All Might praised the teen. Izuku almost squealed at getting a compliment from his idol.

“Todoroki, show us what you can do.” Cementoss instructed. The dual-haired student nodded and unleashed a huge wave of ice in a wave in front of him.

“That’s what you’ve been doing since the first day.” Aizawa looked at the teen with a glare. His eyes turned red as his Quirk activated. “I told you you’ll have to give it your all if you want to remain in the Hero Course.”

“I don’t need to use fire.” Todoroki stated dully.

“Do you want to be expelled?” Aizawa questioned the teen. “If you won’t give it your all you don’t belong in the Hero Course. Use your fire and show us what you can do. That or you can leave.”

“I won’t use hisQuirk.” Todoroki ground out, his fists clenched at his sides.

“Young Midoriya, return to the rest of the students.” All Might instructed and Izuku saw the seriousness in the Symbol of Peace’s eyes.

“Yes, sensei.” Izuku bowed and jogged back to the rest of class as all three teachers gathered around Todoroki. He didn’t know what that was about, but to see someone outright reject what seemed to be half of their own Quirk was odd. It wasn’t his place to pry though.

-The Next Day-

“You all need to decide on something today.” Aizawa stated seriously. “Something that’ll affect your entire class going forward.” All of the students tensed up, expecting another threat of expulsion. “You need to choose your Class Representatives.”

“That’s so normal!” Almost the entire class exclaimed!

“I wasn’t done!” Aizawa’s eyes went red and his hair floated upwards as he glared at his students. There was instant silence from the teens. “As I was saying, whoever you pick will become the de facto leaders of your class, so choose carefully.”

There was an instant clamoring from the students as almost everyone raised their hands and called out that they wanted to do it. After a few moments of no one being able to hear over the others someone finally got everyone’s attention. That person also happened to be raising their hand the highest of anyone.

“People please!” Iida called and everyone eventually gave him their attention. “Desire doesn’t equate to ability! This office requires someone that everyone can put their trust in.”

“But we’ve only know each other for about a week. That’s not a lot of time to build trust.” Tsuyu spoke up. Iida looked like he was about to say something, but someone else spoke up before him.

“Iida is correct though.” Momo spoke up. “Whoever leads the class should have everyone’s trust. They should be chosen by at least the majority of the class.”

“I vote for Midoriya.” Camie smiled as she sent the verdette a wink. “He’s already helping everyone in class without asking for anything in return.”

“I vote for Midoriya-kun too!” Ochako smiled brightly.

“Hold on!” Iida exclaimed. “If we are going to elect our representatives then we should do it formally! Aizawa-sensei, ill you allow this?”

“Do whatever, just hurry up.” Aizawa answered from his yellow sleeping bag. All the students sweat dropped at seeing their homeroom teacher already dozing off.

Over the next several minutes the class wrote their votes onto slips of paper and placed them in a box that Iida brought around. When the glasses wearing teen counted up all of them and wrote the totals beside the corresponding names it was to a surprising result for some.

“Why the hell did so many of you vote for the shitty leech!” Bakugo, predictably, exploded at the results.

“E-Eight votes!” Izuku stared at the number stunned. The student with the next highest number was Momo at three votes.

“So your Representative is Midoriya and your Vice Representative is Yaoyorozu.” Aizawa spoke up as the verdette and ravenette stood in front of the class. Izuku was trying not to fidget while Momo smiled slightly.

“I’ll do my best guys. To be worthy of the trust you placed in me.” Izuku bowed to the class. He saw a few of his classmates start clapping and wondered who besides Camie and Ochako had voted for him. Maybe he could ask at lunch.

-End Chapter-


More Analysis! Also Kirishima has some help getting over his self-doubt earlier! Unbreakable unlocked! Sort of…he can’t really move while using it just yet. He’ll have to practice with it to get better. More ideas and Izuku shows the teachers that he’s not just about power and combat! He has a plethora of Quirks, and all sorts of ideas about how to use them!

Also, he’s Class Rep! Will he stay in the position this time? Who were the eight people that voted for him? Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



This is a great chapter I really like how you have done izuku through all of you're stories, I also love how he is using his analysis effectively. Also I was just wondering what the official pairing is I don't 100% remember.


Ochako, Momo, Tsuyu, and Camie! Just those four. No more will be added!


Thank you for letting me know im really excited to see how the relationship develops.

Thomas E Nellis

It was amazing. I can’t wait for them to all start training together for realz then Izuku can really start giving them tips to improve. I loved it!


Glad you enjoyed it, Thomas! I wanted to expand on Izuku's Analysis Skills, so I'm happy it worked out!


Nice chapter, I enjoyed it.

Creature of Grimm

Another good chapter. Not much to comment on this time. I wonder if any of the 1A students will offer him their quirks at some point?